is states that the candidate whom is already out of touch with the "real" Americans thinks bringing in average Joe's (let's not forget Mr. Six Pack) into the picture might help his cause of connecting with people he has no interest of connecting with in the 1st place...
Joe does not represent the ideals of most Americans and I think that this is why people are upset, all of a sudden we have this guy speaking on our behalf, it is just ridiculous, this is just "one" person's opinion, who McCain is using to benefit himself...
I am a Registered Republican and frankly feel that the party has taken a turn for the worst (McCain's wishy washy policies (his plans have changed so many times), inability to exert self control, inability to stop Character Defamation attacks (until it was convenient to him), different ideals from his campaign's running mate, Palin's multiple interviews (or lack of), Character Defamation attacks (when she herself is far from sin, the woman is a runaway train),appearing on SNL (a VP candidate?!?!),I could go on and on)....
some people say I have gone to the "dark side", but frankly If this is the behavior of the conservative base (Conservative are not supposed to behave that way) my vote is going to least I know I can dress him up and take him somewhere, where he is not going to behave like a moron!...
Besides I think Obama is the person we need to take this country in the direction it needs to be, he is an Intelligent, Articulate, exemplifies Self Control, good family man, who's Grass Roots allow him to connect with "the Commoners" of this country....I feel his forward thinking approach can take America into the 21st century and change the World's perception of how our country...