Why is America's youth so anti Hillary?
2008-03-23 08:10:45 UTC
I'm one of the few pro Hillary kids at my school. They all love Obama and think Hillary is a *****. Whenever I ask anyone about why they hate her so much I get the same response. "SHES A ***** STFU OBAMA IS BETTER" Well WHY? Hillary has done way more for this country than Obama ever has. shes more experienced and knows the job a whole lot better than he does. Its like Obama has hypnotized America's youth with his silly meaningless speeches.
39 answers:
Timothy S
2008-03-23 08:14:31 UTC
Congrats you are a free thinker... How did you avoid the koolaid?
Ronald G
2008-03-23 08:33:00 UTC
I think that if 49% of the nation has issues with Hillary that it souldn't surprise you that some group has more concern than others. Why do Republicans hate her if she has done so much. Try looking at things from the other side. Maybe, she isn't as good as you think she is. That many people cannot be wrong. I am elderly and Clinton wins in that bracket. I don't think there is a problem in my thinking because more elderly think differently. I think I look at the facts. After I put all the issues in to context, I thought then it was OK to tell the Clinton people to buy her a broom. Witches do not have many good attributes associated with them. It beats having to deliniate all the poor attributes she has one at a time.
2008-03-23 08:28:11 UTC
I do not know, I can on conject and offer an opinion.

I suspect that the problem is in youth education. Far too few students have been asked to read, listen, or analyze critically. Far too many, will in a matter of expediency parrot back the all too often biased view of the teacher --- who all too often ridicules anyone with an alternate view.

Education is far too close to indoctrination. Perhaps you listen to Mr. Obama's speeches, which as a competent public speak, I must admit are very well delivered, but contextually vapid. Hitler spoke of Hope and Change.

Far too many, believe that Mr Obama actually voted against the authorization for the enforcement of the UN Resolution against IRAQ --- He did not for he was not in Congress until 2005. However facts only cloud an appeal to emotions.

I do not like Ms Clinton, but I prefer her more that Mr. Obama who I feel has no understanding of our enemies or our actual role in world politics.

My suggestion to you is to research you opponent (OBAMA) and defend your support (Clinton) with facts and accomplishments. Perhaps you could also analyze the dollar cost to you personally of either of these individuals proposals. You do know that money is not made by fiat. (It can be but no one sane accept it as having value.) It is your generation and your children's children that will be paying for all of the promises that The Democrats (will sinful complicity of the GOP) have been making since 1932.
stelle d.
2008-03-23 08:25:31 UTC
I personally liked them both, but Obama's message is more appealing to the youth. For example, he always mentions lowering the cost of college tuition in all of his stump speeches. Secondly, I think his stance on the war is wildly popular amongst our crowd. But I think it's just the message his campaign is predicated on.

And there's not really any proof that she has more experience. It's as though Laura Bush now has the credentials to be president simply because she was married to one. Furthermore, being older allows one to have more life experiences versus someone who is younger, of course. Age really isn't an issue-- our Constitution calls for people to be 35 years or older in order to be president.

And if you think his speeches are meaningless, you haven't paid attention to his policy proposals. Nor have you probably read his books. His speeches aren't silly compared to having a president for eight years who couldn't string together a decent sentence.
2008-03-23 08:25:26 UTC
The real question should be why the youth have not be educated properly in the constitution, history, social studies, economics and geography. Anyone with proper history of our country would see we are great due to our constituion and want to keep a capitalist market driven democracy instead of marching toward a socialist platform. Education is the problem and the Teacher's Union has misrepresented the history of our great country. Read a few more books. Read the actual constitution instead of someone's interpretation of it. Read the Federalist Papers. Read some books on Economics. Take a look of what the German Socialist Party (Nazi's) did along with Stalin and Pau Pot. Take a look at the tax rates and horrible health insurance that is supposedly free in Canada and the UK. A large percentage of people die before getting treatment because they can't see a doctor for several months. Search for people doing their own dental work in the UK because it's impossible to see a supposed free dentist. The youth as well as undeducation adults need to actually take a look at history, economics and our constitution and see what is really best for America is the Republican party.
majestic kev
2008-03-23 09:06:14 UTC
Why are Hillary people so hypocritical and in complete denial?

Clinton has by far the worst record, witness the cattle futures, Whitewater, travel office, her long time affair with Vince Foster followed by his extremely suspicious death during Whitewater investigation, and similar scandals as well as the fact that five of her fundraisers have been convicted of, or pleaded no contest to, crimes and one fled the country after being indicted on charges related to raising money.

Clinton has been involved in a resort land scam with in which about half the purchases, many of them seniors, lost their property.

Before you go voting for the elitist Hillary just remember that when her husband was president, he chose to pardon 16 FALN Terrorists.

The move was obviously done to help her with getting the heads of the Puerto Rican & Spanish Organizations behind her when she ran for her bid for the NY Senate.

The head of the FALN Organization was writing & communicating DIRECTLY with Hillary Clinton for the release of the prisoners up until her husband pardoned them; and they were released.

Why was the wife of the President of the United States harboring and communicating with Terrorists? Isn't this treason? Shouldn't she be arrested? Of course it is; and yes she should!

A drug dealer "retained" Hillary's brother as a lawyer for hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a "Get Out of Jail" card from Hillary's husband!!

Clinton is currently being sued in a case involving a massive misreporting of campaign contributions.


•Favors healthcare individual mandates that would help insurance companies and banks but not citizens

•Has the most number of foreign lobbyist contributors

•Is even more popular with Pentagon contractors than McCain

•Is most popular with K Street lobbyists

•Is only First Lady to ever come under criminal investigation

•Has received the most funds from oil industry

•Has received the most funds from health industry

•Gave most number of evasive answers (250) to congressional inquiries

•Submitted the largest false campaign finance report

Since taking office in 2001, Clinton has delivered $500 million worth of earmarks that have specifically benefited 59 corporations. About 64% of those corporations provided funds to her campaigns through donations made by employees, executives, board members or lobbyists

While Ark Governor's wife, she was partner in the states largest, most corrupt law firm and WAL-MART BOARD MEMBER

“The American people don't have a long retention, they forget everything after a while” ---- Bill Clinton
2008-03-23 08:24:02 UTC
lol daz please continue to support your candidate and don't let anyone dissuade you. You are right to ask why they're supporting him. A lot of times young people can get caught up in the excitement and jump on a band wagon and not really know what's going on. Maybe you can encourage them to research their candidate and see what he's about then their support of him can be validated. I don't think Senator Clinton is a *****, I just think Obama would do a better job at uniting the country because contrary to what people may think he's not as distrusted by Republicans as Senator Clinton is. I believe if she is elected she will be polarizing and not much will get accomplished.
2008-03-23 08:36:44 UTC
They really have not taken the time to do enough research.

Obama lacks good judgment it's a fact.

I for one am proud of the fact that you are astute enough at your age to see through all the media bias against Hillary

Obama has outspent Hillary by 3 to 1 but she is still ahead in the polls

Hillary has won every debate yet people still fall in line for Obama

Maybe it's just a simple judgment call, but Obamas judgment is lacking
2008-03-23 08:22:13 UTC
I'm part of America's youth and I support Obama but I wouldn't be disappointed at all with Hilary. I just prefer Obama. I really don't get why exactly people hate her...I personally agree with a lot of her idea's and wouldn't mind getting Bill a real title again.

There's a teacher at my school who's this bitter ultraconservative and he's a real a--hole. He supports Obama because he hates Hilary so much and he also hates McCain. I think he believes Hilary is the antichrist. But it makes no sense to me, he's supporting a liberal liberal because he hates McCain for "selling out". Why not support a liberal conservative?
2008-03-23 08:20:03 UTC
Because Obama is running a feel good, soda pop campaign that requires no effort to achieve a feeling of moral superiority. Only a child or a moron would believe, as Obama contends, that when he is president every bureaucrat "will care".

As to Hillary, she has become the establishment through association with her husband and her record in the Senate. Democrats and children alway hate establishment/authority figures so, ironically, she is now "the man" in the 1960s sense.
Sports Maven
2008-03-23 08:29:15 UTC
No one likes their mother or their sister to tell them to clean their room. Our youth are idealistic and have lived....the benefits of our struggles in this country. They see themselves as independent thinkers, because they have the sense of klnowledge at their fingers tips, but if you test their emotional intelligence, it fall short becuase they do not possess the coping mechanism that life experience give to you. Too much too soon! Now where does that leave our country. Education wise the youth stink versus the youth in foreign countries. If you took our youth out of this country they can't. speak another language beyond some spanish and some french, but Arab, Greek, Chines conversational no way. In addition, if you took them to a desert and asked them to give up their ipod, Mp3, blue tooth, cell phone, computers - our youth would be lost. I am afraid we are walking around with brain dead zombies in this election, and impressionable idiots. But for the sake of your future try reading a Wall Street Journal from cover to cover; Black Enterprise, London Times and try to understand what going on in this country and what bad shape we are really in beyond the Iraq War. Obama has no other argument but that and he wasn't even in a decision making position to make the real decisionl. That argument is old and stale. Stop looking for a super hero. Baby, looked into the eyes of the experience ones and make alist of all the problems that are befalling this country and your generation is going to inherit. We are 10-15 years in mess that will crippled this country with a novice president.
2008-03-23 08:23:34 UTC
I like Hillary and I was gonna vote for her until she and Obama started campaigning. Then I saw the tactics that she was using such as the anti Obama adds, emailing pictures of him in African attire trying to imply that he is a Muslim, and whining all the time about how unfair the media is being. She is also very arrogant, its like she thinks its her God given destiny to be president. You can see evidence of this in the way she campaigned early on, she expected to pretty much win during super Tuesday.
2008-03-23 08:18:09 UTC
Hillary has the personality of a stone. Obama is more like able. Politically they are the same.
2008-03-23 10:51:45 UTC
They only like Obama because everyone else says they like him. it's stupid. some people say well he makes great speeches. so what! for pete's sake you don't even know what he wants to do when he's president. I like Hillary, especially because she wants universal health care. I think that's a great idea.
Seeking the Light
2008-03-23 09:15:56 UTC
Because she's not a "Girl's Gone Wild" participant. Today's youth is so sexist and obsessed with women's appearance rather than substance.
2008-03-23 08:16:04 UTC
That is what is scary. Obama has all the star power. He is relatively young, and smiles alot. The sad part is that he has zero substance. It's like people are trying to make a change simply to make a change. Unfortuneatley, the presidency has become a popularity contest as opposed to an issue contest.
2008-03-23 08:18:16 UTC
I agree with you ;)

I'm 14 and I think the ONLY kid in my school that's supporting Hillary. I guess I'm just the only one with common sense, correct?

Kids follow trends, and that's why so many people are supporting Obama. If you ask a teenager why he/she is supporting Obama, they'll say it's because their friends are. They don't even know about the issues that Obama represents; if they did, they would go for Clinton.

Obama just isn't a disease affecting America, it's affecting Canada too. (I'm a Canadian). A poll suggests that if Obama ran for Prime Minister in Canada, he would win by a landslide.

If you vote for Obama, and you'll regret it.

2008-03-23 08:21:36 UTC
you are showing your age and your education level by saying she has done so much for this country.....NAME ONE THING!! according to your rationalization, a policemans/firemans wife is able to go on duty and protect your life. A lawyers wife is able to represent you in court. She and Bill never owned a home till they moved to NY and now the govt pays thier mortgage (look it up if you dont that). when you grow up then you can state your position with your vote....hopefully you will be more aware of what really goes on in the world.
2008-03-23 08:15:14 UTC
It's an age thing, Obama is young and carasmatic, Hillary is older, McCain is a fossil.

The problem is we haven't really taught our children well, they aren't making educated choices on who would be the best candidate, they just go for the glitz and glamour.
2008-03-23 08:20:44 UTC
She's a monster....She's a liar and a thief....remember Travelgate, Pardongate, missing white house silverware, china and other artifacts? How about Whitewater? Her husband's impeachment. Has everyone forgotten?

Experience…how does being a cheerleader make you experienced at playing the game?

She is simply an opportunist who thinks only of her own ambitions rather than the people she is supposed to humbly serve.

I demand clarity, truth, and full disclosure from any individual wanting to be the President of the USA!!! I expect more from an individual who has painted themselves as the best America has to offer for leadership.
Crystal S
2008-03-23 08:18:36 UTC
Dont pay attention to these people who bash Hillary. They have their heads up their asses and they can't take the truth; they come on here and spew garbage and lies because they are weak minded, blind followers of an anti-American candidate who is as clueless as they are.

Look at the facts, watch the debates, Hillary is far smarter and better than Obama.
2008-03-23 08:19:30 UTC
obama wants to talk about issues like the war the economy hillary wants to talk about Jeremiah Wright. Obama takes a stand hillary waffels
2008-03-23 08:15:56 UTC
I personally don't like either candidate. Hillary really hasn't done much, but Obama hasn't done anything. The only reason that everyone loves Obama is because he is "Black." I think he is a racist Muslim who will wreck our country. Hillary is definately better, but I'm a Republican. I say that Mitt Romney would have been our best bet.
2008-03-23 08:15:35 UTC
Obama wrote a book telling how he used cocaine and other illegal drugs.

If you interview the kids who support Obama and get honest answers from them about their use of illegal drugs you will find that for all practical purposes all of the have used illegal drugs.

You will find that is one of the reasons they want Obama to win.

They expect Obama to make illegal drugs like Cocaine and Marijuana legal because Obama writes about using those drugs himself.
2008-03-23 08:18:42 UTC
obama is trendy. young people fall trends. like brittney spears, american idol balblablablbla. dangerous way of thinking. its called being a lemming.

also obama is younger so younger people tend to related more to the younger dude rather than the one that looks or acts like their mom.

good for you for having your own mind.
2008-03-23 08:15:03 UTC
obama is not the youth of our nation... he's in his 40's!!! i agree with you on this one. so many people dislike hillary, and its not right to dislike someone who has done so much for the nation. i dont mean to discriminate or anything, really... but lots of african-americans i know, are voting for obama, only because of the color of his skin. whats wrong with people... hillary and bill have done wonders for minorities.

btw... its also sad if teens like him just cuz he used drugs b4. big deal, tons of ppl do it! yea, he might be a good speaker, but his speeches are definately NOT original.
2008-03-23 08:21:29 UTC
I think its because Hillary is seen by many as a female dog. you know the B word
2008-03-23 08:20:07 UTC
sorry but I am not hypnotized, I don't want Hillary or Obama to win!!!!!!!!!!!
Sami V
2008-03-23 08:23:30 UTC
She appears to be full of arrogance - the 'I know everything and no one else does' attitude!
2008-03-23 08:13:15 UTC
She supported content restrictions on video games
2008-03-23 08:27:43 UTC
i agree w/you i just hpoe she stays w/it we need some/1 else 2 vote 4 besides osama i mean obama lol.
2008-03-23 08:20:48 UTC
She helped get us NAFTA that took away the jobs they might have gotten after graduating.
Sara love
2008-03-23 08:15:13 UTC
Obama is a huge political fad.

But Obama appeals to the Erkel, non-threatening, "metro-sexual" teens who only use their hands to play.
Chris J
2008-03-23 08:13:36 UTC
young people fall for fads a lot easier

Obama is a huge political fad
2008-03-23 08:18:12 UTC
because she didn't promise to legalize pot or glamorize the use of Cocaine like Obama has!
2008-03-23 08:15:14 UTC
Perhaps they know a little more about Hillary than you do, or maybe they've heard their parents talk about what she really is.
2008-03-23 08:15:30 UTC
Because she is a lying, power hungry B itch. That wants to take away your rights
2008-03-23 08:19:02 UTC
I find her creepy.

McCain '08.
2008-03-23 08:14:07 UTC
hillary is a monster is what i hear my kids saying

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