As a lawyer, Idiot Barry wasn't even able to secure himself a job in that field. He instead became a "community organizer" (what is that, a street gang leader?). Therefore, he is a failure at Constitutional Law.
Laws pertaining to political candidates overseas, a very big part of Constitutional Law, have been ignored by Idiot Barry already.
He violated the Logan Act of 1948 just last week. This law states very clearly that a candidate can NOT represent himself as the President, if he is not the President. He cannot push his political ideas on other leaders of foreign countries, as if they were his own. He pushed his stupid withdrawl ideas on President Maliki, while Not being the POTUS, or the Sec of State, or anyone else appointed to do so officially by the President.
He obviously is not so competent as a constitutional lawyer.
Now, for the job, included in being the POTUS, which is Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and leader of the western alliances....
Where in his resume does it say he has EVER worn a uniform, let alone had command experience?
For your additional details, you are criticizing the Patriot Act. This is an act that has successfully protected America and its allies, with similar copy acts, for nearly 8 years. Without these laws, all would be chaos. LA Ex, Various bridges, numerous aircraft at a time, etc. would have been damaged or destroyed, with horrific loss of life.
These minor inconveniences, which you shouldn't worry about unless you are hiding something, are very necessary, and perfectly legal, since we are at war.
Torture? To the terrorist murderers at Gitmo? Are you kidding? Information gained was probably very useful, and a tiny price to pay, for the possible saving of thousands of lives. Would YOU like to be nice to them? How about some of these monsters come and stay at YOUR house?
There is another law, called "Aid to the Civil Power". Look it up. Governors and the President are very much permitted to use their state national guards in time of crisis.
Crime of thought? You mean, if you could stop 9/11 from happening in its planning stages, you would rather let it happen, then arrest the bits and parts of the terrorists later? Are you really that naive?
Idiot Barry, the failed constitutional lawyer, who can't evidently read or understand the Logan Act, is not a choice.
The Patriot Act is there for America's security, as well as its allies' security. Grow up.