When the Conservatives were previously in power they were harsh and relentless in some of their policies, but i can tell you this every single Briton could still hang their heads up high with pride.
These days people are ashamed to be British and the English are scared to celebrate their own patron saint for fear of being labelled racist.
What has Labour achieved apart from the following things?
* Handing over Great Britain to the European Union by signing the Lisbon Treaty.
* £170 Billion worth of debt, worst on peacetime record.
* Flooding the country with Immigration to 'Engineer' Multicultural Britain.
* Reducing our mighty Armed Forces to almost nothing, not even kit for the Battlefield.
* Implementing over 12,000 EU directives in the last decade.
* Damaging our nations image by following the USA in to two wars.
* MP's thieving expenses at a time when people are struggling to make ends meet.
* Endless bureaucracy, Political Correctness, Lack of Democracy.
* Pro-Devolution almost breaking up the United Kingdom.