Ok, I give up.. someone..anyone.. tell me the irrefutable, damning evidence of Obama's associations.... ?
Noel B
2008-10-23 20:23:51 UTC
because all I keep hearing is that dems need to 'open their eyes' to these associations... so what are they! Obama was on a committee with Bill Ayers, but people make it sound like it was more- SO WHAT ELSE WAS IT? They talk about ACORN, which he served as one of lawyers for a lawsuit in 1998 over the Motor Voter Bill in IL.... but John McCain was their keynote speaker in 2004!!!
So tell me... what is this "association" that we should be opening our eyes too.... AND CITE YOUR SOURCES.. I don't believe viral emails and word of mouth.
Twenty answers:
2008-10-23 20:30:51 UTC
The relationship with Bill Ayers IS so much more. YOU could not get a secret clearance if you had a relationship with such a person.

Obama wrote a jacket blurb for one of Bill Ayers' books. That's far more than "on a committee." Bill Ayers also launched Obama's career -- and you have to ask yourself what does a cop-killing, building-bombing anti-American unrepentant terrorist want with ANY politician?

Let's look at yourself as an example: would YOU hang out with neo-Nazis if you were vehemently opposed to everything they stood for? I know I'd go running in the other direction.

BTW, there is plenty of evidence that Obama ACTIVELY SOUGHT OUT THESE PEOPLE.
2008-10-23 20:35:35 UTC
He said he didn't know Ayers "personally" they served on a board together, yet Obama wrote an intro for Ayer's book.

Rezko, he has been found guilty of voter fraud and bribing an elected official, US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald has said "the only two political candidates identified as receiving campaign money from Operation Board Games kickback schemes are Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and the US Senator from Illinois, Barack Obama."

Rezko also helped Obama buy his house for $300,000 below asking price, Rezko then purchased the land beside Obama for $600,000, and sold Obama a 10 foot swatch of land for $100,000, which now makes his $600,000 lot un-buildable, so he just threw away $500,000 and increased the value of Obama's land by a ton, because now no one can build beside him.

Rezko can be tied to a mob controlled bank, the same one that gave Obama an extremely low interest mortgage rate, which in return, Obama endorsed one of these mob guys for Illinois state treasury, which goes back to the corruption charges above.

As to everything else, who knows, these are the only two I've looked into.
Mad Girl
2008-10-23 20:30:22 UTC
The end of the election is coming soon so the Republican strategy is to keep people focused on this association Obama had with Bill Ayers at 8 years old, and in these years the man is rehabilitated. They try to call him Anti - American, because of that association but don't say anything about McCain's association with G Gordan Liddy, a terrorist plumper. Basically anything they say about Obama back fires because McCain can be called on little things that can be made into big issues like he and his campaign does to Obama.
2008-10-23 20:30:43 UTC
You won't find any evidence because there just isn't any. I'm sure there have been some deals under the table - politicians at any level are of the "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" mentality so I can only imagine what it's like at the potential presidential office level; however, that doesn't make him any worse than the next one.

If you want the facts, go to, a non-partisan facts only site that will give you just the information you are looking for.

Good luck - you don't have much longer to finish your homework. The elections are just around the corner.
2008-10-23 20:30:11 UTC
The "more" you're looking for is that Ayers gave Obama the job in the first place , made him Chairman of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, handling millions of dollars, even though Obama had no prior experience or qualifications for such a job.

Do you hear of total strangers doing that for each other much?

Ayers launched Obama's campaign in Ayers own living room, with a big fund raiser. Do people do that for people they don't know?

Here's a source, Obama himself
2008-10-23 20:30:33 UTC

hey, while we're waiting....did you know that Ayers was hired by Mr Annenburg, who was hired and who supported Regan? Did you know that Ayers was also Citizen of the Year in 1997? Did you know that he has received several honorary degrees and tours the country giving speeches to universities on our educational system? Did you know that he has spoken to and received degrees from several notable Governors and senators....many Republicans who support McCain. My Governor, Mark Sanford, just last month honored Ayers with an award for his service. Mark Sanford, who supports John McCain.
2016-12-16 12:29:13 UTC
Wow guy, heavily?? Naw that stuff you heard replaced into bs. ACORN has basically been accused of voter fraud, and via republicans. while checked (via the comparable people who made stealbackyourvote comics and documentary) not one of the names have been fraudulent. the only accusations that have not been addressed, and shown have been of his citizenship, and if he replaced into disqualified or on no account could have been a citizen. author Jerome Corsi replaced into deported from Kenya to no longer formerly (google it, its on over 1000 diverse information web sites). He replaced into meant to fulfill with Obama's brother to communicate Obama's citizenship. the different is that if he replaced into disqualified via accepting Indonesian citizenship (which replaced into stated to be required to attend college there). i've got not got any credible source for if it replaced into required to attend college there, or if the U. S. could even disqualify somebody for being attempting to hold twin citizenship in Indonesia at that component (it replaced into meant to be an enemy of the U. S. on the time he replaced into at school there, because of fact it replaced into controlled via a radical Muslim terrorist employer). human beings saying issues like that, are only attempting to make you vote for their candidate. Make your selection on the themes. i individually disagree with the two Obama and McCain's systems to plenty to vote for the two of them.
Carl Marks
2008-10-23 20:29:19 UTC
Look....if you want to bring rational thought into the discussion it's pointless.

Just know that there is a terrorist and Obama lives in the same neighborhood. Now, if you are looking for a reason to vote against your own best interest, you have everything you need to do that.....just avoid all those clean hard facts, reason and any rational thoughts.


McCain/Palin '08

...cause if we keep doing the same thing, it has to produce a different result at some point
Smooch The Pooch
2008-10-23 20:29:47 UTC
I would provide you with links, but all I get from people then is insults. So, it is easily available for you to look up anywhere on the web. Just go research it and then make up your mind.
It is what it is
2008-10-23 20:29:42 UTC
yeah, that's all you'll get .

Truth about acorn is they got ripped off by the employees, it has nothing to do with either campaign and any one can make up names to put on registration forms but good luck actually getting them to clear. Watchdogs are all over the place making damn sure there is no voter fraud this time. They know that America can not go through a 3rd questionable vote and are doing things to ensure that everything stays above board.
2008-10-23 20:30:03 UTC
I've written out information and cited sources for almost a year now. Trust me, it will make no difference to a lib like you.
2008-10-23 20:27:19 UTC
John McCain was NEVER their keynote speaker.
2008-10-23 20:28:32 UTC
Go to ask .com and type in any question like ayers and obama and you will get a lot of answers
2008-10-23 20:30:48 UTC
once obama laughed out loud at a Tom/Jerry cartoon, and everybody knows that Jerry was an allegory for Socialism, which is also why "egalitarianism" and "gato" sound so similar.
2008-10-23 20:28:04 UTC
You must be kidding. Obama is finished.

McCain/Palin '08.
2008-10-23 20:26:56 UTC
The day after Obama becomes President!
2008-10-23 20:31:16 UTC
2008-10-23 20:27:27 UTC
Their only going to give you the same talking points that McCain and Palin dish out, the same ones that have cost them this election. :)

2008-10-23 20:28:11 UTC
put down the kool ade...and rev. wright was mis-quoted...
Fed up!
2008-10-23 20:37:09 UTC
I think you're baiting us so that you can report the links and sources to Obama's "truth squad", then poof,,,,,all those links are gone. Seen it too many times and it happened to me last night within minutes. Man that Obama truth squad is fast. Obama thanks you, Yahoo! and all his loyal Obamabots.

The list is so long and you'll have to do your own research cause everything won't fit into this space. You have to connect the dots, because just one thing doesn't seem too damning, it's the combination that paints the REAL picture of Obama.

Barack Obama’s Global Poverty Act (S.2433) will cost us a 13-year total of $845 billion over and above what the U.S. already spends.

Rules for radicals - see any similarities here in the current events?

ACORN - The largest radical group in America. Nov. 4 won't be a smooth process because Obama recently donated $800,000.00 from his campaign funds to them. For what? To stuff ballot boxes, which they're SO good at doing and to harass people at the polls.

The Fannie/Freddie debacle - - Thank you for that one Obama.

What arrogance. Obama cares NOTHING about our troops. He just wants to look good, regardless of the cost.

Iranian Figure: 'If Barack Obama Enters White House, Islam Will Have Conquered Heart Of American Civilization'.

Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said the terrorist group supports Obama’s foreign policy vision.

El-Hady has his own dedicated page on Barack Obama’s official website, chronicling his fundraising on behalf of the Democratic Party presidential candidate (his Obama profile established on February 19, 2008 - two years to the day after Kindhearts was raided by the feds). Not only that, but he has none other than Barack Obama’s wife, Michelle Obama, listed as one of his friends, one of her 224 listed friends. But his leadership of Kindhearts is not the only thing that has brought him scrutiny by federal law enforcement officials. Last summer, El-Hady was questioned by the FBI concerning his knowledge of possible conspirators in a UK-based terror plot.

The new Black Panther Party - The racist NBPP is led by notorious extremist, Malik Zulu Shabazz, and (was) a registered team member and blogger on Obama’s campaign website. His page has been scrubbed twice at last count. In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Shabazz defended Osama bin Laden and blamed President Bush for the horrors of that day. He has this to say about Obama: “I have nothing but respect for Obama and for his pastor,” said Shabazz, referring to Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s pastor of nearly 20 years. Shabazz referred to Obama as a man with a “Muslim background, a man of color.”

“When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,” Warren wrote on her blog in 2005. “They were launching him — introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread.”

FARC: From the two lap top computers obtained during an ambush back in early March: According to information obtained, FARC Terrorists were hoping and expecting that Barack Obama would win the US elections in November because he was most aligned with the Colombian Marxist group.

The gringos will ask for an appointment with the minister to solicit him to communicate to us his interest in discussing these topics. They say that the new president of their country will be Obama and that they are interested in your compatriots. Obama will not support “Plan Colombia” nor will he sign the TLC (Colombian Free Trade agreement).

‘Nuff said.

Fidel Castro: He likes Hillary too. Last summer he was urging Clinton and Obama to team up.

Daniel Ortega: According to Ortega, with the help of God, there will one day be a revolution in the United States.

Jodie Evans: The head of a radical group that funds and supports Islamic terrorists as well as an America-bashing South American socialist leader has bundled more than $50,000 for Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. Jodie Evans, co-founder of the anti-war group Code Pink, is a huge Obama supporter who has personally given his campaign the federal limit ($2,300) and continues to collect big bucks—$50,000 and counting—from friends and associates in an effort to help the Illinois senator, a favorite among Latin American socialist leaders, move into the White House.

Code Pink also gave $600,000 to the families of Iraqi terrorists in Fallujah, whom they claimed were fighting for their homes.

And who can forget our Che Guevara fan: Maria Isabel: The (Obama) campaign volunteer who hung the Che poster is named Maria Isabel and according to the Lone Star Times, she hung similar banners from her balcony at home. Apparently she’s no “low-level” volunteer either. She serves as a campaign ‘precinct captain” and the co-chair of the Houston Obama Leadership Team. She’s still is an active member of the team.

Jane Fonda, aka Hanoi Jane: the actress and ardent anti-Vietnam War advocate who visited North Vietnam during those hostilities, has endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president. No surprise there.

Ali Abunimah, claimed to know Obama well and to have met him on numerous occasions at pro-Palestinian events in Chicago. "The last time I spoke to Obama was in the winter of 2004 at a gathering in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood. He was in the midst of a primary campaign to secure the Democratic nomination for the United States Senate seat he now occupies. "As he came in from the cold and took off his coat, I went up to greet him. He responded warmly, and volunteered, 'Hey, I’m sorry I haven’t said more about Palestine right now, but we are in a tough primary race. I’m hoping when things calm down I can be more up front.' He referred to my activism, including columns I was contributing to the The Chicago Tribune critical of Israeli and US policy [and said:] 'Keep up the good work!'"

About face 'to get elected'

Abunimah's report included a photo of Obama with his wife Michelle seated at a table with virulently anti-Israeli Professor Edward Said and his wife Mariam.

The Arab-American activist went on to say: "In 2000, when Obama unsuccessfully ran for Congress I heard him speak at a campaign fundraiser hosted by a University of Chicago professor. On that occasion and others Obama was forthright in his criticism of US policy and his call for an even-handed approach to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict."

"Obama's about-face is not surprising," Abunimah wrote. "He is merely doing what he thinks is necessary to get elected and he will continue doing it as long as it keeps him in power."

Carl Davidson, a former vice president of the Students for a Democratic Society who traveled to Cuba to meet with Fidel Castro and still praises the dictator today, is another proud radical for Barack Obama, serving faithfully as webmaster for “Progressives for Obama.”

Sam Graham-Felsen: Obama’s official blogger: Former writer for The Nation and The Socialist Viewpoint.

Father Michael Pfleger (or Pfather Pfreaky, as I like to call him): another one of Obama’s radical clerical associates.

Hugo Chavez

Rashid Khalidi: Khalidi, a Yasser Arafat toady, got $75,000 through Obama and Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers from the Woods Foundation, and later Khalidi returned the favor by hosting a fundraiser for Obama. Obama “lavished praise” on Khalidi in 2003 when the former PLO functionary took a job at Columbia University, according to an LA Times article last year. It’s hardly ancient history, and Khalidi is hardly an acquaintance.

Arab American Action Network, (or AAAN): A group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a “catastrophe” and supports the terrorist activities of the Palestinians. In 2001, the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based nonprofit that describes itself as a group helping the disadvantaged, provided a $40,000 grant to the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN, for which Khalidi’s wife, Mona, serves as president. The Fund provided a second grant to the AAAN for $35,000 in 2002. Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund’s website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2000.

Louis Farrakhan

Kim Jung Il (doozie there)

MoammarQaddafi (woohoo) Obama will bring the change HE wants.

Mike Klonsky: Klonsky belonged to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and was best friends with friends William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn who later became famous for their acts of terrorism.

Today he posts a blog on the Obama website. Between 1979 and 1981, Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) (CPML) chairman and Obama supporter Mike Klonsky was repeatedly feted with state-dinner-level visits to Beijing. Update: Obama has already effectively thrown Klonsky under the bus.

Dr. Khalid al-Mansour: When he was known as Donald Warden, according to the Social Activism Project at the University of California at Berkeley, al-Monsour was the mentor of Black Panther Party founder Huey Newton and his associate, Bobby Seale.

Marilyn Katz: Like several of the other radicals who populate Obama’s sphere, she once advocated guerilla tactics against police officers and participated in violent riots. Unlike some of her more infamous counterparts like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn—who are in self-imposed exile until November 5—Katz is deeply, and officiall

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.