Do you think Obama as the great leader of America will inspired other important non African countries around ?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Do you think Obama as the great leader of America will inspired other important non African countries around ?
101 answers:
2008-07-16 14:52:47 UTC
I saw a lot of black russians lined up at the bar. Heh.
2008-07-16 14:59:09 UTC
My goodness, No and please quit drinking the koolaid. You sound like a cult member.
2008-07-16 14:59:35 UTC
Barack Obama recently told a radical Hispanic rights group that their communities are being "terrorized" by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids. The Democratic presidential nominee made his comments Sunday while addressing the annual convention of the National Council of La Raza in San Diego.

Obama has reached a new low in equating ICE raids with terrorism.

This just goes so far beyond the line of what we've come to expect in presidential politics, or any kind of politics, that it just has to represent a new low for somebody who wants to be the chief executive of this country.

Obama remains fully committed to giving an amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants in the United States.
2008-07-16 15:03:42 UTC
I think Obama as the great leader of America will DESTROY THIS COUNTRY!
Eric R
2008-07-16 15:03:23 UTC
…except he will not be a "great leader" He will be an incredible failure. So much so, that he will make President Bush look like a savior.
2008-07-16 15:22:09 UTC
What qualifications does Obama have for the job? He has a dismal voting record in Illinois and the US Senate, well then again maybe an absentee leader is one that can't mess up something.

Other than his skin color, why is he even the nominee? What does he stand for? The way I see it is that he is willing to tell every one what they want to hear to be President.

If that is the definition of a great leader, then when does Bill Clinton acheive god status?

AS far as race I paraphrase this.....I dream of a day where men are judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.....
postal p
2008-07-16 14:57:47 UTC
You have to be kidding. I'll be happy if he is just mediocre here. I'm just praying that we don't backslide to a third world country ourselves.
2008-07-16 15:13:41 UTC
First, he's no where near a "great leader of America" or just a "great leader." Second, He only inspires Obamamanians.
2008-07-16 14:56:46 UTC
You are funny, that;s for sure. This isn't logical....
2008-07-16 15:23:31 UTC
Ha ha thats funny.

Obama is nothing but Obamanation.
2008-07-16 15:36:16 UTC
I'm seriously thinking of voting for McCain. I took a Chinese language for businessmen course, and if he gets elected I will be able to put it to use here in the U.S.
2008-07-16 19:17:23 UTC
you are mistaking politics for racial matters, and possibly believe that a black man can inspire the world. First it is not important what race the man in the white-house is, they all play the political game . There are many countries with men or women running the affairs of that nation who are not european decendants and look at the news to see how they rule.also a presidant does not have full power to do as he pleases. George bush had a lot of good ideas but was blocked by democrats. Obama would have the same problem. He could be a good leader but won't get the chance unless he plays the game.
2008-07-16 18:25:43 UTC
America is the most powerful country on Earth.Other countries look up to America (Hope it continues) having a President of Color should go well around the world!Lets see what happens when Obama goes overseas!

Obama 2008!

Ebony & Ivory President!
2008-07-16 19:15:35 UTC
“The Obamanation”

Obamanation in a proclamation,

Says it’s time for something new.

We stand for a change, though it may seem strange,

So shut up while we brain wash you.

Obamanation’s new proclamation.

We intend to change your nation.

Your constitution is wrong, your existence too long

We will complete your socialization.

Obamanation in a proclamation,

States the world is tired of you.

You think you’re fighting for right, using all of your might

We will eliminate the pride in you.

Obamanation’s new proclamation.

It’s time we exploit the sheeple.

The nation must change while embracing the strange

While we betray all of it’s people.

A proclamation of the Obamanation

I’ll bring you to your knees.

Your economy’s too strong and that’s just wrong.

I require you bow me.

Next proclamation by Obamanation

Iran should be our friend.

Israel has too much sway in what you say,

So this Jewish influence must end.

The Obamanation of proclamations

This world is meant for Islam

Other religions are hated and must be subjugated

So convert or we’ll use the bomb.
2008-07-16 19:34:21 UTC
You're kidding, right? What kind of question is this? IF (not going to happen) Obama was elected he will only show other countries that they should NEVER elect a socialist because he will run this nation into the ground. BTW: Your question stinks to high heaven of racism.
2014-09-28 15:11:46 UTC
n't vote for someone based on the the color of their skin, but on the content of their character.

I would rather if countries catch up to the US by electing a leader with great character. Who cares about race or sex?
2008-07-16 17:22:35 UTC
...whut?....We inspired Germany to be a Democratic nation when we whupped 'em in 1945, France got lost somewhere in Socialism, and Russia bankrupted themselves trying to keep ahead of us in military might (with fake missile, no less). They are on a comeback to Communisn now, and our staunch ally England since we whupped them (we think) back in 1776-8- (?) something is still waiting for us to come to our senses.

We'll just get to see what happens when Barrack brings the troops home really, really quick. As Robin Williams said, "Hello, Vietnam!" Are you old enough to remember that capitulation and it's consequences? That will be here, this time.

I'm all for an inspiring black American/or woman President here; one who knows how America became and stays free.

We have a few people around the world who know. They are called Military service members. Ask them.
SAHM/Part Time Tutor
2008-07-16 16:43:53 UTC
People shouldn't vote for someone based on the the color of their skin, but on the content of their character.

I would rather if countries catch up to the US by electing a leader with great character. Who cares about race or sex?
2008-07-19 00:25:25 UTC
The Great Leader!?

Is that what you guys are calling him now?

Seig Heil! Heil Obama!

(Will we never learn? With people like Wetfish, America is doomed.)
2008-07-16 16:32:09 UTC
Are you saying that the only "salvation" for any nation is to vote for a black leader? I'm just certain that couldn't be what you intended to say, but that's the way it sounds. Plus, Obama is not a "great leader." He's a typical politician for the democratic party that is in the process of constantly morphing himself into whatever you want him to be. Whatever it takes to get your vote, that's what he will say and do.
us citizen
2008-07-16 18:06:48 UTC
That African country Zimbabwe did just that . Went from being a leading economy to one that cant survive without world aid . After taking from the hard working people and giving to the lazy. Hey wait ! that Sounds like what that fool Obama said he would do. Moron!
Mike K
2008-07-16 19:32:29 UTC
If he's elected he'll realize that most of his plan of change isn't possible and he'll fall back on the tax and spend Democratic way of life. He'll eventually rile enough people to gey the Dems in hot water for the next term.
2008-07-16 19:07:21 UTC
Obama in my opinion is not inspiring and I do not believe he would inspire other non-African countries. In the UK for example there is already a lot more racial cohesion especially between blacks and whites than in America. Plus there is not the societal disadvantage in the UK for blacks as there is in the US. The racial cohesion and social advantages that you see in the UK for blacks has absolutely nothing to do with Obama.

In addition to the above I disagree with your statement in regard to other countries trying to catch up with the US in appointing a black leader. It is my belief with Obama winning the Democrat nomination the US is catching up with the rest of the world especially in regard to the advantages and equality for blacks in society.
2008-07-16 17:04:45 UTC
First point - If you are going to attempt to be intellectual, please use proper grammar (check verb tense) and punctuation.

Now on to answer your question..

Ha ha ha haa ha ha haa.

Please explain how voting for a black leader automatically causes the US to "leapfrog" everybody else so that they would have to "catch up" as you say.

Your question reveals the true racist that you are. It suggests that America is going to be a better place because of the color of the leader's skin. It makes no mention to Obama's merit, experience or capabilities. The absence of those characteristics is no coincidence though considering he has earned no merit, has no true experience and is completely incapable of successfully leading the US to anything other than failure on a grand scale.
2008-07-16 19:04:45 UTC
None of those countries you listed are close to having a black leader... catch up with the USA in what sense!!??are even african countries inspired? TROLL?
margaret h
2008-07-16 15:50:03 UTC
You Obamaloons get nuttier by the day.

Can't you see the handwriting on the wall?

He's fading.


No, the European countries are moving away from Democratic Socialism as fast as they can.

Whatever Obama and the Left want to call their "progressive" plans for Amerika, that's what they are - outdated, discredited programs that have been shown to destroy productivity, increase unemployment and ruin economies.

Their new systems are closer to the programs that Republicans have supported since Reagan - lower taxes, smaller more efficient government, and less government spending.

The chances of their electing leaders like Obama - of whatever race - are dimming by the day.

Any grand reception he receives from the "street people" of Europe is simply the residual anti-Bush bias, much as you'd find in San Francisco. Their version of MoveOn or Code Pink. Totally irrelevant.
Secular Humanist
2008-07-16 19:36:25 UTC
@common sense -

the raids were conducted in counties in Maryland!

Have you heard of Prince Williams County in Virginia?

The county government elections were run and won on threats to arrest all illegal immigrants.
mr conservative
2008-07-16 17:53:28 UTC
I think Obama will turn out to be a Black Jimmy Carter. The world will enjoy having another inept president in the US. Race has nothing to do with not being prepared for the job. I wish Obama would have waited until 2012 or 2016 and gained some experience in Washington before going for it.
2008-07-16 17:45:22 UTC
This is so funny. A black leader in China? Stop man my sides hurt, I'm dying here.
2008-07-16 17:19:46 UTC

Obama has NEVER been a leader of any kind. He's never been in a position of leader. He's always been a receiver. He's not even been a full senator. He's not done anything that would make him higher than any college graduate. Obama is a wimp and a wussy. He can't even speak well only read well. He's flip flopped so much he doesn't know what he's said to anyone.

McCain is our new president, THANK GOD.
2008-07-16 16:48:34 UTC
Japan and China have almost no Black people living there, they are closed societies and don't mix with other races, its part of their culture. get a clue.

P.S Stay off the koolaid too.
Randy F
2008-07-16 19:22:40 UTC
Obama is nor will be a great anything except con man. He is really not that good at that either as most have already figured him out.
2008-07-16 15:53:52 UTC
With all due respect: That makes NO sense. Why would those countries have a black leader?
2008-07-16 16:27:23 UTC
Since when is China a democracy? I am sure there are a lot of black men there, over a billion of them...oh wait that is Chinese people...
2008-07-16 15:04:23 UTC
Yeah, just like our former Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, inspired the USA to pick a woman for their next President. Are you real? Also, although I sometimes miss the latest from CNN, I wasn't aware that Obama had been elected as the 'great leader of America' aka President.
sally sue
2008-07-16 16:01:32 UTC
lol I almost pissed my pants on this one buddy those countries are doing a heck of alot better than we are or don't you know that yet!! The only thing Obama will do is bring us to a third world level with his proposals and cons! Do some research
2008-07-16 18:03:21 UTC
No it won't effect these other countries canidates at all, but it will prove to the rest of the world that we have become a tolerant society. This might even intimidate other societies because of our old ways. I am a Caucasian male and I can see other countries already changing because of our Democratic candidate.
2008-07-16 16:30:38 UTC
Doesn't BHO make you feel guilty enough to vote for him ? Even if he is a Marxist with no experience and all kinds of friends that hate America and White People. Wouldn't that make you feel better?
brian o'leary
2008-07-16 18:24:32 UTC
we are the ones that need to catch up with the rest of the world.

given our rather MIXED population, by comparison we lag behind the rest of the world when it comes to looking beyond one's skin color.

most of the countries you mention are quite homogeneous, predominantly populated with their own ethnic peoples...we, on the other hand, are heterogeneous, and yet in terms of percentage of representation, we lag behind the others.
2008-07-16 18:37:53 UTC
25 thumbs up?

Wow somebody has a lot of duplicate ID's
2008-07-16 18:24:04 UTC
I see Obama as neither great or a leader.
P*U*M*A Recognize!
2008-07-16 17:05:43 UTC

Is it where he claimed his Uncle helped liberate Aushiwitz? Of course everyone knows the only

troops entering those camps were Russian, then, come to find out Obama doesn't even have an Uncle.

Could it be where he said he would call the PRESIDENT of CANADA?

How about the classic, I have been to fifty-seven states with ONE MORE to go!

How about that 20 minute interview in which he called Matt Lauer( Tim) over 17 times?

What did you think about his speech in New Mexico, where he said, he honors the "long grey line"

and all of the fallen heroes that gave their lives, many of which he sees in the audience today?

Did this mean Obama sees "the dearly departed"?

How about Iran doesn't "pose a serious threat to us," saying that "tiny countries" with small defense budgets aren't much to worry about. But Iran has almost one-fourth the population of the U.S. and is well on its way to developing nuclear weapons. The next day Mr. Obama had to reverse himself and declare he had "made it clear for years that the threat from Iran is grave?" Did he lose his composure from one day to the next?

How about he is the product of the Selma Alabama march across the bridge, He says "don't tell me I don't have a claim on Selma Alabama!" Uhhhh, problem is Obama was born in 1961, the SELMA MARCH was 1965!

We can't use translators in Afganistan when they are all in Iraq? No one on Obama's staff bothered to tell them

that Iraq and Afganistan do NOT SPEAK THE SAME LANGUAGE!

Did anyone tell him that Sioux Falls,S.D and Sioux City Iowa are different places? He referred to the South Dakota City as he said "hello SIOUX CITY!"?

How about in Bristol VA, when he said you take a child to the hospital that is having an asthma attack and you get them a breathylizer. Should we assume that all asthmatics now get tested for intoxication as well?

Right now the Obama gaffes are over 100 and counting....

AND Hillary was cruxified for over embellishing "sniper fire" in Boznia!

Or McCain is hung up to dry over calling the Czech Republic: CZECHOSLOVAKIA! Which technically the Czech Socialist Republic is the center territories of former Czechoslovakia

2008-07-16 16:35:53 UTC
No but he could inspire one to own a black schnauzer!
2008-07-16 16:03:14 UTC
The only thing that Barry will inspire would be characters of the unsavory persuasion.

Just Vote McCain !!!
2008-07-16 19:35:43 UTC
I sincerely hope you are joking here. If not, well... that says something about Obama supporters, now doesn't it?
2008-07-16 18:05:58 UTC
Obama will have his hands full sorting out the US. If others are inspired, good for them. It's not about ethnicity. It's about ability.
2008-07-16 18:28:59 UTC
No. Obama is not a great leader. He is a fraud. It is racist for you to say that all those other countries need black leaders to "save" them.
2008-07-16 18:10:35 UTC
i think the idea of giving the blacks a free chance to rule or take charge of of power is really healthy becoz it would help the blacks emphasis their own policies and views tha could also establish development so i think the idea of putting obama as the next successor of bush is great and i strongly pray for him to triumph.
Mel M
2008-07-16 16:29:01 UTC
No but I think it will give hope to the minority groups in the U.S for the outside world I think many people expect stronger diplomatic relations with Africa. Hopefully for those who do not understand U.S politics I hope they won't base policy and strategy on age and color.
2008-07-16 17:01:52 UTC
Obama has not proven he is a natural born citizen.

An unstamped certificate suggests Obama may not be "natural born" US citizen.

Everybody sing along now…

So tonite I’m gonna party like it’s nineteen thirty three…
2008-07-16 16:13:53 UTC
and WHOM has he lead?

and WHAT has he done?

No one seems to be able to answer this

NONE of those countries will ever have a black leader, neither will we until we find one qualified
Sherry C
2008-07-16 15:50:11 UTC
I really think you have a mental condition. Obama the muslin a great leader, he will lead us straight into into the pits of darkness.
2008-07-16 16:26:19 UTC
china first.every black american knows how huge their black population is.then russia with their kgb requirements obviously they have a black canidate lined up.
2008-07-16 17:47:31 UTC
If Obama wins, the Blacks will find inspiration to lead in other countries.
Sure you are....
2008-07-16 16:50:18 UTC
I was talking to my black Russian-Chinese friends and they said no.
2008-07-16 19:27:15 UTC
My relatives in Europe think he is a joke.
2008-07-16 15:58:02 UTC
This country has been lied to, manipulated and has had its President totally turn his back to the American people for almost 8 years. I've lived a long time and have NEVER seen anything like it.

Our economy is in a shambles, we're at war after Bush said Mission Accomplished years ago. More people have been killed for no reason than ever before and the real enemy, Bin Laden is still free.

Are Republicans so blinded by hate, they somehow have missed what's been going on?

Obama will not only be a great leader of this country, but will have the difficult task of undoing all the harm Bush has done.

You can make fun of him all you want, but he's exactly what this country needs to continue to inspire and give hope back to the American people, that Bush took away a long time ago.

If anyone can be inspirational to other leaders it is Obama. Those with an open mind actually do listen to him and are excited at the chance of hope and change. If you've enjoyed the last 8 years of our Dictator Bush and are too blind to see the havoc and chaos he's created, there are plenty of other countries with Dictators you can go live and pledge your loyalty to.

I think most of you are younger than I and have never really seen what it's like to live in a free country where you can actually trust your President. I guess with age, does come wisdom. I'm not sure what comes with youth anymore, but you're not seeing what really is.
2008-07-16 16:58:29 UTC
Your funny. Any intelligent person here knows McCain and Obama equal no change.

It's politics as usual We americans love to hear nice sounding speeches. Even if it is BS doesnt it sound nice?
2008-07-16 17:57:44 UTC
He will try to inspire them to hate "White America" as he once defined his country.
David S
2008-07-16 16:32:00 UTC
No, because white people will not want non-white people to rule over them and I think that McCain will win.
Super Man Returns
2008-07-16 15:48:32 UTC
Twits inspire no one! A twit who is dip stick like Obama is a joke! And a bad one!
2008-07-16 17:09:57 UTC
They will probably see how it works out for America...

Prolly end up like Zimbabwe with 10,000% inflation.
Hillary Sniper
2008-07-16 17:55:28 UTC
no I believe Obama reopen an old wound in our society

know as racial racism ....

that is not a very good policy

for a presidential candidate..
2008-07-16 16:13:22 UTC
Learn to speak english man. You're all jumbled up.
2008-07-16 15:46:51 UTC
They are incapable of running their countries, look at the state of Africa. At least when they were British colonies they were fed and had medical aid!
2008-07-16 18:31:56 UTC

The rest of the world is abandoning socialism!
2008-07-16 18:14:43 UTC
Yeah there are alot of black chinese fighting for equal rights,I here the black Russians have come along way also!!!!
2008-07-16 15:55:44 UTC
Actually it is not so far-fetched. Or at least, the issue is being discussed in Europe. I heard an English commentator on NPR talking about it. He was wondering why Europe is so far ahead of us in terms of women in politics, but behind us in terms of black people.

I can't find a link to that, but here's another, from "The Guardian":

"How does a country like America, with such a shameful racist history, manage to produce someone like Obama, while the UK – apparently less segregated, more diverse and racially tolerant – seems unable to? The answer lies in the fluidity and social mobility that is available in the US. The UK is still very much a class-based society in which it is hard for people to transcend the social and economic positions into which they were born."
2008-07-16 18:47:54 UTC
hellyeah, and then killwhitey. and then have your account suspended like i did because of some little bich
2008-07-16 17:26:38 UTC
2008-07-16 15:04:49 UTC
HAHAHAHA! That's sooo funny!! Seriously just a senator and you already think hes the greatest leader of America? How is that possible?
2008-07-16 16:25:44 UTC
That's not very open minded of you. Other countries need to have people who are willing to listen to others. That's what Obama brings to the table.
Shane J
2008-07-16 17:12:25 UTC
great leader? I guess this is what psychotics do in their spare time

I made some kool aid. Have a sip
2008-07-16 16:08:37 UTC
This is a silly question, Do you have a brain?
2008-07-16 16:42:23 UTC
I don't remember him being elected. Did I miss the election????
2008-07-16 15:41:06 UTC
dude,I know this is a spoof,however it is kind of lame.....any way- hahahahahahahha! obama could not even inspire his preacher...
who's knocking at my door
2008-07-16 15:04:08 UTC
most of those countries are ahead of us, we are in chinas back pocket, those countries dont have substantial black populations and they dont see race as the big issue that we do, so to sum up, you are either super young or super slow, either way your not up to speed on the rest of the world
2008-07-16 15:09:15 UTC
Yes. Everyone copies the US with the exception of those countries who are passing us now. Sit down sometime and count the black leaders of the World. You'll be surprised. And I do believe that Obama is only half black and the other half of him is white like you.
2008-07-16 15:16:48 UTC
Yes, because now the only qualification for a great leader is: Black.

anything less would be: racist.
2008-07-16 19:14:58 UTC
Note from Radarsite: For anyone who may still have lingering doubts about the real danger of the Muslim onslaught of the West, this may be the most revealing analysis of the threat of the Islamic Jihad that you will ever read. The reasoning is impeccable and the conclusions reached are both obvious and startling.

"Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel." -- Leon Uris, "The Haj"

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system.Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. The religious component is a beard for all the other components.Islamization occurs when there are sufficient Muslims in a country to agitate for their so-called "religious rights."

When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to "the reasonable" Muslim demands for their "religious rights," they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it works -- percentages source CIA: The World Fact Book


As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States -- Muslim 1.0%

Australia -- Muslim 1.5%

Canada -- Muslim 1.9%

China -- Muslim 1%-2%Italy -- Muslim 1.5%

Norway -- Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark -- Muslim 2%

Germany -- Muslim 3.7%

United Kingdom -- Muslim 2.7%

Spain -- Muslim 4%

Thailand -- Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves -- along with threats for failure to comply. (United States).

France -- Muslim 8%

Philippines -- Muslim 5%

Sweden -- Muslim 5% Switzerland -- Muslim 4.3%

The Netherlands -- Muslim 5.5%

Trinidad & Tobago -- Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris -- car-burnings). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam -- Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana -- Muslim 10%

India -- Muslim 13.4%

Israel -- Muslim 16%

Kenya -- Muslim 10%

Russia -- Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia -- Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia -- Muslim 40%

Chad -- Muslim 53.1%

Lebanon -- Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania -- Muslim 70%

Malaysia -- Muslim 60.4%

Qatar -- Muslim 77.5%

Sudan -- Muslim 70%

Bangladesh -- Muslim 83%

Egypt -- Muslim 90%

Gaza -- Muslim 98.7%

Indonesia -- Muslim 86.1%

Iran -- Muslim 98%

Iraq -- Muslim 97%

Jordan -- Muslim 92%

Morocco -- Muslim 98.7%

Pakistan -- Muslim 97%

Palestine -- Muslim 99%

Syria -- Muslim 90%

Tajikistan -- Muslim 90%

Turkey -- Muslim 99.8%

United Arab Emirates -- Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of "Dar-es-Salaam" -- the Islamic House of Peace -- there's supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan -- Muslim 100%

Saudi Arabia -- Muslim 100%

Somalia -- Muslim 100%

Yemen -- Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that's not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

"Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel." -- Leon Uris, "The Haj"

It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national average would indicate.

Rony Amir, describes Obama as "previously quite religious in Islam."

Rony Amir, recalling that "All the relatives of Barry's father were very devout Muslims."
2008-07-16 15:22:16 UTC
I do believe you are taking drugs. Seek help.
2008-07-16 18:47:55 UTC
2008-07-16 15:42:40 UTC
Oh yes--everything is due to race---and you liberals call Republicans racist?? get a clue!
2008-07-16 15:34:45 UTC
Not funny, but at least you gave yourself a chuckle.
2008-07-16 15:15:59 UTC

Obama will put us back into the Stone Age.
2008-07-16 18:58:12 UTC
you serious...wake up man
2008-07-16 19:12:29 UTC
You are funny.
2008-07-16 15:44:13 UTC
yes ... ppl in kenya are inspired by barack

ppl all over the world are watching this election BECAUSE of him and are AGAINST mccain
lil miss cupcake
2008-07-16 17:27:34 UTC

charles t
2008-07-16 16:10:45 UTC
no way in heck
2008-07-16 15:01:50 UTC
Uh, I wish you luck with that theory of yours.
cool person
2008-07-16 14:58:05 UTC
if he becomes president, we shell see like all the other presidents before him???
Hope I can hel[
2008-07-16 18:18:14 UTC
2008-07-16 17:52:44 UTC
may be yes. But his chance to prove a leader of high status is impossible as he is controversil, may be unfaithful as a person and most of all he has no trust of majority of white majority in usa. Obakmahas 15 % of hardcore support from african americans in usa.Even this group partly suspect his honesty. see below:

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Question Is Barack Obama a socia. . . . oh heck, nobody cares. Why bother?

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Check Spelling well, politics in u s a is not simple and truthful and comes with manipulation of events of a leader in politics. It is difficult enough a complicated social structure in usa. we may have to bear with most outcome, good or bad.but usa is not the most problem democracy in world, rather it is one not worst any way but it has scopes of improvement. see below:

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'Not clinching N-deal will be a historical mistake'

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Posted online: Saturday , July 05, 2008 at 10:28:41

Updated: Saturday , July 05, 2008 at 12:01:48 Print Email To Editor Post Comments

Bangalore, July 5: Making a strong pitch again for operationalising the Indo-US nuclear deal, Atomic Energy Commission Chief Anil Kakodkar said on Friday that "history will not forgive us" if it is not clinched.

Kakodkar's strong statement came on a day when Left parties said they would vote against the UPA government in Parliament in case of a confidence motion if it took the next step to operationalise the deal.

"Here is a chance ... without compromising on our principles, we can bridge energy security for the future," Kakodkar said in a public lecture on "Evolving Indian nuclear programme: Rationale and perspectives", organised by the Indian Academy of Sciences.

Without mentioning the deal but giving enough indications that he exactly meant that, he said: "If we don't do now, history will not forgive us". He termed it (the deal) one of the most promising and viable way of bridging energy security for the future.

Later, responding to reporters` queries on time-line for approaching the IAEA for a safeguards agreement and if the deal can be wrapped up year-end, Kakodkar said: "Sooner the better. But everything is not in my hands, know?. But things are not in my hands".

Earlier, he declined to comment on the raging political debate over the nuclear deal when an audience member posed a question. "That's part of politics; I don't get into politics".

On "this question why there is a hurry (in clinching the deal)", Kakodkar said, "If do it in 2020, there will be a ten-year delay".

He stressed that "we have not realised the energy gap that we face", adding, "we must maximise our options". Kakodkar said Department of Atomic Energy is making "heroic" efforts to develop uranium mines but pointed out that there are time delays (which are generally 8-9 years) because of public debate and clearances give by state governments.

He said there is uranium shortage in the country, and Indian nuclear reactors are operating with a plant capacity of (only) 50 per cent to 55 per cent. "I am sure I will bridge it (uranium shortage gap) over a period of time".

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Comments - 23 nuclear deal us_india

by gargil roy the woman draupadi love bird on 17 Jul 2008

pl see subject go for we the people in india, over 1 billion. give justice a chance beyond politicking: members of lower house, lok sabha: u may quit membership of house of power but people may not afford to stay poorer. comment borrowed from the reverend dr kamal karna roy, interest free all time.regards to all.kamal karna roy u s american born: if u wish to know more about him, would you feel shy? pl do'nt. why ?whynot

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support us_india deal beyond partyline to help industrial dev

by paromita baidya roy world religns wife on 16 Jul 2008

see above as comment of dr, the rev kamal karna roy, a G O P legal contender of U S Presidential competition 2008, a new leader in making who tells words of revolutionary changes in poliies in republican party of usa, for policy shifts needed by "we the people in usa" and redevelopment of free republics around world free of oppressions.

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go for nuclear deal u.s _India

by Lisa N Roy Internet nursing Director on 16 Jul 2008

see above for success of deal. see below

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internet Era development for world :indo_US nuclear cooperations

by the rev Ms Atreyee roy sen ,b d (Hon) on 15 Jul 2008

7.15 2008 new york release:pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies , cat

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deal of century:indo_us relation

by rev fellow premansu roy author/ clergy on 15 Jul 2008

nuclear deal by rev premansu d roy, M.D (Divinity)(New on 13 Jul 2008 Desired nuclear deal india_us be blessed for economic rapid growth in india an energy hungry country like the rev dr kamal karna roy on 13 July 2008 pl go for it in Indo_US interests cooperations beyond party line. see below : pl search eb "kamal karna roy, dr, re ' is a tactical gop leader in usa, author of jungle democracies, cat and mouse doctrines of oppressions on weaker people, weaker naions , weaker entitities by most powerfuls in modern ruling conglomerates and superpower system included, may be usa is within controversies of oppressions by usa in 3rd world. but essential growth of economic standard for over one billion people nuclear deal will expand energy source for industrial growths in india. dr the rev kamal karna roy m b a (usa),ph d, d d (divinity)ll b (law)acapa public admn (usda graduate school, washington dc) author of books :Jungle democracies

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by the rev Premansu d Roy,M.D :religion NY on 13 Jul 2008

2008-07-16 15:46:55 UTC
H*LL NO !!!
2008-07-16 15:24:01 UTC
thanks for the laugh
2008-07-16 15:07:15 UTC
No, but thanks for the laugh!!
2008-07-16 15:02:30 UTC
I don't think he'll start a new trend or anything. He's just the man for the job. His race is irrelevant.
2008-07-16 14:57:33 UTC
america the land of racist
Ms Hilton
2008-07-16 14:56:18 UTC
Two peas in a pod
2008-07-16 14:53:52 UTC
I'm black and I support Obama, but what the f___- are you talking about?

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