I so much agree with everything that you have said.
I do respect McCain for what he contributed to the military for our country, he did go thru alot, that no man or woman deserves to go thru. He is a true American.
I do believe though that McCain has hurt himself in this election. He has lied on several different occasions, or to put it nicely, he has used the smear tactic, One thing Obama has done wonderful at keeping himself from stooping to that level.
I watched the "View" last week, and McCain did lie on Obama on that show, about some ad's he has been running and supporting, the ladies on the show even talked about how they KNEW he was lying. And then his wife Cindy, refused to talk about certain topics.
Its sad. He has only hurt himself.
Im a Democrat, but I have looked at both sides.
I am voting for Obama. I believe with all of me, that he can run our country and get us back into shape. I believe in the Democratic Party. I have lost faith in the Repubilcan Party, after the last 8 years, and even the last few days.
McCain is slippin, Palin is losing her "spark" so to speak.
Im voting for Obama/Biden 08!