2009-08-15 19:08:23 UTC
The troops are not fighting for my freedom.
both wars are illegal, both nations did nothing to us
recruiters need to be shut down.
they need to raise the age from 18 to 25, stupid kids has no idea what he is doing., better yet, they should close down the recruiting offices all together
these kids come back from these illegal wars with servere PTSD, and no arms, no legs, 1/3 of there brain blown off, they end up in wheelchairs and end up in and out of mental hospitals for 20 years, and then kill themselves. also 1 in 3 girls are raped in the military again when they enlist they have no idea.
Notice in recruiting commericals and video gamesrecruitment'ss they never say the truth.
They just say what a thrilling experience fighting terrorists and the pride they feel, and other such lying garbage propaganda
What did they accomplish by going into the middle east and keep joining like braindeas morons? Freedom? Ha, America is moving towards the gears of a fascist society and dicatorship.
iraq war veterans by the hundreds took to the mall militaryrecruiterss and protested against them, that they were lied too, and angry at them
on top of all that There is no need for a military, there has not been a war for freedom since 1776, the year the Illuminati was formed. In the 1800's Albert Pike an Illuminist planned 3 world wars. Yes. WW2 Was an inside job, a staged war. Every war since 1776 was staged by the new world order.
a globalist in 1972 Henry Kissenger said and i quote "Military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy"
911 was an inside job, and our government and new world order is the enemy. The News media, popular mechanics, CFR, Bilderberg group, is also the enemy.
Patriots like Alex Jones, David Icke, Dylan Avery, Charlie Sheen, Rosie O Donnell, Willie Nelson, AJ Hammer, Kevin Barrett, and 1700 architects and engineers who exposes the criminal activity of the global elite.
did i mention bush and cheney should be in prison?