g'day there paul
well glad to se that you taken an interest in the australian family
and what streses they have ....
does that include the single mother as well
i often wonder , we seem to be the last on the list at all levels
as a single mum whose brought up her 5 kids with very little help from the father
family or any other person...other then payed worker at child care centres..
and who has to have worked to survived and provide for them
due to the cost of living in the 70'to 90's.....
and to meet the requirements for todays pension
you need to work or study for 20hrs......is fair enough
but i agree with the others on this page......
the baby bonus waas not a good idea.................
and should never have been introduced..........
it has increased the foster care lists and has created a generation of really
unwanted children.......................
ive seen the effects in my own community of the baby bonus
couples and single women fallin gpregnant just for the cash...
is this really what was intended...............
if so then god help the country
when they grow up who will be in control......................
and in the mean time the cost to thte community is increasing
so really if you want to destress families ..............
then remove the baby bonus...................
structure the working week so that wages cover costs of living
companies be incoruaged to supply flexible work hours
or even provide on site child care for employees
that the foster care system be readvised as a care facilty rather than a business
that large companies and overseas industries allocated monies for employees families
that can be used to aid in emergencies
or accessed for educational reasons
rather annoucning profits that are totally riduclous
let them put the monies back into their employees training and job security
if people feel secure in there work life then the rest of there life will go more smoothly
and if the wage the earn covers the expenses they have then the stress is even less
they can then put more time into there family and help them develop into fine young aussies
andd as a single mum i knows itrs not an easy job................
and theres no one ther to tell you .....
that your doing a good job either
so sir hope that you do read these answers and thaqt you take into consider atrion the wider pic when developing policy for your party
yours in australia
betty boop