What does it tell you when a candidate's campaign focus has become a guy named Joe the Plumber?
2008-10-21 20:01:34 UTC
What does it tell you when a candidate's campaign focus has become a guy named Joe the Plumber?
59 answers:
2008-10-22 04:13:33 UTC
That the campaign is focused on sound bites and gimmicks. Forget Joe the Plumber, who isn't even a licensed plumber and has a lien on his property for unpaid taxes. He lied about his situation and that's all I need to know about him. McCain should have known that, too, before he invoked him as the poster boy for the American worker.

I'd like to add an extra thumbs up for SnobbyQ. Let's talk about Jill the Receptionist, Phil the trash removal guy, Tim the teacher, Bob the bus driver, Judy the Secretary, and Pat, who works with the aged in a nursing home .... on and on across America. These people are the glue that holds it all together.

There are really a lot of people in this country who are working, sometimes working two jobs, trying to make ends meet. They can't do it, not without giving up health insurance, or deciding not to pick up their prescriptions this month, or this winter maybe ducking the heating bill, etc. I'm sick to death of hearing Obama wants to reach into my wallet and give money to these "lazy losers who don't want to work."

The divide between rich and poor and poorer in this country is growing into a gulf. Am I really supposed to believe that our economy will go down the drain even further if the rich have one less Gucci bag and the lower classes have a little bit more to work with in their pocket?
2008-10-21 20:19:46 UTC
by joe the plumber I guess they mean the average man

the pity is that either way true articulation seems impossible, why do the people not just want to know exactly what will be done by who and how and legally whatever the answers are the winner has to keep those promises, or risk giving up office? that is what should be happening in uk also. It is about time our governments and candidates for election etc actually did their jobs and were judged on how well.
2008-10-21 20:08:32 UTC
What does it tell you whena candidate's campaign focus has become a guy named Joe the Plumber, who's completely misrepresented? That the campaign is desperate and comfortable with half truths and lies.
2008-10-22 00:14:16 UTC
is states that the candidate whom is already out of touch with the "real" Americans thinks bringing in average Joe's (let's not forget Mr. Six Pack) into the picture might help his cause of connecting with people he has no interest of connecting with in the 1st place...

Joe does not represent the ideals of most Americans and I think that this is why people are upset, all of a sudden we have this guy speaking on our behalf, it is just ridiculous, this is just "one" person's opinion, who McCain is using to benefit himself...

I am a Registered Republican and frankly feel that the party has taken a turn for the worst (McCain's wishy washy policies (his plans have changed so many times), inability to exert self control, inability to stop Character Defamation attacks (until it was convenient to him), different ideals from his campaign's running mate, Palin's multiple interviews (or lack of), Character Defamation attacks (when she herself is far from sin, the woman is a runaway train),appearing on SNL (a VP candidate?!?!),I could go on and on)....

some people say I have gone to the "dark side", but frankly If this is the behavior of the conservative base (Conservative are not supposed to behave that way) my vote is going to least I know I can dress him up and take him somewhere, where he is not going to behave like a moron!...

Besides I think Obama is the person we need to take this country in the direction it needs to be, he is an Intelligent, Articulate, exemplifies Self Control, good family man, who's Grass Roots allow him to connect with "the Commoners" of this country....I feel his forward thinking approach can take America into the 21st century and change the World's perception of how our country...
2008-10-21 20:07:28 UTC
To add to it, the reason why they bring up Joe the Plumber isn't even true. Joe the Plumber if he buys the business won't fall into the category of raised taxes. Joe the Plumber said it himself.
2008-10-21 20:16:40 UTC
Plumbers are experts on shoveling threw sh_t!

Obama sure knows how to throw it out there

too bad cause it looks like it hit the fan LOL!

I think Joe's the expert we been looking for in this country

he can help clean out the system

I say to the American people: you can take off your hip boots, McCains cleaning up the crap in Washington!
2008-10-21 20:13:39 UTC
It tells me that (1) people have forgotten that women out there also vote and are not being addressed, (2) McCain jumped on a convenient opportunity without fully vetting the person behind the scam (which is kind of like how he picked his running mate), and (3) most people don't want to look at the reality of the numbers researched by several independent sources--they just want to repeat falsehoods.
2008-10-21 20:11:04 UTC
Because we are all "Joe the Plumber'. Anyone who pays taxes and questions our politicians use of that money is Joe the Plumber…which should be all of us. The fact that BO and his lap dogs in the media had to go research the guy and try to discredit him shows how big a nerve this hit. BO said "spread the wealth around" and all the media focuses on is this guy who might not have a license. SO WHAT! Doesn't change BO's answer or his Marxist philosophy. Even if it was a setup (extraordinarily unlikely), did BO know that? Why did he answer the way he did? Pretty stupid on his part.
2008-10-21 20:10:11 UTC
Good question. Seems like you already know the answer and are for:

Barack Obama.

It is very important that all Obama supporters vote!

This will be a very close election and every vote counts!

Reasons to vote for Obama:

1.) More affordable health care

2.) Better opportunities to go to college

3.) Tax breaks to the middle class (majority in the US)

4.) A leader that is knowledgeable and knows what works/doesn't work as well as what is needed/not needed in our country

5.) Considering we are on the path for another depression, we need a leader that knows how to pull us out of this recession. Please vote for the man that actually has plans in mind that our country needs right now!

*Obama is the man with the plan (As cheesy as it sounds, its true)

** When have you really heard what McCain wants to do about the economic crisis, anything at all? McCain has no stated plans for our country. Palin is, sorry to say, not qualified to be president. Just in case there was an unexpected death and Palin had to take over as president. I could continue at this pace for a very long time.

*****Please make an educated decision on November 4th. Our country could be doomed if we do not leave it in the right hands of the right leader.

2008-10-21 20:05:29 UTC
It tells me that I need to look for the "why" of it all.

Joe the Plumber asked a legitimate question, the candidate gave an well-thought-out answer, the answer was too revealing. So use Joe as a smoke screen to lessen the impact of the candidate"s answer.
2008-10-21 20:11:28 UTC
Can't figure out why with all the flaws both McCain and Obama have on domestic and foreign issues, why both sides keep the focus on Joe the plumber, ACORN, Ayres, McCain's age, and all the ridiculous things that don't matter, and most people it does matter to, have already made up their minds.

Good grief, these are the two most incompetent Bozo's since Ford vs Carter. Both sides have enough ammunition to attack each other on their stands on the issues without resorting to the childish stuff.
2008-10-21 20:09:33 UTC
Joe the Plumber is wicked annoying
My BFF is a Pitador!
2008-10-21 20:12:22 UTC
My dad is a plumber and makes good money. I think they should be more concerned about Jill the receptionist who doesn't make enough money to support her family but makes too much to qualify for assistance. Jill has been working and paying taxes since she was 16 years old, but is getting her electric turned off and no one will help her.
Forget War Buy More
2008-10-21 20:07:13 UTC
Plumbers work well in politics not long ago a plumber reference stopped part of the EU Constitution.
2008-10-21 20:12:22 UTC
The cost of campaigning is getting to the candidates wallet and he hopes to get a discount for some plumbing. After all, wasn't there a plumbing problem during Watergate?
I'm Ecstatic!!
2008-10-21 20:11:40 UTC
It tell me the party focusing on joe the plumber is desperate and has ran out of ammunition. Pathetic Pathetic Pathetic.
2008-10-21 20:10:34 UTC
To answer your question, interestingly, Joe The Plumber was introduced by Barrack Obama. Therefore, I trust you are directing your question toward McCain supporters. I think there is faaaaaaaaaar more to worry about with regard to Barrack Obama than his encounter with Joe the Plumber. It tells me that Barrack is far less experienced than most of us are aware of. Hoping for Joe the Plumber he can get back to normal life. Thanks for asking.
2008-10-21 20:09:23 UTC
It tells me that the old guy has no more ideas since all the attacks didnt work.So he has to use somebody that OBAMA met and talked about for his campaign focus. Obama would have used it but he is actually smart and can think of other things than taking others ideas and attacks.
2008-10-21 20:10:04 UTC
Its perfectly fitting. McCain's campaign has been so clogged up with crap that who else but a plumber could possibly help now?
News Corpse
2008-10-21 20:08:30 UTC
McCain can't say the word middle-class but he can babble about that fraud Joe Blow the Unlicensed Plumber
2008-10-21 20:15:48 UTC
It tells me that the candidate thinks the American public is a collection of dumb a$$es who can be manipulated by gimmicks.
2008-10-21 20:09:20 UTC
Yeah. What's with Obama focusing a campaign SWAT team on him?
2008-10-21 20:08:26 UTC
Joe the plumber was planted. Remember that.
2008-10-21 20:07:47 UTC
That's precisely the real question the voters are concerned with. It's about them and Joe the plumber is just an example. Don't you get it?

Obama don't so are you going to join him?
2008-10-21 20:08:30 UTC
It actually brings up a good point. They are debating people issues when Joe was mentioned.
Experto Credo
2008-10-21 20:49:21 UTC
And whose cousin in Charles Keating's son-in-law as well.

Ya gotta love it
2008-10-21 20:09:19 UTC
McCain is all about distraction. He'll bring up something new every day to avoid the important issues. It shows that he's desperate. Don't fall for his garbage -- vote for Obama!
2008-10-21 20:11:23 UTC
That they are desperate. Next week it will be "Suzie the Homemaker". Then we will find out that "Suzie" is really Francine and has never been a homemaker and has a warrant out for her arrest for dealing drugs.
2008-10-21 20:08:07 UTC
Obama and Joe The Plumber both have a Hawaiian birth certificate on a website so they are both eligible to run.

Compare for yourself:


Obama's : You won't trust my link to be real so go to Obama's own website to see his Birth Certificate.
2008-10-21 20:06:48 UTC
It tells me that candidate is running scared, is under educated for the position he is attempting and should be politely declined
Smooch The Pooch
2008-10-21 20:09:32 UTC
It's moving ahead full steam. Joe wasn't the issue...Obama's socialist/marxist ideology being revealed was. The fact that none of you can see that is beyond me, but is what it is.
2008-10-21 20:07:02 UTC
golly gee, it should 't matter that he is really Sam the not even an apprentice which means he has years before he can even be a plumber.
2008-10-21 20:06:43 UTC
I think it tells us that Joe delivered a direct hit by exposing just who Obama plans on taxing since his empty rhetoric left it unclear.
2008-10-21 20:09:31 UTC
A sign of desperation?
2008-10-21 20:10:12 UTC
Out of touch.

McCain is using him like he uses Palin.
2008-10-21 20:10:08 UTC
That's McCain is desperate.
2008-10-21 20:08:13 UTC
it tells me that the candidate has no clear vision for the future, which is probably why he is losing
2008-10-21 20:07:41 UTC
It says he is 9 points down according to GALLOP.

Obama 08!
2008-10-21 20:07:33 UTC
The focus is on the every day american, it is an anecdote.
George in Texas
2008-10-21 20:08:37 UTC
it shows just how hollow the candidates are ..... sad, truly sad
2008-10-21 20:06:44 UTC
it was the unscripted question from a "real US citizen" that Obama answered wrong.....Obama answers spread the wealth.......POW ZAP...his real campaign emerges with out a teleprompter or pre written script.
2008-10-21 20:10:05 UTC
It's clear, he stands with us. Not on a Pedestal above us!

If you are proud of AMERICA

Show it

Vote for

McCain/Palin '08

2008-10-21 20:07:08 UTC
Oh dear, look at nutty up the top.

''Right on track." Riiiiiiiight.

It's lost.
2008-10-21 20:06:20 UTC
That it is the American Dream to work and try to be successful
Linda J
2008-10-21 20:07:41 UTC
It tells me that they understand what working Americans are going through.
2008-10-21 20:06:42 UTC
It tells me that the news media is a hellish thing.
Mock You
2008-10-21 20:05:25 UTC
It tells me that they understand the plight of regular middle class americans.
2008-10-21 20:06:33 UTC
That McCain is desperate to gain support
2008-10-21 20:05:52 UTC
Well, it would mean a lot but the guy was probably set up by McCain as a tool.
2008-10-21 20:05:23 UTC
One word: Desperation.
2008-10-21 20:06:13 UTC
McCain has made it up as he went along.

When you fail to plan, plan to fail.
2008-10-21 20:05:13 UTC
Typical of McSame/Failin
I'm Ron Burgundy?
2008-10-21 20:05:19 UTC
That the individual American worker is important
Cutie Pie 2
2008-10-21 20:05:19 UTC
It says that the candidate has the middle class in mind...
2008-10-21 20:05:11 UTC
That they listen to real people and not just the washington lobbyists and big wigs.
2008-10-21 20:05:20 UTC
that you shouldn't vote for that candidate
2008-10-21 20:05:00 UTC
It's right on track
2008-10-21 20:05:16 UTC
It tells me he's in touch with us, the middle class.
James T
2008-10-21 20:05:28 UTC
HAHAHAH good one!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.