Does this explain why Republicans seem to prefer Clinton over Obama?
ron j
2008-04-18 08:49:25 UTC
There have been so many indicators ...from Rush Limbaugh encouraging Gopers to vote in democratic primaries for Clinton to help boost her and help her win, to the consevative pundits like Hannity helping the Clinton camp with new ideas and new attacks on Obama to Bill Clinton going on the Rush Limbaugh show the day of the Ohio primary, etc...etc.. I think it has become clear who the republicans want to be the democratic nominee.

Do you think they prefer Clinton because they fear facing Obama and like their chances better with Clinton?
22 answers:
Big E
2008-04-18 08:53:18 UTC
Because she is unelectable in a general election.
margaret h
2008-04-18 09:18:43 UTC
On a certain level, Republicans are enjoying the chaos. Have to admit it. The Democrats are doing a better job of destroying one another and their own party than the GOP could ever dream of doing. They've been playing diversity politics for years and their chickens have finally come home to roost in the worst possible way and at the worst possible time.

This should have been an easy year for them and they have likely blown it with two deeply flawed candidates who are pointing out the serious problems with one another, saving the GOP the trouble, and writing the script for the general election.

On the deeper level, Clinton is the more moderate candidate and does have the ability to govern which Obama doesn't.

He is frighteningly inexperienced and his far left background and associations lead many Republicans to fear what would happen if he were to become President.

The President is only one man, but he is responsible for thousands of appointments throughout government and those people can do an astonishing amount of damage.

Obama's judgment in whom has associated with in the past and among his campaign advisers is a bad omen for what an Obama Administration might mean for the future of our country.

If Republicans have to gamble, it's better to hedge our bets with Clinton than see America suffer the damages of an Obama presidency.
Kurt S
2008-04-18 09:12:04 UTC
Actually all the republicans want to happen is that the Democratic nomination is dragged out as long as possible. The reason behind them encouraging G.O.P. voters to go for Hillary is so that it will Keep the two candidates close enough to have it go to the Convention floor. If it does come to that then Hillary will win. And since I believe she is the stronger Candidate then she will beat McCain. It will come back to bite the G.O.P. in the "you know where". The reason I think she is the better choice is that she has carried the bigger states and can carry the swing states in the GEN. ELECTION. Obama will lose those Caucus states he won in the primary's in the Gen Election, because they are "RED" states, further more I believe He wont be able to carry the Bigger states or the Swing states like Hillary can.
Kellie D
2008-04-18 09:03:41 UTC
No, I want John McCain as the President , but if it can't be him ..I would rather Hilary than Obama anyday. I don't fear Obama will beat McCain. I think McCain will likely blow Obama away more so than Hilary but the thought that Obama could be our President for 4 years scares me more than the thought of Hilary as our President for 4 years. Hilary Clinton like people of all races unlike Obama , loves America, and is not so far left like Obama. Hilary doesn't support partial birth abortion as Obama does. That is why I am rooting for Hilary over Obama. Although I think McCain has a better shot against Obama , I hate taking the risk that Obama could be our President. Hilary has more of a chance of beating McCain, but I don't shutter at the thought of her in office.
Michael H
2008-04-18 09:01:01 UTC
I think you are so far off that it really isn't funny. It doesn't matter who the democrats nominate, they will loose. What Operation Chaos is all about is forcing the democrat candidates to openly and publicly display who they are and what they stand for. That is exactly what is happening. But there is an added outcome. This constant bickering between the 2 democrat camps is dismantling the democrat party itself. And something that no one has brought up is that there are a number of democrats who are real Americans that have total disdain and contempt for socialism. That means they will either be staying home in November or will vote for a candidate that more closely associates with their views. In most cases, that would be McCain. I would strongly recommend that you not listen to what the "news" outlets are saying, but take note as to what the "news" describes. You will see the picture better and clearer than the "news" media will show you.
2008-04-18 09:39:49 UTC
You are missing the point. The point is to vote for Hillary, not because we want her to run against mcCain, but to cause chaos in the Democratic party. The longer she stays in, the more damage will be done. And it is working. Look at all the fighting between obama and Hillary. They are destroying each other. We are upset with the Republican party because they--namely, mCCain--are not doing this on issues and priciples as we prefer, so we are stepping in with "Operation Chaos." Personally, I am not voting for McCain in the general election; I am writing in Ron Paul. It is not a wasted vote; it's purpose is to send a message. And if Obama gets in, so be it. Let him try and fix things; hell be another Jimmy Carter.
Jacob W
2008-04-18 09:02:46 UTC
As a firm supporter of Operation Chaos, let me explain where you are going astray. The purpose in supporting Hillary at this point is not to get Hillary nominated nor is it to get Obama nominated. The purpose is to prevent either from getting nominated outright before the Convention. That keeps them at each others throats and keeps the Democrat Party hopelessly divided. The intention is to keep the two candidates hammering each other. That way, even if one of them finally emerges the victor he/she will be so badly damaged by the fight they will be unelectable.

Another reason is to get the general public sick and tired of Democrats in general. So far that seems to be working quite well, too. We realize there isn't any difference in what these two stand for.

One very unexpected but positive side-effect is how this is revealing one very well kept secret in the Democrat Party and that is the amount of racism, anti-American sentiment and the elite attitude of their politicians.

Trust me, this cannot be sitting well with the Democrats who work hard for a living and love America.

2008-04-18 08:58:17 UTC
I think they feel that they know how to beat her..... while Obama is more of a wildcard. Clinton has already used the Republican tactics against Obama and it has not worked...... so they probably don't know how to go after him.

Also it is way better to appear to be a masoganist then a racist in this society..... so if they hit Obama too hard (especially in the dirty ways they are accustomed) they will solidify the notion that Republicans are intrinsicly racist. Republicans are already seen by many as the party of old white rich guys..... attacking a black candidate doesn't help to change those sentiments. For the record I am not saying those ideas are accurate, only that they exist.
2016-10-20 06:00:39 UTC
As a politically reasonable American, i think Europe is, in many techniques, greater state-of-the-artwork than u.s.. they have a greater purpose and life like international view on an identical time as we are greater focused on our own kinfolk themes and culturally remoted from something of the international. i'm what you're able to be able to desire to call an alienated American and, faster or later in my existence, could become an ex-patriot if our present day subculture continues to be on the right song.
2008-04-21 21:08:37 UTC
Republicans have long tried to portray Hillary as an extreme leftist, but in fact they know that she is a Center-Right, Bush Lite. They know that she really isn't very far from their own position.


News & Views for Anarchists & Activists:
John in PA
2008-04-18 09:01:55 UTC
Nothing will energize the Republicans more than Hillary becoming the nominee. She is unelectable.

The more the Republicans support her and keep her in the race, the more it hurts the Democrats in the General Election. Simple strategy, and one that Hillary is too blind to see.

Sadly, we'll be saddled a with a third Bush term because of her arrogance and elitist mentality.
Tom E
2008-04-18 10:13:59 UTC
The republicans have determined that many months ago. They are the ones that started the Rev. Wright videos. They are behind the Muslim religion e-mails. They know that they can destroy Hillary with Whitewater, the pardons, the excess donations, the NAFTA thing with Columbia. It will be brutal but they will only start it when she is nominated.
2008-04-18 09:05:37 UTC
As a Republican the reason I would prefer Hillary is because with her I know what I am getting. A person who will raise my taxes and try her best to make this a socialist country. I know what I would get with Obama too. I would get a lying, racist, anti-American, elitist snob. Who would raise taxes and would raise them on whites only if he thought he could get away with it. All in the name of "fairness" of course.
2008-04-18 08:55:11 UTC
With a distrust rating of 6 out 10 Americans, of course Hillary is preferable to Obama.

She is unelectable.
Ellis Wyatt
2008-04-18 08:54:50 UTC
Actually, it's because they see Hillary as being the lesser of two evils. The Republicans expect to win this election, but if they lose, they'd rather see Hillary than Obama.

It's a case of: "better the devil you know than the devil you don't know."

Obama doesn't have a track record. No one, including his starry-eyed supporters, knows what he's really about.
Jeff R
2008-04-18 08:57:31 UTC
You hit it. That's exactly it. They're scared of Obama and they've been gearing up for Clinton for 3 years. They don't have a plan for Obama. Just like they have no plan in Iraq.
2008-04-18 08:54:36 UTC
No. Right now they prefer Hillary only so it prolongs the Democratic nomination process.

At this point, it is pretty obvious that the front runner will be McCain no matter who wins the open nomination.
2008-04-18 08:58:01 UTC
It ain't complicated - they know she'll be easier to beat

No biggie.

Successful sellers of snake oil are ALWAYS tougher to beat than gals carrying 97 trainloads of smelly baggage.
2008-04-18 08:54:40 UTC
I just think Republicans fear for those different out weighs there fear for a women father figure that know best which they rely on in times of fear.
2008-04-18 08:56:22 UTC
she is very unpopular with alot of republicans and she can strengthen the republican base if she is nominated.
Debra H
2008-04-18 08:54:56 UTC
Then they are in for the surprise of their lives. too many people will remember Bush and what he has done.. and how his daddy has bought off McCain!
2008-04-18 08:57:11 UTC
answer in part i agree, yet Obama has said enough already to make him unwinnable too.

in our hearts may there be peace ;) happy day!

Age is a factor Anna in the Temple was over 84 years old and served God day and night Luke 2:36 &37 verses, chapter 2.

Concerning us I was asked who is the greatest hero and villan

if we are talking about the living

Jesus =hero

the devil =villian

Politics at the moment

according to the muslim terrorist and their ultra liberal american supporters ...

Hero =they consider both Hillery and Obama the terrorists have a #3 too= Ben Laden (Pastor Wright prefers Kadaffi of Libya=the man with for years open door policy to let all terrorists against the USA to train protected in his country) their greatest hero's of the moment

Villan would be any infadel Bible believer in the USA (Ironic the USA is its worst enemy as spiritual leader Wright stands with the terrorists and their leaders "9/11 was an act of God against the USA & God 'd' the USA").

Jesus is my best friend so hehe i have peace in the midst of storm, and it will be coming when the terrorists take over Iraq and have the oil money to sponsor them.

Yesterday said if Iran nuclear attacks Israel (Hillery and Obama said then they will take action) ---Nuke Israel a country the size of New Jersey... and nothing is left to take action for but burry the dead. Has America mostly gone brain or heart dead or both?

sort it out and there are spiritual and political and other related JEWELS here=spiritually right helps too=

its important to be good and believe Jesus!

extreme liberalism happened because as is testified to 'communist' people arosed others and used government issues like protecting the communists=Vietnam where 2 1/2 million along with Cambodians were slaughtered when we walked away, or now in support of the terrorists to let them take over Iraq and its oil wealth.

it is in part inspired by the ACLU a group headed by Jewish and non Jewish secularists, to remove the Bible, God, prayer, and whatever it stands for from public school and the public.

We for the most part didnt learn in the past the need for faith yet before world war II many did learn=Jewish and all peoples, in Krakow Poland a Jewish reviival for the Messiah had been experienced and many Jewish people came to faith and the promise of heaven in the Messiah.

Happy day & please pray as I help Jewish people to Jesus, they as predicted would reject their Messiah "He is despised and rejected of man, and we would as it were hide our faces from him."

these claims were made to me

that'Jewish sources' claim that there is no concept of a second coming to fulfill prophecy.

Yet,Scriptures say; "When we shall see him whom we have pierced we shall mourn as one mourneth for her only son which is gone." Zecariah 12:10

Jewish writers wrote of 2 messiah's one to suffer & one to reign why not the same one coming twice?

Prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets -- Zechariah and Malachi ( "the one of righteousness shall come" last chapter of the prophets)

The prophecy still had to be fulfilled! "Unto us a child is born, a son is given, and he will be the wonderful counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting father and the prince of peace." Isaiah 9:6

70 years before the destruction of the temple messiah Yeshua/Jesus came, if he had not come then as the Messiah we would be left with no fulfillment as predicted by Isaiah and commanded by Moses of the blood sacrifice Leviticus 17:11 "The blood makes atonement for the soul."

Isaiah 53 "All we like sheep have gone astray, and the Lord will make to light on him, the iniquity of us all." "He will lay down his life to make atonement for our soul"

the Jewish people could not die innocent/with no sin for their own sins!


The Messiah must be descended from King David (see Genesis 49:10= Messiah will come before the king's line is destroyed, and Isaiah 11:1& 10 "To him will the gentiles seek").

Mary was in the line of the root of Jessie and David=Matthew chapter 1 gives the exact perfect geneology

Jewish people today do not know if they are in the line of David so it would be impossible to know today.


The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. Jesus stated "I did not come to do away with the law, but to fulfill it." John

John 9:14 records that Jesus made a clay paste to heal a blind man's who he met begging to be healed, in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), "He does not observe Shabbat!" Fact is they added to the Torah (the Talmud)their own laws and rules.

Jesus asked if your animal child falls into a ditch on the Sabbath do you rescue it? or put medicine on your child's eyes to keep from going blind on the Sabbath?

If you say no youre uncaring, if you say yes but reject the Messiah for doing the same youre a hypocrite.



The virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman.

I already explained this and I agree with the 70 rabbis that translated it as 'virgin' to have a miracle birth of 'God with us/emanuel' what miracle would it be for a woman to have a normal birth? and how could God be concieved from two people in birth?


Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the "suffering servant."

In actuality, Isaiah 52 & 53 describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people.

I explained this above, what is ironic is those that claim that people with sin, could die innocent for their own sins and make atonement for themselves as well as all be born in Bethlehem=

The Messiah = "Out of Bethlehem shall come this one from eternity." Micah 5:1&2

hehe today Bethlehem is entirely Arab, meaning if not Yeshua/Jesus, the Messiah will be an Arab

the way i came to know him was the prayer he asks us to say;

"Help me Jesus, I am sorry for my sins, even one lie, come into my heart and be my friend, amen"

this he promises to do Revelation 1:1 chapter 1 verse 1 and 3:19&20 "I love you, and ask you to repent of sin quickly. Behold I stand at your heart door and knock, if you ask me in I will come in and be your friend. " (sup/have fellowship)

The Messiah is my best friend I have one and his atonement too, what do you have?

Shalom/peace David

My mom who hates Jesus was an average like for the most part blacks and Jewish they are strong liberals demanding in Government

the Democratic line to ban

1. the bible,

2 teaching of marriage instead of homosexuality and fornication, and

3God from public schools and the public too,,

yet in recent times she has changed and is even voting for McCain

maybe, because he stands against letting the terrorists take over Iran and its oil wealth to make 9/11 look like kindergarden play in the world and the USA,,

Obama's spiritual leader..., against saying God 'd' America (It should go to hell weeping forever for rejecting the salvation of Jesus/Matthew 24), or

against having 30 million dollars while starting poor in Arkansaw investing 300 dollars, making hundreds of thousands (White water scandal where those inviolved with the Clintons went to prison yet they stayed around to disgrace America to the whole world, but Bill never inhaled or 'told a lie')

and just food for thought as someone shared this=Pedophilia is disgusting and it still goes on. Eight-year-old wins divorce in Yemen?

A YEMENI court has granted a divorce to an eight-year-old girl whose unemployed father forced her into an arranged marriage.(To a 28 year old man)

In response to a question from Judge Mohammed al-Qadhi, he acknowledged that the "marriage was consummated, but I did not beat her".

Unbelievable it still carries on from Mohammed's time to this day. Isn't it time Islam put an end to this immoral perversion?

Mohamed as the Haddith says married a 9 year old Aisha, thank God in civilized countries we have prison for these types.

The issue in Islam is not abuse of little girls, because

that men make the rules,

when we reject Jesus love and care for all mankind and salvation....

As Muslim leaders the problem ... it is the major 2 groups Sunni and Shiite's = Sunni moslems the majority of Islam; blowing up each others Mosques and shrines and killing the religious leaders, since the Golden mosque bombing in Jan 2006.

where do you stand on terrorism? "Get out of there, and fight them 9/11 style here?"

and in our hearts may there be peace ;) happy day!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.