I have a really good question?
2008-10-18 22:10:11 UTC
We all know that everybody can't be rich, middle class, not even low income. Some just don't have an income at all, they have children to feed, need shelter, running water, cloths to wear, go to school. Just the basics. There are a lot of people who just don't have at all, and I'm talking about children, mentally ill adults, elderly people. There is just an under-class out there. Now my question is should we allow these people just waste away in the streets, like they do in third world countries, or should we as one of the wealthiest countries in the world allow this to happen to our citizens, regardless as to how they got in the situation, aren't we responsible for their welfare. And if so how do we make them whole if no one think that we should give some of our wealth to the poor, then who do we give to, who is more deserving then the poor, children, homeless,elderly, and the mentally ill. Help me understand this please.
27 answers:
Jade c
2008-10-18 22:20:31 UTC
thank-you! you hit it on the nail on the head! a nation will be judge based on how they treat the least of these! who you are talking about is the invisible and uncounted! i work with foster teens everyday, i know the impact of being ignored many of the teens end up homeless because there is not enough services for them when they leave the system! thank you for question! many do not understand but you do!
2008-10-18 23:00:42 UTC
In the Sixties there was a lot of awareness of the widening gap between the classes. The hippies tried to make a difference but failed. Since then the gap has gotten 300 times wider. The what's in it for me generation of the 80's helped set things going to what we have now. The republican theory of free market economics and global job markets have enslaved the working class. People making $75k a year can't afford housing in some markets. Early settlers built each others homes as a community. There will always be the very poor and society has and should supply them basic care. However, in recent times there are those who want to watch every penny and not give anything to the poor. Right wing radio shows talk about the righteousness of not giving the lazy bums anything. There are educated and religious people that have more money than they could possible need that will throw crumbs occasionally and think that they own everybody that does business with them. Understand that until you overcome greed and the rich give away their riches what you propose is impossible. If those of means who claimed to be christian would tithe the welfare funds would be in the churches. Government could control the cost of basic necessities such as water, electric, natural gas, gasoline, groceries, clothing, medical care,but the trend is deregulation instead.
2008-10-18 22:29:45 UTC
Well politically there are two ways of working on these problems that do plague America and Republicans and Democrats have severely different way of handling the problem.

Democrats advocate larger government and that the Federal Government should take a larger role in the every day lives of people. Through taxation policies they can institute programs that are targeted towards particular disadvantaged groups.

Republicans take a position that the Federal government shouldn't be interfering with the daily affairs of its citizens. Rather the State should be empowered to govern the populace and promote the general welfare. This is brought forth by smaller government and lower Federal taxation allowing the states to set appropriate local taxes as needed by the community. This allows states the flexibility to spend on local communities and promote the general welfare. This is preferred by Republicans as who would know better what a community needs than the people living there.
2008-10-18 22:24:10 UTC
I can explain the principles you are missing if you decide not to empty me into your thumbs down right away.

I will make it brief, too.

There are many people who are hurting. For how long has this been happening? Since the beginning of time, I reckon.

The worst off of our world-society definitely do not reside in America. That is not an excuse, just an observation.

When able bodies people shrug off opportunities that have been presented, at gradually increasing increments and they do not take it, is that the rest of America's fault?

The "under-class" as you call it is an insult. America takes care of its ill and poor and old. Medicaid is the very real solution. Look into it.

What exactly is Obama's health plan? It would not take care of everyone, according to him. It would just put more pressure on parents and medium sized business to provide healthcare, and probably result in major destruction of the lower middle class.

Is $1000 a year enough to pay for the inflated costs which result from printing more money?
2008-10-18 22:31:48 UTC
I have several mentally ill friends that live in a group home that is sponsored by a church. I visit regularly and support them with finances and conversation. You are right there are people out there that need help and they are not capable of taking care of themselves. Some of these people were committed to mental institutions at the government's expense until they were treated to the point they could be placed in group homes. It is a misnomer that our current government just cast people out on the streets to fend for themselves. I think the real problem in our society is that we think we can just through money at problems and they will go away.

I think you misunderstood my point and I can understand after rereading my answer. My point is that the giving of ones time is sometimes much more important than just money.
2008-10-18 22:35:59 UTC
I get what you are saying. There are people still homeless from Hurricanea Katrina, Rita, Ike. They are not Lazy, just in a hard spot. When you fall, sometimes you need a hand to help you up. There are people that have more money than they can spend, but won't help a homeless american, but instead they adopt a little Ethiopean Kid. Sad but true.

Instead of sending our money to rebuild a country that likes to blow shyt up, and trying to boss the world around....We should focus on our neighbors in our communities. To rebuild houses, restore the credit markets, tax increases on the wealthy well to do people and companies. we should set up an american poverty fund...
2008-10-18 22:48:15 UTC
Thats why there are shelters, welfare, food stamps and grants for college. If an underprivileged person used the system to become a more educated person, they would have a better life. If you tax the rich they will move their money and businesses overseas to keep from paying all the taxes. With the economy like it is, it is a bad idea
2008-10-18 22:25:10 UTC
We, you and I, choose to share what we have with them. I have very little and still choose to share what little I have.

That is called personal responsibility.

I do not need, nor want the government taking my money and forcing me to give it to whomever THEY deem needs it. That takes the responsibility out of my hands and makes for a pretty messy scenario.

Likewise, as a person on a very low income, I do NOT want someone else's hard-earned money being handed out to me. And I would qualify as someone getting one of those hand-outs.

I want to work hard and earn my own way. Then I'll take what I earn and I'll choose to share it with those in need around me.

It's much neater that way. My city has a large homeless shelter facility... it recently expanded to include a place where families with children could live for 2 years, take life-skills classes, college classes, all kinds of services to help homeless families be part of the community, get a job in the community and, hopefully, not end up hopeless again. This great endeavor is supported, not by government funds, but by business donations, individuals volunteering; it's a community wide effort.

That's how it needs to stay. American citizens take up the responsibility... not the federal government.

McCain/Palin 08
Michelle J
2008-10-18 22:22:10 UTC
Those of us who do have income already pay taxes towards welfare programs for these people. The problem is, the majority of that benefit goes to people who don't really need it, and abuse the system. Yet again, greedy people are the problem and hurt those who need help. If only we had enough money to increase regulation to make it harder to abuse these programs... it all comes down to more money. The solution? Socialism. But that's a bad word, so unfortunately, some people suffer. That's just the way the world works.
2008-10-18 22:34:42 UTC
Very good question but a lot of people don't understand:

I know woman she is sick and she is in disability with two kids. If not her parents she will be in the street. Her disability is $650 plus and not more like $50 for one kid.
2008-10-18 22:23:02 UTC
No.we should not redistribute wealth,but we can stop corporations from discriminating against people that have bad credit and did not finish school,and hire them because they can do the job,we also need to stop the job loss caused by automation.There is a lot of other ways to help people make a living instead of depriving them with their idiotic rules for hiring.
2008-10-18 22:18:23 UTC
I was talking to some butthead today and he said he didn't think the government should tax people to take care of those in need, that people should depend on charity. What that gets you is 5 Thanksgiving dinners and then you starve before Christmas rolls around.
2008-10-18 22:18:33 UTC
it really depends on the philosophy of the beholder.

I would like to know why the government has any thing to say with this at all. the government can not tell a lady that she has to have an a baby but it can decide where to spent my money. is that not a double standard
Dr. Nick
2008-10-18 22:21:06 UTC
We already support them through the various programs that we pay our taxes into. Yes, the mentally ill and the disabled SHOULD be supported, but if your 35 and not working, and healthy, there is no reason why I should have to work for your as*s. Everybody has to work so get used to it. There are many opportunities here to make something of yourself, but if you don't want to work for it, then it's not my problem.
Barry's been bad again
2008-10-18 22:20:29 UTC
Both parties support a safety net at the bottom of society, but some slip through the cracks. Some choose not to participate. You did ask an excellent question and I wish there was an all-encompassing answer!

I'll leave you with a poem about America's newest closet Marxist's coming out:

Barry, Barry, quite contrary,

How does your collective grow?

With a blueprint for a happy place,

And Communists all in a row.
2008-10-18 22:20:12 UTC
There are those, most of whom claim to be good Christian Republicans who say we should just kick them to the curb. Then there are those, most of whom are godless liberals who think that our country is only as strong as it's weakest citizen. It's a crazy country when the Left is right and the Right is wrong.
2008-10-18 22:19:42 UTC
Aren't those people already getting government help? I wasn't aware that there are mentally handicapped and elderly people living all over my town. I thought they were in group homes funded by taxes already?

Man I have to pay more attention.
Life goes on...
2008-10-18 22:20:59 UTC
Yes, I agree we should take responsibility. If only we didn't spend so much money on the war and used it for just that.
speak no evil
2008-10-18 22:18:08 UTC
I'm not against helping people who cannot physically help themselves; however, if a person has the ability to work and decides not to because he/she lives off tax payers then I have a problem.
Capt Cold
2008-10-18 22:18:37 UTC
We, as a society are only worth how we treat the least among us. If we don't take care of them (regardless of how they got in that situation), then we as a people are worthless, evil scum.
2008-10-18 22:17:27 UTC
Of course. that's what being part of a society is.That's why we have governments.The real question is how we do it.
Gary M
2008-10-18 22:23:08 UTC
I need to know a littlle more before I can fully answer your much of your money is going to be taken and given to the lazy?
ObamaBot THX-1138
2008-10-18 22:21:54 UTC
I would help you understand if I understood it myself.
2008-10-18 22:15:40 UTC
wow you are a great soul. I get what your saying.. but i dont know a good solution..

i like you for thinking outside the interested to know, who are you voting for this year?
♥Have a Nice Day!♥
2008-10-18 22:15:17 UTC
Isn't that why we pay taxes for different welfare programs already?
2008-10-18 22:15:34 UTC
Rich a*s Republican
2008-10-18 22:15:06 UTC
I don't see why everyone can't be rich.....

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