Your question brought up a couple of questions I would like for you to answer:
1. I thought that Obama said "hands off family matters" what gives?
2. Exactly how much foregin policy does Obama have?
3. What do you mean she has no "economic experience"? She was the GOVERNOR OF ALASKA for crying out loud and while she was there, do you remember Congress passing the statute that gave Alaska Federal money to build a "bridge to NOWHERE?" and do you remember that she promptly said "NO THANK YOU!!!"
and last but not least:
4. John McCain's SKIN CANCER? Let's be clear here. John McCain has just as little chance of dying in office as anybody else in this world.
If worst case happens I feel confident that Gov Palin would be a FINE COMMANDER IN CHIEF!
BTW, you don't fool anybody, I know exactly where YOU are coming from. You're one of those jaded Hillary supporters who are just mad that she didn't recreate 68! All of those questions are being asked about Obama and you're just mad that Palin has better cred's!
I concur: You may not be a Hillary supporter but will never believe that you've ever had faith in McCain, either way, you're holding Palin to a double standard!