Will racism swing the election in favour of McCain?
The Patriot
2008-10-20 03:07:44 UTC
There seems to be a lot of lies spread about Obama. The newspaper link as a video link detailing some of them. Do you think that the views expressed by American patriots in them will swing the campaign in favour of McCain?
36 answers:
2008-10-20 03:36:13 UTC
No, and the reason is those people are already being counted in polls. Though they are loud and repetitive, the only ones listening to them are each other. They've swayed about as many people as they're ever gonna sway, and at this point, most Americans, by far most, are completely sick of hearing their crap. Especially stuff about Muslims, and about Jeremiah Wright, and Bill Ayers. If that tactic were gonna work, it would have been reflected in the polls too.

McCain may make some last-ditch reference to Jeremiah Wright, but Obama is ready for that. His campaign is the best-funded ever, the most meticulously prepared. And when Hillary Clinton's supporters tried to bring up Wright, Obama deftly turned it to his advantage by making a brilliant speech about race issues, one which most Americans watched and which easily dispelled all the nonsense about him being Rev Farrakhan in disguise. If McCain brings up Wright again, Obama will likely give another speech, and Americans would watch. I don't know if you folks in the UK have watched any of Obama's speeches, but they're great ones for the ages. He's like Cicero.

In short, all the American racists have pretty much made up their minds, so it's not gonna be much of an issue. The only undecided people are ones who really don't care about race.
2008-10-20 03:29:20 UTC
I haven't looked at the link, but I'm guessing that the views expressed there would be on the fringe of mainstream opinion.

I've never been to America so I can only guess at the motives behind voting intentions, but I think that the current financial crisis is swinging a lot of support behind Obama (if I'm not mistaken, Obama is ahead by 10 percentage points).

If it's true that the economy will be the most important issue of the election (and I believe it is), then race won't be a decisive factor in determining who the next US president will be.
Jim B
2008-10-20 04:01:13 UTC
It is funny that you should bring up this question! It seems to me that when the word racist comes up that it is the Obama supporters who bring it up! When Obama first ran for national office as a U.S. Senator. My first thoughts were that here was a man that I could really support. But more I listened to what he had to say, the more that I realised that every time he opened his mouth pure garbage came oozing out. Racism? He has run his entire campaign for the past two years on racism. Win or lose Obama has set this country back sixty years in it's quest for a society where we can put racism aside for the betterment of all people! If you believe in God no matter what your religion, we all need to get down on our knees and pray because the future of our country is at stake!

Jim B.
2008-10-20 03:35:44 UTC
This is the typical liberal news media spin that you mentioned. No, racism doesn't exist in the republican party. It's the party that freed the slaves (remember), and the one that stood up for civil rights. But there is plenty of racism in the democrat party black and white. There are lots of blacks voting for Obama 'cause he's black , and there will be many white democrats that won't vote for him (which will hopefully cost him the election).

If he was worth my vote, I'd vote for him. But he only dresses nice and reads a teleprompter well. He has no clue about how to run the USA except into the ground. The democrats have not picked any one since JFK who could effectively run the USA.

You better hope he loses too. Because if he wins, there will most likely be a global depression thanks to him.
2008-10-20 03:28:35 UTC
I pray not because I'm sure the good Lord above sees all the hate that is coming out of the Mccain/Palin campaign. It such a terrible thing to watch. I believe our Country the USA has come far, but when I saw all the hatred on tv, I'm beginning to think How far? I still believe that overall though that our Country has changed, but there is always some ignorant uneducated fools that are still racist out there. God is with Obama, if it's in God's plan, Obama will win regardless.
Dina W
2008-10-20 03:28:15 UTC
Love the queens English...

Anyhow the article takes the point of view from Al Jazeera, and Daily Kos.

They are not good sources. The both have a bias against Republicans.

Why don't your try to find an Independent source to get your information, because that entire article is misleading, or just not telling the truth.

The reason why Republicans do not support Barack Obama is because he is a Democrat... not because of his skin color.

(I love the way the leftist sites like Daily Kos, spread hate and fear... You might want to ask yourself what is their agenda?)
2008-10-20 03:13:28 UTC
I saw that video, funny stuff. But one can make videos of Obama supporters looking ridiculous as well.

All of the states Obama is winning have had blacks win statewide elections in the past, so no.
2008-10-20 03:18:16 UTC
Even if your propechy did come true, and the media turned on the democrats out of some nefarious scheme, would you accept that?

Your response will show you a method of dealing with this problem, should it arise.

Never forgot the fact that we are all human - and if there's one thing humans can deal with, it's each other.
2008-10-20 03:21:50 UTC
That was an interesting link and video. I'm from Ohio, and I'm going to vote for Obama. Unfortunately, we have our share of people who are either misinformed or willfully ignorant.

But no, I don't think racism is going to swing the election in favor of McCain.
little lu-lu
2008-10-20 03:23:23 UTC
I think these smear tactics are going to backfire in the face of the McCain/Palin campaign because the American public is tired of the old school politics. What Barack brings to the table is new, fresh and enlivening and that scares the h-e- double hockey sticks out of them. Their desperation will be exposed to the population. Sure, you'll have some bias,narrow-minded,prejudice bigots that will stick by their party but I think people are really tiring of the old rhetoric. My friends-this election is too important- don't be fooled into 4 more years of McSame and Plain.

2008-10-20 03:25:39 UTC
"Some whites are getting sick of taking it on the chin, again and again. I want things fair, but fair isn't fair when it's like it is now"

Holy $h1t, are you for real? Whites are treated badly in the USA? To the question asker, that attempt at an answer was brought to you by one of the racist element in America.
2008-10-20 03:20:28 UTC
Not all of the 95% of black people that are voting for Obama are doing it because he's black. Some agree with his policies.

So I guess it depends on how many racist white Democrats there are.
2008-10-20 03:19:32 UTC
There have been stories spread yes, but too many of them are NOT lies. Every time any of this is attempted to be addressed, Obama replies by stating that his opponent just wants to evade the real issues by bringing up his past. And since the MSM is in Obama's pocket they are willing to oblige. Besides they have Sarah Palin and now Cindy McCain to ravage. So they have their pound of flesh.
2008-10-20 03:29:08 UTC
If that what it takes for McCain to win, I hope so!

That article is BS. Every Terrorist organization from Hamas to Al Qaida is rooting for Obama. Fact!
2008-10-20 03:14:04 UTC
We don't really know what are lies and what aren't in some cases. But funny you should ask...

I think what will (and has already) started race to become an issue again or under increased tension begins with Obama himself. He clearly puts his blackness first and everything else follows. This man is the only racist running and I think it is going to backfire.

Some whites are getting sick of taking it on the chin, again and again. I want things fair, but fair isn't fair when it's like it is now.
2008-10-20 03:23:36 UTC
I think you have it backwards. There will be more people vote for him because he is black. Look at the future. What will Obamys policies do for us 20 yrs. down the road? What will McCleans policies do?
2008-10-20 03:12:26 UTC
No, some of the McCain campaign is stirring up a few extremists, but they were going to vote for McCain anyway. The fear-mongering tactics seems to be backfiring as moderates and undecideds who McCain needs to win are running towards Obama because of the hatred coming out of the McCain camp.
2008-10-20 03:16:49 UTC
No, I think it's all ready factored in. In fact for every 1 racist, I'm willing to bet there are 2 non-racists, so...
2008-10-20 03:15:15 UTC
Lies about Obama?'s more like the truth that he and his hypnotized followers want everyone to ignore. They have the main stream media in on it too, as usual.

Obama has a lawsuit against him in the federal court system requiring him to produce documents proving whether or not he is a natural born citizen, a requirement for the president. He refuses. See the links below for more information on that and how the economy and housing market got the way it is. The economy didn't just get the way it was stemmed from decisions made in the late 90's. Also, there are cases filed or pending in a number of states to remove him from the ballot citing the same reasons as the federal case.

A psychologist has analyzed his speeches and interviews and reports on how he is using hypnosis techniques in them. This is how people follow him blindly and ignore all the evidence against him. The last link below will take you to the report.
2008-10-20 03:14:10 UTC
2008-10-20 03:12:43 UTC
even with the vile tactics of racism, Obama still will beat McCain in a not so close race
2008-10-20 03:13:31 UTC
Im White, No it wouldn change my vote, I will be voting for Obama simply because I agree with his policies and i think he has run a fair campaign and also because i remember the last eight years and cant risk the same again by voting republican again!
2008-10-20 03:10:25 UTC
Only in America!
2008-10-20 03:11:45 UTC
"There is no room for racism and ignorance in politics or in church, the seats are already filled"! Dr. Winston O. Boogie 1975
2008-10-20 03:13:03 UTC
Why does the rest of the world see us this way? Oh that's right Bush. We are not all like that, most of us want the person best for the job.
2008-10-20 03:22:00 UTC
No but racism is sick and true Only in America
Avro Arrow
2008-10-20 03:11:22 UTC
I don't think so. The US Electoral college actually chooses the president and the delegates are far wiser than to fall for republican propaganda based on lies.
2008-10-20 03:10:58 UTC
No...I think it will swing it in Obama's favor.



I would support Obama regardless of his race, and I wish everyone would think that way. He is a good man, with alot of wonderful ideas to change America. If we could just get by all this race crap.
2008-10-20 03:11:41 UTC
No, some racists will vote against Obama, but not enough to matter.
Ms Hilton
2008-10-20 03:12:23 UTC
for those who are racist, they are already voting for McCain.

You see them at the McCain-Palin rallies, i.e. the fringe supporters screaming "Off with his head", "kill him", terrorist.
2008-10-20 03:34:07 UTC
2008-10-20 03:24:50 UTC
no, hopefully disgust with marxism will
2008-10-20 03:10:48 UTC
I think you got it backwards.
2008-10-20 03:11:00 UTC
I hope not i like Obama
2008-10-20 03:10:48 UTC
Racist patriots?
2008-10-20 03:14:30 UTC

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