Why do dems hate Condi Rice as a VP? Are they racist?
2008-07-26 12:06:32 UTC
Obviously she's black and a woman. Dems hate her. She gets called "Oreo"

Is that due to racism, sexism? Or maybe dems are both racist and sexist?

Obviously any dem that doesn't support Condi MUST be racist. I mean how can you reject a black candidate without being racist?
22 answers:
Lawyer X
2008-07-26 12:17:10 UTC
Although it is true that racists are not likely to vote for Obama, that's not the same as saying that anyone who opposes Obama is racist, as you are implying.
Shaman B
2008-07-26 19:23:17 UTC
Um...Condi is a Republican meaning Democrats won't like her. There are these things called Parties and people tend to at least somewhat stick to their political party. Democrats hang with Democrats and Republicans with Republicans, it all makes sense really.

Anybody can reject a candidate for a variety of reasons. It is possible to reject a black candidate without being racist, after all in the politics race like religion shouldn't be important. A person's policies and stances are supposed to be what defines them not some stupid artificial reason like skin color.
2008-07-26 19:16:56 UTC
Condi Rice is horrible at her highly important job. Why would any intelligent person even consider putting her on the fast track to the oval office?

And I'm saying that as a black, female, Democrat who thinks Obama is all talk and no substance. So please, try and play the sexism/race card on that.
2008-07-26 19:21:39 UTC
For dems its only racist/sexist if you dont support their black or woman canidate (thats why the uneducated people answering your question say republicans are racist). Plus Condi would steal there thunder because she is black and a woman.
2008-07-26 19:12:32 UTC
Are you kidding? I love the idea. Make the Democratic win in November that much easier. Sure, go ahead, pick one of the architects of the Iraq invasion and a member of the hated Bush Administration. Why not just go with Dick Cheney or Don Rumsfeld? Only a true neocon kool aid drinker would actually believe that picking someone from an astonishingly unpopular administration to be on the ticket would somehow be beneficial.
2008-07-26 19:22:43 UTC
Condoleeza Rice should not be. How can she be?

Everybody who does not love Obama is a racist. If you mistrust Obama but respect Condoleeza as a great American who is serving her country that would make you a.......Okay it can't happen!

Let's try again. You don't want Obama, he is a lying manipulator, so you are a racist. Right, that's good. We understand that.

But you LIKE Condi, and she is BLACK. okay this doesn't make sense. So Condoleeza must be a figment of your imagination YOU RACIST YOU! Stop it!
2008-07-26 19:11:29 UTC
Your only racist when you do not support Obama because he is black. Condi is white so that isn't racist. They ran Hillary for a while so they can't be sexist either.

Who am I kidding they just want to be on both sides of the fence make rep look racist and sexist but do not want to look that way themselves.
2008-07-26 19:33:51 UTC
No, it's because she would be picked as a "campaign stunt" by McCain, as an attempt by Republicans to make the first woman and Black President be a Republican.
Matt M
2008-07-26 19:10:20 UTC
Democrats would LOVE for Condoleezza Rice to be VP, they would tear her apart.

And by that argument, those who don't support Obama are racist, making Republicans racist.
2008-07-26 19:15:39 UTC
Hat her? Are you on drugs? The right wing evangelical wing nuts along with Bubba will have a ball if that Black Lesbian were nominated. Poor John McCain would be toast. You think the "Black Child" card that the PNAC played 8 years ago was bad, well you ain't seen nuttin until you see what would happened if Condi appeared on the same ticket.. I loooove it make MY day.
2008-07-26 19:15:01 UTC
What a statement -as a Democrat I do not personally hate Condilisa Rice (Can't spell her name though).

I do despise McCain though. As I would all of what I believe to be totally evil.
2008-07-26 19:13:54 UTC
No, Condi just isn't very smart.

You can't have it both ways, man. You can't decide people are "racist" based on their political affiliation.
2008-07-26 19:16:54 UTC
No. She is a republican. Your question is really silly due to the fact that Obama is bi-racial....
2008-07-26 19:14:08 UTC
She has a gap between her front teeth large enough to serve as a garage for a smatcar®, and her skin is rough as one ought sandpaper -- in the smoother areas.
2008-07-26 19:15:43 UTC
Racism has nothing to do with it. The entire Bush cabinet was awful, we don't want any of them continuing to ruin this country even more than they already did.
2008-07-26 19:18:01 UTC
Democrats don't want Republicans to confuse their base by destroying their monopoly on black candidates.
2008-07-26 19:13:34 UTC
Trickery will get you know where.

Your the one that is the racist and sexist
2008-07-26 19:12:17 UTC
Obviously both, they have to prop up their black wonder boy Obama to try to prove they're not and look how badly women and Hillary were treated by them this election.
Last Ranger
2008-07-26 19:11:56 UTC
Oh now you have gone and done it.

Only white republicans can be racist.
Peter M.
2008-07-26 19:10:45 UTC
Um, you're gonna have to give some sources for calling her "oreo."
Dust In The Wind
2008-07-26 19:12:45 UTC
And I thought it was her own party calling her oreo. Thanks for clearing that up.
2008-07-26 19:17:52 UTC
no..we just thin shes a dumb ***** who'll get get us killed

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