"Gwen Ifill has written a book which is very favorable to Obama. It is scheduled to be released on inauguration day." The Republicans knew or should have known about the book before they chose her. THE REPUBLICANS who know her record trust her. By the way, the book has a chapter on Obama that isn't even written yet. Your assumption that the book is "pro-Obama" isn't fact based. She hasn't "written" a book about Obama. She IS WRITING a book about Blacks in post Civil Rights era politics. Some of them are Republicans, in fact.
"Can anyone claim that she was not a mistake to pick for moderator?" Anyone who knows her record can claim, based on that very record, that picking Ifill was not an error. In fact the REPUBLICANS who NEGOTIATED the entire debate format and moderator did not feel as if her choice was a mistake.
"Can anyone deny that Biden was given the last word on about 8 out of 10 topics?" Each was given the same amount of time to make their points. Palin took longer with her individual answers, and Biden was more concise, so he got the "left-over" time tacked to the end. Those were the rules. He worked it to his advantage, and she did not. That was the result of his superior experience in timing himself. He even made a reference to the "blinking light." What did you think he was talking about?
"Palin was blindsided and STILL won the debate." Twice in that eight word sentence you posit facts not in evidence. First, I saw no evidence that either candidate was "blindsided." No topic was off limits according to the rules, so if she was blindsided, then perhaps her debate prep team simply didn't think broadly enough. Ifill has a reputation for insightful and far ranging questions. Second, you assert that she "won" the debate. She didn't HURT the McCain campaign, but on technical points, she was no where nearly as "on topic" as Biden, and he was technical winner. She was endearing, but not "superior" on her performance.
I predicted that if she came on camera with her shoes tied and she didn't actually drool, she would be declared"winner" by the right. Thank you for the vindication.