Why was my neighbor crying About Obama?
Jedi Master AJ
2008-11-07 11:41:38 UTC
My neighbor was visibly upset and crying. She said that she would never forgive Obama, as if he had done something to her. She earns a modest living as a nurse. Her children are grown, she is divorced. My wife and I make nearly 3 times her income, and we were happy that Obama won. My neighbor was crying. We thought it was tears of joy but she was crying and very angry. She called him a Muslim. We said, don't go there.

Is this how republicans feel or act about Obama? Is the perception that bad?

I support Obama.
72 answers:
* citizen . erased *
2008-11-07 11:45:28 UTC
yes, i think the perception is that bad. I've heard from friends of mine that some people they know actually want to move to a difference country just because they hate obama that much.
Paul W
2008-11-07 11:54:37 UTC
A reputable national poll taken less than a week before Election Day reported that 23% of Texans thought Obama was a Muslim. I still hear it from conservatives on the Web. There are a lot of misinformed people out there who don't care to look for info other than the right-wing watering holes.

That said, being a Muslim isn't automatically bad-- watch Colin Powell on "Meet the Press" (the one where he endorsed Obama) talking about the U.S. Solider who was Muslim, who died in Iraq fighting for his country. It's very moving.

The right wing also contradicted itself by arguing that Obama was a secret Muslim, but also slammed him for being a member of Rev. Wright's Christian congregation. Which is it? That's a prime example of their double-talk.

All that said, there are some really strange responses out there by the Repubs to Obama. He hasn't done anything yet, and they already want to impeach him. They already hate him, etc.

When GWB won in 2000, I was upset as a Democrat, but mostly because I thought the Florida outcome had not been settled fairly. I had nothing against Bush... back THEN. When he stepped in, I sincerely hoped he would do a good job as President. (Honestly, I thought he would be a footnote and do nothing of any consequence... LOL) But I didn't DESPISE the man. He had to earn my anger... :)

Conservatives should at least let Obama get started, and if they find fault with his service, they can register their complaints then. He can't do worse than Dubya...
arsenic sauce
2008-11-07 11:51:47 UTC
oh my gosh

what a whore. I'm sorry. If she's upset about it, why not hold a grudge against the american public and the electoral college? It's not like Obama teamed up with Dumbledore and won the election that way.

oh no not another Muslim! all they do is follow the teachings of the Qu'ran and celebrate Ramadan. Right in public, too! They're living in our towns! Teaching and learning in our schools! In our libraries, reading! In our bathtubs! Oh what will we ever do!

seriously, even if he were a Muslim, what would that do but make a zillion people who hate the USA see us in a better light?
2008-11-07 11:53:02 UTC
Unfortunately there has been so much misinformation spouted over the past 20 months that people now actually believe the lies. There doesn't seem to be any way to get through to folks who have made up their minds and shut down to facts. For example, just read some of the comments here on YA. I voted for Barack because of his view point as a Democrat (not a marxist or socialist or even a communist so many seem to claim). I voted for him because he had/has a message of change, which America desperately needs. I am sorry so many people are distressed over the outcome of the election, but he did win and I for one am hopeful things will better because they couldn't get much worse.
Nurse Winchester
2008-11-07 11:51:21 UTC
Being a nurse myself I didn't support him and still do not.

His idea for health care is insane.

Plain and simple.

Like all other politicians he is avoiding the problems and choosing not to fix health care but make it worse.

Instead of going after lawsuit crazed lawyers, pharmaceutical lobbyists and putting the Doctor in charge of care not a business degree insurance salesmen he is going to make it worse by not fixing it.

The Muslim thing is what some people believe, instead of getting mad make a point to tell them what is right. I know a lot of Christians do not believe Obama is Christian due to his Preacher saying G- Damn in a sermon during church. I have to agree that is wrong in more ways than one.
2008-11-07 11:45:57 UTC
Well maybe her ideology does not match that of Obama's. Many people who are not the best off are Republican and alot of well off people like Obama. Everyone is different :)

And with the nurse thing, it could be, because she doesnt want health care to be nationalized (not fully, Obama is not fully nationalizing, but subsidizing the health care system, While McCain was going to just keep it almost the same. She could be worried that she might lose her job. Perhaps.)
2008-11-07 11:48:24 UTC
I am considered republican, however I don't have a problem with Obama, it actually may be good to have a change in office, something the US needs a bit. However I also am not a hard core republican, I don't agree with all of what Obama wants, Nor did I agree with all of what Mccain wanted, however God knows what he is doing, so I'm kinda like "Let go and Let God" Is he muslim?
2008-11-07 11:48:01 UTC
She is probably terrified. Maybe she has loved ones serving the country? Or in Israel? Or who are going to be forced to up their taxes, and laying people off? I have a couple reasons for being upset. My dad own a big company, making well over 250/year, and now with Obama, he will have to lay off hundreds! Also, $my brother is serving this wonderful country in Iraq, and when they announced Obama was president, not only our militaty, but the Iraqi's were in tears. Knowing our military will pull out, and Al Queda will once again take over.
2008-11-07 11:53:11 UTC
i voted republican and i dont feel that way at all. i know some republicans that are upset though. i think when the candidate that people vote for doesnt win they get this feeling like the world is going to end. but of course it's not, and one day they'll see that. obama will probably be a good president and it was time for a democrat to be in office anyway - every few terms it flip flops.
2008-11-07 11:48:09 UTC
I have found that the people that don't like Obama "because he's Muslim" or is the "Anti-Christ" are uneducated or brain washed by their holier than thou religion. I think they need to look back at their religion and ask the question WWJD? People that truly believe all that crap that was spread around by the right-winged extremists are just showing their ignorance and hate. That is uglier to me than anything and I hate the fact that this election brought out the ugly in so many people.

What they need to do is realize that in this troublesome time, the last thing we need is more conflict and that we all need to try to work together for a resolution and peace.
2008-11-07 11:51:32 UTC
Your neighbor is sad because she thinks Obama is a Muslim. I don't think there's any way to prove to her that he is not.

One way I think you could cheer her up though is to go over to her house and start punching her in the face and then have some of your friends dressed up with turbans "save" her from you and offer her hummus and tea to make her feel better.

This will be good for two reasons because it will make you feel good and it will help her understand that Muslims are not bad people.

p.s. She sounds very stupid so I don't think traditional education techniques will work.
2008-11-07 11:53:44 UTC
Because anybody with a basic concept of Economics knows that Obama's policies will not work. He will have to move to the Center and fight the wishes of Pelosi and Reid to be a successful President. I don't think he has the experience to do it.

Look how bad our economy has gotten since Democrats took control of Congress. Things are only going to get worse.
2008-11-07 11:47:46 UTC
People always get nervous when there is change. They will get over it eventually. But, most older people still have the ideas about separation of the races. Once we all come to the understanding that we are all people and understanding of eachothers religious views, the world will be a better place. She really must have been having a bad day and the winning of Obama just set her over the edge, it is silly to cry over the presidency!
2008-11-07 11:48:08 UTC
I'm also an Obama supporter and I've noticed a lot of hostility for no reason. People hate him and they blame it on him being muslim, or him being born in Kenya, or him being a socialist, but they never stop to do the research, or they'd find out that all of these things are lies. I've also come across a lot of people who hate him, but they can't give a good reason.

At work (where I've been for the last 8 hours), we have Fox News on all day. Trust me, if Obama did ANYTHING, Fox News would be all over it because they're the biggest Obama haters out there. I haven't seen anything today.
2008-11-07 11:48:35 UTC
Many people who earn their living in the medical profession are very worried about what would happen to them if America had a socialized medical system. Obama has supported the idea. Your neighbor probably fears for her livelihood.
Marie H
2008-11-07 11:49:50 UTC
Unfortunately, there are a lot of republicans that feel that way. For the most part, they are uneducated about Obama and are listening to ridiculous rumors. I hear alot that he is an Arab that refuses to show his birth certificate. WE know they are stupid rumors, not to be listened to. I support Obama and I took the time to learn about all the candidates so that I could make an informed decision.

What i find most ridiculous is that people judge hum based on the fact that his name sounds close to Osama and his middle name is Hussein, as if he chose his own name. I wish people would wise up and learn about him instead of judging him on rumors and ridiculous conclusions.
2008-11-07 11:50:53 UTC
I know, what is wrong with people? They hate Obama with such a passion and so terrified. I asked on yahoo what are they so terrified of; like terrorist, socialist, like Hitler, dictatorship - where all these things are coming from. I would like to understand!? At my kids school even 14 years old are fighting over Obama's victory, McCain supporters yelling to shut up to others. What do they know or what do they think they know? I want to know.
Sacred Feminine *Pastafarian*
2008-11-07 11:49:09 UTC
Your neighbor is an idiot. Never forgive him for what?!? He hasn't been able to do anything yet. She is probably one of the fools who fell for the republican spin doctors who shouted "socialism". I would take notes on the current economy and in a year or two when she wants to gripe about Obama, just show her how everything has improved.
Radioactive Ray
2008-11-07 11:55:53 UTC
A small group, but not all. Many of my conservatives while are disappointed with McCain's lost have given their support for Obama since he is the new president.

Also, the American Nurses Association endorsed Obama so he cannot be that bad for nurses.
2008-11-07 11:53:01 UTC
Im sure many of these stupid answers on here are from the "young first time voter" that hasnt a clue what they will be up against... Like the other answerer said she probably is ****** when it comes to her monies, pension whatever, she may have even been laid off or lost her job... These people that voted for nobama havent worked for what they wanted they have and want everything handed to them... For someone thats worked hard all their lives to achieve their goals and its all taken away in a flash!!

People that voted for nobama will soon see that his false promises are ALL TALK.. Go watch his news conference , its on now!!
2008-11-07 11:52:59 UTC
That's just really sad. I'm shock how ignorance can lead to such anger. And to Monkey, dude Nurses make a really good living ($35.000 and up depending on what field of Nursing one is in).
2008-11-07 11:48:05 UTC
People that think he is a Muslim or that are upset mostly missed understand who he is. Not all republicans feel this way. I am republican but i don't mind that Obama is going to be president.
2008-11-07 11:59:34 UTC
It should be obvious that everyone is not going to be happy with the election. It irritates me that people think that if you are black, you are automatically going to support Mr. Obama. Just like not all white people like him, not all black people like him. And the same thing goes for McCain.
2008-11-07 11:46:32 UTC
He has made promises that will be impossible for him to keep. He wants to end a long faught war in Iraq to go into Afghanistan when he believes Bin Laden is in Pakistan. He insists on raising taxes in a weak economy, and his VP is profoundly retarted. As a Republican i'm a bit upset myself.
2008-11-07 11:47:14 UTC
Unfortunately the McCain campaigns lies and innuendo have caused many of their people to be distresses over Obama's election. John McCain himself has done quite a bit to dispel the lies but once the seeds are planted it is hard to control them. His real followers will heed his advice and start following the new leader. Actually the bottom line is they are going to have to live with it or get over it.
2008-11-07 11:48:10 UTC
I'm angry with the people who voted the socialist in like you.Thanks alot for making things worse.
2008-11-07 11:46:17 UTC
Who cares? This sounds like its just another antagonizing question to put down republicans.

I think if you really were a well off good citizen you wouldn't be asking questions to put down other americans.

People can have different opinions of him just like people have different opinions of Bush.
2008-11-07 11:46:40 UTC
Maybe she didn't want a president who supports infanticide, bigger government, terrorist appeasement, higher taxes, higher energy costs, and higher inflation in the White house. I don't think he is a Muslim, but he sure as heck is not a Christian.
2008-11-07 11:49:05 UTC
Not a single bit of truth has come out of his mouth. He WAS a Muslim at one time, I don't care if he is or isn't now but if he WAS at one time that changes my perception of him 100%.

He is going to destroy our great Country, he is going to take money from hard working small-business owners to give to some crack head who doesn't want to get a job.

He reminds me of a Modern Day Hitler, here is a story from a site I found:

The similarities between Hitler and Obama are at once visible to those of us who saw the advent of Hitler, years ago, and the manner in which Barack Hussein Obama is suddenly gaining attention in the media and among the most virulent Jew haters in the U.S.

Hitler was a dramatic speaker, like Obama today. Hitler aroused great enthusiasm like Obama today. Hitler had no program for solving the problems of Germany in the 1930’s any more than Obama has any idea as to what can be done about our growing unemployment, our housing disaster, terrorism, a terrible education system and other truly painful conditions which our government needs to address. No, neither Hitler then, nor Obama now, know what to do. So Hitler then, and Obama now, blame all problems on the Jews.

Obama was raised a Muslim and therefore seeks to call an international meeting of all the heads of Muslim states so as to unite for the destruction of Israel. Unlike George W. Bush, Obama would never oppose any anti-Jewish or anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations. This may seem trivial but is not. The United Nations can organize an international army and invade Israel on behalf of the Arab-Muslim haters. This has so far not been possible because the current administration vetoes any such move. However, if Obama becomes president, “yemach shemo v’goalow”, the United States would never veto such a move. Then the Arab-Muslim coalition will be authorized to send an international force into Israel so that the Arabs can butcher the Jews there.

Israel receives $3 billion in defense funds from the United States each year. Obama would never giver Israel one cent in American aid. On the contrary. He would give all of it to the hate gangsters, Saudi, Egypt, Syria and of course his friends in Iran.

Obama is a member to the United Church of Christ, which is the most vociferous anti-Jewish hate promoter in America. Inspired by the arch hate monger Farrakhan, Obama belongs to a church that preaches the destruction of Israel, continues to hold the long rejected view that all Jews are “Christ killers”, and agrees with Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter's security advisor, that Israel should never have been established, that Israel needs to be destroyed and that all the world’s problems are the fault of the Jews. Brzezinski is Polish immigrant who holds high the views of that arch enemy of the Jewish people, Jimmy Carter, who preached in Switzerland in November of 2003 that if he had been re-elected president he would have instituted “the final solution” of the Israel problem. We all know what that means. Like Hitler before him, Carter seeks the extermination of all Jews. He said so in his recent book, as did Professors Walt and Mearsheimer, also friends of Obama and Brzezinski, who warmed up the old “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” and sold that trash under another name. Brzezinski has been appointed foreign policy advisor to Obama’s campaign.

For Israel, Obama is Hitler. If Obama becomes president and attacks the survival of Israel we, the American Jews, will object loudly. Thereupon Obama will raise the question as to whether American Jews are more loyal to Israel or to the United States, an “issue” every American Nazi has promoted without success. Imagine if the President of the United States says that. What will that do to the American Jewish community?

In the 1930’s and 1940’s American Jews did nothing to help their European brethren then slated for the gas ovens. Will this be repeated today? There are actually Jews who vote for and support Obama. Any Jew who does that is implicated in the consequences. May Hashem protect us from this evil in whom Hitler would rise again.
2008-11-07 11:46:04 UTC
It's not all about the income you make - 3 times her. So what. His policies will kill this country. I almost cried as well and they weren't tears of joy.
2008-11-07 11:47:17 UTC
She is the victim of a very carefully planned slander and brainwashing plan perpetrated on the American public by Fox TV.
2008-11-07 11:46:41 UTC
Oh God, don't get me started. My dad, who completely buys into the stupidest propaganda, honestly thinks that Obama is going to steal all his money and give it to homeless people.

He's a wreck right now. And I can't help but laugh at him, I mean he's my dad, but for Christ's sake, how can people be that stupid?

He thinks Obama was funded by terrorists, also. And is convinced that Obama is going to DELIBERATELY try to ruin the country.

I am sighing right now.
2008-11-07 12:16:05 UTC
maybe she's upset about something else. Poor lonely lady. I hope she'll be ok
2008-11-07 11:49:51 UTC
because she has both eyes open and she knows barry will try to destory this country,but it will not be long till she has tears of joy
2008-11-07 11:46:54 UTC
I think it's the reaction of those sad people who actually believed all of the smears and lies about him. It's really a sad thought to think that there are so many gullible people out there. And to your elderly neighbor, all you can do is prove all of those lies false. She is probably really scared.
Penny K
2008-11-07 11:50:55 UTC
Crazy...some people are crazy. That is all I can think of. (and maybe she should quit taking meds from work. Crazy *****)
2008-11-07 11:46:20 UTC
i hope that filth gets a bullet for every state, thats 57
2008-11-07 11:46:29 UTC
You neighbor is ignorant unfortunately..what the hell is wrong with people? It's so sad how people are so full of hate..
pistol chick
2008-11-07 11:45:52 UTC
She is crying because the Barackalipse is coming and because our future is dark and uncertain.

McCain supporter
Smita P
2008-11-07 11:48:42 UTC
She must be "joe plumber"friend or relative.simply all drama to get attention from you and more.
2008-11-07 11:45:40 UTC
Perhaps she was crying tears of anger for the same reason we are crying tears of joy - change is coming and it can be a bit scary.
2008-11-07 11:49:08 UTC
She is probably mental............forget about her.

obama 2008
2008-11-07 11:46:06 UTC
It's just plain ignorance. Dumbo doesn't realize Obama's tax plan will help her. Gods!! People are so stupid!
2008-11-07 11:45:17 UTC
this time next year, ask yourself if Obama has done one thing to make your life better. I think you might be crying yourself by that time.

That and she KNOWS what Socialized Health Care (the true goal of Democrats) will mean for us.

2008-11-07 11:45:05 UTC
That's not perception; it's reality. I, however, figure we can't do anything about it, so we might as well accept it. Frankly, I have a hard time believing this.
2008-11-07 11:46:32 UTC
she's sick in the head and has been spoon fed ridiculous propaganda. Get her on a diet of truth. It does the body wonders.
2008-11-07 11:45:41 UTC
Not everyone thinks he's the best thing to ever happen to this country.

I sure don't!

And who cares if she doesn't like him? She has free speech. You don't like it? Get a life.
2008-11-07 11:45:19 UTC
Wait and see, nobody knows what is to come.
2008-11-07 11:46:00 UTC
if you knew we will be screwed by him, won't you be crying too?
2008-11-07 11:45:17 UTC
we just don't like a socialist pothead to run our country. this "change" he speaks of is going to destroy the very spirit of what america is supposed to be.
2008-11-07 11:45:26 UTC
Unfortunately yes Republicans have been know to voice there opinion very strongly. Don't even worry about her, she will get over it once he is in office.
2008-11-07 11:45:47 UTC
First of all - if she thinks he's a muslim, there's not much hope for her - she's just dumb.

Taken - could you please provide all of us with your research notes on Obama's religion you Christian KOOK! By the way, I'm a Catholic.
College Student
2008-11-07 11:45:36 UTC
Haha, they are just cry babies. And since McC didn't win, then they are angry.

Actually, this kind of behavior is common among republicans. They have a hard time accepting things and moving on.
Mary Louise S
2008-11-07 11:45:21 UTC
takes all kind of idiots to make a world
2008-11-07 11:44:18 UTC
Maybe she doesn't want layabouts to get her hard earned money.

2008-11-07 11:45:52 UTC
dont you love haters.

I support Obama as well.
★SuGar and SpiCe★
2008-11-07 11:45:49 UTC
WELL, THIS IS A COUNTRY FOUNDED ON CHRISTIANITY. Yes he is Muslim. Do your research... it's all over the place. I will follow a Christian, period. I am a liberal. he sounded better than bush, but who doesnt?
2008-11-07 11:44:57 UTC
Yep thats pretty much how we fell about the new socialist agenda
2008-11-07 11:44:51 UTC
2008-11-07 11:45:31 UTC
my best friend cried out of joy..

your neighbour's a fool
Blue Haired Old Lady
2008-11-07 11:44:45 UTC
Some feel that way.

I am happy and excited he won.
2008-11-07 11:44:37 UTC
she's a NURSE!!!!

nothing against nurses...she's financially
2008-11-07 11:44:18 UTC
2008-11-07 11:45:39 UTC
idk, some people are scared, and its stupid. obama will be great!
tj h
2008-11-07 11:45:36 UTC
maby she just racist?
2008-11-07 11:44:58 UTC
It sucks to be her
2008-11-07 11:44:52 UTC
that's a made up story.... but there is a very small minority that thinks that way
2008-11-07 11:44:46 UTC
she was being childish!!! i feel sorry for her
2008-11-07 11:44:45 UTC
She is just another ignorant uninformed Republican. President Obama's actions will change her mind.
2008-11-07 11:44:14 UTC
She needs to be placed in a room with padded walls, sounds like.
2008-11-07 11:44:28 UTC
Oh, great! So you're one of the idiots who voted for the FALL of our nation! Gee thanks!
2008-11-07 11:44:06 UTC
maybe it was a happy cry... did you ask?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.