Why are Hillary people so hypocritical and in complete denial?
Clinton has by far the worst record, witness the cattle futures, Whitewater, travel office, her long time affair with Vince Foster followed by his extremely suspicious death during Whitewater investigation, and similar scandals as well as the fact that five of her fundraisers have been convicted of, or pleaded no contest to, crimes and one fled the country after being indicted on charges related to raising money.
Clinton has been involved in a resort land scam with in which about half the purchases, many of them seniors, lost their property.
Before you go voting for the elitist Hillary just remember that when her husband was president, he chose to pardon 16 FALN Terrorists.
The move was obviously done to help her with getting the heads of the Puerto Rican & Spanish Organizations behind her when she ran for her bid for the NY Senate.
The head of the FALN Organization was writing & communicating DIRECTLY with Hillary Clinton for the release of the prisoners up until her husband pardoned them; and they were released.
Why was the wife of the President of the United States harboring and communicating with Terrorists? Isn't this treason? Shouldn't she be arrested? Of course it is; and yes she should!
A drug dealer "retained" Hillary's brother as a lawyer for hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a "Get Out of Jail" card from Hillary's husband!!
Clinton is currently being sued in a case involving a massive misreporting of campaign contributions.
•Favors healthcare individual mandates that would help insurance companies and banks but not citizens
•Has the most number of foreign lobbyist contributors
•Is even more popular with Pentagon contractors than McCain
•Is most popular with K Street lobbyists
•Is only First Lady to ever come under criminal investigation
•Has received the most funds from oil industry
•Has received the most funds from health industry
•Gave most number of evasive answers (250) to congressional inquiries
•Submitted the largest false campaign finance report
Since taking office in 2001, Clinton has delivered $500 million worth of earmarks that have specifically benefited 59 corporations. About 64% of those corporations provided funds to her campaigns through donations made by employees, executives, board members or lobbyists
While Ark Governor's wife, she was partner in the states largest, most corrupt law firm and WAL-MART BOARD MEMBER
“The American people don't have a long retention, they forget everything after a while” ---- Bill Clinton