who are you voting for right now im for romney but i could be convinced obama is better?
2012-10-21 04:51:08 UTC
who are you voting for right now im for romney but i could be convinced obama is better?
Six answers:
Jill ❤'s U.S.A
2012-10-21 06:31:36 UTC
I go with my research and gut feeling. Once I am convinced in my own mind, No one can convince me to change my prayed about vote. I am at peace with my choice.
Deepak Oprah
2012-10-21 05:08:16 UTC
Well, if you're voting for Romney in the hopes that he'll reduce the debt, I wouldn't count on that. He will add trillions to the debt with his policies, so in that regard, he's not really better than Obama and will probably be worse. I mean, if you want to just look at his business record, he made his living through leveraged buyouts which entails saddling formerly profitable companies with debt then profiting through interest when the company is sold and the jobs outsourced to other parts of the world.

Romney also wants an energy policy that favors oil, natural gas, and coal -- all forms of energy that is dirty and non-renewable. Obama will use those energies as well, but he will also promote the use of renewables with tax credits, which is very important for our nation's future.

Romney flip-flops more than a fish out of water. One day he'll claim to be for abortion and the next day against, over and over again. He also claims he'll repeal Obamacare, yet his plan in Massachusetts was the basis for it. Romney also fails to mention that the nonpartisan CBO has said that Obamacare will reduce the deficit.

Romney also has an even more belligerent foreign policy which wouldn't be good unless you want more wars and even more debt.

Romney also doesn't care about gay rights and women's issues. He now claims to be against abortion while also reducing access to contraception by not requiring insurance companies to provide it. That seems counterproductive when you want to prevent abortion.

And lastly, he's an unprincipled man who resorts to lying and half-truths far too often.
2012-10-21 05:03:32 UTC
I am voting for Mitt Romney. The Obama presidency has been a disaster these past four years. Where have you been?
2012-10-21 05:08:24 UTC
If you havent been watching and listening,,then vote for the stiff hypocritical warmonger who cares about the rich and will set women back fifty years..Back door abortions,,women dying ..go right ahead. We will be like living in UTAH
2012-10-21 06:15:58 UTC
Romney produced jobs and better education:

-10/1/11 When Romney left office the unemployment rate had fallen to 4.7% (so “job creation” would naturally decline).

-6/7/12 "The ad [democrat] states that job creation in Massachusetts “fell” to 47th under Romney. That’s a bit misleading. Massachusetts’ state ranking for job growth went from 50th the year before he took office, to 28th in his final year.”

6/8/12 USA Today: "As we wrote in an item this week when an Obama ad claimed Massachusetts “fell” to 47th under Romney, in the 12 months before he took office, the state ranked 50th in job creation. That ranking remained 50th during Romney’s first year in office, but by his final year, it had improved to 28th."

His education track record:

-… 2005-2006:

1. Vermont

2. Connecticut

3. Massachusetts

- 2006-2007 (his last year in office) Smartest State Award:

1. Vermont

2. Massachusetts


If you want more of this, vote for democrats:… The unemployment rate has been over 8.1% for 43 months.

10/18/12… Bill Clinton said, "Governor Romney's argument is, 'We're not fixed, so fire him and put me in.' It is true, we're not fixed.’”


A recent poll of Egyptians:

-increasingly positive views of Iran

-Before Obama 26% disapproved of Egypt having diplomatic relations with Israel – now 74% disapprove

-77% want the Camp David Peace Treaty dissolved

-87% want Egypt to have its own nuclear bomb

If the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire on 12/31/12:

10/1/12 AP…

-A family making $40,000 to $64,000: taxes increase $2,000 next year

-A family making $110,000 to $140,000 could see a tax hike in the $6,000 range

The democrat party has always embraced Republican Teddy Roosevelt’s “New Nationalism.”

In a speech on August 31, 1910 in Osawatomie, Kansas TR laid out his agenda for a welfare-state, including:

-A National Health Service

-Social insurance, to provide for the elderly, the unemployed, and the disabled

-Limited injunctions in strikes (unions have always been a privileged class in welfare/socialist states)

-Federal income tax

-An inheritance tax

As to how his agenda would affect our Constitution? He couldn’t have cared less:

”This, I know, implies a policy of a far more active governmental interference with social and economic conditions in this country than we have yet had, but I think we have got to face the fact that such an increase in governmental control is now necessary.”

Democrat President Wilson (1913-1918) said, “You are not here merely to make a living. You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, and with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world. You impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.” He may have been the first democrat to appreciate the potential use of multiculturalism (“If it’s white or American, trash it!”) in deconstructing the Constitution, saying, “No nation is fit to sit in judgment upon any other nation.” Obama put it this way: “Every nation is exceptional in its own way.”

Democrat President Roosevelt “let it all hang out” in his speech before Congress on January 11, 1944:

“We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights...” [which included]:

-The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation

-The right of every family to a decent home

-The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health

-The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment.

LBJ’s Great Society became the largest redistribution of wealth program in our history – Obama’s “Change” will dwarf LBJ.

It is only because of the Internet, talk radio and Fox News (all non-existent a generation ago!) that we are learning that the democrat party has been so effective in replacing our Constitution with its welfare state model:

-2/4/10 Gallup poll: 61% of liberals have a positive view of socialism.

-6/2/11 Gallup poll: 71% of democrats favor re-distributing wealth.

-9/6-9/2012… Those who believe government should have more control over our lives: Republicans 15%; Independents, 29%; Democrats 67%.

-Now they have national health care, the foundation of all welfare and socialist states.


Ben Franklin: "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

Thomas Jefferson: "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”
2012-10-21 05:32:04 UTC
With 0bama`s record you could be convinced he`s better? Get real........

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.