All those who voted for a doddering old Alzhammered fool and his vile, hate-filled, liar of a running mate. She spewed her vile filth endlessly and what disgusts me was watching drooling fools slobber all over her every word, her glasses, her hair, her wardrobe and her distortions and lies.
No substance, all fluff, she called most of America and most Americans "the 'other' America" and 'the other "other" America' bought it. Hook, line and sTinker.
You forgot the media who made Sarah their darling. Too late, many in the media saw through her, yet they continued to lionize her, instead of calling her out on her divisive, anti-science right-wing Rapturist fundamentalism. And 46% of our fellow American voters wanted her, in spite, BECAUSE of her stance. Her vision of America was a dark one, an us-versus-them world in which ignorance trumped intellect.
I can only imagine the veritable flood of tears flowing from trailer parks, revival meetings, survivalist training camps, Cold-War backyard bunkers and honky-tonks around the country... make that in most of the old slave states and rural America. The East Coast, the West Coast, the eastern half of the Northern tier got it right. Yes, and the 2 blue southwestern states pointing like a middle finger up toward the Dakotas, they got it right, too.
At last, hope won out against hate. Change and choice won out over fear and gloom. So, who's the most evil? That's like asking who was more evil, Hitler or the people who obeyed him? After all, "no man is an island."
And yet, I honor Senator McCain's words, from the finest speech that I've ever heard him utter (and if he had campaigned in that style, probably would have gotten him elected), when he called for ALL of America to unite behind the President-elect. To work for and with each other instead of against each other, to re-become UNITED. I say 'yes.'