Insurance companies just like pharmaceuticals have been increasing their profits year after year, even through the recession!!!
But silly brainwashed bastards like you put it all down to Obamacare!!??***!!!
Trying to get health care reform right...what f*cking planet are you on??? every attempt at reform since WW2 has been quashed, stamped on and got rid of!!!...and guess which party was mostly behind stopping reform???
Good or bad, this is going to stay in place!!! the only reason that Republicans don't like it, is because it got passed them and because all they have done in the past is talk about reform and that talk has been cheap!!!
I would agree that we have to get costs down, but again we are dealing with an industry that can not and and will not relent on making more and more money every single year, and the Republicans will NOT do anything and have NOT done anything to stop that!!!
No other industrialized country on the planet has this greedy stinking system like the US has!!!
And why would doctors retire early because of Obamacare exactly..........please tell me???
Yes I do know what is happening to nationalized health care in Europe and Canada, every one of these systems is not the same as each other btw!
But one thing is for sure they do not have medical debt as the biggest cause of bankruptcy and they do not have pre-existing conditions to stop people getting treatment, and they do NOT have free healthcare events traveling through the country treating people because they have lost their corporate jobs, or they are just down on their luck like they would in some the world SH1T HOLE!!!!!!!!!!
Canadians and Europeans BTW do NOT worry about medical debt if they become seriously ill like you idiots do, they do NOT worry about losing everything they own like you complete and utter stupid bastards do!!!!!
Your insurance companies and Pharmasuticals and your Hospitals are ripping off you dumb Americans 24/7, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year, and you silly born Bastards take it bending over!
Hey!!! become an American Doctor and make loads of money, screw the vocation in life!!!!!!
Americans............Thick as pig sh1t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!