I say "fake".
These days I tried to find out as much as possible. Far be it from me to encourage or condone in any way the Islamic terrorism, but the James Foley's beheading is absolutely a fake.
The proposed video on the net, even in full version, does not reveal any beheading. It's an impressive video: too much. Done artfully: all too. The fading intervenes to cut out the gruesome part or the hardest part to simulate or fake. The video does not reveal the substance.
Why there is no call to Islam? Not even an "Allah Akbhar"? In the name of who or what Foley had to be beheaded?
Think about it: the alleged Executioner says nothing. He must kill Foley only because he is "from your Country, Obama". This, ladies and gentlemen, is simply idiotic.
According to which right has been carried out an execution in death? And indeed ... where is the face of death?
Nick Berg 2007 vs Foley 2014. Make a comparison between the two executions and find the fake, if you dare. It's pretty difficult having courage when you play with fear. To have courage you to have a thirst for truth.