lets see.........obamas failures
his overspending put us in debt in the trillions..
caused high inflation
record number of entitlements=welfare state
blames bush for everything even after 3 years.
did nothing to slow down crime
illegals taken over. 50 million strong now - hispanics n the usa. barrack heusin is for amnesty
roads and infastructure falling apart
tax increases
weak dollar
talked about transparency but has closed door meetings
broken promises
record high foreclosures
increasing our healthcare costs to pay for people who dont want to pay for themselves
high gas prices now 4 / gal in the summer 5/gal
look up online layoffs for 2008-2012. the liberal media only reports job creation from there messiah.
belong to a racist church against whites for 15yrs. he quit going once he got caught.
23.7million americans unemployed. 10 million underemployed.obama says the recession is over lol.