why is obama lost on energy? flipping flopping 2 times in the last 3 days
Doug P
2008-08-04 09:16:36 UTC
first he said he wouldnt drill offshore now he will consider it
now he wants to use our reserve oil to help us out of this mess, In July, he said he didn’t support tapping the reserve, saying it only should be used in a “genuine emergency.”
and finally he wants to tax the oil companies profits and give us rebates of 1000.00 im all for rebates but if the oil companies are only going to raise the gas prices to compensate what is the point?
has the man got himself so stuck in a corner he cant find a way out...
Sixteen answers:
2008-08-04 09:20:34 UTC
Because he is now saying whatever it takes to get elected.

His true feelings however are what he said a few months ago and like when attended Rev Wrights church. We all know that is how he REALLY feels.

Leslie, your links are a freakin' joke!!!! They are all altered videos you guys and links to msnbc so big fat lies! Get real and quit posting that to every question. No one's listening!!!
2008-08-04 09:25:42 UTC
I think that if Obama was actually changing his views on the above issues to met realistic solutions that would benefit Americans that would be great. Any leader who works toward a solution that is good for the majority of people is a great characteristic of a good leader. However, I really think that Obama Flip flops on the above issues to better his chances at moving into the white house and not as a way to better America and improve the quality of life for the people living in it.
Rob Stancliffe
2008-08-04 09:29:39 UTC
To be fair, energy is a complex topic, so subtle differences in wording can mean a world of difference, also new data is coming out all the time, so he may have seen some new data that has him changing his stance. You really don't want a stubborn president... err rather... we've seen what a stubborn president can do, so I'm not too scared of a guy changing his stance based on facts

Now to speak my mind - I think the facts that are changing his stance are poll results, and I don't really trust the guy to begin with. I'm sure it's all political positioning to get elected, and he will end up doing what he wants to do anyway. It makes me kind of scared because he's slick, and he's running against someone who doesn't relate to a lot of Americans.
2008-08-04 09:27:38 UTC
His campaign is called "Hope" for a reason. Because experience isn't going to win him presidency.

Btw, I would like some kind of evidence of this. I usually dont trust anonymous people on Yahoo Answers, that includes you guys listing bad stuff about McCain. And no, Youtube videos aren't evidence.

Also, BIG JD, that message sounded a bit like communism to me. If we did everything to help the majority of people, eventually we would have a completely equal society. Taxing the people who make money and giving it to everybody? That doesn't sound like Robin Hood, it sounds like Hitler.
2008-08-04 09:22:31 UTC
It's an endless cycle of taxing and passing it on to us, Wind fall profit tax is a form of Communism, The last time we had this on oil, we had a gas shortage, and were on gas rations. When will people learn the Capitalism is the best way!!!
blase' blahhh
2008-08-04 09:20:31 UTC
does it really matter any more? McCain and Obama are the same candidate. If McCain keeps moving left and Obama keeps moving right, they are going to collide in Kansas before November.
2008-08-04 09:23:01 UTC
Reconsidering an idea based on new information isn't flip flopping. It's called being open minded and looking at something from all angles. A concept Republicans don't understand.
Joseph S
2008-08-04 09:19:58 UTC
This is an insane, unprincipled madman the stupid liberal Obamaites are supporting, along with the media. He is ambitious to seize control of the White House and will do or say mostly anything, and change his views according to popular opinions on issues.
2008-08-04 09:20:05 UTC
This is only the start of the flip flops...just wait it will get worse.
2008-08-04 09:23:40 UTC
He should have stuck with "Hope and Change". I knew he would trip over his crank once he had to start talking policy.
2008-08-04 09:20:23 UTC
No, because while we are moving away from oil, and fighting a war we have to supply our own oil without indirectly funding terrorists by buying from Saudi Arabia. Get your facts straight, and remember the following about McCain:

McCain graduating 5th from the bottom of his class (almost failing):

McCain singing Bomb Iran:

McCain Chelsa Clinton is Ugly Comment:

McCain calling the veitnamese Gooks:

McCain's wife and drug addiction:

McCain giving up on his wife and divorcing her:

McCain cheating on his wife:

More Of McCain's screwups:

McCain is considered to be very volatile and erratic:
2008-08-04 09:21:09 UTC
Shall we discuss McCain's flipflops on taxes? Or did you think Obama was the only one who does it?
2008-08-04 09:19:31 UTC
He feels the need to publicize his lack of experience
2008-08-04 09:19:25 UTC
bc he doesn't know ****

he'll just say whatever to be president
2008-08-04 09:18:56 UTC
he will be like a typical democrats always changing, that is his motto! change!!!!!!!!!
2008-08-04 09:22:10 UTC
He's just trying to be like McSame, the ultimate flip-flopper:

National Security Policy

1. McCain thought Bush’s warrantless-wiretap program circumvented the law; now he believes the opposite.

2. McCain insisted that everyone, even “terrible killers,” “the worst kind of scum of humanity,” and detainees at Guantanamo Bay, “deserve to have some adjudication of their cases,” even if that means “releasing some of them.” McCain now believes the opposite.

3. He opposed indefinite detention of terrorist suspects. When the Supreme Court reached the same conclusion, he called it “one of the worst decisions in the history of this country.”

4. In February 2008, McCain reversed course on prohibiting waterboarding.

5. McCain was for closing the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay before he was against it.

6. When Barack Obama talked about going after terrorists in Pakistani mountains with predators, McCain criticized him for it. He’s since come to the opposite conclusion.

Foreign Policy

7. McCain was for kicking Russia out of the G8 before he was against it. Now, he’s for it again.

8. McCain supported moving “towards normalization of relations” with Cuba. Now he believes the opposite.

9. McCain believed the U.S. should engage in diplomacy with Hamas. Now he believes the opposite.

10. McCain believed the U.S. should engage in diplomacy with Syria. Now he believes the opposite.

11. McCain is both for and against a “rogue state rollback” as a focus of his foreign policy vision.

12. McCain used to champion the Law of the Sea convention, even volunteering to testify on the treaty’s behalf before a Senate committee. Now he opposes it.

13. McCain was against divestment from South Africa before he was for it.

Military Policy

14. McCain recently claimed that he was the “greatest critic” of Rumsfeld’s failed Iraq policy. In December 2003, McCain praised the same strategy as “a mission accomplished.” In March 2004, he said, “I’m confident we’re on the right course.” In December 2005, he said, “Overall, I think a year from now, we will have made a fair amount of progress if we stay the course.”

15. McCain has changed his mind about a long-term U.S. military presence in Iraq on multiple occasions, concluding, on multiple occasions, that a Korea-like presence is both a good and a bad idea.

16. McCain was against additional U.S. forces in Afghanistan before he was for it.

17. McCain said before the war in Iraq, “We will win this conflict. We will win it easily.” Four years later, McCain said he knew all along that the war in Iraq war was “probably going to be long and hard and tough.”

18. McCain has repeatedly said it’s a dangerous mistake to tell the “enemy” when U.S. troops would be out of Iraq. In May, McCain announced that most American troops would be home from Iraq by 2013.

19. McCain was against expanding the GI Bill before he was for it.

20. McCain staunchly opposed Obama’s Iraq withdrawal timetable, and even blasted Mitt Romney for having referenced the word during the GOP primaries. In July, after Iraqi officials endorsed Obama’s policy, McCain said a 16-month calendar sounds like “a pretty good timetable.”

Domestic Policy

21. McCain defended “privatizing” Social Security. Now he says he’s against privatization (though he actually still supports it.)

22. On Social Security, McCain said he would not, under any circumstances, raise taxes. Soon after, asked about a possible increase in the payroll tax, McCain said there’s “nothing that’s off the table.”

23. McCain wanted to change the Republican Party platform to protect abortion rights in cases of rape and incest. Now he doesn’t.

24. McCain supported storing spent nuclear fuel at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. Now he believes the opposite.

25. He argued the NRA should not have a role in the Republican Party’s policy making. Now he believes the opposite.

26. In 1998, he championed raising cigarette taxes to fund programs to cut underage smoking, insisting that it would prevent illnesses and provide resources for public health programs. Now, McCain opposes a $0.61-per-pack tax increase, won’t commit to supporting a regulation bill he’s co-sponsoring, and has hired Philip Morris’ former lobbyist as his senior campaign adviser.

27. McCain is both for and against earmarks for Arizona.

28. McCain’s first mortgage plan was premised on the notion that homeowners facing foreclosure shouldn’t be “rewarded” for acting “irresponsibly.” His second mortgage plan took largely the opposite position.

29. McCain went from saying gay marriage should be allowed, to saying gay marriage shouldn’t be allowed.

30. McCain opposed a holiday to honor Martin Luther King, Jr., before he supported it.

31. McCain was anti-ethanol. Now he’s pro-ethanol.

32. McCain was both for and against state promotion of the Confederate flag.

33. In 2005, McCain endorsed intelligent design creationism, a year later he said the opposite, and a few months after that, he was both for and against creationism at the same time.

34. And on gay adoption, McCain initially said he’d rather let orphans go without families, then his campaign reversed course, and soon after, McCain reversed back.

35. In the Senate, McCain opposed a variety of measures on equal pay for women, and endorsed the Supreme Court’s Ledbetter decision. In July, however, McCain said, “I’m committed to making sure that there’s equal pay for equal work. That … is my record and you can count on it.”

36. McCain was against fully funding the No Child Left Behind Act before he was for it.

37. McCain was for affirmative action before he was against it.

Economic Policy

38. McCain was against Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy before he was for them.

39. John McCain initially argued that economics is not an area of expertise for him, saying, “I’m going to be honest: I know a lot less about economics than I do about military and foreign policy issues; I still need to be educated,” and “The issue of economics is not something I’ve understood as well as I should.” He now falsely denies ever having made these remarks and insists that he has a “very strong” understanding of economics.

40. McCain vowed, if elected, to balance the federal budget by the end of his first term. Soon after, he decided he would no longer even try to reach that goal. And soon after that, McCain abandoned his second position and went back to his first.

41. McCain said in 2005 that he opposed the tax cuts because they were “too tilted to the wealthy.” By 2007, he denied ever having said this, and falsely argued that he opposed the cuts because of increased government spending.

42. McCain thought the estate tax was perfectly fair. Now he believes the opposite.

43. McCain pledged in February 2008 that he would not, under any circumstances, raise taxes. Specifically, McCain was asked if he is a “‘read my lips’ candidate, no new taxes, no matter what?” referring to George H.W. Bush’s 1988 pledge. “No new taxes,” McCain responded. Two weeks later, McCain said, “I’m not making a ‘read my lips’ statement, in that I will not raise taxes.”

44. McCain has changed his entire economic worldview on multiple occasions.

45. McCain believes Americans are both better and worse off economically than they were before Bush took office.

Energy Policy

46. McCain supported the moratorium on coastal drilling ; now he’s against it.

47. McCain recently announced his strong opposition to a windfall-tax on oil company profits. Three weeks earlier, he was perfectly comfortable with the idea.

48. McCain endorsed a cap-and-trade policy with a mandatory emissions cap. In mid-June, McCain announced he wants the caps to voluntary.

49. McCain explained his belief that a temporary suspension of the federal gas tax would provide an immediate economic stimulus. Shortly thereafter, he argued the exact opposite.

50. McCain supported the Lieberman/Warner legislation to combat global warming. Now he doesn’t.

51. McCain was for national auto emissions standards before he was against them.

Immigration Policy

52. McCain was a co-sponsor of the DREAM Act, which would grant legal status to illegal immigrants’ kids who graduate from high school. In 2007, he announced his opposition to the bill. In 2008, McCain switched back.

53. On immigration policy in general, McCain announced in February 2008 that he would vote against his own bill.

54. In April, McCain promised voters that he would secure the borders “before proceeding to other reform measures.” Two months later, he abandoned his public pledge, pretended that he’d never made the promise in the first place, and vowed that a comprehensive immigration reform policy has always been, and would always be, his “top priority.”

Judicial Policy and the Rule of Law

55. McCain said he would “not impose a litmus test on any nominee.” He used to promise the opposite.

56. McCain’s position was that the telecoms should be forced to explain their role in the administration’s warrantless surveillance program as a condition for retroactive immunity. He used to believe the opposite.

57. McCain went from saying he would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade to saying the exact opposite.

58 In June, McCain rejected the idea of a trial for Osama bin Laden, and thought Obama’s reference to Nuremberg was a misread of history. A month later, McCain argued the exact opposite position.

Campaign, Ethics, and Lobbying Reform

59. McCain supported his own lobbying-reform legislation from 1997. Now he doesn’t.

60. In 2006, McCain sponsored legislation to require grassroots lobbying coalitions to reveal their financial donors. In 2007, after receiving “feedback” on the proposal, McCain told far-right activist groups that he opposes his own measure.

61. McCain supported a campaign-finance bill, which bore his name, on strengthening the public-financing system. In June 2007, he abandoned his own legislation.

62. In May 2008, McCain approved a ban on lobbyists working for his campaign. In July 2008, his campaign reversed course and said lobbyists could work for his campaign.

Politics and Associations

63. McCain wanted political support from radical televangelist John Hagee. Now he doesn’t. (He also believes his endorsement from Hagee was both a good and bad idea.)

64. McCain wanted political support from radical televangelist Rod Parsley. Now he doesn’t.

65. McCain says he considered and did not consider joining John Kerry’s Democratic ticket in 2004.

66. McCain is both for and against attacking Barack Obama over his former pastor at his former church.

67. McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but then decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks.

68. In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending “dirty money” to help finance Bush’s presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.

69. McCain was against presidential candidates campaigning at Bob Jones University before he was for it.

70. McCain decided in 2000 that he didn’t want anything to do with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, believing he “would taint the image of the ‘Straight Talk Express.’” Kissinger is now the Honorary Co-Chair for his presidential campaign in New York.

71. McCain believed powerful right-wing activist/lobbyist Grover Norquist was “corrupt, a shill for dictators, and (with just a dose of sarcasm) Jack Abramoff’s gay lover.” McCain now considers Norquist a key political ally.

72. McCain was for presidential candidates giving speeches in foreign countries before he was against it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.