may be yes. But his chance to prove a leader of high status is impossible as he is controversil, may be unfaithful as a person and most of all he has no trust of majority of white majority in usa. Obakmahas 15 % of hardcore support from african americans in usa.Even this group partly suspect his honesty. see below:
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Check Spelling well, politics in u s a is not simple and truthful and comes with manipulation of events of a leader in politics. It is difficult enough a complicated social structure in usa. we may have to bear with most outcome, good or bad.but usa is not the most problem democracy in world, rather it is one not worst any way but it has scopes of improvement. see below:
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'Not clinching N-deal will be a historical mistake'
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Posted online: Saturday , July 05, 2008 at 10:28:41
Updated: Saturday , July 05, 2008 at 12:01:48 Print Email To Editor Post Comments
Bangalore, July 5: Making a strong pitch again for operationalising the Indo-US nuclear deal, Atomic Energy Commission Chief Anil Kakodkar said on Friday that "history will not forgive us" if it is not clinched.
Kakodkar's strong statement came on a day when Left parties said they would vote against the UPA government in Parliament in case of a confidence motion if it took the next step to operationalise the deal.
"Here is a chance ... without compromising on our principles, we can bridge energy security for the future," Kakodkar said in a public lecture on "Evolving Indian nuclear programme: Rationale and perspectives", organised by the Indian Academy of Sciences.
Without mentioning the deal but giving enough indications that he exactly meant that, he said: "If we don't do now, history will not forgive us". He termed it (the deal) one of the most promising and viable way of bridging energy security for the future.
Later, responding to reporters` queries on time-line for approaching the IAEA for a safeguards agreement and if the deal can be wrapped up year-end, Kakodkar said: "Sooner the better. But everything is not in my hands, know?. But things are not in my hands".
Earlier, he declined to comment on the raging political debate over the nuclear deal when an audience member posed a question. "That's part of politics; I don't get into politics".
On "this question why there is a hurry (in clinching the deal)", Kakodkar said, "If do it in 2020, there will be a ten-year delay".
He stressed that "we have not realised the energy gap that we face", adding, "we must maximise our options". Kakodkar said Department of Atomic Energy is making "heroic" efforts to develop uranium mines but pointed out that there are time delays (which are generally 8-9 years) because of public debate and clearances give by state governments.
He said there is uranium shortage in the country, and Indian nuclear reactors are operating with a plant capacity of (only) 50 per cent to 55 per cent. "I am sure I will bridge it (uranium shortage gap) over a period of time".
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Comments - 23 nuclear deal us_india
by gargil roy the woman draupadi love bird on 17 Jul 2008
pl see subject go for we the people in india, over 1 billion. give justice a chance beyond politicking: members of lower house, lok sabha: u may quit membership of house of power but people may not afford to stay poorer. comment borrowed from the reverend dr kamal karna roy, interest free all time.regards to all.kamal karna roy u s american born: if u wish to know more about him, would you feel shy? pl do'nt. why ?whynot
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support us_india deal beyond partyline to help industrial dev
by paromita baidya roy world religns wife on 16 Jul 2008
see above as comment of dr, the rev kamal karna roy, a G O P legal contender of U S Presidential competition 2008, a new leader in making who tells words of revolutionary changes in poliies in republican party of usa, for policy shifts needed by "we the people in usa" and redevelopment of free republics around world free of oppressions.
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go for nuclear deal u.s _India
by Lisa N Roy Internet nursing Director on 16 Jul 2008
see above for success of deal. see below
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internet Era development for world :indo_US nuclear cooperations
by the rev Ms Atreyee roy sen ,b d (Hon) on 15 Jul 2008
7.15 2008 new york release:pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies , cat
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deal of century:indo_us relation
by rev fellow premansu roy author/ clergy on 15 Jul 2008
nuclear deal by rev premansu d roy, M.D (Divinity)(New on 13 Jul 2008 Desired nuclear deal india_us be blessed for economic rapid growth in india an energy hungry country like the rev dr kamal karna roy on 13 July 2008 pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies
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by the rev Premansu d Roy,M.D :religion NY on 13 Jul 2008