2008-10-19 20:04:16 UTC
McCain favors maintaining the current high rates of taxation or increasing it slightly less than Obama. McCain advocates expanding the socialistic Military-Industrial Complex (obviously, Obama is also for war, although he is slightly less of a warmonger than McCain). McCain favors the continuation of all current socialist medicine programs and probably favors some expansion (Bush expanded socialist medicine more than any president since LBJ and McCain is to the left of Bush). McCain's campaign finance "reform" he's so proud of is socialistic.
In John McCain's own words, "At least in Europe, the Socialist leaders... are upfront about their objectives." Why can't McCain and Obama just admit that they are both socialists and that they are the most socialistic of the 6 national presidential candidates (by this, I'm referring to the candidates who made it onto ballots that are worth at least 270 electoral votes)?
Obviously, Obama is lying when he pretends to be a moderate, but isn't McCain being even more dishonest when he pretends to be a conservative, even though he is just as socialistic (or at least, almost as socialistic) as Obama?