Times have changed in 45 years, but both JFK and Obama were and are the first of their kind.
Noone thought JFK would win because he was Catholic.
Alot of people don't think Obama will win because he is black.
No difference there...
Other than the Bay of Pigs, which I really don't quite understand, JFK wasn't afraid of confrontation, ie: The Cuban Missle Crisis, which had he not blockaded the Russian ships from going to Cuba, there would have more than likely been a nuclear war.
I don't think Obama is afraid of confrontations and has the same kind of spirit that JFK had.
JFK came to the Whitehouse a very young man and had he not been assasinated,would have brought change to this country, just as Obama will.
To the answer about JFK sending us into Viet Nam, that's not true. JFK sent advisers to Viet Nam, we weren't at war at the time. It was Johnson that got that war going.
There are probably alot of differences between the two, but the similiarities are stunning.
Obama will start getting this country back on track. McCain will keep us in Iraq and Hiliary would be so wrapped up in herself, she'd get nothing done.