Does anyone have fears about Obama possibly becoming President?
2008-06-05 04:42:29 UTC
I would have voted for Hilary, but now I think I will vote for McCain because I am just a little nervous about Obama. I fear he is a racist. I also fear his lack of experience. After doing research on Obama, I have come to the conclusion that he has done absolutely nothing that would convince me to vote for him. I have no problem with a black President, but I do fear that he is a muslim. I know that I have read (and he said) that he is not, but there have been too many incidents that have convinced me that he isn't all he says he is. I think people need to do a little research instead of just blindly voting for someone with absolutely no experience, and/ or who seems to have no real loyalty to his country - just because some people have the need to be politically correct (the popular thing to do/first black President of the USA) We need to make sure he can do the job first..I have no wish to get into hateful comments-useful, informative info is good though
48 answers:
2008-06-05 04:50:24 UTC
I agree very much with you , you echo my thoughts.

I also keep learning new things about him that concern me.

I vote and care about who I vote to run this country.

I have to add... The vast majority do not care that he is black!

It is his history , his past associations , his views , his church and his "typical white person" comment.

I don't much he has done while a politician.

There is an article by Thomas Sowell that I am not able to post , it is in the Jewish World Review June... very interesting article.
2008-06-05 05:18:01 UTC
What experience did bush have when he was elected? or JFK? Even if you are experienced it doesn't mean you will make the right decisions.Just because McCain or obama have served in the senate or military doesn't mean they can lead the country

The only concern really is would you be asking the questions if he wasn't black? despite protestations to the contrary i believe that is the main reasons you asked the question. Why do you fear he is a Muslim? again just because his name sounds different you jump to the conclusion that he is hiding something.

I agree that you shouldn't vote blindly and actually feel that both candidates will be good for the US. America needs fixing after the past 7 years and McCain or Obama could do this.
2008-06-05 04:55:55 UTC
Whether or not he has been a Muslim doesn't bother me... but the rest of what you said does bother me, as well. He has no experience, I think it would be GREAT to have a black president, I just don't think he's the one we need. You can't vote blindly. The thing that gets me the most is that the media was saying just today, "Hillary voted for the Iraq war, but Obama was against it from the very beginning." Oh, really? He couldn't vote on it, since he wasn't in the right office to do it! How suckered in could the media be?

I hold no ill will toward the guy, I just don't think he's the one the US needs or should have. I was originally THRILLED to see a black man and a woman running against each other... but the more I learned about Obama, the more worried I was.

God bless America!!!
dave t
2008-06-05 04:59:26 UTC
I personally think this is a conspiracy somewhere along the line.

Everyone new that Hilary Clinton was going to run for president. By introducing Obama, who may in the future be a fine President, they have split the vote. Republicans, in some areas apparently can vote and would have deliberately voted for him to keep Clinton out.

To me, Obamas colour is irrelevant, his experience is what matters, and 3 years in the senate is not enough. America must be one if not 'the' most unpopular country in the world at the moment, and who ever is President has some serious work to do.

If Obama becomes President good luck to him. I just don't think vast swathes of the USA are ready to vote for him, guaranteeing another Republican president.
2008-06-05 05:02:13 UTC
It's not the job of the President to "listen" to the legislative body. If a President is simply a puppet of the legislative body (ie listening to them) that our 3 tier system of governance isn't working.

Do I have "fears" about Obama, of course I do. His inexperience is likely to make him a Carter type of President, a belief that Syria, Iran & North Korea (etc) are all simply misunderstood and if we played nice, gave them things everything would be better. It's a nice fairy tail belief system not rooted in the real world.

I'm also afraid he won't look after AMERICA's best interest, instead giving into the demands of the "global community" because he wants to be a likable guy. That's bunk and not why I would elect someone to be President of the United States.

I'm also afraid he will put liberals on the U.S. Supreme Court. Listen, I don't hate all "liberal" ideals and think if enough American's want a socialist type of system than I'll have to suck it up (I'm not for it of course). However, the Constitution is the Constitution and laws are laws. Judges don't need to be interpretting things broadly so they can get their pictures in the paper and leave a "legacy". It's crap and shouldn't happen.

Do I worry about him being a racist or at least a tad bit bigotted towards white people and harbors some dislike of "white" America. Not really because the President doesn't create laws, Congress does (though I won't vote for him because of it).

Do I worry that his corrupt *** might take advantage of being President? Not really, though again I won't vote for him (who wants to go through another scandal).

Do I worry he is a muslim? Not at all. Do I worry he might not be a Christian? Not at all.
2008-06-05 06:49:51 UTC
My biggest problem with Obama is his weak approach to national security. He wants to "talk" to IRAN?! These are people who have "Death to America' billboards in their nation. Cuba? What the hell is he thinking? He will turn us into a weak, pathetic nanny state of a nation, mocked and ridiculed by the entire world. I suppose that's why Europeans like him so much. I can just visualize them rubbing their hands together, salivating with glee at the prospect of our nation's demise. Obama is a raving, socialist, loon. I would love to see a black President, just not him. I am also convinced he has some racist views; Americans don't need anyone who will divide us. He strikes me as a Nation of Islam black muslim, akin to Louis Farrrakhan. No way any normal, decent, sane Amercan would vote for a raghead. We are not Europeans; we are not bleeding heart, liberal hippies paralyzed by political correctness. To the fool that called Americans "gun toting rednecks" just remember we have probably helped your nation more than once. We are a strong, proud, generous nation We have made some mistakes, but are a force for good in this world. Foreigners need to keep their opinions to themselves anyway; their only concern is our foreign policy (read: themselves). Here's a surprise, America has DOMESTIC issues as well, and we need a President (he is OUR President after all) who will look out for Americans. McCain 08.
2008-06-05 04:56:26 UTC
As a conservative, I do because of the inexperience, association with extremely socially liberal - almost anarchist - individuals, and the fact that even after research, I still can't figure out what he stands for in many respects.

"Change" as a platform doesn't mean anything and tells me nothing about him. What are we changing? How are we changing it? Why should we change it? What will it cost?

I am hoping for some solid debates on real issues between Obama and McCain to get to know both candidates better.
2008-06-05 06:05:18 UTC
I have had fears about every USA President! But, I think it's the people behind the president that really run the country, the president in most cases is nothing more than a figure head, someone who looks the part, has entertainment value, and seems to represent what the public want at any specific time. But, who understands americans anyway?
2008-06-05 05:09:00 UTC
Does anyone have fears about Obama possibly becoming President?

Only those who know how to actually think about what 'change' he might bring.

Only those who work for a living,

Only those who must drive to get to work

Only those who are part of the military that protects our nation

Only those who know the truth about the Christian roots of our nation

Only those who know the truth about the danger Iran, and other radical muslim nations pose to us

Only those who know the crippling effect the UN and the EU's policies on man made climate change will have on our nation

so all in all, no one who really matters, right?
2008-06-05 05:11:17 UTC
Absolutely, I am not ready for socialism or a rerun of the Carter years. I do not want to be burdened with higher taxes that do not represent me.

Yes, I fear the people who do not understand the ramifications of an Obama presidency.

I stand my ground and will vote for Senator McCain.

Melinda F
2008-06-05 04:57:32 UTC
I agree with you. I believe when he loses this time to really get out there and show the people who he is, and get some accomplishments under his belt.

As for the answer from C F in we were to listen to the people Hillary would have been the nominee the votes prove that. He is only there due to delegate votes not the people.
2008-06-05 04:54:00 UTC
I am from the UK and live in UK, but I would have no fears....when you say he has lack of experience...what exactly do you mean? He has been a senator for many years, has visited other countries, and the fact that he is not part of the 'Washington machine' through this supposed lack of experience makes him an ideal candidate for change.....why does everyone suppose he is a Muslim? He is a Christian....he has loyalty to his Country, why else would he do the work he did for the poor in Chicago?

The argument that we should make sure he can do the can you make sure..

Being an outsider, I am astonished with the diatribe that is heaped on this man. There is not a day goes by without someone delving into his past and trying to link him with various individuals.....

As for McCain...he is a doddering fool and you would be well advised to ignore him....he is a war wonger and part of the Military establishment which has not served your Country well over the last few years.....

I find Obama inspirational, and he will inspire others, especially the downtrodden and poor.....

That's all I have to say.
2008-06-05 04:56:22 UTC
I usually lean to the right,(or at least agree with the right) I would have had no trouble with Silliary(Hilliary) as president. She seemed to be a tough cookie and with a position like president that is needed. What people don't understand is that they opened up a can of worms (with Obama) that they will not be able to control. Once he loses to McCain in November you are going to hear so much about racism that it will make you sick. People who are stuck on race needs to grow up! The political correctness of this country will be her undoing.
2008-06-05 04:57:13 UTC
he, his wife and kids have attended the equivilance of a kkk rally every sunday at trinity he seperates himself from it...after it all comes out....the guy is a closet racist which is worse than a outright racist because at least you know up front what they think...with barry, he has been trying to hide it till the videos came out...that's just plain underhanded, and dishonest...secondly, he is a marxist!!! that makes him even more unworthy of being president...but it doesn't disqualify him....thanks to the bungling of bush, the mediocrity and "maverickness" of mccain,...Americans can ignore barry's communistic tendencies and vote for the little commie and claim ignorance and disgruntleness of the current crop of republicans as a excuse....this is all very bad for America...any way you slice it, these next few/several years....we in a heap big trouble..
2008-06-05 05:23:37 UTC
obama is not racist but you are,u wanted 2 vote 4 the republicans, now obama has won you are changing to mcCain becoz he is white,u`ve got the right to fear coz come november obama will be yr fist black president.since u`ve got a phobia of black people what are u going to do?
peter s
2008-06-05 04:57:41 UTC
Anybody really think Senator Obama will be the force in the Presidency. Michelle scares me.
Agony Uncle Andy
2008-06-05 05:03:06 UTC
I imagine most red-neck Americans hate the idea, and fear what might happen.

I hope he comes in, and brings transparency, honesty, conscience, and all the other traits that those in power should display, but never seem to have. I especially hope he starts a productive dialogue with the Muslim world, and shows that through the West being tolerant and fair to them, they can moderate their own fanatics, and treat us with fairness and respect too.

If you don't support that, in my opinion you are simply waiting for the next excuse to spark off World War 3, so we can go and annihilate those who do not dress like us, or speak like us. I think visionaries such as Bob Dylan said all that need saying about the tyrant leaders of the so-called Western democracies in songs such as Masters of War. Or, to quote the late Bill Hicks- "How does the CIA know what weapons the Iraqis have got? Easy... they just check the receipts!"

I would rather see a chihuahua dog, or a giraffe, in the White House than anymore war-mongering George Bushes.

I think that Obama has a fantastic chance to change our world if he wins the presidency, and hope that he does manage to reform a very sick and decadent USA, though I think the gun-toting rednecks will not give up the real power easily. It is easy to ignore those who are starving, or flooded, or diseased, whilst becoming the fattest greediest nation on the planet, and wasting resources all humans need to share. It is not so easy to make personal sacrifice and help others, but vital for the survival of our species.

I would rather have a well-intentioned yet inexperienced Obama than more of the same from the Bush machine/clan.
Jay D
2008-06-05 04:57:26 UTC
I know exactly how you feel, don’t worry you’re not the only one. I've done my research on BO, and his radical group of friends. What I've found is shocking and scary... Even though if you try to stand up to the Obama-cult about it, they tell you to be quiet that it's "fear tactics" now that's what is scary. I hope the truth comes out soon, I won't vote for him.

I will only vote for Hillary.
2008-06-05 04:52:53 UTC
a) Are you sure you've done the right sort of research, and not just believed everything nasty written about him?

b) Why should it matter even if he is a Muslim? The vast majority of religious people are the nice sort, not the raving zealot sort. He would not be where he is today if he were the loony type.

Does he have sound policies you believe in (as you seem happy to switch sides just because you suspect one person, I'm thinking you have no strong opinion on the policies of either Democrats or Republicans).
2008-06-05 05:01:14 UTC
I am afraid of the taxes he will extract from me to pay for all the entitlements that he has promised. If you think outsourcing is a problem now, just wait when the wealthy just up and move to avoid the Great White Rape of our paychecks.
2008-06-05 05:00:13 UTC
How can the man be racist, hes mixed, use your brain people!!!!!!!!thats not a good enough excuse to not vote for the man. I think you dont want to vote for him for another reason, it doesnt make since to switch parties just because your candidate lost, and hillary is about to start supporting Obama soon anyways, so you may change your miond, you will never know.
2008-06-05 05:03:56 UTC
Anyone who has ever been against the 2ND amendment i never voted for that person.

B.H.Obama stands for nothing except his big [ ears] mouth reading speeches that sound good however he has said he would disarm America
2008-06-05 04:55:09 UTC
Yes - America is desperate for change, but so was Nazi Germany in the 40's.

Obama is a racist and a socialist with a forked tongue.


He is the anti-american candidate. His voting record speaks for itself.
Charlie Farley
2008-06-05 04:50:55 UTC
I think its a bit unfair to say you fear him becoming President because he might be a Muslim, despite the fact you haven't seen anything that says he is. And what if he were anyway?!

As for not having loyalty to his that based on his pastor incident?...not what he's actually said and done for the past 40 years.

I was originally a big fan of Hilary, but I think he is now a more convincing candidate and potential President. He needs all democrats to get behind him right now. Or else you're all going to be getting more of the same come November.
2008-06-05 04:55:20 UTC
After reading your question I've come to the conclusion that you haven't done any research at all. Reading blogs is not research and all of your "concerns" are straight out of the right wing talking points.
2008-06-05 04:53:28 UTC
No, unless people wake up and stop wasting their Vote on the 2 party corruption there will never be real change. vote libertarian, lets let the 3rd party have a go at it, they cant screw it up anymore than the reps and dems have the past 20 yrs.
2008-06-05 04:53:45 UTC
I don't know if I agree with everything you've said but i do know that I agree that he has done nothing that would convince me to vote for him.

I was going to vote for Hillary too but now it will be McCain that's my candidate.
2008-06-05 06:16:00 UTC
Whoever is elected will fail to suit everyone's taste and he will always make decisions that are unacceptable to all people.

However I would prefer him to McCain.
2008-06-05 04:56:16 UTC
Jeremiah Wright!!!

"The Damnation of America" while baby boy kept quite for career advancement

That should be enough for you to see that he is WEAK and an

apathetic opportunistic player mac-daddy pimp!
2008-06-05 04:56:40 UTC
Not me. Obama's is the MUCH better choice. Republican policies have driven this country off the road and into a ditch... why would we elect McCain so he can bury us? I don't understand your so-called fear of Muslims. There are hundreds of thousands of Muslims in this country... what have any of them done to you? I'm guessing nothing. I find your so called fear irrational and specious.

Democrats 2008
2008-06-05 05:01:55 UTC
here is my fear, but it was the same for Hillary, if anything gets worse, if we suffer another terrorist attack, if the economy goes downhill, if another hurricane wipes out a major city and FEMA dawdles along the way there, then whoever is in the White House gets blamed... the fear is that the blame will NOW include, 'because he is black', and for Hillary it would be, 'because she is a woman'... but as far as I am concerned, as long as it is a DEMOCRAT, we will all be better off!
2008-06-05 04:49:34 UTC
Im from Aussie and 16 months ago before the campaign no body knew who he was. He has worked pretty hard to get to where he is and says that his personal experience is what drives him. I see nothing wrong with Obama from over here although im not interested in the U.S or elections going on over there. If he was a racist you would clearly no by now he seems legitamet and keen to get u out of this slump ur in


Fix your economy ur passing on all your bad luck down here and **** is getting exspensive. Maybe Obama can help

also H.Clinton seems like another G.Bush she is ultra keen to go to war against Iran but yet should wouldn't go there like most of the political leaders.
2008-06-05 04:51:57 UTC
No fears.

If you think Obama is a racist, then just look at McCain. He blatantly said "gooks" in one of his rallies, and still has the audacity to refuse to apologise.

About him being Muslim, so what? As an atheist, I see no difference between which is worse: Christian or Muslim.
2008-06-05 04:51:13 UTC
Yep. I don't want "Forty Acres And A Mule" coming out of my paycheck- especially since my ancestors didn't immigrate here until the 1880's. I don't see why people living today should be held accountable for something THEY THEMSELVES DID NOT DO.
Caleb F
2008-06-05 04:49:04 UTC
I would cringe at anyone who said they would have voted for Clinton after all the heart ache and stupidity that they shoved at you for eight years.

Obama is not a Muslim any more than you are. His inexperience may be the just thing needed as he will possibly listen to the legislative bodies and make sound decisions unlike others who think they know it all.

As for politically correct, give me a break, the man has charm, class and intelligence.

The biggest thing I can see wrong is the one they all have and that is promises are only made to be broken and govt is much to big now.

Someone needs to give the people back their say over what happens to them.
2008-06-05 04:52:55 UTC
I wish religion did not factor in this election, it worries me more that the current President thinks God chose him to be president.

Do believe everything you hear or read. See this nonpartisan website.
2008-06-05 04:49:03 UTC
I'm pretty confident that McCain will win. Obama and his supporters have already alienated a lot of voters.

But if the radical leftist and inexperienced Obama does somehow win, God help us all.
Jeffry M
2008-06-05 04:51:45 UTC
Racist? He is half black and half white. Muslim? He was up until very recently a member of a large Christian church in Chicago. Please update this post with any "incidents" in which he made statements or acted as though he was either racist or Muslim.
2008-06-05 04:50:00 UTC
Why should anyone have any fears about Obama becoming president.... is it because he is black? i think he would make a brilliant president, and i think it's about time people started realising just because he's black doesn't mean he is not capable.
2008-06-05 04:47:42 UTC
After G.W. Bush even a common garden slug would be an improvement.
2008-06-05 04:53:58 UTC
You're a victim of racial fear.

You fear that he's muslim?

Are your fearing muslims in general?

Not all muslims are extremists.

Only the terrorists are.

Honestly Bush is more terrorist than anybody else.

Obama's not muslim..or else he would have said he was.

Grow up and stop ranting on Y!A.

2008-06-05 04:48:24 UTC
how is he racist? He is not a muslim, but I do share your concern about inexperience, but how experienced was Abe Lincoln in National politics before he became president?
2008-06-05 04:48:42 UTC
no i refuse to vote for mcain, voting for macain means acknowledging bush is doing a good job.. which he isnt. Im voting for obama. and im not doing it blindly.. the usa needs to change, and it needs to change drastically. I have had to wait years for this moment

but it wont...of course

thumbs down me people
2008-06-05 04:46:33 UTC
You only fear should be at the present with Bush as your president.
2008-06-05 04:48:19 UTC
Its okay if he becomes pesident. The aryan brotherhood will take care of things in a week!!
2008-06-05 04:46:00 UTC
No fear at all for I know he will win in Nov.

Obama '08

I just love these Republicans saying their Democrats!!!!

No more McSame!!!
2008-06-05 04:50:29 UTC
he can't be any worse than Bush
2008-06-05 04:45:44 UTC
No, because it will never happen. He is unelectable.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.