Why is everyone bashing Hillary over her Bobby Kennedy comment?
2008-05-24 05:24:47 UTC
Hillary, in trying to explain to a reporter why she is staying in the race, was just stating historical facts of Democratic races running into June. I watched her as she calmly pointed out Bill Clinton in 1992 and the Bobby Kennedy assignation in 1968 as races that ran into June. Even the reporter did not question her on that point. She meant nothing offensive by that comment, yet the Obama people said, "Comments like that have no place in the campaign." An editorial in today's NY Times said, Hillary's comment was " inexcusable outburst." These comments and more are nothing but an excuse to attack Hillary on an innocent remark in order to force her out of the race. Hillary has really taken some low blows lately from all quarters.
26 answers:
2008-05-24 05:33:24 UTC
It did'nt insult his son RFK Jr. All the media hype is politically motivated to force Hillary to quit the race!
susie shepherd
2008-05-24 07:24:32 UTC
I am no Hillary Clinton supporter, but it seems to me that this media bashing is really an evidence of people simply not knowing their own history. Bobby Kennedy did not have (despite the fact that a lot of us wished at the time he did) the nomination locked up when he was shot. The point that Sen. Clinton seemed to be making is that the race isn't over yet, any more than the race was over then. If there is no way for Sen. Obama to get enough committed delegates to lock up the nomination (as McCain did) then Sen. Clinton should not get out of the race until the convention. After all it is entirely possible that between now and then Sen. Obama could do something incredibly stupid (more than just misspeak about the number of states), could have some fatal flaw revealed that would make the super delegates want to take a second look at whether he's the right person to represent the party. At this point the Democrats are managing to keep their options open by not declaring the race over. I think they'll get more of a post convention bump if it isn't a foregone conclusion going in. There will actually be some interest in the process. No matter what happens some people in some groups are going to feel disenfranchised and turned off by the result. However, if a candidate is forced out of the race before the final votes are counted it's going to increase this sense of disenfranchisement.

If the Obama people really think that this was an invitation to assasinate Sen. Obama then perhaps it's more of an indication that they are far more influenced by the rhetoric of Jeremiah Wright than they have been willing to admit.
2008-05-24 05:56:20 UTC
I did not think much about the statement she made. I do think she could have given other examples of primaries going into June, but these candidates must feel like they are on some alternate universe, I can only imagine how tired they must be.

People are questioning why she is remaining in the race, though the math is not on her side. She and her campaign kept insinuating that something could happen to the Obama campaign so she would continue running.

Did she mean assasination? Only Hillary and her closest know the answer to that, but I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. However, the fact that she did not extend her apology to Sen.Obama, as well as the Kennedy family, speaks to something least, ugly and at best, poor judgement..

That being said, who has been raked over the coals more than Sen. Obama for what he said, what did he mean, blah, blah, blah. It's gotten to be an ugly campaign that should stop immediately.
2008-05-24 07:09:43 UTC
You are right in assuming that the Hillary bashing is uncalled for. What else is bothersome is that this was not the first time she made the comment, but just now someone decided that it was unacceptable. It is an unfortunate attempt to end the race early. If the parties (especially the Dem.'s) want the nomination to be over before the convention then they need to modernize their rules. They don't want states voting early or they strip them of delegates. They create superdelegates that aren't allowed to vote until the convention yet they want the race to be over prior to the convention. Why have superdelegates at all if they want the race to be over before they are allowed to vote?

To return to the Bobby Kennedy comment, it was a little off base, suggesting that she is only staying in to lock up the nomination if the leader gets assassinated- (suggesting not stating), but that is not the only point she was making. She was, as you said, giving examples of elections that were not resolved until the convention.

Ultimately, It would undermine the process to step out. I understand Huckabee stepping down once it was impossible to win, but I agree with his decision to stay in. If you want a rue democracy you have to support the right of the underdog which includes third party candidates and fringe candidates. I disagree with the Perot's Nader's Kucinich's and Ron Paul's, but I have to support their right to get a fair chance and I have to support Hillary's decision to stay in until all the votes are cast. Obama may be a sure thing, given his superdelegate support, but no superdelegate has voted yet and won't until the convention. He can not win without the superdelegates (despite the probability that he will need under 30% of their votes to clinch it and he is likely to take closer to 70%) and she should not get out until they cast their ballots.
2008-05-24 05:37:46 UTC
Everyone is looking for a can of nasty worms to when they find a can, they will open it to see what's inside, there were no nasty worms in this can, but they think if they

leave them open long enough that they will sour and they will then have something to 'uproar' are right that she only tried to point out the length of time campaigns sometimes run before any said candidate was considered

winner or loser by the voting public. Of course this does not bother me, Hillary and Obama both are going to lose if my vote would beat them...I am looking for a McCain and

Romney ticket and make it a winnining ticket...God Bless

and vote the way you feel is right for you.
2008-05-24 05:45:13 UTC
Hillary's comment of the Kennedy assassination was extremely inappropriate, if were not she wouldn't have offered an apology, given the fact that she is a person with a big ego. This comment served no purpose whatsoever, and it seemed to suggest the possibility that something horrible could happen to Obama and she'd be crown the Democratic nominee because of it, that is in poor taste no matter how you try to defend it. She seemed to wish ill will on Obama and "his people" have a right to be upset about this. Yes, it was out of place, inexcusable; and let me add very unnecessary. It will be the last nail in her political coffin.
2008-05-24 05:44:11 UTC
Seems you are a blind Hillary supporter. She just can't seem to keep her foot out of her mouth. A little duct tape across her lips would help her alot. This is an indication of what she would be like as President. If she makes thes type of gaffs duting the campaign, what the heck is she going to say to foreign leaders??? Now that is scary. She brought all of this on herself. Her campaign has been all sniping and substance, just the same crap everytime she opens her mouth. Someone please SHUT HILLARY UP!
2008-05-24 05:37:34 UTC
You are absolutely right altho this isn't really a question so much your political editorial.

Gloria Steinum in a remarkable editorial puts it all in prospective....the bias against women is so great that in a Nation of 50% gender mix and less than 20% black mix a woman has to claw to get her parties nomination. That of course discounts all republicans and those disenfranchised with the Clintons in total. I am NO Gloria follower but her on point arguement is profound.

Still the media is bent on forceing this woman OUT even tho no one has the required numbers to "win". Its almost like they are bullying her "OUT".

AND when it comes to the back room politics of the Democratic party I am unconvinced that that wily wench may not be able to out politic BOREaxs for the super delegates final vote....remember they are "committed" not voted. AND if BOREaxs can't swing the vote on the first count you may well see mass defection to the only other standing nominee who might be able to win the second count. HC ain't stupid and should not be counted out until the fat lady sings.
valerie v
2008-05-24 05:47:11 UTC
Because the media is always looking for a way to bash Hilary. I am in France for the moment and even the media over here misconstrued her statement.
Love Conquers All
2008-05-24 06:24:58 UTC
The word is ASSASSINATION, not assignation as stated in your comment. Perhaps not knowing the difference between the two words is why you don't understand the outrage she has committed in this case.
2008-05-24 05:41:06 UTC
Obama needs new stuff because he can't live down the 57 states debacle.
2008-05-24 05:30:10 UTC
Well, consider the fact that Teddy (Obama's Daddy), has just been diagnosed with a malignant Glioma... Is it appropriate to Speak ill of his family's legacy at such a time? Perhaps Hillary's desparation is destroying and dismantling the Dems chance of setting foot in the White House, just my opinion.
2008-05-24 05:30:29 UTC
Well, it was a VERY poor choice of words. It's seen as an artless gaffe - very few people think Sen. Clinton was suggesting that Obama should or would be assassinated! However it was a mistake, especially in light of Sen. Kennedy's current health problems, to bring up Sen. Bobby Kennedy's assassination.
2008-05-24 05:42:51 UTC
To me it just shows that she had already considered the possibility he might get killed as a reason to stay in the race. Something that has been said many times in one context or another, by many people, but not appropriate from her.
2008-05-24 05:35:30 UTC
Hillary's supporters are an uneducated, racists lot, therefore it is understandable why they don't see anything wrong with her devious statement.

The Republicans are pretty scared of Obama getting the nomination and winning the Presidency, therefore it is understandable why they don't care what she says about him.

On the otherhand, anyone else with half a brain can understand the implication behind Hillary's devious, cunning, and divisive message. She wants the nomination at any cost, but more importantly she wants Obama to disappear forever.
2008-05-24 05:43:30 UTC
They are trying to be naive not to accept the truth either for selfish or paid propaganda.
2008-05-24 05:38:47 UTC
gee because its tacky, tasteless, self serviing and incredibly ignorant, just to name a few reasons. oh, and by the way, considering the mess she and bill made of the whitehouse and the permanent damage the clintons caused to the credibility of the presidency. ...any ..."low blows" she clearly DESERVES.
2008-05-24 09:40:10 UTC
She emplyed that Obama could be shot.
2008-05-24 05:33:23 UTC
Obama supporters seem to want a gun pointed at him. They bring it up over and over. After the shootings at Virginia Tech, the press kept riding it over and over until it happened again. Should be laid to rest before someone actually goes off the deep end and would actually try something. Everyone knows what Clinton meant.
2008-05-24 05:33:24 UTC
Apparently they have nothing better to do, I think they are afraid that Obama will not get the nomination so bashing Hillary makes them feel better.
2008-05-24 05:34:15 UTC
I think they just want her out of the race, so they're feigning outrage over these comments. Obama has said worse, so they need to just deal with it.
State of Disrepair
2008-05-24 05:27:59 UTC
Hillary 08

she was just kidding
2008-05-24 05:50:43 UTC
damn it she was not kidding...............I believe everything out of her mouth is for her gain only!
2008-05-24 05:31:42 UTC
Obama has a problem with everyone statements....

Bush: "appeasement"

Clinton: "historical examples"

According to him everyone is threatening & talking about him......

What is his problem????
2008-05-24 05:32:35 UTC
why was everyone bashing obama over jeremiah wright?
2008-05-24 05:30:46 UTC
I am not. I am still bashing her for the sniper fire lie. She's a lier.

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