What if Obama DOESN'T win the election?
2008-10-21 08:45:44 UTC
Will there be riots among democrats? Will african americans shout voter fraud? Even civil war?

Maybe John McCain should just step back and concede to Obama, today?

What do you think would happen?
64 answers:
Katie S
2008-10-21 08:50:29 UTC
There is NO .. What IF !! . . He will NOT WIN !!!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama's RADICAL Supporters will tear up their own neighborhoods WHILE shouting about racism and fraud !!

I .. DO hear the words that are coming out of JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama's mouth and KNOW that he is NOT being truthful !!

HOW is he planning on paying for ALL of his campaign promises, AND finance HIS Global Poverty Act (S.2433) .. WITHOUT RAISING TAXES ON ALL AMERICANS ????

MORE than half of ALL TRUE Americans know that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, with 143 DAY of ACTUAL WORK experience as a JUNIOR U.S. Senator, AND NO EXECUTIVE Management Experience, .. is NOT ANY WHERE NEAR READY to be OUR President of the United States of America !!!

And you know that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama's CHANGE is actually an acronym :

C - Come

H - Help

A - A

N - Narcissist

G - Get

E - Elected

I have seen and heard enough of what JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama wants to DO TO America !!! . . . Enough to know that HIS ideas and policies for America are NOT GOOD FOR America !!!

The MAIN, bad idea of Obama, that I believe ALL True Americans should research and READ is .. Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) which will surrender America's sovereignty to the United Nations !!

I .. HAVE .. and .. WILL .. Vote for the BEST person for the job !!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the Best person to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


Why would WE want ANYONE that does not have ANY mangerial experience to TRY to be THE President of THE United States of America ???

Can YOU get over the FACT that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama IS going to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations ???

ALL ... TRUE Americans need to READ the Global Poverty Act (S.2433) !!!



JUNIOR U.S. Senators TRY to Legislate !!!

JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office !!

... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience

... HE decided

... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Unions, and the Democrats are sending messages to big business to downsize in America and send more jobs to foreign countries.

Brilliant ideas from JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Democrats and the Unions (SARCASM) !!!!


MOST JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama Supporters do NOT care about his ideals and policies ... they JUST WANT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN as President !!!

I have NO problem voting for an African American or a woman or any other minorty as long as they are the BEST PERSON for the position !!!

JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the BEST person to be OUR President of THE United States of America !!


JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is ANTI-American.

WE NEED to start doing the "REPORT ABUSE" Button on the ABUSIVE Obama Supporters for EVERY LITTLE ... POSSIBLE ... Violation, like they do to the rest of the people on here !!!!


2008-10-21 08:56:27 UTC
First off, McCain's view on this election is the same as his view on the war overseas, defeat is not an option.

Second, If Obama does win(which I think is HIGHLY unlikely), the only thing that will happen is that we'll have the 1st person of color elected president in this country's history.

However, if McCain wins, there will be cries of voter fraud & there might very well be riots in the streets(not among Democrats, but among people who are just POed about the way the election turned out.)
2008-10-21 08:52:43 UTC
Will there be riots? Possibly, and I hope that the police and the citizens who love this country fight back with an awesome force.

They started shouting fraud months ago. The funny thing is that it probably was part of the reason that the ACORN fraud has come to light.

Civil war is not likely because it there is such a minority that would fight that they would be crushed in a few days.

Maybe Obama should concede because he is a horrible candidate and an anti-American racist bucket of crap.

What would happen if Obama loses? America would be saved from the push of socialism for at least 4 more years.

ADDED: And to suggest that we roll over in the face of a threat of thugs is EXACTLY what a lot of liberals want. That is why we do not want liberals in the White House during such volatile times in the world.
Dragon Eyez
2008-10-21 08:55:15 UTC
There maybe riots. There will definitely be very upset and angry people. Probably some demonstrations too. This stuff happens every election, but this will be the worse since it's between a white man and a not so white man...(some say black).

Are you crazy? McCain concede to Obama? That's nuts! Can you imagine how crazy people would carry on then?

It's a pretty tight race between McCain and Obama and there are a lot of ignorant people voting on race alone. This will definitely be one for the history books!
2008-10-21 09:11:05 UTC
I don't think there will be riots among democrats but I think they will be difficult to work with in Congress because that's how they've been for the last 8 years except for going to war with Afghanistan and Iraq.

However, just like in California when black people didn't like the ruling of Rodney King, there will be civil unrest in large communities across the U.S. but I don't think it will be civil war. It will be a waste of money and energy.

It's still worth it to stand up and fight for what you believe in knowing all that ahead of time so there will be no concession.

And I know B.O. will not concede either even though if he does win then that consequence will be even worse than what McCain will face.

MAINLY because of what B.O. will do to this country not because of race.
2008-10-21 09:03:16 UTC
I for one will be happy.

I didn't vote for him when he ran for Senator here in IL either.

Why should John McCain concede anything? He and Sarah Palin draw 10's of thousands to their rally. Obama and Biden draw far far far less. There is a lot more support for McCain than the press gives him credit for. If riots ensue because Socialist Barry didn't win, it only shows the ignorance of his supporters but I feel that most of his supporters will show a lot more class than that.

What will happen? America will go on. The new administration will be focusing on fixing the economy. The usual roadblocks in Congress will ensue. It will be business as usual here in America. Joe the Plumber can get his license and buy his bosses business and hopefully make that 250K
2008-10-21 08:54:28 UTC
Sure there will be riots and civil war, even though according to all you democrats, the republican's are the war mongers.

This will also cause more government spending which will then be blamed on the republican's in office, the democrats won't be able to use their pea-sized brains to realize they caused the spending in the first place by starting the riots and civil war.

Why doesn't Obama concede, we will then avoid all of this! Besides I want McCain in office anyways.
2008-10-21 08:53:25 UTC
I totally see race riots in cities like Detroit, Chicago, etc. And then the never ending "its because americans are racist" crap will gain momentum, which is such crap. Most of the racism i witness is from the people claiming they want fair treatment. Quit acting owed for something that never happened to you and suck it up like the rest of us.

If McCain loses do you really think the Rep's wont claim voter fraud? Theyre already suing Acorn, which, they are required by law to publicize fraudulent registration and correct it. Thats what they did. Then the media got ahold of it and spun baby spun. The GOP is in some fraud suits as well. Elections are a scam and have been for years. Its all about money and kissing butt, not whats best for everyone or votes.
2008-10-21 08:51:20 UTC
The voter fraud is in favor of Obama. So are all of the other bad things, like the support of Hamas for Obama, rev. Wright, Ayers, ACORN. If Obama doesn't win America will be a better place. If riots occur that will just be a display of the ignorant that supported him. We don't need him or them they will do nothing but hurt and degrade America.
2008-10-21 09:08:58 UTC
If Obama doesn't win he's finished in politics because the republicans will run someone good against him in his home state. Plus Hillary will probably ask Carroll Mosley Brawn to run against him in the primaries and Jesse Jackson would probably support someone else in his senate primary. If African American's shout cival war they'll regret it I'm sure.
2008-10-21 08:54:13 UTC
Truth, Justice and the American way of Life would live on. The entire world will be served notice that America is not a socialist country. The USA is a sovereign nation, who will not back down when faced with tyranny
2008-10-21 08:57:50 UTC
The great civil war of 2000

aka, we will have to endure more nonsense years and listening about how the turrists are gonna come bomb your farmhouse if we dont war against some random middle eastern country (lookin at you Iran!)

then in 12, we will once again try to work on educating the people


once the dems are in is the #1 priority...too many ignorant sheep;...the fact that its not 80/20 shows that there is a massive problem of ignorance in this and critical thinking is now imperative

just talked to my sister...she is voting for McCain because, in her words:

Sarah is cool, and Obama is a Muslim.


she actually isnt dumb, she is just very american idol educated omg, the islamics are going to kill everyone...iraq attacked us on 9/11, etc

gotta have faux news disconnected from her house.
2008-10-21 08:51:16 UTC
Nobody should concede an election before it has been lost.

I will simply accept it if Obama does not win. I will not cry "racism."

Civil war? Is this a joke? If anything the elections of 2000 stirred the most controversy.
2008-10-21 08:52:13 UTC
No. I doubt it. No.

Absolutely not, it ain't over till the fat lady sings.

I can't predict what everyone else will be doing, but I'll jumping up and down doing the happy dance. There are too many uninformed voters in this country these days.
2008-10-21 08:52:55 UTC
If you truly believe that African-Americans are THAT ignorant that they would resort to riots and saying "Miscount" then you are truly an uneducated person. I do not think that too many people are voting based off of color! My husband is white and I am bi-racial and we are both voting for Obama because of what he stands for NOT because he is BLACK! So no McCain should finish the fight and put faith in the 75% of the Americans that ARE NOT RACIST and may the best man win! But I guess I can see where your question is coming from. Hope I answered it for ya!
2016-02-24 06:32:43 UTC
I have NO problem voting for an African American or a woman or any other minorty as long as they are the BEST PERSON for the position !!!
2014-11-06 14:29:43 UTC
about racism and fraud !!

I .. DO hear the words that are coming out of JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama's mouth and KNOW that he is NOT being truthful !!

HOW is he planning on paying for ALL of his campaign promises, AND finance HIS Global Poverty Act (S.2433) .. WITHOUT RAISING TAXES ON ALL AMERICANS ????

MORE than half of ALL TRUE Americans know that JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, with 143 DAY of ACTUAL WORK experience as a JUNIOR U.S. S
2014-11-04 12:30:19 UTC
am a former Navy S.E.A.L. I have been properly trained and I do have experience of being" farmed out "and I have plenty of trigger time .

2014-11-03 05:22:15 UTC
Senator Obama wants to DO TO America !!! . . . Enough to know that HIS ideas and policies for America are NOT GOOD FOR America !!!

The MAIN, bad idea of Obama, that I believe ALL True Americans should research and READ is .. Obama's Global Poverty Act (S.2433) which will surrender America's sovereignty to the United Nations !!

I .. HAVE .. and .. WILL .. Vote for the BEST person for the job
2008-10-21 08:49:47 UTC
Yes, there will likely be riots. I am sure after the multiple racial slurs, people telling democrats they are lazy as well as socialists there is quite a bit of tension built up.
2008-10-21 08:58:50 UTC
I am not worried and I am a former Navy S.E.A.L. I have been properly trained and I do have experience of being" farmed out "and I have plenty of trigger time .
2008-10-21 08:57:29 UTC
Then we are all screwed, AND even worse, then my stupid husband would win.

We have 2 signs in our yard, somehow the McCain one looks like it got ran over by a blue minivan. Weird huh?
2008-10-21 08:49:29 UTC
Just for old time's sake, let's have the election and abide by the results, excluding the votes cast fraudulently. Then let's prosecute Acorn and its trainers and lawyers and financial backers to the fullest extent of the law.
2008-10-21 08:53:37 UTC
If he doesn't goes on. He's not a savior like everyone is making him out to be.
2008-10-21 08:51:13 UTC
I will be jumping for joy!

Keep the USA freedom for 4 more years!
2008-10-21 08:51:03 UTC
We have several days of re-counting Florida's ballet boxes and then swear him in as a week late President. Could happen!
2008-10-21 09:44:30 UTC
most likely yes, so sorry america is not number 1 any more
2008-10-21 08:53:55 UTC
I will let out a sigh of relief - we are saved from becoming France!
2008-10-21 08:50:02 UTC
I don't know what will happen but with the way people are getting punched in the face, getting tires slashed, and homes vandalized just because they are Barack supporters I'm afraid of what will happen if he does win.
just me
2008-10-21 09:00:35 UTC
I wouldn't worry too much about riots. YOU BETTER TAKE WHATEVER MONEY YOU HAVE AND BUCKLE DOWN. BECAUSE CHINA WILL BE COMING. The Republicans only want to take they do not even want to pay taxes. We are not talking about welfare rolls. School, military, fire, roads, police and let us not forget the INSURANCE COMPANIES, WALL STREET, INVESTMENT BANKS (THE LAST 4 EVIDENTLY THEY DON'T MIND).

2008-10-21 08:52:57 UTC
Then we are screwed. Plain and simple, I'm moving out of the country if he isn't elected. But either way, whoever is elected will most likely be assassinated.
2008-10-21 08:50:40 UTC
Whether you realize it or not, that is blackmail to threaten riots and then suggest McCain way! For those who choose to riot there are plenty of jails to hold them...and plenty of cops and riot police to settle things I hope if Obama does lose, and I hope he does, his supporters are smart and act like adults...
Blue Haired Old Lady
2008-10-21 08:50:22 UTC
No. No rioting, no civil war. We will go on as we always do after an election.

What are the republicans going to do if McCain doesn't win? Whine over hate radio until some crazy nut tries to assassinate Obama? Will they shout vote fraud? Oh, yeah, they have already started doing that.
2008-10-21 08:49:51 UTC
Then Obama will run for president in one of the majority-muslim countries and will surely win.
2008-10-21 08:49:20 UTC
No, come on this isn't some 3rd world country where people will lose their minds. Honestly, I'm more scared if he does. win . I'm afraid that all those back wood hill billies will come out the wood works with all their ammo and guns blazing trying to take overthrow the government. Can you say Timothy McVay. But I do think people on both side have gotten way too emotional over this campaign.
An Open Book
2008-10-21 08:54:34 UTC
Thank you for reinforcing the false idea that African Americans are violent people. It's nice to know we have a racist amongst us. (that was Sarcasm -- it's actually repulsing to see people still have your ideologies.)
2008-10-21 08:50:43 UTC
People will say damme i really taught he was going to win then hope that McCain doesn die an leave Palin in charge, we'd be proper fu cked then
2008-10-21 08:53:46 UTC
It will mean the repukes threw the election AGAIN.
2008-10-21 08:49:34 UTC
Al Sharpton will knock himself out.
2008-10-21 08:51:27 UTC
No, I dont think anything like it would happen!
2008-10-21 08:51:05 UTC
if obama doesn't win, i may even start to believe in god again.
2008-10-21 08:51:05 UTC
We're all be screwed for another 4 years
2008-10-21 08:54:22 UTC
It will just prove once and for all that republicans cheat
2008-10-21 08:49:39 UTC
I'm pretty sure you feel the wrath of african american uproar...



but I am voting obama, don't get that confused

i just think this race thing is getting out of hand.
2008-10-21 08:53:06 UTC
I'll move to Cuba.
2008-10-21 08:50:10 UTC
McCain will be president. More likely Obama WILL win. I think the GOP is trying to set the stage for unrest.
new mommy
2008-10-21 08:49:45 UTC
people are going to go nuts to matter who wins! if maccain wins you will hear the same stuff!
douglas l
2008-10-21 08:50:22 UTC
I actually think it will be the GOP screaming fraud when Obama wins. Nothing matters more than power to them. Country first, yeah right.
2008-10-21 08:50:33 UTC
Then the other guy will?!
2008-10-21 08:49:37 UTC
He won't and there will be riots.!!
2008-10-21 08:50:40 UTC
Yes,yes and yes.

It will show the extreme left that for what they are...a$$holes.
2008-10-21 08:49:52 UTC
i'll continue to grumble for another four years. i don't know about everyone else.
2008-10-21 08:49:07 UTC
The world will rejoice if Obama loses. Mark my words on this one.
♥ ☼ ♥ ☼ LOVE MY LABS!!
2008-10-21 08:50:03 UTC
Can you say Partayyyy!!!!!!!
2008-10-21 08:49:27 UTC
Is that a threat?
Pure Republican Evil
2008-10-21 08:49:26 UTC
Convert all your savings into gold and bury it in the back yard.
2008-10-21 08:49:07 UTC
i would be disappointed at the many Americans that let our country down
2008-10-21 08:49:06 UTC
we are gonna be saved from communism
2008-10-21 08:48:54 UTC
I think this question has been asked a few times.
2008-10-21 08:49:26 UTC
2008-10-21 08:49:22 UTC
if obama doesn't win...ill kill myself..cuz we r doomed
2008-10-21 08:48:50 UTC
No - dream on
November Rain
2008-10-21 08:48:38 UTC
This country is screwed for another 4 years :(
2008-10-21 08:48:33 UTC
I think we'd all be screwed. Just that.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.