If Barrys Administration is so transparent, why is it we can't get a look at the his real Birth Certificate.?
2009-03-24 08:48:42 UTC
If Barrys Administration is so transparent, why is it we can't get a look at the his real Birth Certificate.?
23 answers:
2009-03-24 08:54:36 UTC
Barry wants to play only what I want you to see transparency.
2009-03-24 22:04:42 UTC
There is no "transparency" in the Obama administration. Everything is done secretly, or rushed through before anyone realizes what they are voting for. The cover-up about his birth certificate will get the same treatment the illegal votes obtained by Acorn got; no media, no checking, no worries for Obama. The fact is, no document was ever presented and when folks tried to get the facts revealed, Obama supporters rallied around him. This should be checked into. They will come up with some fake document to try and satisfy those who have doubts about him. Those who still trust him and his bad judgement will eventually wake up to the truth. Obama is destroying our nation while many stand around and cheer even though they haven't got a clue how we are losing our freedoms every day; how we are losing any respect we had from other Nations and how we are becoming more Socialist by the minute. God help us all!
2009-03-24 18:17:16 UTC
Just like you can't see his grades in Harvard or his thesis! Do you know that there is no one that knew Obama when he went to Harvard they can't find one person to say they went to classes with him. I guess they had a private class for him alone! One has to wonder then why neither he nor wife Michelle emphasized this singular honor during the up-by-the-bootstraps biographical sections of their respective speeches at Denver.

In fact, neither of them so much as mentioned Obama’s time at Harvard, this despite his vulnerability on the executive experience charge.

Their silence likely derives from one verifiable fact: Obama’s record at Harvard was no more authentic than John Kerry’s record in Vietnam.

Kerry was justifiably swift-boated because he fraudulently positioned himself as a war hero. Obama seems to have learned from Kerry.

In the age of the Internet, the less said about a dubious credential the better, and Obama’s law presidency credential is dubious on any number of levels.

For starters, Obama did not do nearly well enough at his previous stop, Columbia University, to justify admission to Harvard Law.

According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.

In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.

The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama “declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years.”
2009-03-24 17:16:13 UTC
I love many of his followers think it's been proven. If that was so, there wouldn't be so many in the military right now that are coming together to make it be proven! There are high ranks that are saying they will NOT consider him their president until we see the truth, see the REAL and STAMPED birth certificate. If he would just prove it, it would clear up so much and get it behind us.... I don't care what Hawaii's laws are, Obama can tell them to show it!
Kinkade 0001
2009-03-24 19:23:21 UTC
Because he doesn’t want you to see what it says.

If he claimed to be born in any state but HI, we’d have seen the certificate already since it would be public record. HI is different, they require his consent to release the records, and he won’t do it.
2009-03-24 21:55:07 UTC
Once his polls start to dip below say 40%-30%.The media will pick up on it.Expect it.They destroy their own.He'll be tossed into the Lake of Fire ahead of schedule!
wendy c
2009-03-24 16:38:57 UTC
You did.

Isn't the fault of the FBI or State of Hawaii that you don't know when a document is real.

That's what happens to people who think a foreign language, doctored video is "proof" of grandma's knowledge.

Try this on for size... you get a look at his birth certificate if and when he chooses. As long as you sit around filing fake lawsuits for non existant rights... you will wait til hell freezes over.

You got scammed by Berg.


*crying with laughter*

how does this nation function, when people make completely bogus statements like "Hawaii is the only state that seals records". ??

Brain dead comments like that.. which can be disproven in 3 minutes worth of research.. explain WHY so many idiots are capable of being fed a hoax, and believing it.

Fact- Birth certificates are sealed/ restricted records in every state in the US, and have been for years.
2009-03-24 16:51:21 UTC
Because transparancy, as are so many things about Obama, was a lie.
Dr Doom
2009-03-24 17:48:45 UTC
Quite possibly because, they still haven't rounded up all of those people who know he was born in Kenya.
Facts Enrage Dembots
2009-03-24 17:19:44 UTC
He would rather pay Lawyers to resist... to those who assume that candidates, or any Elected Official gets a Background check... wrong.

Go to page 68.,+United+States+officials+who+hold+positions+prescribed+by+the+Constitution+of+the+United+States+are+deemed+to+meet+the+standards+of+trustworthiness+for+eligibility+for+access+to+classified+information.+Therefore,+the+President,+the+Vice+President,+Members+of+Congress,+Supreme+Court+Justices,+and+other+federal+judges+appointed+by+the+President+and+confirmed+by+the+Senate+need+not+execute+form+SF+312%E2%80%94the+%22Classified+Information+Nondisclosure+Agreement%22+%5BCINA%5D%E2%80%94as+a+condition+of+access+to+classified+information.+All+other+members+of+government+and+civilians+who+conditionally+are+granted+a+clearance+must+sign+the+CINA)&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=us&client=opera
2009-03-24 16:08:00 UTC
because if it turns out he is not Kenyan born it will disappoint the Kenyans,

if he is not an Indonesian citizen it will disappoint the Indonesians,

if he is Constitutionally eligible it will disappoint the globalists
2009-03-24 15:59:34 UTC
Barry is like the black cons on Cops. Caught in the act and deny doing anything.
Shovel Ready
2009-03-24 15:52:51 UTC
Transparancy ended before it began. Just another election promise.
Ida Slapter
2009-03-24 16:41:31 UTC
I think you can guess. Why did I have to show my original for my job?
darrin b
2009-03-24 15:56:44 UTC
Since you obviously don't know, for anyone to become the President of the United States, he or she must be thoroughly vetted.

And what that means is this: Every aspect of that person's life is looked into, including whether or not they are indeed a citizen of the United States.

President Obama apparently met that requirement, otherwise, he never would have been allowed to even enter the race to become President.

His birth certificate has long since been authenticated, but for those whose minds are so unwilling to be convinced, they will lash on to anything to support their doubts.

2009-03-24 16:00:36 UTC
He does'nt have a real birth certificate.

he does have a C.O.L.B. This is a Hawaiian document that is a substitiute for a birth certificate.

So for the past 9 years we have had a president who has probably stolen 2 elections, and a President who was probably born in Kenya.
2009-03-24 16:31:45 UTC
Because apparantly, it was signed with invisible ink. ( but not in the u.s.a.)
2009-03-24 15:55:15 UTC
The Birth Certificate issue is long since should learn to keep current on events otherwise you end up looking like an idio...oops, too late.
Confused R
2009-03-24 15:54:43 UTC
Probably for the same reason he can't look at it himself: under Hawaii law, it has to be kept in the state department of records.

If you don't like that, persuade the Hawaii state legislature to change its laws.
2009-03-24 16:10:40 UTC
Gr8 question :D
2009-03-24 15:55:58 UTC
The Supreme Court decided the cases against his eligibility were without merit. The issue is closed. You may have missed it.
jo P
2009-03-24 16:04:03 UTC
Its already out there. Stop pouting and try to behave like a respectable American
Hector Frodo
2009-03-24 15:56:41 UTC
This was debunked during the campaign. Try to keep up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.