John McCain knew right away about Putin...and this invasion of Georgia is just one that the Russians will do, because they want to control the world with oil. If they can take over Georgia that has oil and a route with their pipe line where we don't have to depend on Iran's passage to have our oil delivered Russia will control our supply for engery.
I know this isn't a christian forum but please let me point scripture out to you about Russia in case you don't know.
In Ezekiel 38: 1 thru 23 and Ezekiel chapter 39
Tell's how Russia will bring all the Muslim nations against Israel.
Ezekiel 38
mentions Gog and Magog, now Gog is an evil spiritual demon,
Magog is the ancient name for Russia, it says that Gog is the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal...these are the ancient names of the Soviet Union.
It says Persia (Iran) Ethiopia, and Put, Gomer, and beth-togarmah
will come with Russia...
If you have a Bible go to Ezekiel 38 verse 12
""To capture a spoil and to seize and to plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhibited and against the people who are gathered from the nations who have acquired cattle and goods who live at the center of the world?.
Notice the last three letters of Spoil> OIL
The waste places was once Israell (it was barren)
The people that were gathered from the nations is Israel.
When they returned and claimed Israel they made it prosperous.
Notice it says "Who sit in the center of the world"
And Jerusalem sits in the center of the the world
This is interesting because this will be the worlds biggest "Friendly Fire"
In verse 21 "And I shall call for a sword against him on My mountains, declares the Lord God,"Every mans sword will be against his brother"
This means God is going to confuse their minds and they will kill each other.
Israel will not have to lift a hand to fight.
Obama and Richardson of New Mexico wants to talk Russia to death,
that is the only way they know how to deal with the enemy.
Kevin would prefer Russia to do to us what they did to Georgia?????