Okay seriously? Terrorists have the same rights as me?
2008-06-13 06:47:33 UTC
I cannot believe they are giving the prisoners at Gitmo the same rights as any American.....I liked Bush but in the past couple of years I have grown to like him less and less, but I can really see how far leftist's will go to undermine his administration.....your thoughts....
37 answers:
2008-06-13 06:58:31 UTC
Some of those "terrorists" have already been released. The Constitution is the supreme law of the United States. Just because you say that someone is a terrorist does not make it so. In any case, all individuals are entitled to be treated fairly and not just thrown into prison for long periods of time without fair trials.
2008-06-13 07:48:37 UTC
My thoughts? The decision was 100% wrong, and flies in the face of 200+ years of settled practice. It is a ridiculous ruling.

I also think that it will make fighting terrorists much more difficult, and make us much less safe.

People don't seem to understand that this is not a criminal matter - it is a war. I'm reminded of a line from the film Apocalypse Now: the left seems to want to be giving out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. This was the mindset that allowed the 9/11 plot to succeed.

My fear is that this ruling will make a major attack on the US harder to stop. And after such attack, the limitations on everyone's civil liberties will make the mass internments of civilians in WWII look like a traffic stop.

All in all, yesterday was a very sad day for America. It might turn out to be a pivotal date in marking our decline.
2008-06-13 07:03:04 UTC
The issue could have been resolved in 2002 by declaring the detainees at Guantanamo Bay to be prisoners of war.POWs do not go on trial and may be held until the end of hostilities. This does, of course require that they be treated humanely and in accordance with international humanitarian law. Because the Bush Administration refused to declare the detainees POWs, the law of the detaining nation comes into play and that law involves constitutional rights. This is not a left versus right consept, nor does it have anbything to do with liberal ism or conservatism. The United States is the self-declared champion of human rights. It is only proper that the U.S. honor those rights for all.
2008-06-13 07:04:13 UTC
The Members of the U.S. Supreme Court who voted to give the Terrorists Enemies of Our Country Our Constitutional Protections are Fools, and they have subverted the Intention of Our Constitution.

They also completely Lied about the Geneva Convention Document. Unlawful Combatants, who do not wear Uniforms of a Country, are not given the protections of the Convention. It is written plainly enough that anyone to understand the rules,

except these Traitorous Idiots in the Supreme Court.

The Constitution of the United States of America has again been REWRITTEN by Traitors of Our Country, and OUR CONSTITUTION!

May GOD have Mercy on their Souls, for the True American Citizens will NOT!
2008-06-13 07:00:44 UTC
Of course they have the same rights as you. What makes you superior?

They are human and you are human.

They believe in their world and you believe in yours.

You have to remember that most suspects at G'tmo are in fact that; suspects.

A person is innocent until proven guilty, being thrown into a centre, a diabolical injustice against human rights, type of detention centre is not the way to go about anything in this world.

Hasn't the so called, albeit questionable, war on terror done enough now: The Slaughter of millions in more than one country, wrecked two of the best economies on the planet, and divided the western world, Killed our own troops, and brought hatred on the US & UK.

Locking a handful of people up without charges for over 4 years is disgraceful and inhumane. If they did it then charge them, if not then let them go.

Lastly.............are they really terrorists?

4-5 britons were arrested and hauled to g'tamo for years and it turns out they were tourists. The BBC and Film four made a documentary out of it.
2008-06-13 07:00:14 UTC
Since they have not been proven to be terrorist in any court or tribunal, I think they should have the right to try and show they are not. I am not saying none of them are terrorist, in fact, I am sure most are; however, there could be some who got caught up in the frenzy to get terrorists who are not actually terrorist. Wouldn't we want to be sure that the prisoners we have are indeed terrorists. Giving them the right to let a judge do what judges do, decide things based on evidence, is nothing less than we should do if we as a nation believe in justice for all, even those we despise.
2008-06-13 06:58:29 UTC
No, terrorists do not have the same rights as you. But they're being held prisoner by the US. We cannot simply detain people forever without charging them with a crime. The supreme court was right. The constitution is right.

Get over it. Be an adult.

The terrorists at gitmo deserve a day in court. That's what makes us a civilized society. We cannot become like those we are fighting. We MUST be better than they are.

If the terrorists are guilty then I honestly hope they are executed. But only AFTER a fair trial. See what I mean? That's what makes us better than our enemies.
2008-06-13 06:56:22 UTC
Well, how about this...

Canada comes down from the north, doesn't declare war on the US, captures you, calls you a terrorist, and locks you away until they've rid the world of terror... which they don't have a clear objective of when that would be or even what that would look like. They won't let you challenge it or even contest that you're not.

Sound fair? I'll call Canada right now.

I understand terrorists are dangerous people and need to be put away... so why haven't they been sent to war crimes court? There is no war crime, because there is no war. So this is an international crime, not a war crime. International crimes go to court and they have the same rights as any other criminal. A mass murderer gets these rights, why aren't you complaining about that?
robert f
2008-06-13 07:00:56 UTC
No terrorists do not have same rights althought clownslike Leay and others in congress think they do. These are military prisoners, for the first time in history, military prisoners have been given over to civilian judges. A very dangerous precedent. The fact is the few who are still in Gitmo, are the worst of the bunch. Get used to this, if Obama wins, he will appoint judges so liberal that it will result in the deaths of innocent Americans as terrorists are treated as thought they are American citizens.
pastor of muppets
2008-06-13 07:19:16 UTC
If you know anything about American history, you'll realize that Habeas Corpus is one of the founding principles of our nation. it states that suspected criminals can not be held indefinitely with out being told why they are being held or without trial. Bush in effect, turned over some 200+ years of precedent, and violated the constitution.

The Supreme Court justices who found this unconstitutional should be applauded for their adherence to Constitutional law, and those who dissented are a mockery to our established system of justice.

I guess it's not the "leftists" you have a problem with, but our founding fathers.
2008-06-13 07:06:42 UTC
This is number 1 million on the list of the insane liberal mindset in America. I wish I had words to describe the absurdity of this latest Gitmo debacle but words can't describe it!

If you're out their liberals - Thank you for this - As well as:

* The ACLU

* Not drilling in ANWAR

* Jimmy Carter and the wonderful Cuban prisoners he welcome from Castro's jails.

* Political Correct - run amuck

* Out lawing water boarding for the worst American Terrorist - God forbid we try to save 1000's of lives in exchange for water boarding one evil person.

I can't go on as I'm getting p*ssed just typing this B.S - Feel free to add on as the list is endless!
2008-06-13 07:09:37 UTC
The useful info they had was probably exhausted the first year.

They should have been tried and executed then.
2008-06-13 07:02:39 UTC
Define Terrorist... Is that someone who will attack innocent people to spread their religious or political beliefs? And what exactly are we doing in Iraq? What are we doing in Iran? what are we doing around the world? And you want us to separate the difference just because it's our government doing it? hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Or the other excuse we use.. We don't want some other country to have Nuclear capabilities??? Do WE have Nuclear Capabilities???? hmmmmmmmmmm
2008-06-13 07:03:04 UTC
If you consider the US Constitution leftist then maybe you would be happier in a quasi-theocratic fascist country like Saudi Arabia.
2008-06-13 06:53:54 UTC
The Supreme Court decision was a clear message to our military.

2008-06-13 07:16:23 UTC
If you disagree with this decision then vote against every democrat you can. They are the ones responsible for this attrocity!
Mr. Beef Stroganoff
2008-06-13 06:58:34 UTC
Since we are in the state of war with terrorists, in my humble opinion they should be treated and tried according to the rules of war. There is no way they should have same rights as any Americans.
2008-06-13 07:05:33 UTC
Well i guess the soldiers need to start doing more headshots.
2008-06-13 07:00:32 UTC
Yep...terrorists, alleged terrorists, murderers, alleged murders, theives and alleged theives all have the same rights and protection under the law as you and me. Those covicted are also entitled to punishment befitting of their crimes.

Making sure their rights are protected ensures that my rights and those of my children are protected. Can't pick and choose who is protected by our constitution. It says "all men are created equal". But take heart...justice will prevail.
2008-06-13 07:00:51 UTC
If a terrorist had pulled what these guys pulled when our founding fathers were on patrol. These guys would have lived long enough to walk to the gallows and that's it. Rights-Smyts.

The constituation was intended for our citizens, not people who blow us up.
2008-06-13 06:55:48 UTC
I think the decision by the supreme court is wrong. Being an American is a privilege a privilege that is earned. Our rights do not apply to the rest of the world. That is what the Geneva convention is for.
rachel t
2008-06-13 06:53:16 UTC
Terrorists are also funded by our tax dollars. they hide under a name of La Raza and MEcHA. They are trying to 'take back' the Southwest united states. I cant believe we ALLOW it to go on. It makes me sick. Check out some of their websites like
2008-06-13 06:56:28 UTC
Elevating the rights of the criminal over and above the victims rights is not new. The fact that it continues unabated is a harbinger of our eventual demise as a society.
2008-06-13 06:53:42 UTC
Tjhe supreme court is trashing trhe constitution one ruling at a time.
2008-06-13 06:52:33 UTC
Imagine trying to win World War II, the Civil War, or, for that matter, the American Revolutionary War if we had to try everyone we captured, and then release the ones who get off? It is preposterous. It is suicide.
2 b 1 ask 1
2008-06-13 06:54:37 UTC
i have always like him less but how can they have the same rights as us they dont but someone will think they do
2008-06-13 06:54:58 UTC
How do you know they're terrorists until they've had a trial???

That's the whole point. They could lock anyone up if they don't have to have a trial - including you.

If they are shown to be terrorists, they can go to hell.
Forget War Buy More
2008-06-13 06:51:41 UTC
Yes. The Supreme Court voted that way in its interpretation of the United States Constitution. I would take your issues up with our founding fathers.
2008-06-13 06:58:53 UTC
I think we should free them all give them a boat ride 500 miles east and let them swim from there home
2008-06-13 06:53:21 UTC
It boggles my mind that these hand-wringing liberals fight so valiantly for the rights of non-citizens who would MURDER them if they shared a cell. Good job at selling out America to our enemies...
2008-06-13 06:56:02 UTC
Bush's 8 years have been a nightmare...those are my thoughts...
2008-06-13 06:52:00 UTC
The Constitution is more important than King George lV, get used to the fact.
2008-06-13 07:08:51 UTC
EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty..right?
2008-06-13 06:55:37 UTC
i really want to answer your question...but first....snickers PLEASE do some research before answering

I think its terrible that prisoners have the same rights as you and I - I think they should have basic rights and thats it....(the worse the crime, the less rights)
Crossing the Rubicon
2008-06-13 07:00:39 UTC

WHO SAYS they are terrorists?
2008-06-13 06:51:19 UTC
Bush has been fighting this, its another DEMOCRATIC decision- protecting the Murderers of 9-11!
2008-06-13 06:51:37 UTC
don't vote for another bush then

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