Has John McCain hit a new low? Thought please.?
2008-10-06 09:12:48 UTC
John McCain is someone for whom I had alot of respect. Until February 2008, I was even going to vote for him. I understand smearing is a part of political elections, but has McCain hit a new low? I want to know what both parties think. Be respectful please.
45 answers:
some guy
2008-10-06 09:16:51 UTC
"Truth does not equal smears."

That's what I was told by a Democrat defending the Palin smears.
2008-10-06 09:28:24 UTC
I think it is a new low. While both parties have misleading ads,some of his is out right lies. This isn't just my thinking. CNN,Yahoo, among others have checked out the facts. My big moment when I lost respect for McCain came when he suspended his campaign to rush back to Washington to deal with the financial crisis he didn't think existed a week before. I thought he was trying to make the public panic to distract us or stall. That is not Presidential behavior. A President should try and instill confidence and calm in the face of a crisis. And now because he is down in the polls he and his running mate are trying to scare us over Obama. Because he could not dazzle us with his brillance he is going to baffle us with his bull$h!t. If he will lie and try and scare us,mislead us to get into office; we can only imagine what he will do once he is in. I have Republican friends who see through this too. They are trying to stay with the party on this one but have been finding it hard to since he picked Palin actually.I am wondering what they are going to do on election day.
2008-10-06 09:35:11 UTC
Yes. I was beginning to be swayed. S. Palin was concerned about pointing the finger in the debate and 2 days later is using the terrorist card. None of our over 16 US Intelligence and Security offices, including the FBI, CIA, Dept of State, or Homeland Security has him on a terrorist watch list. Barack was 8 years old when Ayers was a grown man, now ostensibly a reformed professor. No long-term relationship exists between the two. McCain must feel really scared and desperate. I thought Sarah was stronger and wouldn't be used or misused.
2008-10-06 09:45:25 UTC
This entire campaign has hit a new low. I have wept at the depths to which some will sink to score a point off an opponent.

This terrorist thing is so pathetically transparent and has backfired on them so badly that I really think it has finally done some good. People are beginning to sicken of the enmity and ire, the lies and smears and to ask for some actual answers.

Just as you did. I believe you have a great deal of company. I refuse to believe that all Republican voters are so narrow and bigoted as to fall for this. It is my belief that many of these Palindrones as I call them have never voted in their lives!! She appeals to the brain dead bigots. Not a thoughtful conservative voter's cup of tea at all, I would have thought. The woman is SO crass!

And when they start to listen to what the contenders are saying about policy there is only one team that has a chance

Because there is only one team that has any actual answers.
2008-10-06 09:21:06 UTC
From a McCain supporter:

I mean in no way will people believe this stuff because they are too naive to see that somebody is capable of actually lying and at this point in time, especially after 9/11, we definitely should not take a risk to vote for a man who has terrorist ties! I am ashamed to say that it seems many Americans have forgotten 9/11. Besides the fact that I just do not like anything Obama stands for on basic issues, his personal life is just way too disturbing. People can't see past his good speaking skills and suave attitude. Every lie has some form of truth attached.
2008-10-06 09:18:43 UTC
Yes McCain has hit a new low. In fact, during the democrat primary McCain said that he would not use negative campaigning in the general election. He even denounced a negative attack ad during the primary, which was put out by the RNC. Why did his philosophy change? Will he change his point of view on other issues? This man will do anything to win. McCain is getting desperate with these negative character attacks. Hillary went a similar route, and we all know that did not work well for her. I do not understand why the McCain campaign feels this is good strategy. Obama has already brought up Keating 5 in a new ad. Also, Palin's husband was a member of a group that wanted to secede from the US. That is not very American. I do not know if she was a member, but it was her husband who was definitely a member. If they want to talk about the past, then they need to hide their skeletons as well. Or else it will come back to bite them!
2008-10-06 09:20:46 UTC
Obama and his "friends" are not my friends. He must be stopped. He now is using the group ACORN to steal votes in several states and the FBI has investigations going on in five states. If he is elected, he will be impeached, which will make a bad recession turn into a horrible and prolonged Depression. No Obama.

PERHAPS the greatest scandal of the mortgage crisis is that it is a direct result of an intentional loosening of underwriting standards - done in the name of ending discrimination, despite warnings that it could lead to wide-scale defaults.

At the crisis' core are loans that were made with virtually nonexistent underwriting standards - no verification of income or assets; little consideration of the applicant's ability to make payments; no down payment.
2008-10-06 09:20:50 UTC
I'll try to be respectful, but I can't stand Obama. He's a socialist who is going to ruin this country. I'm NOT voting for Obama and wouldn't do so if someone offered me a million bucks. You think this country is bad now, just wait until Obama get in and ruins it even more. As for McCain, I was brought up to respect my elders and I still respect him. At least he has the experience and isn't tied to a crook like Tony Rezko. I live in the Chicago area and the Illinois politicians are all crooks. That includes Obama. Obama is full of B.S. too and can't speak off the top of his head. At least McCain can hold his own speaking off the top of his head. I say vote McCain or vote for nobody!
Gardener for God(dmd)
2008-10-06 09:20:20 UTC
Why has john McCain hit a new low? By putting out the truth?

Have you REALLY looked into the facts on Obama? NOT OPINION, FACTS.

The Ayers connection is TRUE - Obama sat on the board with Ayers, of Ayers company the Woods foundation.

DURING this time, Ayers stated he did not do enough in blowing up government facilities. He got off on a technical mistake of the prosecutor - Evidence not able to be submitted, recordings that were illegal, but real.

DURING this time they sat on the board together, Ayers stepped ont he American flag

Obama plays it down and disassociates himself from it like he did with the Rev. Wright, because it will bring in a VOTE.

Obama is a follower of Marxism, as is Ayers, which is socialist at best and on the path to Communism.
2008-10-06 09:18:48 UTC
They both promised a clean campaign, and both obviously lied. Both have released positive ads lately but it seems like McCains are a lot more negative than Obamas.

I'm still voting McCain as the lesser evil, but I do wish he'd release more positive ads, negativity only works for a while then people get sick of it.
2008-10-06 09:22:02 UTC
McCain was simply naive to think that he could run a meanness free campaign. Everyone knows that if you don't stand up to a bully, he'll just keep picking on you. That McCain has finally woke up to the realities is good, but hopefully, not too late.
2008-10-06 09:17:36 UTC
Sen. Obama has hired two prosecutors in Missouri to go after any and all negative ads against him in that state with legal action. Not just lies, ANY negative ads.

Yet, Sen. McCain bringing up a bad friendship is a new low? It has come directly from Sen. Obama's campaign that he is friendly with Ayers. We all know Ayers held Sen. Obama's first ever political party and that they served on the same board WHEN Ayers said in 2004 he didn't regret anything and wished "they" did more. (according to Ayers 'they' means all Americans, not just his group)

Sources are posted below.
Sam C
2008-10-06 09:18:08 UTC
No, you never had any respect for him or you'd still have it. The only people that think he's hit any kind of low what so ever are the Obama sheep and the Obama children on this board. They aren't old enough to vote so they are trolls. McCain is on top of his game and OBama is losing, you can tell by all of his flip flopping and attacks on Palin who has more experience than he does.

President McCain has already won.
2008-10-06 09:17:20 UTC
If this was 2000, not 2008, I would have given McCain serious consideration. But it is 2008 and it appears that he will do whatever it takes to win the election, even picking a sub-par attack dog as his running mate and yelling "sexism" whenever someone dares to say anything negative or even correctly negative about her. Sheer desperation.

I feel bad for McCain. Here it is, the prize he wanted so close and yet, it is so far away from him. He might end up being the Harold Stassen of his era.
2016-12-02 01:13:32 UTC
in case you want to be technical it replaced right into a contravention by way of fact it did no longer answer the question asked. of path the very question itself replaced right into a contravention by way of fact it replaced into no longer a question purely a fact badly disguised as a question. do purely no longer answer anymore questions that are phrased in certainly one of these style and you ought to be effective.
Raely M
2008-10-06 09:26:49 UTC
I think that McCain actually has been one of the lowest politicians in a while. He keeps pulling new lows out of his sleeves and it really does frustrate me. I hate politics.
Alan S
2008-10-06 09:19:03 UTC
yes he has but stay tuned, no doubt he's willing to sink lower still.

There is a considerable difference between being associated with Ayers 20 years after the fact and being an insider with the Keating 5 but I doubt McCain would like that laundry to be hung out to dry.
2008-10-06 09:18:46 UTC
I'm like you - I have always been a big fan of McCain........ country first, politics second

But picking Palin is a pure political move meant to get support from the elements from the republican party that has not trusted him. There is no way he can think she would make a good prez

And now to have her making all of these "terrorist" comments is just disgraceful

Perhaps that is what this country has suck to..... even a good man has to play dirty

either way - he lost my vote :-(
2008-10-06 09:17:44 UTC
No - he hit a new low when he picked Palin, which is why I am voting for Ron Paul. McCain is now going by the Rove thought process but it's too late and frankly speaking, American's are tired of it. Unless something major happens in another Country where McCain can use his foreign experience to help his campaign, he is pretty much done.
2008-10-06 09:16:53 UTC
He hit ground level a while ago and now he's digging in the muck with a backhoe. I'm a lifelong Democrat but I always had respect for McCain before this campaign.
2008-10-06 09:17:10 UTC
With polls showing McCain's Presidential hopes slipping quickly and sharply, Republicans are stepping up their Obama smear campaign to unprecedented levels (worse than what they were doing).

It is also predicted to backfire since most Americans hate such negative tactics.

Republicans will of course eat it up, but they're already anti-Obama, so irrelevant.

It is predicted to drive the important undecided voters further away from McCain.

Watch out -- it's getting ugly (er).

I am ANOTHER registered Republican voting for Obama/Biden because they are so far superior to Palin/McCain.
Debra E
2008-10-06 09:17:30 UTC
People need to know about Obama's associates. Some people don't even know who William Ayers is. McCain needs to focus on all of Obama's dubious associates, Obama's ties to Freddie and Fannie, and anything else to keep this scary politician out of the White House.
Lady Wildcat
2008-10-06 09:17:24 UTC
Even Obama's own campaign has recently said that Obama is still "friendly" with the domestic terrorist William Ayers.

And Ayers, remember, has NEVER expressed regret for the bombings his group carried out.

In fact, he specifically said that he does NOT regret it.

I don't think it's "smearing" for McCain to point out this "friendly" connection Obama has.

The mainstream media is not doing it. So, somebody has to.

2008-10-06 09:16:14 UTC
John McCain is a politician. That is the lowest of the low. As an individual, I respect the man. He has a great story. But he became a politician. That's as low as you can get.
2008-10-06 09:19:14 UTC
I recently asked this same question because to me I feel that he has reached a new low but I am an Obama supporter so I thought that maybe I was just biased. I am glad that others do see this as well.
2008-10-06 09:17:18 UTC
Personally I think his smearing is even more starkly contrasted by the composure & respect that Obama has shown in turn.
tamara d
2008-10-06 09:17:10 UTC
we are in the home stretch, and both parties are bringing out all that they can.
2008-10-06 09:23:20 UTC
sorry, he's doing nothing wrong. He's telling the TRUTH about your meesiah. Wow, you have no problem with vicious hatred coming from your side, though, do you?
2008-10-06 09:17:36 UTC
Yes he has. And they should be ashamed of themselves. A lot of people like you who once supported him have turned their backs on him and are now voting independently, democratic or not at all. What they have done is disgraceful and inexcusable. It truly sickens me.
2008-10-06 09:17:58 UTC
you can't get much lower than the bottom of the barrel.He has not taken the high road all through the election. Why would you expect him to CHANGE now???
spunky rabbit
2008-10-06 09:16:18 UTC
john mccain looks like a saint compared to what the left has done to sarah palin...

its laughable.....
2008-10-06 09:16:48 UTC
What is below a slug? excuse me, Mr. Slug
2008-10-06 09:16:07 UTC
yes he has. He was a decent man before, but after his actions lately, it is safe to assume he will do anything, no matter how low it is, to be elected.
2008-10-06 09:18:13 UTC
I think they both suck! PALIN FOR PRESIDENT
Jeremy P
2008-10-06 09:17:00 UTC
He knows he is losing the fight so now he is just wildly swing.
2008-10-06 09:16:17 UTC
Its the sting of a dying wasp.
2008-10-06 09:16:03 UTC
I am disappointed in him, after years of saying he would not have a negative campaign
Jon Doe
2008-10-06 09:16:19 UTC
I don't know what you are talking about.?
2008-10-06 09:16:07 UTC
yeah! Sarah palin is going to make it even worse!
2008-10-06 09:15:30 UTC
I think so, yes. Grip is slipping, desperation is showing, and it is not attractive.

As for having "dodged a bullet"...
Adrian C
2008-10-06 09:16:31 UTC
How is it a smear, if it is true and has never been addressed?
2008-10-06 09:16:10 UTC
Saying the truth hurts, Obama is not the Mesiah,
Compo Lives!
2008-10-06 09:16:05 UTC
They're both doing the same thing.
2008-10-06 09:15:58 UTC
Yes. some character he has....
2008-10-06 09:15:31 UTC
he has hit rock bottom and is now digging even deeper

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