Are you getting sick of hearing people talk about race?
2008-07-31 22:42:39 UTC
Let me be clear, when I say people I mean Republicans! Now, I voted for Bush and this year probably won't vote because I don't like McCain. I am probably going to just start voting Libertarian from now on.

But I can call a spade a spade, and the only people I see on here talking about race are the Republicans!

I have NEVER seen anyone say " I am voting for Obama because he's black" but I see a million people on here accusing Obama's supporters of just voting for him because of his race.

I have seen people call a McCain supporter racist, but only because he asked a racist question!

It seems like some people who like McCain are just trying to discredit the people who like Obama by saying they are racist.

What is that all about?
37 answers:
2008-08-01 01:27:25 UTC
Exactly, You hit the nail on it's head, sister!!! The neocons think blacks don't know how to read, write and think for ourselves. It's not about Obama race for me. Blacks can be against the war, 47 millions Americans w/o health care, Wade vs Roe, environment, immigration, border security, poverty and the failed Bush policies etc. etc. A vote for McCain is a third term of Bush, McSame! Sometimes when I come to the election section I feel like I am at a KKK meeting. There are so many racial slurs, derogatory language and acts of physical harm towards the Obamas. We can debate on the issue on propaganda, lies, or rumors w/o dissing each other candidate or making it personal. ><
2008-08-01 01:24:26 UTC
It's the only defense they have. They can't actually argue politics and issues because nobody knows where McCain stands on anything. It changes daily and he's very vague on his website.
spike missing debra m
2008-08-01 01:07:06 UTC
lady, since you've got the whole thing essentially backwards, you might as well join the libertarians...or the socialists, or the green party, or the mugwumps, for that matter...

the obama campaign and his supporters have been yelping about race since he first announced he was running...they used race-baiting from the new hampshire primary thru super tuesday and into the PA primary to smear clinton and knock her out of the race-now they're using it against mccain-he has said absolutely NOTHING about race; but obama can't give a single speech without mentioning race, as accused mccain of racist campaigning without a single instance to back up his slander, and his supporters on this site have consistently accused anyone who doesn't support him of being racists
2008-07-31 23:12:24 UTC
I think your categorizing people too much by saying Republicans. Everyone has an opinion and usually slightly different than the person next to them. I am sick of hearing about race. I honestly do not feel race is as a big deal as people think. I think it is more about stereo types and Prejudices.The reason everyone likes Obama is because he acts like a gentlemen and a good guy. Now if you had a guy running for president who was acting like a thug or rapper than very few people would like him. Black or White it wouldn't matter his skin color.

Also don't stick in a group just to be in a group. Be your own person. Talking about voting Libertarian for now on. Don't stick with them on the things you don't really agree with just because you want to be Liberal.
2008-08-04 18:40:51 UTC
Yes, I am tired but I have been dealing with it all my life. Black people are reminded that we are black and different daily.
2008-08-02 15:51:20 UTC
Yes. I want to debate on the issues not Right Wing propaganda and lies.
2008-07-31 23:08:56 UTC
I have no idea why anyone would vote for Obama . he has no qualifications to be president., of the United States. Sad to say but i would be willing to bet if the truth were known 90 percent of the people that say they are gonna vote for him are doing in simply because of his race. and the other 10 cause they dont like Mccain. We know nothing about this man, and that is scary to me. McCain we know, his record in the military and senate, and he is leadership material, those are the reasons to vote for a candidate not cause of what he might call change, what change? if youth and in-experience are what change is, no thank you. i will take someone who has at least a clue of what they are in for., and can handle the job.
Southern Lady Anita
2008-07-31 23:46:02 UTC
Yes, I am absolutely tired of it. I disagree with you that McCain supporters are the ones doing it though. Obama, himself, is constantly using the race card. It's getting old.
2008-07-31 23:51:47 UTC
I haven't heard one Republican talk about race-all the noise is coming from Democrats.

Most Republicans couldn't care less about Obama's race, it's his incompetence that concerns them-which you would know if you were really a Republican.
2008-07-31 23:34:50 UTC
It may be necessary and painfull...maybe it is more about the ideology of the Obama's associates ie belonging to Wright's "Christian" Black Theology church for 20 yrs............real eye opener for most Americans to see this type of hatred exposed......isn't it the BHO campaign that continues the race baiting.....different face than on the US dollars for instance....does he really want people to see past color??? just asking... does he have anything else to offer ??? Clinton campaign had same problem ....think for POTUS is not a beauty pagent......
2008-07-31 22:53:51 UTC
Actualy on the questions asking people why they would vote for Obama many have said because he's black or it's time to have a black person in the white house.

Do I agree that race is irrelevant? Yes.

But I do know of several people that are voiting for him because of his race.
2008-07-31 23:18:08 UTC
"But I can call a spade a spade, and the only people I see on here talking about race are the Republicans! "

Bold face lie ... or are you a liberal in the guise of a "Liberterian/ex Repub?

I have seen it on both sides of the aisle ...

When you make outrageous remarks like this ... you do nobody justice ....
2008-07-31 22:49:41 UTC
Obama and his staff are the only ones playing the Race Card. He played it on the Clinton's, and now he has played the Race Card on Senator McCain.

Maybe you don't read the papers or watch TV News. Otherwise you would already know this FACT!
2008-07-31 22:51:31 UTC
Yes I am. I don't like racing of any kind. Running races, horse races, or car races. And I am totally sick of people talking about Race.

Can't they talk about rollar coasters, like the "BOBS" from Riverview amusement park in Chicago. Those were the days. Gone but not forgotten.
2008-07-31 23:10:04 UTC
Little lady, you have some learnin' to do...

The only ones that are getting upset that he's being judged based on his race are Democrats. Because I (A Republican) couldn't give a flying F*** what his skin color is. I do care about his Marxist ideology and I won't vote for it.

I'm voting No-bama...
2008-07-31 22:46:53 UTC
Yes I am tired of it. Who cares about race we are all people, the color of our skin doesn't change that fact.

Edit: Those who give me a thumbs down are giving a thumbs up to racism. Not a great quality to have, I feel sorry for you.
2008-07-31 22:48:12 UTC
coming from an African American, people don't want a black president. there has never been a black president, so America doesn't want one. but Obama has good points about America now. i mean this is just a statement, i saw a picture of Obama on a caucasian female cars. so this silly statement about African AMericans voting for Obama just because he is black is so untrue.
2008-07-31 22:56:02 UTC

Dont you think its time for Obummer to stop playing the race card??
2008-07-31 22:54:46 UTC
How could a girl so pretty vote for such an ugly man like Bush?
2008-07-31 22:49:14 UTC
Yes, but it is important to remember that McCain-ites can't reason, argue and discuss issues. They will not respond to your issue with a fact but with insults, one liners and so-called 'jokes'. Or, if that is not possible they will simply not respond.

However, I sort of disagree with your question. I want to talk about race. I want to talk about equal opportunity and discrimination. Not that anyone else actually does this when they talk about race! But I keep dreaming..
2008-07-31 22:48:55 UTC
If people didn't like Obama's shoes..or race, or his wife, that would be a viable reason not to vote for him. I mean, people have a right to their choice when matter what the reason...and an explanation to you is not required.
2008-07-31 22:47:29 UTC
There is always some sort of drama with Races in general...they way they are using it now for the presidential election is a disgrace....
2008-07-31 22:48:04 UTC
I think that at an historic moment like this (possible first african-american to be president), we can expect at least this much talk, or more.
2008-07-31 22:47:08 UTC
Maybe because McCain supporters are constantly called racists.
2008-07-31 22:49:20 UTC
I'm really sick of the HYPOCRISY --- that's what I'm sick and tired of. Bigot filth bring up race all the time and they want Obama to bring it up and when he doesn't, they make it up for him.

I'm just sick of the hypocritical bullcrap.
2008-07-31 22:47:31 UTC
Well finally a Republican who has spoke the truth....bravo!

Give this woman a star!

and yes I am tired of talking about race.
2008-07-31 22:46:20 UTC
2008-07-31 22:52:28 UTC
Those little brown ones can be mighty whiny.
2008-07-31 22:48:59 UTC
Yes, but if you think Barack is using it now, wait till he gets spanked in the election.
2008-07-31 22:46:23 UTC
Dont not vote!!! Write in RON PAUL!!!!

Obama wouldnt be a good president at all, and it has nothing to do with race!! Neither would John McCain and it has nothing to do with race!! They both just suck!! That is why Ill be writing in RON PAUL!!!
2008-07-31 22:47:28 UTC
well Jesse Jackson is supporting BO and he said he wanted to cut off BO's nuts a few weeks ago. I think that says a lot right there.

BTW, doesn't BO stink?
2008-07-31 22:49:32 UTC
Welcome to the wonderful world of Republican logic. Take whatever you dimly perceive as your own failings, and loudly accuse others of exactly that.
Julie B
2008-07-31 22:47:45 UTC
idk. im a supporter of obama. im independent. im not voting for him because of his race. maybe they think mccain will get more votes by saying that.
best cuddler =)
2008-07-31 22:45:02 UTC
Not that interesting. No
2008-07-31 22:46:16 UTC
I agree.. i think that obama would make a great president.. whether if hes white, red, pink or black lol hes awsome!
2008-07-31 22:45:59 UTC
Obama is an awesome black man and people are haters.
2008-07-31 22:45:24 UTC

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