I, an Australian, sure as hell hope not.
The idea of 'President Donald J. Trump', Commander in Chief of the world's largest and strongest military force and nuclear arsenal is undeniably bowel-loosening.
This is a man who lies continuously and shamelessly. How much will a US-Mexico wall cost? $4 billion, then $6, then $8, then $10 or $12. Even the most conservative estimates by people who have ACTUALLY investigated the numbers says $25 billion is optimistic. The maintainence on it would be ridiculously expensive too. He said to one audience that he never settles (in legal disputes) because it just encourages more people to sue... and yet records of proceedings in suits against Trump show that he has on numerous occassions done exactly that. He gets an endorsement from a White Supremacist and when asked if he will reject it he claims not to have even heard of the guy... and yet he has in fact several years ago spoken out against that very man, by name. He says he was against Iraq and yet in readily accessible books he 'wrote' (ghost authored) he is adamant about the need of America to finish of Sadam, whatever it took.
Hell he said on an interview that if ISIS won't respond to threats or tactics then the military needs to target families of ISIS members and kill them... he actually flat out suggested the deliberate and intentional murder of non-combatants merely to demoralise the enemy in an attempt to get them to capitulate. A WAR CRIME. Something anyone with a speck of knowledge about Geneva Convention would know so either he doesn't and is incredibly and unforgiveably ignorant about even the most basic facts or he knows and doesn't care which would mean he is as callous in his disregard for human life and rights as ISIS themselves. And people would actually want this guy to make the policy for America's military strategy?
He actually thinks banning the entrance of Muslims to America and/or deporting AT LEAST all the ones without citizenship would be a good idea. Ignoring that America does trade of significant value with more than a dozen countries with high or majoritively Muslim countries (who would either have a lot of trouble maintaining their business presence in America or just give up on it) you are still left with the fact that nothing would do more to persuade the undecided Muslims of the world, the ones who might've considered extremist views or groups but didn't join or suport them, that America IS exactly what ISIS and Al Queda claims: an enemy to Muslims. President Trump would be one of the best things that could happen to recruitment for Islamic extremist groups.
The WORST and MOST INCOMPREHENSIBLE THING I keep hearing people say, parroting Trump himself, is that "he's too rich to be bought and they know it, which is why they are afraid I'll win" or some nonsense.
Did nobody else notice the Panama Papers scandal? Thousands of the world's richest people were openly revealed to be amongst some of the most devious and corrupt, engaging in elaborate fraud to make themselves richer rather than pay taxes.
If you think Trump is 'rich enough' that other rich special interest groups, corporations or individuals can't 'buy' him you are deluded. Who can say how many, what proportion of them... but certainly you'll acknowledge some rich people are rich BECAUSE they were/are bought. I mean, exhibit A, the Clintons are filthy rich and look no further than the Republican base to find millions who will insist it is because the Clintons are 'bought' by rich interests AND continue to be so.
If you think Trump is 'incorruptable' to bribes or monetary influence because of how rich he is then I have to ask you also: what do you think the primary agenda of rich people is? Newsflash: it's to stay rich and get richer. How much money is enough money? Let's say you make $50,000 a year, would a $1 million be 'enough' for you? To have all the money you need, so you wouldn't be tempted to do something for more? $10 million? Well look a Wall Street, it's a place with billionaires who spend their lives day in and day out trying to get richer because 'billions' isn't enough. And you think Trump is different... because he says so?! That, in my mind, is the first and best indication not to trust him, because he says you can.
Here's a man who has spent decades serving himself and you expect him to uphold an oath to serve the People, above his own self-interest, to chose them in a choice between himself and them? To serve without 'mental reservation or purpose of evasion'?
The fact Trump is a serious contender for control of the USA, a man I sincere doubt would be competent or qualified to shovel manure, is completely preposterous.
P.S. I will redirect attention to the first thing I said: I am an Australia. I'm not a Democrat. Or a 'liberal' (down here in Australia the 'Liberal National Party' is the conservative party). I don't support Hillary (though I think she'd orders of magnitude better than Trump, but that's by default of how most of the human race would be better than him) though I do admire Sander's commitment to trying to restore America to a better level of social and economic equality.