What's the difference between JFK and Obama?
luck and skill
2008-05-23 11:06:59 UTC
Obama and JFK's politics don't differ much from each other. Diplomacy, unification, ending the war, and change.

JFK is considered to be one of the best presidents in US History.

He was only 43 when he was elected. Obama is 47, yet people question his political ability.

Why don't people realize that Obama would continue the legacy of JFK...and we could have another great president who believes in the prosperity of this country?
34 answers:
2008-05-23 11:37:04 UTC
Times have changed in 45 years, but both JFK and Obama were and are the first of their kind.

Noone thought JFK would win because he was Catholic.

Alot of people don't think Obama will win because he is black.

No difference there...

Other than the Bay of Pigs, which I really don't quite understand, JFK wasn't afraid of confrontation, ie: The Cuban Missle Crisis, which had he not blockaded the Russian ships from going to Cuba, there would have more than likely been a nuclear war.

I don't think Obama is afraid of confrontations and has the same kind of spirit that JFK had.

JFK came to the Whitehouse a very young man and had he not been assasinated,would have brought change to this country, just as Obama will.

To the answer about JFK sending us into Viet Nam, that's not true. JFK sent advisers to Viet Nam, we weren't at war at the time. It was Johnson that got that war going.

There are probably alot of differences between the two, but the similiarities are stunning.

Obama will start getting this country back on track. McCain will keep us in Iraq and Hiliary would be so wrapped up in herself, she'd get nothing done.
2016-03-13 05:06:21 UTC
ok addressing a few issues here 1) Obama is NOT muslim 2) Obama WAS born in the U.S. 3) Who cares if Obama raises taxes, if that is what is necessary to make our economy better then John McCain will do it too. he won't just do it for the fun of it. 4) it depends whether you are for the war or not, Obama will get us out of this war, BUT if we ever needed to go to war, i have a fear that he wouldn't manage all that well. 5) Candidates running for president have a lot of money, get over it, that is just how it is. 6) The media is nearly always biased, get your research from another source to be credible. That being said, I am a conservative, however, I am leaning towards Obama more and more the closer we get to the election. McCain voted with bush 90% of the time. While "hindsight is always 20/20," this does mean that McCain will likely take the same path as bush did on issues, even though times are different now. Obama is not perfect, and neither is John McCain. If you wanted a real president, you should have made Ron Paul the nominee. Sarah Palin scares me. She is so radically conservative, even being perceived by some as a racist redneck woman. While I do not believe she is racist, I do believe that these type of people are the people that are fired up at their rallies. These are not the people we need supporting a president, and they are probably the people who want to plan an assassination attempt on Obama if he wins. If you want to say why a certain candidate sucks, give a reason, otherwise one comes across as a conservative or liberal bullheaded individual rather than someone who actually cares for their country May the best man win!
2008-05-23 11:41:19 UTC
The really important character building stuff that this generation doesn't seem to understand the real value of .

By the time that JFK was 43, he had seen England on the brink of WWII and wrote a book about it

He had shown heroism in surviving that war

He had been given last rites by the Church four times prior to Dallas

He had slept with who knows how many women

and all those things gave JFK a depth of character that Obama simply lacks

There's a story about how Nikita Khrushchev once looked into JFK's eyes to get the measure of the man,decided that JFK was basically a dilettante and wanted to see how far JFK could be pushed

The Cuban Missle Crisis was the result and the fact that we're still here is a small miracle

What worries me most about Obama is that the Putins of the world are going to look into his soul and see a man that is afraid to fight a girl in a primary and they're going to walk all over him and America by extension
Paleo C
2008-05-23 11:20:03 UTC
There is no similarity between JFK and Obama. Contrary to what you may have read, JFK wasn't all that great. However, he wasn't nearly the Marxist that Obama is. At least Kennedy knew when his birthday was. (He had Marylin Monroe sing for him). He knew there are 50 states not 57. He came from a politically powerful and experienced family. He served his country well during WWII. Unlike Obama, Kennedy could reach across the isle when necessary to pass legislation. Kennedy didn't sit in a racist church for twenty years and try to convince people he didn't know his pastor was spewing his rants. Obama has been described as "charming". He's nothing more than a slick talker trying to b.s. the naive.
2008-05-23 11:15:01 UTC
Your evidence for JFK as one of the best presidents is?

I can make an argument that he was one of the worst presidents of all time. He was clearly in over his and clueless on a majority of the issues.

Here are some facts about JFK.

JFK met with Khrushchev and Khrushchev decided JFK was weak . The face to face meeting with leaders is a dangerous game.

This brought on the Cuban Missile Crisis where he JFK.,.alone brought the World to the edge of Nuclear war. He had wrong intelligence...the missiles were in Cuba.

JFK brought us into Vietnam.

JFK brought us the Bay of Pigs disaster.

JFK issued the order that Astronaut John Glenn was not to make a second trip into outer space. because he was afraid he would be more popular than JFK.

JFK had great orator skills but little substance.

Maybe JFK and Obama are a lot alike after all.
2008-05-24 10:03:51 UTC
The "Liberal Biased Mainstream Corporate Media" doesn't want him to win. Just look at the last debate he and Hillary had. ABC's Charlie Gibson and George S. (sp?) spent the first 52 minutes of the debate asking questions about Rev Wright and other BS....not the issues. I also got the impression that George was taking it very easy on Hillary....George did use to work in the Clinton White House

First of all, our involvement in Vietnam was NOT stated by JFK. Eisenhower sent the first advisors to Vietnam, Eisenhower's administration was the administration that did not live up to the agreements of the 1954 Geneva Accords, and it was Eisenhower's administration who derailed the "free and open" elections that was to take place in both South and North Vietnam....LOOK IT UP!!!

If you read the book, "Death of a Generation," I cannot remember the authors name, he gives a very good HISTORICAL account of that time. He also states that there is a lot of evidence that Kennedy had had it with the numerous corupt regimes in South Vietnam and he was actually planning on starting to with drawn U.S. forces out of Vitnam after the 64 election.

Second, the only thing that makes Obama a "divider of a nation" is your very own mental inability to see past the color of his skin....I hope you don't get burned at your next Klan meeting.

Third, the Bay of Pigs was actually a Eisenhower/Nixon operation that the planning of, training for and execution of ran into JFK's administration, because Ol Tricky Dick lost the 1960 election.....LOOK IT UP!!!

Old marine08, have you ever heard of "The Cuban Missle Crisis?" JFK did a hell-of-a-job there. He prevented Nuclear Destruction with that one. Just think if DRAFT DODGER DESERTER George W. Bush or INSANE McCain had been in charge then....well we wouldn't be here today
2008-05-23 11:16:05 UTC
The argument over JFK's legacy, as a man and as a president, continues unabated. After JFK's death, Jackie and JFK's aides helped mythologize his presidency.

"In polls, Kennedy is listed as one of the greatest presidents ever to serve. How is it that a man who barely served 1,000 days and enacted few lasting policies, won no wars and who was never much more popular than his Republican rival, could be perceived as greater than George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson or Ronald Reagan? The answer lies in the most consistent feature of Baby Boomers, their narcissism. The president of the "Me generation" trumps all others, just as their war (Vietnam) is the measuring stick by which all modern wars are judged and their music (rock n' roll) continues to dominate the air waves. History be damned; if it didn't happen between 1960 and 1980, it's irrelevant. If they didn't see it on television, it might as well not have happened. JFK was the first president to make effective use of television.


The political inclinations of generations are often defined by a singular event. However, as evidenced by the perversion of the Kennedy legacy, how that event is perceived is often more important than the reality. "

It won't be the same with Obama, because the world has changed. Obama is too weak to be a good president. And Obama knows nothing on Geography and History...The USA need someone who is brillant, not a clown protected by media.
Michael G
2008-05-23 11:23:01 UTC
First of all, JFK had more experience than Obama has. JFK thought he would be able to charm foreign leaders like he did the voters. It lead to the Berlin wall and the Cuban missile crisis, because the Soviet Union realized how weak he was.

Obama can not even hold his own when asked real questions in a debate. With the world the way it is, we really do not need Obama accidentally surrendering Iraq to Iran, or accidentally telling Hamas he will support an invasion of Israel.
2008-05-23 11:30:51 UTC
JFK was for building up the military, lowering taxes and that America in it's riches, had a responsibility for fostering freedom throughout the world. JFK served in the military and sat in Congress for 14 years before becoming POTUS. He also came from a family of political involvement from whom he drew advice and experience.

I know at least 10 Republicans who refer to themselves as Kennedy Democrats. They are sad that their party moved so far to the left of what Kennedy stood for.

It is intellectually dishonest to compare the two men when all they primarily share is charisma and a party name. It seems like a whole generation of college kids refuse to ask serious questions about history. Make up your own minds and don't be influenced by the outside of the box or the toy inside.
2008-05-23 11:17:23 UTC
JFK was great because he was assassinated. It is harsh but true. James Dean, Heath Ledger, Marilyn Monroe all get fantasied about because they were killed prematurely. The main difference is JFK spoke substance had REAL ideas, Obama has none and just screams change basically knows what ignorant people want to hear; if you know his Diplomacy, Ending the war strategy please tell me, it changes every other week on his website. Change and Unification lol... this man screams this on every subject.

What are you going to do about the are in Iraq? "I'm going to bring them home, Believe in Change, I will change"

Health Care "Don't pay attention to these old school politics we need to come together, you can Change"

So what about Health Care "I have a plan, I'd be happy to show to you. Yes we Can, Yes we Can"
2008-05-23 11:12:24 UTC
>JFK is considered to be one of the best presidents in US History.

JFK wasn't president long enough to make a substantial impact on this nation. Cuba might be a free country today had JFK not been such a coward and provided air support during the bay of pigs invasion to overthrow castro.
Big Blue
2008-05-23 11:19:11 UTC
JFK is 100% white

Obama is 50% white

JFK will always be known as a legendary president.

Obama will be as well known as Martin Van Buren and Rutherford B. Hayes after his presidency.
2008-05-23 11:30:01 UTC
JFK was a Conservative. Less taxes, stronger military. Ask not what your country can do for you...

Obama is a Marxist. More taxes, run from your enemies. Let your Government do it for you. It isn't fair that you are too lazy and dumb to do it for yourself.
2008-05-23 11:14:39 UTC
JFK would not have been reelected after his first term.

BHO will never be elected.

JFK was an American warrior.

BHO is an American wimp.

JFK believed in America

BHO believes in Communism

JFK had a wife who loved America

BHO has a wife who is not proud of America.
2008-05-23 11:12:18 UTC
JFK sent us into Vietnam. I fail to see how starting wars qualifies as ending them. I also guaranty you Obama wouldn't have the balls to do that.

JFK believed in national defense, as well.

JFK said "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." Obama has spent his campaign talking about what he promises to give people if they vote for him.
2008-05-23 11:17:10 UTC
Caroline Kennedy thinks that Obama would be a president like her father--meaning that he would be inspirational to young people, and make people want to work to make their country great, the way that JFK did. I am old enough to remember JFK as president and there has been no president since then--with the possible exception of Ronald Reagan--who has given Americans such a positive feeling about their country. Barack Obama brings back the positive feelings I had about the country as a child. He would be an inspirational president.
2008-05-23 11:23:58 UTC
There is no logical way that Obama can be compared to John F. Kennedy. President Kennedy was a worthy humble man and we lost him. We now have to concentrate on which of the two Democrats is better qualified and I believe that person to be HILLARY CLINTON.
Dick H
2008-05-23 11:10:47 UTC
JFK also was responsible for the bay of pigs fiasco. JFK was a great president? Only to liberal elites.
Michael S
2008-05-23 11:24:14 UTC
Camelot was a myth. That's one similarity. He was naive in foreign policy. That's another...think "Bay of Pigs."
2008-05-23 11:20:42 UTC
Obama will never bed Marilyn Monroe, unless he's suffers from necrophilia.
2008-05-23 11:12:58 UTC
Please don't insult JFK, President was for our Constitutional Limited Republic and because of that he was murdered.

B.Hussein Obama is a far left socialist who will destroy America if given the Chance
2008-05-23 11:11:05 UTC
What JFK legacy, he was in office to short a time to have one, other than they Bay of Pigs!
Yes Kool-Aid Can
2008-05-23 11:11:12 UTC
When it came to National Security JFK had a pair.
2008-05-23 11:11:09 UTC
I don't think there is much of a difference and Obama would be a great president like JFK buuut........there are sooo many racist here in AMerica, that's
2008-05-23 11:11:33 UTC
JFK is white and Obama is half white. As Ted Kenny said I see a lot of my brother in Obama.
2008-05-23 11:10:12 UTC
JFK never ended any war, it was because of his VP that the Vietnam War started.
2008-05-23 11:10:49 UTC
Nixon ran on the same platform.

Why aren't you quoting him?
2008-05-23 11:12:17 UTC
Ubuntu User
2008-05-23 11:09:45 UTC
Jfk was president.JFK was electable.
Veteran Voter
2008-05-23 11:10:26 UTC
JFK didn't hide the fact that he was dirty.
2008-05-23 11:09:57 UTC

JFK uniter of men

Obama divider of a nation
2008-05-23 11:13:05 UTC
Not much...just race.
2008-05-23 11:10:30 UTC
I agree completely and I even noticed this with his message that is very similar to "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." because he is very clear that to restore this country to its previous greatness before 8 years of graft incompetence and corruption, We will all have to work and work hard, there will be sacrifices-(a few fewer wars would be a good start)
Older and Wiser
2008-05-23 11:10:37 UTC
Obama is black.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.