I think I am in the consensus that think McCain and Huckabee were the strongest. Both are very grounded in their stances leaving very little room for flip flopping, even though I may not agree on every issues with these two, they seem to be the most convicted, most willing, and the most solid.
McCain reminds me very much of what I envision early Patriots to be. I have mixed feelings over the war in Iraq but I trust McCain over Paul because McCain has been, just was, will be over there finding out what is going on.
I wasn't impressed with Paul's explanation of the Iraqis taking back their country, with expressions like "the people in the North" stumbling because he could not remember, to me, that shows he is taking a little information, and projecting it onto a larger screen, that might be an overanalyzation. However, that being said I think it is admireable of Paul to denounce running as an independent knowing that it would mostly take away from the republican vote.
Huckabee did well with the questions that were asked of him. He shows the most poise and is the most genuine seemingly because he doesn't change his stance so he doesn't have to fabricate something to stand on. He is getting a lot of "faith-loaded" questions which is his strongest point, but I would like for them to shove him in the mix on the more secular issues in future debates. I have done some reading on his website and he has a lot of good ideas beside "get rid of abortion and stop gay marraige."
I think the Romney and Guiliani duel in the beginning hurt Romney the most, not because he lost that battle, because I don't believe he did, but it seemed to affect the rest of his debate. Romney came out of that catfight like he had seen a ghost. Guiliani recovered better I believe, but Huckabee's quip on needing help to get through the bible question, capatilized his weakness in getting the "values voters."
Fred Thompson comes across as winging it. I think he is trying to run off his early success while NOT being in the presidential race, which by recent polls he is failing heavily. He was very longwinded but never really answered the questions asked of him and I think his performance was mediocre at best.
Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo are the Joe Biden and Chris Dodd of the Republican debate. They both have great credentials, policy is firm to their party, but in affect they cancel each other, never given a chance, but I think they both did well from what I got to hear from them. Tom Tancredo especially made a solid remark about the space program after Huckabee made the question somewhat of a joke. I would not be afraid to vote for either one of these guys.