do you BELIEVE DONALD TRUMP will become the next USA PRESIDENT.?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
do you BELIEVE DONALD TRUMP will become the next USA PRESIDENT.?
618 answers:
2016-05-06 09:44:03 UTC
The republican party is DEAD, hopefully we will now see a new republican party. A party where they don't just run some old guy who is next in line. The republican party needs to accept the fact that people want America to prosper, to get strong. People are tired of not having a border and Trump was the only one saying build a wall and deport illegals and now the people have spoken. If anyone else would have come forward first and said these two things they would have been the nominee. Trump said what people wanted to hear. I will say right from the start I don’t know about Donald Trump and if he can win the presidency and do what he says he will do. Trump is not the reason people are voting republican it is Obama causing the voters to turnout.

I will say there seems to be an anger rising up in the bowels of the American electorate that is rejecting the direction the country is headed. It starts with simple things such as an athlete being ostracized for praying and another being lauded as a hero for crossdressing. A candidate being called a racist because he wants to deport illegals in this country. There are many many more examples that are tugging at the heart strings of conservative Americans and seem to be leading America down a liberal pathway that can’t be good for the moral standards we hold so dear.

Americans are tired of a president who ignores the laws and allows illegal immigration and you will hear a loud cry this November and that is people wanting to take America back. You can thank Obama for this turnout. People Don't care who is running as long as it is not another liberal democrat and in many states people are turning in their democrat party card and signing up as republicans. There will be a turnout this November never before seen.
Mr. Wizard
2016-05-06 13:04:35 UTC
It'll be a close POTUS race.....but yes, I believe Trump WILL prevail as our next POTUS. And he should:

Let's put aside everything people loathe about Trump on the surface and look at the fact the man IS a global economics expert---who has far more corporate successes than failures. Even the ever loyal Democrat economic experts agree: Trump's economic repair / recovery plans WILL WORK; Hillay and Ted Cruz have NOT uttered a single word about their economic recovery plans.....because they're OWNED by the lobby groups who enjoy squeezing every dime from our home and family budgets.

Nobody owns Trump---which understandably make the corporate corrupt ( who can NEVER AFFORD Trump ) very edgy and nervous.

But nonetheless: Trump IS a TRUE PATRIOT and the man SPEAKS OUT against the corrupt....and vows to FIRE them, too!! It's been a long time, since we've had an American President with steel nerve and brave guts.
2016-05-07 11:27:44 UTC
I bet he will. There's not a single person in America who hasn't wondered: exactly what would happen if Donald Trump won; people are saying it would be a disaster but I would like to see it for myself.

It's base human instinct. If some guy's getting roasted, the crowd is on the side of the person who's giving out the roasts and cheering them on. Same in a fight: base instinct wins out and even though people know someone could get hurt, they cheer it on because they want to see the action it will bring. So far Trump has managed to create the biggest personality and say the most captivating things of any candidate.

Just think about it. How many American citizens would be able to tell you Donald Trump's complete platform if asked at any given time; majority of them only know that he says pretty big things. The only people that will oppose him are the very well educated, people within the government who have a good understanding of what's really at stake, and minorities on the receiving end of Trump's jokes and crackdown threats.

I'm black by the way; I'm not a Trump supporter, but I will say I am curious.
2016-05-06 21:18:47 UTC
No, he has offended too many people. Polls show him far behind both Democratic candidates. Either will easily beat him.

It also looks like the Republicans will lose their slight majority in Congress since these elections will also change Congress. If people see a vote for any Republican as also supporting Mr. Trump, Democrats will flood both Congress and the White House.

Once the true campaigns begin, Mr. Trump's lack of knowledge about the office of president, the actual powers of the office, the political milieu, the global economy, the balance of powers, the separation of powers, and the Supreme Court will weigh in heavily against him. What he promises to do and what the president is actually able to do legally are two different things. Like many successful businessmen, he sells well, but the product doesn't live up to the hype.
2016-05-09 13:40:02 UTC
Yes he will win the nomination and win the election. I can tell because I saw it in a dream. A dream where he told Hillary Clinton that she s fired in a debate. The roast was so hard that it spread all over youtube and every news station in the world played the clip.

Clintons supporters were so burned that they couldn t vote so therefore Donald Trump won 100% of the votes. But then Bernie Sanders came and called him Homer Simpson and the roast was even harder where all Donald Trump supporters were set on fire. Unfortunately we loose Texas, but not much people really minded that much, as the Mexicans took it over and built a wall around it using the USA s money. So Bernie Sanders will win after Donald Trump wins for 1 year.
Ariel Kapur
2016-05-08 21:33:30 UTC
Donald Trump may 'speak his mind', but honestly he should really think about what he says before it comes out of his mouth. If the general American public shares his views and ideals, you really have to wonder what kind of **** humanity has come to. Donald Trump started off as a joke, kind of like Kanye running for president, but, well, surprise, surprise, people, it's now very likely that he will be America's next leader. If he does, well, America should look forward to a serious shitstorm, because having a homophobic, racist and generally slightly insane leader is, as most (sane) people will agree, a step in the wrong direction. I'm not exactly sure what the people voting for Trump have in mind, if it's starting online arguments or simply wanting an insane, power-hungry man to lead their country for experimental purposes. But whatever reason it is, it's suffice to say that America is clearly going to get ****** over if Trump becomes president.

Believe me, I really hope Trump can prove me wrong and actually lead America in the right direction, but oh - wait - it's already too late, what with him already promising to build a wall on the border between the US and Mexico. I really feel like this guy will have no idea of the repercussions of his actions. I really won't be surprised if America suddenly drops in population, World War 3 starts because Trump decided to attack North Korea for the lols, and China becomes the new most powerful country in the world; I mean, right now, that's what it looks like it's gonna be. Good Luck America :)
2016-05-08 18:15:17 UTC
Yes he will win the nomination and win the election. I can tell because I saw it in a dream. A dream where he told Hillary Clinton that she s fired in a debate. The roast was so hard that it spread all over youtube and every news station in the world played the clip. Hillary Clintons supporters were so burned that they couldn t vote so therefore Donald Trump won 100% of the votes. But then Bernie Sanders came and called him Homer Simpson and the roast was even harder where all Donald Trump supporters were set on fire. Unfortunately we loose Texas, but not much people really minded that much, as the Mexicans took it over and built a wall around it using the USA s money. So Bernie Sanders will win after Donald Trump wins for 1 year.
2016-05-07 18:03:28 UTC
It is my understanding that the Republican Party could still put another candidate forward. Let us home they do. The USA deserves to have a better president than Trump. If Trump is elected he could be the last US president following the major worldwide war he's likely to start. I hope a Democrat wins the election. I do not like the Clintons. But a Democrat is better than a Republican and Clinton is certainly better than Trump. So hopefully Trump will get the nomination. I think as the Republican candidate the Democrats stand a far better chance than the Republicans.
Don Taylor
2016-05-06 11:12:57 UTC
There is a chance that he will become the next President. I will be middle of the road.

Trump beat 16 other people to win the right to run against Hillary.

Don't hate me because I am saying this. Hillary is the choice for the Democrats in the beginning and she can barely beat Sanders.

I can see Donald Trump beating Hillary in the election but that is just my thought. You can have your thoughts.
2016-05-08 00:35:04 UTC
I'm going to say this once. Hilary Clington will be our next president. All 3 of them are controlled by the elite. The only reason why they had Donald trump run was so everyone would be relieved and easily accept when Hilary Clington wins. Don't believe me? Just wait and see. Presidents are selected not elected.
Timbo Slice
2016-05-06 19:05:11 UTC

First, I am not an American. Second, I am a high school kid. I have an objective view, and on the contrary, an informed view. I do not lack life skills, I have worked in the trade since I was 12 and I pay my own rent and food. Take my words and try to analyse them as objectively as humanly possible.

June 2015, Trump enters the presidential race. With 17 highly competent and extremely successful competitors, ranging from federal officeholders to governors to talented business players and surgeons. With an approximate 1 in 5000 chance to succeed the republican party's nomination, many are now awestruck at the recent unfoldings. Now, Donald Trump is the Republican Nominee.

Vote Count will drain in.

For those who conservatively state Trump has won only ~half of all republican primary votes and likely unable to garner enough support, the general election will bring democrats and independents with a nuance feel for their initial party pick, as Trump unveils the crooked side of Mrs. Clinton. Nick names don't stick without some truth to it. And think about this: Trump only took 8 days longer to secure the nomination compared to Mitt Romney. And Trump has just broken the ALL TIME RECORD of popular votes garnered. Though a plurality, as I said before, people registered to a different party can change any time, limited only to 29 days prior to their designated election. Unless Clinton is indited, Sanders realistically had a flat ZERO chance to win the democratic nomination. It's the truth, a sad truth. Who will these supporters gather around? Statistics indicate Young Sanders supporters distrust Clinton and the general support base is likely to rally behind Trump as a second pick when Clinton is inevitably the Democratic Nominee. For every republican that burns their membership card, several individuals fill the abyss.


Donald Trump has a minimum 97 percent chance to win the general election. Political science professor Helmut Norpoth's model, which predicted the reign of Bill Clinton, George Bush and Obama, claims Trump beats Hillary 54.7 to 45.3.

War of words.

Donald Trump has had hundreds of thousands of ads and hundreds of millions of dollars worth of attacks set forth upon him, and the result is a pitiful scratch. It truly is amazing, no words can disband the support group belonging to The Donald. And to add to this, Trump has not started a valiant and consistent attack on Clinton yet. There is no need yet. Yet Clinton is already playing the ball, launching media attacks on Trump. Mark my words, Trump's every move is very calculated. Why launch attacks on Clinton now, when November is months away. Any damage done now has time to mend and fade into nothingness. While Clinton plays the ball now, she will tire out. That is when Trump will attack, I predict. There are 3 general election debates to be held in the coming months. Clinton has never faced an opponent as brash as Trump. I would not want to argue with a Donald Trump.


The eyes of the world are upon Donald Trump. Russia and it's population, by a majority, support Trump. It's amazing! Russia liking an American? A chance to open dialogue between two great nations! The world is talking and the world will want in. Mexico's former president Vincente' Fox recently APOLOGIZED to Trump, indirectly, about his personal disdain for Trumps wall. The joke is no more. China's Finance Minister has now attacked Trump, Trump must be on to a real shadow problem. Trump has been involved in four bankruptcies. Trump knows the creditors to which heo national debt must repay is impossible, and his experience in frugal shake down to pay less than the dollar on the debt as recently come out. Interesting. The world is talking about Trump. But all you hear is the negativity of course. You hear about crime, but hardly ever about the good Samaritan act. Believe me, Trump has a larger support group than anyone thinks.
2016-05-07 10:43:14 UTC
I most certainly hope not. Donald Trump has never held elected office. He is woefully ignorant on Foreign Policy. And, his domestic policies (deporting Muslims and Hispanics) is unconstitutional and racist. I think he will loose the Latino, Black and Women's votes. He says whatever pops into his head - and sometimes it's ridiculous. The President represents the People of the US no matter where he/she goes. This man does NOT represent me or my country in a good light. I know there will be many dislikes for my opinion and it's my opinion.
2016-05-06 14:55:37 UTC
Stranger things have happened.

Look, Hillary, a criminal is running for president.

Nothing surprises me anymore.
2016-05-06 11:28:21 UTC
I am praying so without ceasing. I am not at all ready for Russian style life here in the USA!
2016-05-06 11:47:42 UTC
One can only hope to bring 0bama's nightmare to an end.
Linda R
2016-05-07 08:31:45 UTC
ABSOLUTELY! When Trump first decided to run for president....his intention was to WAKE UP the Republican party and do the right thing. So far, the Republicans are still asleep. Trump will be president and shake up ALL politicians.
2016-05-06 14:17:25 UTC
2016-05-06 09:35:58 UTC
after what happened in 2008, anything is possible...

2016-05-06 17:56:02 UTC

Trump so far has only gotten 58% of Republican voters.

Now that he is the ONLY runner, there are registered Republican voters burning their membership cards.

And since the country is half Republic and half Democrats .. and all there is a significant number of Republicans who HATE Trump and will vote for Clinton or any other Democratic candidate, just to keep Trump, out ... Trump doesn't have a hope in your-know-what.

I don't like Clinton, but she will be the first US woman President, wining the election this November.
2016-05-07 15:40:43 UTC
I hope he will win and beat the "never Trump" people. He is saying it like it is. He's strong, unafraid and honest. I admit I didn't always like what he said about other candidates but he did it to win. So, he will do the same to Hillary and I believe he is the only one who can beat her because he is not too far right. I am very disappointed in Romney who I voted for. He would have been a good president but he lost. He was too nice. Didn't fight back like Trump does. And if a third party candidate runs as an independent I believe it will not hurt Trump.

We need Trump before America goes down the drain.
2016-05-10 02:05:48 UTC
It's very difficult to fathom a scenario in which Trump has a feasible chance of winning the presidency. Trump is a celebrity with a built-in fan base, but it is unclear (1) how strong his support will remain once he is forced to answer serious questions like a serious candidate and (2) how many of his current supporters will defect once they learn more about other candidates in the race, all of whom presently have lower name recognition in these early stages of the 2016 campaign. Further, Trump is currently riding a wave based on his skillful tapping into populist anger at Washington, but even putting aside his qualifications for office, he's not particularly conservative, so the odds of him winning over primary voters (who tend to want "real" conservative candidates) is slim. And finally, there is a large segment of the population, including many Republicans, who will never vote for Trump under any circumstances. Trump likely has a larger built-in opposition than any other current candidate for president, Hillary Clinton and self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders included.

So even assuming that Trump mounted a serious campaign (a big assumption) and somehow won the Republican nomination, the chances of him winning the electoral college and capturing the presidency are slim. Many Republicans would either sit at home on Election Day or vote for other candidates, and Democrats, fearful of the proposition of Trump becoming president, would likely have good turnout. The odds are therefore higher for a Walter Mondale/Barry Goldwater-size defeat than Trump somehow winning.
2016-05-08 08:20:56 UTC
Yes. Donald Trump will win that election with a very huge votes, Though many call him racist and psychopath person but they forgot who he is and what hes capable of doing. Am 100% supporter of Trump and as i can assure you he is the right candidate for that post.. I pray he don't withdraw from the contest despite all the pressures and mocking people is firing at him. I just wish he can be strong because he's gonna be the president soon.
2016-05-08 07:01:03 UTC
Did someone says that President are selected?, NOT elected? So your vote DOES NOT COUNT? People says anything that does not make any sense. Once the people's vote are counted, and choose this person to become President, then selection does not mean anything... It is the peoples vote that counts to send him there! By the way, IF Trump is so dumb (as most people says) then why he is richer than YOU??? Oh. and how can people says that Trump supporters are dumb? Do you people know who they really are? To judge someone that you don't know, is like looking at the mirror in a dark room, which makes you dumber then the one you are accusing... Go and look back at the mirror (with the brightest light) and ask yourself this question> Am I smart??? Lol, you have a good day...
2016-05-08 03:03:03 UTC
I don't think that Trump will be the next president of USA,though he is Rich but I think that Hilary does have better Political experience than Trump, because when Obama nominated for president on that time Hilary was USA secretary, and her husbent MR Clinton was USA President before George W.Bush, so she has got lots of political experiance than Trump, You can imagine Hilary has a vivid knowledge in politics,and she knows diplomacy very well rather than Trump,that's why i think that Hilary will be nominated for President, NOT TRUMP
2016-05-08 03:54:36 UTC
I hope he will win and beat the "never Trump" people. He is saying it like it is. He's strong, unafraid and honest. I admit I didn't always like what he said about other candidates but he did it to win. So, he will do the same to Hillary and I believe he is the only one who can beat her because he is not too far right. I am very disappointed in Romney who I voted for. He would have been a good president but he lost. He was too nice. Didn't fight back like Trump does. And if a third party candidate runs as an independent I believe it will not hurt Trump.
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2016-05-08 12:41:25 UTC
Heck no. The crazyass portion of the Republican party may have made him look like he has a big chance, but there are definitely odds against him. Those being the fact that a percentage of Republicans are against him, Democrats slightly make up the majority are most, if not all, of them are against him.

AND, more importantly... far more people are registered as Independent than either Democrat or Republican. And in some states Independents can not vote in primaries, so that cut out a lot of people. Thus the crazyass chunk of Republicans are able to give the illusion that he's got a chance. But once the Democrats and many Independents get a hold of him in November... good luck. Ain't happening.
2016-05-11 03:39:38 UTC
No. The Psychic Twins said before the people running for president was even announced that Hillary would run and win presidency. And The Psychic Twins are not fakes. They predicted the twin towers attack two years before it happened and they went it to detail, they said how many people would be killed, etc and they were 100% correct.

They even predicted the Paris attacks and more including the drug overdose of Cory Monteith. Just look up there predictions an you'll see. Hillary will be the next president of the united states.
2016-05-06 09:55:22 UTC
Do you BELIEVE DONALD TRUMP will become the next USA PRESIDENT.?

DO YOU BELEIVE there are fortune tellers in Life or YA's ... no one can answer this, they just have hope , as do those who are Democrats for Hillary or Bernie ... what I can tell you IS MANY NEVER thought TRUMP would get this far ... see HOW WRONG they are... so I hope corrupt politicians ( Dem and Rep ) are GETTING A WAKE UP CALL as to, " How SIck to Death , " American People / Voters are becoming of CORRUPT " American CAREER POLITICIANS - Democrat and Republican. " I find all this to be GREAT and BRILLIANT , hoping it's a sign that some people are becoming more intelligent and wise to the CORRUPT CAREER POLITICS and POLITICIANS of this World - including, America !!!
Christopher F
2016-05-06 14:59:08 UTC
No. Simple arithmetic is against him. His strength is with the white working class, a declining share of the population. Not only has he not shown any ability to expand beyond that base, he s been alienating everybody outside of it to the best of his ability.

Yes, he s won the Republican nomination fair and square. This says something about the decline of the old Reagan coalition. He is going to get clobbered in the fall, whether disenchanted Republicans get behind some third party effort or not.

Further, this looks like a re-aligning election. Clinton will win, and the next Clinton administration will be considerably further to the left than the last one was, because it won t have any need to placate Republicans. It WILL need to placate its own Bernie Sanders faction. Maybe he ll get a cabinet post. And the Trumpsters can congratulate themselves on their part in bringing that about.
2016-05-07 02:20:07 UTC
washington politics is like sitting on a bank of clouds and saying things which no one will ever do. donald trump is popular because people believe he has his feet on the ground and will do something. even those who who are opposed to what he says believe that he will do something. right or wrong, we have people watching the vaudeville of the GOP; watch what i am doing with this hand, and do not see what i am doing with my other.

while donald trump is making a big show of what the GOP will or can do; the other GOP congresses in GOP controlled states are passing the laws, and no one even complains.

if you actually cared what laws and actions the GOP takes, then you need to watch the state governments. they are doing the things which 'the donald' is actually just saying he will do.
2016-05-07 03:44:51 UTC
If the evil powers-to-be don't connive to stop him, he is America's prevailing choice. Obama's win already proved we are not racist, unkind or stupid. That's just media assassination, because the Establishment doesn't want their rich little lifestyle changed. Right now, Trump is the medicine America needs to swallow if she doesn't want to be a crippled, poor, 3rd world country. The politicians don't care if we peasants work for China's wages, because they make deals that keep them, and their relatives rich and sheltered. If you came to America because you loved her, then keep her ALIVE and vote Trump! The wealth is not a bottomless pit! We must have both border and immigration control and quotas, because it's all about supply and demand. Too many worker bees, and you WILL work for whatever wage they tell you too, and have zero rights to fight back. Trump wants to lock up the Social Security account fund so the government can't steal from us anymore, and force businesses to stay here and provide jobs for us. Wow. Now that just makes good sense whether you are liberal or conservative. He's watching our government screw us over, and we haven't had a HERO in a very very long time. Trump is our voice now, and the big boys globally will work hard to bring him down because of it.
2016-05-09 11:28:52 UTC
Donald would need the vote of every Republican in America in addition to the majority of the Independent vote.

Donald barely has over 50 percent of the Republican vote as many feel he doesn't represent what Conservatives stand for.

Does Donald have the support of every racist in the nation? Yes. Does Donald have the support of every extreme Conservative? Yes. Does Donald have the support of everyone who hates Obama and Hillary? Yes.

Will that be enough to win the election in November? No!

By its very nature the Conservative Party resists change. Resistance to change is their Hallmark but it is also what will make it obselete.
Rodney James
2016-05-06 15:20:13 UTC
Nope. He's doing too poorly with women and other minorities that have voted Republican in the past to be president. Even some Republicans are now supporting Hillary Clinton. If Trump was going to win, the scenario wouldn't be so bleak-looking for him.
Andy F
2016-05-07 16:51:35 UTC
I don't believe Trump will become the next POTUS. It's impossible to predict the future with any certainty, of course, and I could be wrong. But I think the odds are against him winning in the general election.

-- democratic socialist for bernie / only the truth is revolutionary, which clearly means that Trump is not revolutionary. :-)
2016-05-10 07:31:27 UTC
NO. WAY. I don't care what Trump does or doesn't do, he is self absorbent and ,in my opinion, just wants to rule the states the wrong way and that's his way. He doesn't show a lick of respect to the constitution or the other contestants! Come ON people? Can't you see to the heart of this man? Have you seen his "speeches" before? He will manipulate every poor soul here into voting for him, and he is that type! I may not know a lot about politics but I do know a corrupted and manipulative man/woman when I see one!
2016-05-08 02:18:37 UTC
definitely yes--- what he say about muslim and europe is true - I ve been myself assault several time in France by muslim dude and I am tall and strong :) --- these people attack you without any reason because you are white - I wished I could be protected by law and police that respect and honor white people as well as they do in USA - when Trump say American first - this sound maybe for nothing for you as American general Folks but for a European this is what we now call a fairy tale - - because the actual politie in EU, is to say to its FOLKS you are not the futur, the futur come from outside - we have only one right to be robbed by migrants and shut our mouth --

so all the critics on Donald Trump are a bunch of lie that are made to make the morron fears - but I don t fear the ESTABLISHMENT I dont care nobody from the TOP support Donald Trump, the people support Donald Trump, american people support him and Who should elect the American Boss? the people of america !! not a bunch of corrupted panam LIARS !!

what is why I would have vote for Trump if I would be in the united states because I defend the cause of white, because I defend the cause of poor, because what is happening in Europe is a NIGHTMARE and if only 5% percent of you people of america would understand what is happening in EU,you would not understand, you would love DT

And what I like in that Dude, is his honesty he is not a follower he is a supervisor ! And at the white house, they dont need pupet they needs people with courage honour and bravour
2016-05-07 00:03:47 UTC
You Trump supporters seem to forget that we are a nation built by immigration. Look at your own family tree and find the scared, desperate people who left their home countries in the the desperate hope for a better life. Ask yourself why your ancestors are so much better than dirt-poor Mexicans and traumatized Syrians.

This country is shriveling up into its own hatred and ignorance, increasingly becoming more disliked and isolated as we shake our fists and scream about our superiority ("'Merica! Let's shoot each other and hate Muslims.") I am humiliated to be an American, I truly am.

And for you ignorant, bitter people who are deluded into thinking Trump is anything but a racist, sexist megalomaniac, I say: SHAME ON YOU.
2016-05-10 19:17:38 UTC
If Trump becomes the next president I will put all of my belongings and my animals in a truck and head to Canada where I'll stay until he's done making a mess of things.
2016-05-10 19:02:26 UTC
I believe he is most likely going to be president because he has the most elections and has won a lot of states. However, there is a chance that Hilary might become president which I God hope she isn't. So to answer your question, I am most likely positive that Donald Trump will be president of the United states 2016-2020 (unless he gets relected).
2016-05-06 13:59:47 UTC
Maybe. The election will turn on the balance between how many "anyone but Trump" Republicans will go so far as to vote for Hillary and how many "anyone but Hillary" democrats will go so far as to vote for Trump. Trump may lose many women voters, but Hillary is to like to lose even more misogynist blue collar redneck votes. My forecast is Hillary will get a minority of the popular vote, but will squeak through on a wafer thin majority in the Electoral College: a pattern followed throughout US history whenever the close relative (son, grandson or wife) of a previous President has entered the race. But, like Obama, her administration will be hamstrung by effective GOP control of both Houses and unable to get any legislation accepted, or any of her supreme court nominations approved.
2016-05-11 03:39:04 UTC
Donald Trump could become the next President if the nation truly believes he has a secret plan to make our

nation great again. The American people seem to say they want a loud mouth arrogant bully,an obscenely wealthy ego maniac SOB as President Trump win office. It surprises me people want to hear what he say he wants to do.....hey, give the people what they want...I want to make America great again ( I didn t know we were moved out of world class number one spot, wealth, power, strength, leader of the free world) I do know America has had some dark periods before but never THE DARK AGES.

the DARK Ages.
2016-05-08 17:32:29 UTC
I was close enough to Mr. Donald Trump yesterday

to tell my reader that within a farm town where cow

manure odor is not uncommon his essence cannot

be denied. It wafted out over the crowd after his limo'

door swung open. Anybody who shared that ride is

not being paid enough in my opinion. Nor did I see

any evidence that it was something he had trod on.

I wanted to ask if that's just The Big Apple residue

or something special for voters.
2016-05-10 09:10:54 UTC
Donald Trump is a New York businessman, reality show host and a Republican candidate in the 2016 United States presidential election.

Trump has described his political positions in various and often contradictory ways over time.[1][2][3][4] His politics have variously been described as right-wing populist,[5][6] nativist,[7][8][9] protectionist,[10][11] isolationist[12][13] and authoritarian.[14][15] In addition, his ideology has generally been described to be in opposition to neoconservatism.[16]

Politico has described his positions as "eclectic, improvisational and often contradictory."[4] Trump calls himself a conservative Republican,[17] while others describe him as a moderate Republican.[18] His stances on illegal immigration, free trade agreements, and military interventionism, as well as his support for social security, have often put him in conflict with Republican Party establishment positions.[7] Conservative commentators William Kristol and Jonah Goldberg have characterized his collective positions as "Trumpism," arguing that it is distinct from traditional conservativism.
2016-05-09 11:59:10 UTC
considering that the Democrats are recommending more of the same or even worse. I think unless the voting gets fixed in favor of the Democrats... Trump will likely win. I guess it all will boil down to who can gain the most control over the absentee voting, early voting, who can steal the most identity and give voter id cards to the most illegal aliens, stuff like that i doubt it will be a fair or an honest election. You can be sure the democrats will cheat why do you think they let all those people cross the border? They will strategically place them in places where they can get the most delegates and get as many as they can to vote for the folks who allowed them to sneak over the border.
2016-05-08 08:01:07 UTC
Nope, the government won't allow it. They're only allowing him to run for president because he meets the requirements and so is legally entitled to do so. But that doesn't mean they will elect him even if he wins the election.

Donald Trump = WW3

The world doesn't want WW3.
2016-05-07 05:01:44 UTC
I tend to believe the worst usually happens, so YES, I suspect that in a couple years, Pres. Trump will be ruining the USA. Get used to all kinds of Trumpite terror and oppression, maybe like Stalin's Russia.
2016-05-07 12:46:52 UTC
Trump seems to beat the odds. Beating everyone in the Republican party. I wouldn't want to see Hilary or Trump as the next prez. Probably 50/50 he'll win now
Ghost Of Christmas Past
2016-05-08 10:24:39 UTC
My money's on the flying pigs. I can't believe that the Republican Party has selected an unelectable candidate without some ulterior motive. Perhaps that know that the USA will default on its debts in the next 4 years and they want a Democrat to take the blame.
2016-05-06 23:50:53 UTC
No way they can't become next President of USA because he the bad mind person they destroy whole world. So cool down forget Trump enjoy your like in Dubai With they offer Good looking, Charming, Attractive Queen of Escorts.
2016-05-08 14:35:36 UTC
He doesn't have a chance in Hell. I am a Dem, however, I definitely like his "keeping it real" mentality. Doesn't mean I like what he may say, but it shows how flustered the panel got when he made them realize this ain't no beauty pageant! Its a freaking election! Btw, he states problems that happened before Obama. So even though he will not win, it will be funny to see how the Dems will handle this. We act the same way, at least Trump is rocking the boat.
2016-05-06 17:35:58 UTC
Obama is better than trump. at least Obama didn't make other countries mad at us. And trump went bankrupt 3 times. And trumps stupid little jokes are racist and sexist and I hope he doesn't win the presidential election . too bad Obama can't be president for a third term. I'm voting Hillary Clinton .
2016-05-09 08:22:35 UTC
Do I believe? I hope he does.

Hillary shouldn't be too concerned about Trump. She ought to be very concerned about the FBI. 150 agents investigating her? Kidnappers don't get 150 agents. Edward Snowden didn't get 150 agents. Jonathan Pollard didn't get 150 agents. The Rosenbergs didn't get 150 agents.

FBI doesn't give immunity willy-nilly, and they don't give immunity to someone to get information that leads nowhere. The fact that the server kid wanted immunity tells me he knew two things: One, he knew what he did was a crime, and two, he knew what she did was a crime. If the 20-something year old kid knew she was wrong, then she knew she was wrong. If she doesn't know that, she's not fit for the presidency. If she does know that, she's not fit for the presidency.

Let me leave you with this: You don't get given immunity from prosecution UNLESS you have committed a prosecutable offense. If HE committed a prosecutable offense, SHE most definitely did.
2016-05-06 18:26:24 UTC
Yes and I hope he does become it... Just think of the improvements!... Lots of guns to kill Muslims, he's resusrecting the old ways to deal with problems and building walls, thus creating many low paid jobs and dangerous jobs for Mexicans, his hair thing keeps you entertained for hours whilst stoned and he's completely down to earth. Every country needs this kind of arrogant, enormously well groomed ego and someone who isn't selfish and completely at ease in most preschool arguments... If I could vote for him then I would... Unfortunately I'm British and we never seem to be able to vote for open racists l, absolute pish!... Long live trump, his hair, stone masonry and brick building vision.. Just look at the history of building Wall instead of bridges... Shite for a couple years before everyone unites and pulls it down to be stronger than ever.... I hate the man.... Sorry I meant love
2016-05-09 08:48:45 UTC
Trump would be a much more competent President than Hillary "The Liar" Clinton. However, Hillary has a lot of dimwitted supporters, so it will be tough for Trump to win.
2016-05-09 18:27:05 UTC
Hopefully, he will Donald Trump himself out before the election.
2016-05-09 10:00:42 UTC
I don't think so. I want to believe that there's enough people in this country who are not hateful, and therefore would not agree with a lot of the things that comes out of his mouth. Forget whether he's right or wrong. Forget his policies. The truth is, he speaks hate. He hates diversity, even though that is what our country is built on.

I would love Bernie to win, but he won't because of his socialistic views. Clinton will. She is respectful to other cultures and does not spew hate.
2016-05-06 15:53:03 UTC
No. And if he does, there's something wrong with America.

His attitude, bigotry, sexism/racism slurs and comments, on top of killing terrorists FAMILIES... which the families most likely had no idea whatsoever. I mean think about it, would you tell your family or children the bad thing you were about to commit? He wants planned parenthood defunded. (If only he actually knew what planned parenthood actually does and doesn't even pay for abortions) And wants to build a wall... Mexico pay for it... Lol.Shutdown of Muslims? Wow way to basically say that every Muslim is a terrorist... I'm sorry but these alone should tell you this guy isn't fit for presidency. I'm sick of people saying how these are "words from the media" and "propaganda" that give him a bad name. which is just simply untrue. This isn't a "he said/she said"... There is PROOF of his harsh and rude comments. It took him 3 days to denouce David Duke. Seriously? I'm not saying Hillary and Bernie are perfect.. but come on lmao
2016-05-09 10:15:02 UTC
If we want to save our America from the corporate Wall Street oligarchs, we'll elect Trump. Racists warmonger Hillary isn't a very good alternative
2016-05-07 04:02:20 UTC
No way, no how. Hillary has huge, double-digit leads in states that add up to more than 400 electoral votes. Trump is polling less than 30% in both California and New York. He's done.
2016-05-09 21:56:44 UTC
Everything is predetermined. Trump has been chosen to be the next president by a group of whom shall not be named.

The majority of U.S. Americans now minorities, and do you really think they will vote for him? It's very unlikely because many people do not like him, and yet somehow, he is winning.
2016-05-08 18:01:27 UTC
I want to say there's a good chance. I have a constant fear that Hillary will slither her way in somehow though. I don't necessarily 100% trust trump, even though he seems like a role model type american, but he does have have good ideas and he isn't out to destroy our country's sovereignty like Hillary. At the every least, trump will bring jobs back to America.
2016-05-06 14:00:36 UTC
I think Clinton will squeak out the win. Trump has his supporters, but I think enough people would vote for anyone besides him, making Clinton the winner. Or at least I hope so. Not that Clinton's a great option either :/
2016-05-08 05:21:05 UTC
Not since Reagan will America see such a lopsided vote for

one person. Trump will be the Next US President.
2016-05-09 10:11:47 UTC
I'm not a Trump supporter but from the looks of it, it seems to be heading that way from the polls he's bringing in.
2016-05-08 10:49:51 UTC
Yes, I do believe that he will be coming next president I think he will be like when (2001)Christina Aguilera; Going to all that trouble after her record deal With her producers and her people and managers & had to clean house.

And let's be honest and people get fired & quit, make better treaties, trade deals, & laws. Re-educate our own & give both students and adults the ablity, confidence, knowledge, faith, ethic, love, joy, & moral ethics to compete in business and world politics again. Make the ruling classes of college & university grads, celebrities, & wealthy people stop the stupid clasd wars. It doesn't work!

We think that's what will happen and I think he'll be one of the best President we ever had.
2016-05-07 02:04:24 UTC
NO he will not Hilary Clinton will win, they are all puppet's. Donald Trump is there to piss people off so if he losses then many people will be satisfied with him not being president, but let's face it it doesn't matter if he wins or losses we are all screwed either way.
2016-05-07 09:16:07 UTC
Only if he promises to replace 50% of the senators and representatives with good computers. (Constitution is good but old).

Another thing, his campaign financing is super and he must tell all candidates that they have to spend ONLY their own money. Why? One better be rich at least in this great country. Otherwise they will try to get rich in politics!!!.

Donate some money like $2 million to my charity for good Government. Then I will vote for Mr. Trump.
2016-05-08 15:11:10 UTC
Yes, definitely.. Compared to everybody else and the amount of electoral votes he has at the moment, Donald Trump is definitely going to blow away all of the other candidates.
2016-05-09 12:38:21 UTC
Hoping not at all.

But all I know is that I won't be voting whatsoever this year, because it's looking like Hillary vs Trump, and I'm totally not here for the foolery that's about to come. -_-
2016-05-09 09:29:49 UTC
It is unlikely that the Trump candidacy is anything more than a ploy for Trump to gain massive publicity for his brand, at taxpayer expense. He does not really want to be President -- it d be much more work for much less pay than being the runner-up and going back to real estate and selling steaks and whatever it is Trump University sells.
2016-05-06 17:20:27 UTC
i dont live in the states but from what i can wont be a good thing for ya'll if Trump gets in and is ur next President* ughh* ..looks like he'll be building the wall to mexico..will be first on his list, then causing more chaos bombing everyone he can* Scary thought if he becomes President*...we'll have to wait till Nov i guess to find out who your new President will be ~*
2016-05-08 01:14:44 UTC
If the Americans are smart then I hope they will realize that Trump doesn't know anything about international diplomacy, his policies will only make the U. S. a weak country. The strength of the U.S. is not by its army but by its healthy international ties with other nations. His policies will destroy those relations, making the U.S. weak. What I know about Americans is many of them are dumb and cannot realize this thus if they vote for him they are going to destroy the United States. For me I hope he doesn't but by understanding that many Americans are dumb I cannot predict if he will or will not.
2016-05-06 11:02:41 UTC
No. I am relatively certain that he will NOT become president. Hillary Clinton leads him by an average of 15 percent in the popular vote in all polls. The polls show that she well win a landslide victory in the electoral vote.
2016-05-07 09:37:23 UTC
Yes, as many Social Conservatives are willing to give up Conservative Social issues in the attempt to save America with Pragmatic solutions. They are aware that they will have to combat Social issues in court just as the Liberals have always done because the politicians are worthless and will say anything to get elected, but inevitably will never face or fight for those issues in the fear of losing votes to others.
2016-05-09 05:32:06 UTC
I highly doubt he could win. The republican party has struggled in recent years this is not a man who would be able to gain new support (generally the center ground) He will however gain some support from the redneck, hill billy, in bred type. Generally support is roughly 50%-50% for democrats and republicans. Many republicans hate him so may alter voting habits ultimately leading to a Clinton win.
2016-05-08 11:47:35 UTC
Yes and he will piss off isis and the Mexicans so they will unite starting WW3 while the UK left the EU (I'm british, plese vote to stay if you are) so we will have no one to back them up so the Usa and the uk will team up and a bunch of other countries will get involved too then the illuminati will come out and kill most, then theres room for their new world order.
2016-05-06 18:58:08 UTC
God I hope not, but Hilary isn't great either. I am kind of tapping out because it all seems disappointing at this point. Too bad Obama can't be president for a 3rd term. He was respectable.
2016-05-09 10:36:31 UTC
The republican party is alive and thriving, it's been years since tea party even thought about touching the. The democrats are the same way, nobody even cares that there is silence from 3rd parties. I wish there was no parties and only people voting for people, like the good old days.
Standard Human
2016-05-09 16:41:28 UTC
Trump is a man that dares to take the road no one ever thinks of taking. Is that a good thing? Only time will tell.
2016-05-07 07:35:20 UTC
This is year of the outsider, so believe some of the negenitives are manufactured. Will never vote for another Clinton, so feel his chances are better than 50- 50. They drop to below 25 % if Sanders runs against him.
2016-05-07 05:45:50 UTC
2016-05-10 22:49:42 UTC
I would tend to believe no, but then thats what I thought about Obama, one thing ive learned though is that the voters in this country that are begging for a disaster are steadily becoming the majority.I fear their dreams will come true. God Bless America I Pray
2016-05-07 15:16:59 UTC

Any country capable of electing George Bush twice is capable of electing someone like Trump
2016-05-09 13:08:00 UTC
It is so amusing how many comments are bashing trump ... yet all the comments that have Pro-trump ideology have the most up votes in a perfect example of how many "closeted" trump fans there are!!!
2016-05-08 09:38:09 UTC
I think Trump will bring in some very smart people to help him bring the country back in line with what is good for America. Clinton will do only what is good for Clinton just as she has always done.
Long Distance
2016-05-08 08:26:08 UTC
No,I believe that the American people will largely panic and vote for Hilary, with the poor whites voting for Trump,leading to a Hilary win.
Raymond L.
2016-05-06 13:57:24 UTC
I kind of doubt it.

But it will be MUCH closer than the media outlets are saying that trump is 20 points behind Hillary, It wont be anything like that come November, Much closer.
2016-05-07 09:56:18 UTC
He won't be the president. All his talking points are against most American's view. It's only the freaks that were hiding in the shed that came out to vote for him. Think about it, what wall? What does building a fricken wall do? People can still get in or out of our country. Even if he built a wall...does the negatives of undocumented immigrants outweighs the negatives those already living in our country? No. You know what MOST of those "illegal immigrants" do? Take jobs that those freaks would dare NOT to take. They're out selling bathroom..BELOW minimum wage. On the other hand some sorry idjits sit on their *** and wait for the 1st of the month. Not just blacks but MORE evident in whites. Those people WORK their asses off to get here and to make a living, just like everyone's ancestors-our founding fathers. They make our country prosper, just like US Asians. We don't cause trouble, we get a good education, we get GOOD jobs. We reinforce this country that you shedstalkers or hoodrats failed to do. We are by far the minority compared to blacks or whites. Our crimes does not outweigh the majority simply by headcounts. His talking points are FULL of contradictions...

Talk about losing jobs and sending them overseas to China, but his sorry *** is kissing up to the Chinese himself. This is contradiction. How can you NOT see this? He even shot himself in the foot when he first gave his speech at some mall. He talk about how he's rich, our country is behind China...oh and he sold one of his property to...China? Shedstalkers man...really bright. I don't care about Hilary, honestly as the day goes on I'm beginning to lean towards the Bernie or Bust group. I rather choose who I want to represent me rather to regret having to pick the lesser of the two evils.
2016-05-11 06:52:22 UTC
Who's trump
2016-05-06 20:36:28 UTC
I kind of hope so because I feel will be good for the country to have a businessman who has been in debt a lot but always seems to rise back up and I feel it'll be good for America
2016-05-08 19:19:43 UTC
No, I don't think americans are stupid to vote Donald Tump as their president. The man is a racist a s second to Adolf Hitler.
2016-05-08 08:20:55 UTC
No. Just because you do well in a primary, that doesn't mean you will do well in general election. He has turned off women, Hispanics, young people, and basically everyone except the far right base of the Republican Party (And I say this as a moderate Republican).
2016-05-07 04:04:40 UTC
Yes, he'll win. Hillary has done way worse things than he has, and I've seen the Democrats in my family say that Trump makes sense.

He'll win because people don't see him as a Republican. They see him as a man who makes sense.
2016-05-07 08:32:03 UTC
Is it really considered being the President of the United States if the United States ceases to exist?
2016-05-09 23:38:41 UTC
My feelings.... and I've said this to many of my friends.. Did you ever throw a rock at a bird and actually kill it. You are happy you hit the bird but you feel remorse for killing it.... Yep, that's how I feel about Donald Trump..... I love the guy..!!!!!!!! but I'm scared.............. This coming election is so important...... I will make my decision due time.
2016-05-08 03:20:52 UTC
Hilary Clinton will be President. She'll take America into the final, sad demise stage!
Big Deal Maker
2016-05-08 13:35:24 UTC
He will become the next President. You understand Clinton is going to jail. The country is tired of the same ol gabage coming out of the white house. So to answer you yes he is going to be the next President because who else will get us back on track?
2016-05-06 14:12:06 UTC
Maybe.As much as I hate to admit it (because I hate trump), conservatives have No choice but to vote for trump.Its either that or let hillary ruin the nation by appointing immoral, anti-constitution, corrupted idiots to the supreme court.
2016-05-09 03:23:41 UTC
He will also be the last President of the United States.
2016-05-09 10:52:04 UTC
Sernie Banders 4 prez
2016-05-07 17:15:09 UTC
I certainly hope so. After all the bad the Clinton family, the Bush family and Obama have done to our great country, I'll vote vote anyone that isn't one of them or another corporate Wall Street owned stooge.
2016-05-07 19:47:47 UTC
2016-05-08 10:22:17 UTC
2016-05-07 21:24:52 UTC
I don't care about donald trump
2016-05-07 09:53:47 UTC
Yes, but, no. Trump will win the election. Then Body Odor will declare martial law, making himself a permanent fixture. So, no. BO won't let him.
2016-05-07 15:03:03 UTC
Older mature voters will not vote for him, but the young kids couldnt give a **** about this country and would vote donald in to make their next viral meme, or just for laughs.
James Crawley Maximus Meridius
2016-05-07 01:27:27 UTC
Not at all most people have a low opinion on him they don't like him he offended a lot of people plus he is a racist and he is not a nice man one bit nothing too do with him being a rich man i don't think he will ever be president i don't think that will ever happen.
2016-05-07 13:25:54 UTC
I don't know who is Donald Trump ✌🏼
2016-05-09 08:55:02 UTC
Little doubt we will be saying President Trump.
2016-05-09 13:39:33 UTC
It seems to me that people are getting bored and just need a little excitement with Trump
2016-05-07 17:18:27 UTC
2016-05-10 13:01:58 UTC
I don't think he should become president. He brags too much. I doubt he will help end terrorism and end North Korea with all that boasting. I just hope he isn't a sore looser if Hillary wins.
2016-05-07 15:47:08 UTC
2016-05-06 21:46:17 UTC
No, I don't think he will be elected POTUS. He has no experience in the political world. What he says he'll do is embarrassing to the country and either illegal, immoral or not feasible. He also flip- flops on many of his statements
2016-05-10 13:14:09 UTC
2016-05-07 15:54:03 UTC
Hilliary will wipe out trump. But go ahead and vote trump smh #makeamericahateagain #makeamericaunemployedagain
Iamthebeast Sssotlohiefmjn
2016-05-08 19:19:56 UTC
I certainly am praying for him to win the nomination as President, I also believe he will win it. Hillary is a criminal and I continue to request her arrest and prosecution by FBI and others. Hillary is a liar and a thief, she lost over 6 billion dollars, she is bought by Saudi Arabia and other anti-american interests. Her anti-gun pro-socialist rhetoric should get her shot in America, she is responsible for American deaths in Benghazi.Obama has proven to be a bad black President and Hillary would be a bad woman President, they both sale our nation out to foreigners and religions we hate.We need a strong leader to repeal obama care and secure our rights, one who makes our military stronger and strongest snd repels all illegals and islamic radicals from american soil.
工 レO√乇 ㄚ◯∪
2016-05-08 15:04:53 UTC
2016-05-07 02:30:28 UTC
trump merely holds dem,,,,,no,,,,republictrats they are,,,,hold their sticky fingers to a long held PROMISE made in '86 to secure the border,,A FENCE YOU IDIOTS A DAMN FENCE ,promise made by tip o neill to ronald reagan,in return for congress and reagans' signing simpson mazzoli,( amnesty for a million mejicanos),,millenials were still tadpole in daddys ballsack when this happened,it is invariably buried by the cnnmessnbc cnn/pbs yahoo nyt press first defenders of the soros democrats,,trump wants a halt of a few months to a ALL emigrations here until the ICE people,like kelli burresci HLS are canned & booted out from government responsibility and nice paychecks,,they had a damn job to do,and blew it off
2016-05-06 12:11:23 UTC
No. There will even be Republicans who support Hillary simply because the only other option is Trump. I suppose he could win, but I highly doubt it.
2016-05-08 19:09:09 UTC
2016-05-06 16:59:34 UTC
Trump is america's last hope, if he loses, I'm out of America as soon as I hit 18
2016-05-06 14:09:54 UTC
2016-05-08 12:20:13 UTC
2016-05-07 13:58:01 UTC
2016-05-07 20:56:53 UTC
Well , he's catching up with Hillary Clinton. It's hard to say. He's still hasn't given up yet. He's still plans to go all the way until to the end. I don't believe that he's still has lots of supporters with him.
2016-05-08 09:24:05 UTC
He's ALREADY won! Who else is there? Some old lady that sounds like the wicked witch of OZ and looks like the witch that the house fell on? Be real! Hillary is pathetic!
2016-05-07 09:33:27 UTC
2016-05-08 02:01:40 UTC
I live in the UK and am shocked that he's even an option. I hope he doesn't become president, I believe he shouldn't, but all bets are off on this one...
2016-05-10 08:56:56 UTC
As long as the Democrats are giving everything away free to the minorities, the illegals and basically anyone that does not WORK for a living, their party will dominate - they ARE at this point in the Majority...scary as it is.
2016-05-07 12:33:43 UTC
Sad it shows how many racists are in this country supporting trump..he will destroy our country. He ruining relations with every country. United states will have more enemies and we'll have less countries on our side
2016-05-06 13:23:42 UTC
2016-05-08 15:54:34 UTC
No, but I believe that he will win the people's popular vote. I am expecting an angry and betrayed America once Hillary gets in and there are more dead soldiers and more prostitutes for the secret service. It will be lol for many of us who expect it.
2016-05-07 13:25:05 UTC
Yes, as soon as Bernie Sanders comes to grips with the fact he's been screwed over by the DNC he will go third party and doom Hillary.
2016-05-08 14:09:32 UTC
I, an Australian, sure as hell hope not.

The idea of 'President Donald J. Trump', Commander in Chief of the world's largest and strongest military force and nuclear arsenal is undeniably bowel-loosening.

This is a man who lies continuously and shamelessly. How much will a US-Mexico wall cost? $4 billion, then $6, then $8, then $10 or $12. Even the most conservative estimates by people who have ACTUALLY investigated the numbers says $25 billion is optimistic. The maintainence on it would be ridiculously expensive too. He said to one audience that he never settles (in legal disputes) because it just encourages more people to sue... and yet records of proceedings in suits against Trump show that he has on numerous occassions done exactly that. He gets an endorsement from a White Supremacist and when asked if he will reject it he claims not to have even heard of the guy... and yet he has in fact several years ago spoken out against that very man, by name. He says he was against Iraq and yet in readily accessible books he 'wrote' (ghost authored) he is adamant about the need of America to finish of Sadam, whatever it took.

Hell he said on an interview that if ISIS won't respond to threats or tactics then the military needs to target families of ISIS members and kill them... he actually flat out suggested the deliberate and intentional murder of non-combatants merely to demoralise the enemy in an attempt to get them to capitulate. A WAR CRIME. Something anyone with a speck of knowledge about Geneva Convention would know so either he doesn't and is incredibly and unforgiveably ignorant about even the most basic facts or he knows and doesn't care which would mean he is as callous in his disregard for human life and rights as ISIS themselves. And people would actually want this guy to make the policy for America's military strategy?

He actually thinks banning the entrance of Muslims to America and/or deporting AT LEAST all the ones without citizenship would be a good idea. Ignoring that America does trade of significant value with more than a dozen countries with high or majoritively Muslim countries (who would either have a lot of trouble maintaining their business presence in America or just give up on it) you are still left with the fact that nothing would do more to persuade the undecided Muslims of the world, the ones who might've considered extremist views or groups but didn't join or suport them, that America IS exactly what ISIS and Al Queda claims: an enemy to Muslims. President Trump would be one of the best things that could happen to recruitment for Islamic extremist groups.

The WORST and MOST INCOMPREHENSIBLE THING I keep hearing people say, parroting Trump himself, is that "he's too rich to be bought and they know it, which is why they are afraid I'll win" or some nonsense.

Did nobody else notice the Panama Papers scandal? Thousands of the world's richest people were openly revealed to be amongst some of the most devious and corrupt, engaging in elaborate fraud to make themselves richer rather than pay taxes.


If you think Trump is 'rich enough' that other rich special interest groups, corporations or individuals can't 'buy' him you are deluded. Who can say how many, what proportion of them... but certainly you'll acknowledge some rich people are rich BECAUSE they were/are bought. I mean, exhibit A, the Clintons are filthy rich and look no further than the Republican base to find millions who will insist it is because the Clintons are 'bought' by rich interests AND continue to be so.

If you think Trump is 'incorruptable' to bribes or monetary influence because of how rich he is then I have to ask you also: what do you think the primary agenda of rich people is? Newsflash: it's to stay rich and get richer. How much money is enough money? Let's say you make $50,000 a year, would a $1 million be 'enough' for you? To have all the money you need, so you wouldn't be tempted to do something for more? $10 million? Well look a Wall Street, it's a place with billionaires who spend their lives day in and day out trying to get richer because 'billions' isn't enough. And you think Trump is different... because he says so?! That, in my mind, is the first and best indication not to trust him, because he says you can.

Here's a man who has spent decades serving himself and you expect him to uphold an oath to serve the People, above his own self-interest, to chose them in a choice between himself and them? To serve without 'mental reservation or purpose of evasion'?

The fact Trump is a serious contender for control of the USA, a man I sincere doubt would be competent or qualified to shovel manure, is completely preposterous.

P.S. I will redirect attention to the first thing I said: I am an Australia. I'm not a Democrat. Or a 'liberal' (down here in Australia the 'Liberal National Party' is the conservative party). I don't support Hillary (though I think she'd orders of magnitude better than Trump, but that's by default of how most of the human race would be better than him) though I do admire Sander's commitment to trying to restore America to a better level of social and economic equality.
Alright alright alright
2016-05-08 15:31:19 UTC
Don't know honestly I didn't even vote never do I think trump is going to deface to much and divid and conquer vite libertarian
2016-05-10 06:59:22 UTC
Anyone who votes Trump should get a mental examination
2016-05-07 01:27:42 UTC
2016-05-08 05:51:03 UTC
2016-05-07 21:36:29 UTC
Can't stump the trump
Little Ms Sunshine
2016-05-10 13:12:35 UTC
Nah - he'll be a convicted felon before the election.

Convicted felons aren't eligible to be President.
2016-05-09 11:48:40 UTC
I think Trump has a good chance of prevailing this November.
2016-05-06 18:04:01 UTC
2016-05-07 12:49:30 UTC
Because of the sheer amount of brainwashes idiots who follow him, it is indeed inevitable that he will be the president.

Let's just hope he does what Ted Cruz did; pull out.
2016-05-06 16:59:18 UTC
I believe Bernie Sanders will be the next president
2016-05-07 05:06:56 UTC
NO minority voters are not going to vote for him and if your a Republican you need those votes . Plus the Republican party is in shambles it is a given that Hillary will be the next president
2016-05-06 12:41:42 UTC
I think that it is impossible. Why? Because there are MANY latin people in the country, and that is a very big problem for Trump.
2016-05-08 01:30:08 UTC
Sadly he probably will because cruze has dropped out Burnie is too old and he's doing better than Hilary. Sooo... I guess we just have to be prepared to die. Or for the hunger games
Fields of Dreams
2016-05-07 17:39:44 UTC
If he does, I just hope he doesn't harm our nation. There's more to being a leader than being right. More than being forceful... I really believe that.

That's how I feel, what I truly believe. I don't see him truly unifying people. I don't. But, you know maybe I'm wrong.
2016-05-07 21:12:42 UTC
And Hilary Clinton is a better choice? Either way it is going to be downhill for the USA.
Robb G
2016-05-08 06:59:11 UTC
Maybe, because Trump is the most voted in Republican
2016-05-08 10:13:32 UTC
2016-05-06 09:32:56 UTC
its looking highly likely now. but donald trump will severely harm the middle class and poor
Rebekah Knoebel
2016-05-09 16:47:31 UTC
despite the fact that he is an awful candidate in my opinion, I do think he has a lot of support right now and it's very likely he will be president. lmao this isn't funny anymore America
2016-05-08 11:47:50 UTC
Simple: Yes
2016-05-07 23:39:34 UTC
Yes I believe so. He has had much more support than Hillary and Bernie Claus combined in the Primaries.
2016-05-07 11:48:07 UTC
i BELIEVE that DONALD TRUMP will not become the next USA PRESIDENT
2016-05-07 21:24:29 UTC
No, because American shouldn't cast vote for him in the next pool.It will be their wrong decision.TRUMP will give them nothing but disaster for America if he will become US president.
2016-05-06 11:56:00 UTC
Well I don't want to believe it but it ain't looking good, my fear is with all the protests and riots at his events we may very well see something even worse than the Rodney king riots and protests if he's elected
2016-05-08 12:59:49 UTC
Yes unfortunately
2016-05-10 15:37:13 UTC
I pray not or else there will be a lot of rioting in the streets when the unemployment rate climbs, his racist views start ticking off other world leaders, and, when he realizes you can't run a country like you run a company, the economy will go in the toilet.
2016-05-07 20:27:03 UTC
Sadly yes
2016-05-06 18:34:48 UTC
If Vegas puts odds, like 2-1 (against), I'll put $100 on him.
2016-05-07 06:25:09 UTC
Lol.. Nope.

He's simply the distraction while a woman is voted into 'power'
2016-05-08 22:13:06 UTC
2016-05-07 11:04:46 UTC

I think he is what the Republican Party needs.

People are Voting for him so he must have touched some hearts.

The country is sick of Liberal Compromise, and Immigration.
2016-05-09 21:53:11 UTC
No. The votes will be split between him and another canadite running. One will get the Republican Party and the other will just run as independent. It will split the votes between them and Hiliary Clinton will get about 50% of the votes.
Gary Hartland
2016-05-09 13:29:54 UTC
No. He's portrayed as a lose gun ready to explode, Actually I'll vote for him as he tells the truth about the UDA debt, guns and other stuff and no one else does.
2016-05-08 00:18:10 UTC
Yup. You knew from the begining it would be trump. Better than Hillary.
2016-05-07 17:21:55 UTC
He's the best that is still in the running. All the good ones have dropped out.
2016-05-10 06:57:29 UTC
Better than the Last 8 year nightmares",horrifying existant of leaders"...........TRy Independent or a real person to run america verses feared ignorances of society..Such a unpaid huge Bills...
2016-05-07 12:31:04 UTC
There is a very high chance that he might win. It will be a close race though next to Hillary Clinton!
2016-05-09 02:07:43 UTC
It's a possibility, but I don't think so. It will be him against Hillary and according to all the current polls, she is leading against him. And so is Sanders. So he will probably get far but definitly not win.
2016-10-16 12:05:37 UTC
Truth Sayer
2016-05-08 21:09:14 UTC
In his own words

Trump: I like to keep things unpredictable. It will be fun
2016-05-08 18:44:21 UTC
2016-05-06 14:12:08 UTC
2016-05-08 09:25:44 UTC
It is beginning to look that way. I am English and know nothing about American politics. I don't understand all that much about our own either if I'm honest.
2016-05-08 00:16:58 UTC
Unfortunatlly yes. I am sad to say but if he becomes president there wil be a war, i am scared as i hate war and i love peace.
2016-05-07 06:14:30 UTC
Nope, Hillary will win decisively, and Bill will get nominated for the Supreme Court.
2016-05-08 19:01:27 UTC
Theres slightly more democrats then republicans in America. So no, but it will be close. Either way America is being buried in a hole we won't be able to get out of.
2016-05-10 00:41:39 UTC
It's likely.
2016-05-06 22:14:13 UTC
If they leak Clintons emails during the election I wouldn't be surprised
2016-05-09 08:46:13 UTC
2016-05-09 06:06:11 UTC
Yes, and he's gonna build a wall to keep the Mexican's out and then bomb Russia!
2016-05-10 10:32:59 UTC
Yes. He can run the country and does not need to cater to any outside influences. He does not need political experience, just look at Obama the "community organizer."
2016-05-06 09:32:55 UTC
IMO -anything is possible, but at the end of the day I lean toward Hillary Clinton as our next leader.
River Euphrates
2016-05-09 09:57:07 UTC
It wouldn't surprise me.

This is the same country that allowed George W. Bush into office (twice).
Just Hazel
2016-05-09 21:44:47 UTC
I somehow doubt it but if Bernie Saunders would name Elizabeth Warren as his choice for VP, he could win in a landslide. Many are hesitant about Saunders because of his age but with Warren behind him, he would be unbeatable.
2016-05-09 16:18:42 UTC
Yes, in a landslide when it's all said and done. Do your own homework folks, don't get your info from biased news channels.
2016-05-07 21:37:14 UTC
If Trumpet and Clinton get an equal number of votes each, America will have its first coalition government.
2016-05-08 14:46:05 UTC
2016-05-10 15:36:46 UTC
Lord knows I hope he doesn't become our next president.
2016-05-06 09:39:34 UTC
If he dumps the social conservatives he would have a chance. Losing the religious freaks would take away votes, but many more would listen.

I don't listen to social conservative hate, lies and spite.
2016-05-06 10:30:27 UTC
Absolutely the best ever for President.
2016-05-07 22:43:28 UTC
Unfortunately yes because some people are idiots.

if you want a racist bigot that wants to deport all people that he does not like then sure vote for him.

im not sure how some of his supporters (morons) vote for him and can stand that big idiot but somehow beyond belief to many fools vote for that idiot.

in saying this i am stating what i believe in

in regards to all this
2016-05-09 06:52:41 UTC
Yes I believe. Also I Think, he's the only one who can save us
2016-05-06 10:42:50 UTC
Sadly yes
2016-05-07 20:45:43 UTC
I hope so.I want to see an end to the status quo politics and hes the only one whose at least trying to break the mold.
2016-05-06 11:12:41 UTC
As a family we never thought he had the remotest chance to get the nomination.

So, now we just keep our mouths shut, along with our minds.
2016-05-07 12:13:55 UTC
nah,this is the same America that twice voted for Obama. They are NOT an unknown entity, not to me anyway. they'll vote for Clinton just because she is a woman.
2016-05-06 13:03:56 UTC
Yes, he absolutely will be the next President, and Hillary will be wall-papering her jail cell.
2016-05-08 11:31:16 UTC
Yes it is - Trump love Russia!
2016-05-09 17:56:50 UTC
Sadly yes
2016-05-07 02:54:50 UTC
Can't see it. A ban on Capital letters could come before that time.
2016-05-07 09:25:29 UTC
No. But I think Hilary Clinton will unfortunately. Somehow I feel like a WOMAN will take the place!!!
2016-05-10 09:54:48 UTC
Well... He's better than Hillary... And everyone else... SO um... Trump could possibly be our only hope. Idk why thats so hard for people to get, that Trump is trying to help America... Cuz right now... America is trash.
2016-05-07 07:22:44 UTC
It ll take a lot to convince me that he ll win. I just think that the Clinton Machine is too strong and overpowering for him. The fan-base is overwhelmingly big too.
2016-05-07 02:26:21 UTC
I think even the American electorate will see sense and not allow that to happen, so I think they'll opt for

Hilary instead.
2016-05-07 08:01:25 UTC
No Sanders will be since most white Americans are of slavic, italian and other Eastern and southern European ancestries .
2016-05-08 06:40:18 UTC
Not unless they start importing lots more Angry Uneducated White Men to cast their Ignorant Votes for him.
2016-05-07 13:07:38 UTC
Unfortunately, yes
Ken H
2016-05-09 11:34:38 UTC
I am a democrat and I don't like Clinton so who else can I vote for... Mickey Mouse?
2016-05-08 09:25:05 UTC
2016-05-10 18:20:04 UTC
Yes . He is what we need in our country . An honest man who knows business and how to make good deals for the economy and our safety.
richard m
2016-05-07 20:32:46 UTC
No... If long time ultra-conservatives are considering voting for hillary... Why would moderates or liberal conservatives ever consider voting for him? I consider myself a social liberal who wishes fiscal responsibility. I would never consider voting for trump...
2016-05-08 18:03:20 UTC


2016-05-08 20:44:20 UTC
2016-05-10 22:18:13 UTC
So far Cruz is out, Bernie is a communist, which just and only in my personal opinion, I don't like, and Killary over there... Well..
Smokies Hiker
2016-05-08 18:22:30 UTC
Let's hope so! He sure as hell can't be any worse than what we've seen the past 7+ years!
2016-05-06 11:52:12 UTC
There's a chance he'll get elected, but he'll never really be a president.
2016-05-07 22:05:19 UTC
I hope so i want to see something new for a change America is becoming so boring
2016-05-08 12:39:55 UTC
I truly hope so. Hillary will RUIN America even worse than Obama has. A girl can hope.
Dusan Mandic
2016-05-08 16:36:56 UTC
YES, unless Obama rigs the election like last time.
2016-05-06 11:33:36 UTC
The ole republicans are a dying breed .Most of them think and act like democrats.
2016-05-06 15:53:35 UTC
Yes sadly
2016-05-09 04:52:24 UTC
Donald "Duck" Trump ... dont you just love his ducks *** hair-do... Cant possibly be president w/o Latino vote, ask Mitt. Unfortunately, he's killing Republican party. I cant believe his ill fated comments directed towards Speaker Ryan. dumb, dumb, dumb. Thanks for reading, Peter
2016-05-07 15:48:48 UTC
Absolutely Not
2016-05-08 13:50:31 UTC
Probably. And I feel sorry for all those who think he'll be a great president.
2016-05-06 16:18:06 UTC
I wish with all of my being that he won't...but he's the most likely candidate...I heard the odds of him winning are like 97% or something.
2016-05-08 17:23:21 UTC
Not a chance I mean are Americans really that stupid to vote for him, I guess some are, but most people are sane enough not to
2016-05-08 23:25:25 UTC
I really want to go off and say something bad..... but all i am going to say is we r going to miss obama when he is gone.... but i pray i beg and a just cry out to the Lord that this ........doesnt become our new president..... i say all of that to say no!
2016-05-09 06:34:38 UTC
If 'they' chose him to be, then he will be. And by 'they' I mean the higher powers, the elite, the corrupt.
2016-05-07 09:22:52 UTC
I think he couldn't chances seem good for him so far. But I hope he doesn't become president.
2016-05-07 13:45:33 UTC
Yeah tragically
2016-05-08 08:43:37 UTC
Yes, if the people of the US have any common sense. He's exactly what you need.
Javaid B
2016-05-08 09:37:30 UTC
May be, but will prove very fatal for USA as #DonaldTrump is anti Muslims too.
2017-03-02 13:12:19 UTC
2016-05-09 14:04:46 UTC
Not sure
2016-05-10 05:47:28 UTC
I hope not, and if he does he will probably start World War 3, greetings from Spain.
2016-05-06 22:51:30 UTC
No. No one wants a ignorant douchebag as a president.
2016-05-07 19:33:53 UTC
Ugh yes
2016-05-08 10:40:36 UTC
2016-05-06 19:03:33 UTC
2016-05-08 16:48:36 UTC
2016-05-11 04:43:47 UTC
I hope. I don't care if he offends anybody because those illigel Mexicans don't belong here anyways
2016-05-06 11:03:24 UTC
Many people don't like him but they believe he will change America for good.
2016-05-08 12:41:07 UTC
If he becomes POTUS then I shall know God exists, for he will truly have cursed the USA.
2016-05-11 19:31:20 UTC
I hope he does, we dont know what he will do yet if he does get elected President. I would hate to see "Burnie" or "Killary" in office because we will all be in deep kemshe in this country
2016-05-08 10:25:14 UTC
2016-05-09 11:07:45 UTC
A Snow ball chance in Hell
2016-05-07 13:17:05 UTC
Hell no! That racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic piece of **** will never become president of the USA!
2016-05-07 01:11:04 UTC
I am uncertain but know we need zero tolerance for terrorism. I haven't heard his plans for handling domestic terrorism.
2016-05-07 08:04:30 UTC
2016-05-08 08:30:28 UTC
Not if the republican party can screw up his chances of getting in. So far it seems like they don't want him to be the one.
Johnny Centofanti
2016-05-08 14:13:03 UTC
He definitely will and I'm so excited. He will truly make America great again.
2016-05-07 01:17:02 UTC
Seriously No. But it all resides. Ib yoir hands, citizens of America...
2016-05-08 21:28:42 UTC
I think only the one who truly deserves it should become a world leader.
2016-05-09 07:52:06 UTC
He might and if he follows the laws he probably wont be able to do most of what he says in his campaigns
2016-05-06 16:38:07 UTC
I hope not. Who the hell wants a bully for a president.
2016-05-08 14:37:51 UTC
Hopefully not because of his genuinely offensive remarks, but I think that he has a strong possibility to
luisa l hi
2016-05-08 03:08:31 UTC
2016-05-07 00:04:07 UTC
No way it is worst person as a President.
Trey H.
2016-05-08 13:45:33 UTC
Sadly that looks like the case
2016-05-10 03:05:59 UTC
Hope not but if he does don't worry someone will assassinate him and become a nation heron
2016-05-09 13:48:20 UTC
YES, I absolutely do! The thinking voters are awakening in great numbers.
2016-05-07 09:41:01 UTC
Sadly, yes. Of course he will win. That's how smart voters are.
2016-05-07 11:15:10 UTC
Nope the 45th prez will be bern sand
2016-05-10 12:53:08 UTC
2016-05-07 20:51:07 UTC


we had these people in office already.

US needs a new president i 2016.

it will be 3rd term for clinton or 3rd term for obongo. we had these people already now.
2016-05-06 11:15:23 UTC
Yes I do believe this. If a person has enough money, he can buy anything these days.
2016-05-08 00:50:04 UTC
I do not believe he will. I doing everything I can like voting for Hilary to prevent it.
I waste my time on
2016-05-08 08:05:26 UTC
If he wins he's going to cut off trades and my country will be doomed.
Jackie M
2016-05-07 02:49:53 UTC
I am in UK but from what we see on TV news from America it looks like he will win - if you dont want him send him to us in UK and he can sort out our mess of a country.
2016-05-10 13:03:48 UTC
I'll be here wondering what's going on over their when he wins
2016-05-07 13:40:06 UTC
No, he's much to racist and corrupt to be our next president. Oh and, I forgot to mention stupid.
2016-08-22 14:01:36 UTC
Thankyou! Very valuable information and this gives me better knowledge on this subject
2016-05-08 11:44:56 UTC
Yes it's pretty much probable
2016-05-08 15:35:50 UTC
2016-05-08 20:36:51 UTC
Yes and he will mess up the whole world. He may be the anti Christ
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-05-08 14:50:53 UTC
Probably NOT; There are too many Democrats/people who want FREE STUFF voting against them.
2016-05-06 21:20:30 UTC
I don't know, I hope not. Hopefully Bernie will rise again.
2016-05-09 19:30:17 UTC
He will absolutely win the presidency. Nothing will stop it. He will remake this country.
2016-05-08 20:08:14 UTC
Noooooooo #trumpisdump
2016-05-06 09:33:39 UTC
Maybe but he won't build any wall it is a false promisse to get votes.
2016-05-06 10:30:43 UTC
No chance am scottish and a can promise if he becomes president i will have sex with hitler
2016-05-07 23:08:18 UTC
He has a lot of people on his side, but a lot of people aren't for him. But let's wait and see..
2016-05-07 00:23:39 UTC
Jesus/UnsecretGabriel asked them with sincerity, above the technicality of knowing what people will actually say...

"Do you believe I can heal you/them?" The believers responded with believe.

2016-05-08 12:43:08 UTC
Unsure, but if so I'm conolizing the moon.
2016-05-10 09:21:54 UTC
If he threatens to use what he knows about every politician on earth. Yes.
2016-05-06 14:36:11 UTC
I'm just scared for America if he wins
Nobody Special
2016-05-06 09:34:58 UTC
At this point, no. Things can change from now until November.
2016-05-08 19:24:50 UTC
Maybe . He's winning so far so I'm thinking he will be yet I don't want him to win .
2016-05-08 07:04:48 UTC
It's unlikely to happen in my opinion.
2016-05-09 19:59:40 UTC
Its impossible for him not to. But i hope he gets assassinated before election night.
Adam, London
2016-05-07 10:27:43 UTC

2016-05-09 20:05:32 UTC
He sure will.

Let world war lll start!!!

A dystopian future awaits us.
2016-05-07 11:19:21 UTC
If he does. I'm moving back to Belize.
2016-05-07 03:46:28 UTC
I don't know, and I don't think anyone does. But I surely hope he is.
2016-05-07 14:40:52 UTC
yes.....also the fairys live in my garden... and we are being given new cars.. TRump will also stop everyone paying tax...
2016-05-07 04:29:36 UTC
Definitely Hope not
2016-05-06 10:17:24 UTC
No. Trump is a con man, and here is the evidence:
2016-05-06 17:55:10 UTC
Yes. Liberalisms death, thi name is TRUMP!
2016-05-08 09:35:00 UTC


2016-05-09 21:51:59 UTC
Nah id hope it cudnt hapen
2016-05-10 22:14:00 UTC
I don't want to believe he will. But, it sadly looks like it.
2016-05-06 22:10:48 UTC
It's probably unlikely, although it would be a disaster if he was.
2016-05-07 07:57:55 UTC
Yes, as long as the Media & anybody who has or seeks power is restrained from DIRTY TRICKS !
2016-05-07 18:09:34 UTC
Yes but most don't want him
2016-05-09 19:09:24 UTC
i hope not since he isnt presidential type. i know there arent god candidiates but i say HIllary is alittle better even though are some i dont agree with her.
Grinning Football plinny younger
2016-05-07 00:43:14 UTC
I hope not! I will loose all faith in America if he does, not that I had a lot to start with.
2016-05-07 09:28:50 UTC
Might as well get a rat for prez
2016-05-10 10:16:00 UTC
i hope so, and i hope that he will start world war 3 so i can get some action in my life!

jk XD but the answer is no, he is ******* dumb
2016-05-09 12:11:34 UTC
Nope. Hillary will. Still sad lol.
2016-05-07 12:53:13 UTC
I say yes
2016-05-07 11:05:40 UTC
It's doubtful, but in this age never say never
2016-05-08 09:58:05 UTC
2016-05-09 08:24:25 UTC
Probably, America is doomed
2016-05-09 10:16:04 UTC
If he does, we're out of here!
2016-05-09 19:00:40 UTC
I'm a belieber.
2016-05-06 13:11:06 UTC
Rachel T.
2016-05-07 17:05:39 UTC
Highly unlikely but there is a possibility!
2016-05-06 17:02:09 UTC
He will, if people don't do anything about it, i mean, he is really winning a lot.
2016-05-08 09:09:00 UTC
I doubt the electoral college will vote for him.
2016-05-07 13:45:37 UTC
No bc he'll be assasinatd if he does anyway
2016-05-07 17:52:17 UTC
2016-05-09 02:24:10 UTC
2016-05-10 14:01:43 UTC
Short & Sweet

2016-05-08 20:34:42 UTC
I believe he's already won and they just wont admit it yet.
2016-05-07 19:38:17 UTC
Do not fear, God, will never let someone evil be president of our great country.
The Ghost of Shasta
2016-05-07 15:19:51 UTC
A hiss and a hairballl! I hope not. Meow!
2016-05-06 12:56:56 UTC
No. I think its gonna be Hillary Clinton.
2016-05-06 09:34:37 UTC
yes, hillary clinton email scandal has made it extremely difficult for her to win
2016-05-06 22:06:43 UTC
Yes but I am doubt
2016-05-10 05:37:17 UTC
no he is a evil narcissist who's racist views and poor leadership would destroy the nation
2016-05-07 16:32:36 UTC
Yes and that is not a good thing
2016-05-09 18:17:31 UTC
I'm not american. but you americans need to vote for the richer duhhhh.
2016-05-07 03:53:40 UTC
No i don t think so. He has less quality for president.
2016-05-09 13:30:56 UTC
Unfortunately, yes...hopefully he gets assassinated
2016-05-06 18:14:29 UTC
No it the ends for the gop
2016-05-07 05:28:00 UTC
Sadly, yes.
2016-05-08 05:42:50 UTC
Not better than Obama
2016-05-07 15:11:52 UTC
Yes Crouse he will
2016-05-07 03:30:23 UTC
No, since he has just insulted and offended too many persons.
2016-05-09 07:14:20 UTC
sadly, probably, yes. because who the **** would vote for a hoe like hillary
2016-05-09 04:55:39 UTC
2016-05-07 11:47:10 UTC
I hope he DOESN'T become president.
2016-05-08 20:45:47 UTC
I hope not, but if i was speaking on behalf of everyone i would say no
2016-05-10 16:31:12 UTC
It doesnt matter i already decided to move to canada lol
2016-05-07 09:35:05 UTC
I'm voting for him. Hope so!
2016-05-10 13:48:55 UTC
Sure. And Charles Manson will be his V.P.
2016-05-08 10:17:47 UTC
I dont know its depends on the voters
2016-05-07 17:54:51 UTC
Anyone would be better than mister obama or hillary!
2016-05-06 13:30:15 UTC
It seems more likely..... but who can know really? We have still quite a few months.
2016-05-09 04:05:40 UTC
To be honest, no idea. What has the world come too!
2016-05-06 21:09:01 UTC
2016-05-08 23:08:43 UTC
2016-05-08 11:15:53 UTC
He has the skill set
2016-05-06 19:07:10 UTC
2016-05-06 20:43:15 UTC
That all depends. Will women vote with their vagina instead of their brain.
2016-05-09 01:14:49 UTC
I'll give an answer, who cares
2016-05-08 11:33:02 UTC
Hopefully not
2016-05-10 03:32:17 UTC
2016-05-06 18:44:25 UTC
2016-05-07 02:51:27 UTC
for the world's sake lets hope he doesnt.
Seldom Scene
2016-05-09 17:43:48 UTC
Silly question! Of course not.
2016-05-07 14:47:14 UTC
I don't just believe, I know! GO DJT!!!
2016-05-09 09:04:57 UTC
No but his wig has a good chance though.
Tarun Kumar
2016-05-08 04:00:58 UTC
2016-05-08 06:44:50 UTC
2016-05-08 23:15:02 UTC
No, he is not a president
2016-05-08 10:35:55 UTC
Hope mot
2016-05-08 22:11:53 UTC
2016-05-07 05:27:52 UTC
2016-05-09 19:27:19 UTC
2016-05-11 12:00:37 UTC
2016-05-07 06:18:09 UTC
No, i personally don't
Or. Ang Qren
2016-05-07 19:24:16 UTC
no he won't he doesn't stand a chance, not a slightest
2016-05-10 18:36:49 UTC
I honestly think he'll win.
2016-05-09 18:03:58 UTC
Anything is possible in this day of age.
2016-05-06 18:06:47 UTC
nope, at least I didn't vote for him, I barely know who that is, I didn't even vote , I never do
J.SWAMY I ఇ జ స్వామి
2016-05-09 14:06:31 UTC
Believe ? Is it a faith or free election ?
2016-05-08 00:52:24 UTC
2016-05-07 10:52:53 UTC
honestly wouldnt doubt it man. americas allowed him to come this far unfortunatley
2016-05-07 04:51:51 UTC
hope he will get rid of all that dead weight all they say we have to do this we have to do that and never do anything. but go to wars get kids killed
2016-05-06 09:36:33 UTC

And I voted for Ted Cruz; Get over it!!!!
Emma J
2016-05-07 11:25:25 UTC
Hopefully not
2016-05-08 11:59:34 UTC
Lady Malfoy
2016-05-10 08:19:11 UTC
Unfortunately I believe he will.
2016-05-09 10:08:06 UTC
2016-05-07 16:28:18 UTC
2016-05-08 14:51:40 UTC
If he does, I'm outta here.
2016-05-09 03:57:59 UTC
2016-05-09 12:22:27 UTC
Sometimes your worst nightmares come true.
2016-05-08 19:28:22 UTC
I think so, but he might get assassinated if he really f*cks up
2016-05-09 00:24:41 UTC
I don't know but hope not
2016-05-08 16:02:57 UTC


2016-05-09 06:56:01 UTC
Yes, it will be a landslide victory.
2016-05-07 22:05:10 UTC
I will never ever vote for him
2016-05-07 21:20:47 UTC
We just have to wait. I don't know if he will...
2016-05-07 14:18:36 UTC
mc donalds is tasty and is trustworthy it gets u fat so tosses
2016-05-07 04:50:00 UTC
No I do not. And if he does then America is just screwed.
2016-05-07 12:22:53 UTC
I hate to say it but yes.
Rockefeller Republican
2016-05-06 18:10:31 UTC
No, and it won't even be close.
2016-05-12 18:54:45 UTC
2016-05-08 23:30:19 UTC
2016-05-08 13:04:31 UTC
Yes I do. I am voting for him as well.
2016-05-19 17:47:32 UTC
we will find out come November...or maybe at the RNC
2016-05-06 16:06:32 UTC
I don't think so
2016-05-07 03:50:04 UTC
You betcha sonny JIm!!! Go DONALD GO !!!!
2016-05-07 13:11:49 UTC
Yeah!!! America!!!!

2016-05-10 07:53:46 UTC
Yes, really hope so
2016-05-09 16:43:59 UTC
Over my dead body
chacha tudou
2016-05-07 12:54:47 UTC
Oh God I really hope not
manjit grover
2016-05-10 01:39:24 UTC
100% sure he will be the winner.
2016-05-07 19:17:10 UTC
Yes if he can beat Hilary!!!
2016-05-08 17:30:23 UTC
I doubt it but if he does a lot of people will be pissed.
2016-05-06 15:09:15 UTC
Bet your last dollar on it.
2016-05-09 08:15:58 UTC
Scary isn't it.
2016-05-06 12:16:59 UTC
I really really really really hope not. It is disturbing that so many people are supporting him.
mr wenrich
2016-05-08 19:32:29 UTC
looking at the current republican situation that is possible
2016-05-08 19:51:55 UTC
scuze me my name is connor and this post is very affensive xx
2016-05-08 15:03:19 UTC
NO,Watch this

its 9 min
2016-05-06 21:28:09 UTC
Hope not
2016-05-08 00:10:31 UTC
Definitely, maybe, possibly, God I hope not !
2016-05-11 00:23:28 UTC
Hope not
2016-05-08 15:29:08 UTC
I hope not but its possible
2016-05-07 01:08:56 UTC
I bloody hope not
2016-05-07 15:21:13 UTC
No probably will be Hillary.
2016-05-08 03:55:47 UTC
2016-05-09 19:42:59 UTC
yes I think he will win, because CNN supports him.
2016-05-07 07:34:31 UTC
Why would you do this, you have no idea what you just started.
2016-05-09 17:28:05 UTC
Hope not
2016-05-07 04:24:22 UTC
may be or not
2016-05-06 15:34:19 UTC
no I hope not for Americans
2016-05-09 16:45:04 UTC
Really hope not,but he probably will
2016-05-08 03:10:08 UTC
Nope...dreaming :-p
2016-05-09 22:00:51 UTC
I most certainly think he will
2016-05-07 18:49:12 UTC
sadly, yes
2016-05-10 21:01:30 UTC
I hope
2016-05-07 18:23:36 UTC
in a word, no. he's pissed too many people off.
2016-05-09 09:23:25 UTC
If he does, America is officially mad.
2016-05-08 22:57:43 UTC
U.S is going down the shitter
2016-05-06 12:45:35 UTC
yes because he is winning, i want to see clinton.
2016-05-08 19:13:35 UTC
Let's hope not...
You Know . . .
2016-05-06 15:09:04 UTC
50/50 chance he will . . .
2016-05-06 12:34:49 UTC
Heck yes he will!
2016-05-08 10:44:35 UTC
He better not or were in trouble
2016-05-09 20:21:41 UTC
I hope not
2016-05-08 16:16:24 UTC
I hope not he s nuts
2016-05-06 16:40:55 UTC
Hope not
2016-05-09 16:19:19 UTC
2016-05-08 14:36:44 UTC
Hope not
2016-05-09 07:36:48 UTC
I really hope not or we are all screwed
2016-05-06 13:36:28 UTC
yes our hero
2016-05-06 23:16:33 UTC
I hope not
2016-05-07 03:24:10 UTC
2016-05-09 05:07:14 UTC
2016-05-09 00:23:13 UTC
2016-05-09 06:17:57 UTC
Classical Liberal
2016-05-07 11:08:59 UTC
2016-05-06 11:51:23 UTC
2016-05-06 10:22:05 UTC
not a chance
2016-05-09 03:58:24 UTC
NO! He's a racist and an idiot!
2016-05-07 11:50:36 UTC
I certainly hope not.
2016-05-08 22:37:03 UTC
I hope not
2016-05-07 15:35:14 UTC
I hope not
2016-05-07 00:30:05 UTC
No ,I think he won't
2016-05-07 22:11:04 UTC
Tad Dubious
2016-05-10 14:22:17 UTC
No, Black. Not a chance.
2016-05-08 04:35:15 UTC
I sincerely hope not.
2016-05-08 15:32:09 UTC
it does look like it
2016-05-09 16:39:31 UTC
I hope not
2016-05-08 08:56:50 UTC
HMM,....I DEONT KNEOW Jks. Not sure.
2016-05-06 09:49:32 UTC
2016-05-07 13:17:33 UTC
Yeah he will
2016-05-06 15:17:52 UTC
Yes, I believe he will. At least I hope he does......... ANYONE but Hillary Clinton. Please.
2016-05-10 12:00:36 UTC
Him or hillay
2016-05-06 16:30:14 UTC
95.5% chance he'll win.
2016-05-07 11:05:14 UTC
i hope not this guy is not for this task
2016-05-07 23:22:06 UTC
2016-05-08 05:13:09 UTC
He might
2016-05-07 08:31:52 UTC
2016-05-08 01:28:06 UTC
Oh hell nah
2016-05-06 20:23:21 UTC
Probably not.
2016-05-08 16:03:17 UTC
Maybe , maybe not. lets time tell
2016-05-08 12:47:07 UTC
Could be.
2016-05-06 09:33:40 UTC
yep, but THERE MAY BE ELECTION FRAUD TO stop him from winning
2016-05-06 20:18:53 UTC
God I hope not.
2016-05-09 06:06:10 UTC
yes.. its a upvote for him from my side.
2016-05-10 19:49:47 UTC
Yes ;)
2016-05-08 14:48:15 UTC
It possible.
2016-05-08 16:02:47 UTC
No be jokes if he did
2016-05-07 15:24:30 UTC
I hope no
2016-05-10 15:31:13 UTC
2016-05-06 17:36:46 UTC
not a chance.
2016-05-06 17:53:28 UTC
Sure hope so!
2016-05-10 16:38:00 UTC
Oh god I hope not.
2016-05-08 16:44:23 UTC
Nope, not at all.
Dante the Writer
2016-05-08 07:36:43 UTC
Hope not.
2016-05-08 21:10:53 UTC
No it will be Hillary.
2016-05-07 05:39:47 UTC
2016-05-08 01:05:09 UTC
Nope,Americans are not that stupid
2016-05-12 13:58:55 UTC
No i do not
2016-05-06 19:37:12 UTC
Not really.
2016-05-06 18:29:43 UTC
I hope not.
2016-05-10 12:58:13 UTC
I think it could be.
2016-05-09 23:36:15 UTC
2016-05-09 07:55:18 UTC
2016-05-09 06:07:19 UTC
2016-05-11 10:17:54 UTC
2016-05-10 21:47:52 UTC
2016-05-10 21:32:25 UTC
2016-05-10 17:31:30 UTC
2016-05-09 20:47:12 UTC
2016-05-09 14:02:03 UTC
2016-05-08 23:22:22 UTC
2016-05-08 12:39:15 UTC
2016-05-08 09:43:40 UTC
2016-05-08 08:15:03 UTC
2016-05-07 21:37:27 UTC
2016-05-07 09:07:06 UTC
2016-05-07 08:13:51 UTC
2016-05-07 06:16:23 UTC
2016-05-07 02:28:53 UTC
2016-05-07 01:30:12 UTC
2016-05-06 21:15:48 UTC
2016-05-06 21:04:09 UTC
2016-05-06 16:55:47 UTC
2016-05-06 14:45:18 UTC
Amy C
2016-05-07 08:46:28 UTC
2016-05-07 19:27:01 UTC
I hope not.
2016-05-06 16:57:29 UTC
in a word, no
2016-05-07 20:43:51 UTC
sadly i think it is possible
2016-05-08 13:07:23 UTC
hopefully not
2016-05-06 10:40:23 UTC
i sure hope not
2016-05-07 04:19:05 UTC
2016-05-07 15:54:26 UTC
2016-05-08 16:22:03 UTC
2016-05-08 12:58:30 UTC
I hope so.
2016-05-08 01:08:17 UTC
I hope so.
2016-05-09 22:20:45 UTC
Weasel McWeasel
2016-05-06 12:19:16 UTC
Of course not..........I have a brain.
2016-05-07 21:05:18 UTC
God, I hope not.
2016-05-08 14:19:31 UTC
2016-05-07 12:29:18 UTC
I really hope not...
2016-05-09 15:41:18 UTC
I hope so.
2016-05-07 12:43:25 UTC
i dont want him to but i think he will be ;-;
2016-05-08 20:13:23 UTC
i hope not
2016-05-06 12:35:20 UTC
Hope not..
2016-05-07 07:59:51 UTC
2016-05-06 15:52:27 UTC
niko will
Alex Stevens
2016-05-08 11:05:59 UTC
2016-05-07 02:42:05 UTC
hope not
2016-05-09 00:11:28 UTC
No. I hope no.
2016-05-10 04:37:11 UTC
2016-05-07 09:09:57 UTC
hope so
2016-05-08 23:29:24 UTC
2016-05-06 09:33:13 UTC
2016-05-09 20:53:48 UTC
2016-05-09 03:55:13 UTC
2016-05-09 00:20:48 UTC
2016-05-08 19:30:38 UTC
2016-05-08 11:37:04 UTC
2016-05-08 10:40:07 UTC
Louise S
2016-05-08 08:57:40 UTC
2016-05-08 08:22:11 UTC
2016-05-07 01:39:49 UTC
2016-05-06 17:23:18 UTC
Wes: i dont give thumbs down
2016-05-06 09:38:59 UTC
2016-05-09 05:17:10 UTC
2016-05-08 22:12:45 UTC
2016-05-08 14:53:05 UTC
2016-05-08 02:10:08 UTC
2016-05-07 18:29:14 UTC
2016-05-07 09:29:35 UTC
2016-05-07 08:38:03 UTC
2016-05-07 01:45:28 UTC
2016-05-06 13:31:54 UTC
2016-05-07 14:17:25 UTC
2016-05-07 06:35:16 UTC
I hope so god damnit!
2016-05-06 14:38:13 UTC
Hell no
2016-05-06 09:37:57 UTC
2016-05-08 03:30:05 UTC
2016-05-08 21:45:35 UTC
2016-05-07 15:12:57 UTC
2016-05-10 00:19:10 UTC
I hope not!!!
2016-05-06 12:36:13 UTC
Hell no
2016-05-09 00:11:36 UTC
2016-05-07 08:38:23 UTC
D. Alan
2016-05-07 17:17:08 UTC
Debra H
2016-05-06 17:09:18 UTC
You bet he is !!!
2016-05-08 18:10:18 UTC
**** i hope not
2016-05-07 22:17:02 UTC
2016-05-07 20:59:33 UTC
2016-05-08 09:16:02 UTC
2016-05-06 14:05:46 UTC
F**k no.
2016-05-09 19:24:52 UTC
F U C K yeah, N I G G E R.
2016-05-08 21:09:09 UTC
2016-05-09 12:49:12 UTC
no he wont.
2016-05-10 04:49:03 UTC
No .
2016-05-06 09:39:14 UTC
I dunno. I suppose he's marginally better than the alternative.
2016-05-10 09:14:19 UTC
2016-05-08 10:11:32 UTC
2016-05-08 08:53:42 UTC
2016-05-06 14:27:07 UTC
2016-05-09 23:00:27 UTC
2016-05-07 23:47:20 UTC
2016-05-06 12:58:23 UTC
2016-05-07 18:24:36 UTC
Idk but its scary AF to think about
2016-05-11 09:41:04 UTC
2016-05-10 12:01:58 UTC
2016-05-06 13:17:14 UTC
2016-05-07 14:34:38 UTC
hell no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-05-09 12:51:03 UTC
2016-05-09 07:28:21 UTC
2016-05-07 05:33:42 UTC
2016-05-06 20:37:19 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.