What I would do as a president. Would you vote for me, WHY?
2008-05-21 10:24:38 UTC
We bring all of our troops home from all over the world no more bases anywhere, we police our homeland. we secure the border, we leave the middle east alone for good. we tap into zero point energy(if available as its claimed) and say the heck with oil. we only have planned births, two kids to a family. we control our population. Criminals, who commit certain crimes, such as: murder, rape will be shipped to a isolated island. anyone dangerous for society would be on that island. no more government intrusions in our lives, no more no alcohol on Sunday rule, no more having to wear seatbelt rule, we would have assisted suicide centers, hey you want to die, dont jump off a bridge, come here and we'll make it easy for you. free abortions, universal healthcare, free medication, no more food stamps to people. weed is free(only drug that is free) free trade with all countries in the world. tax everyone the same, tax money used to provide Universal healthcare. and education.
22 answers:
Jonathan W. Jones
2008-05-21 10:29:01 UTC
The best defense is a good offense. To thwart terrorism, we need bases in other countries. Other bases also provide humanitarian aide to earthquakes, tsunami's, etc.

The government should NEVER tell me how many kids I can have. It's my body, keep your laws off of it!

Put all criminals on an island? Imprisonment is about paying a debt to society. Prisoners on an island sounds like a mix between anarchy and vacation.

Did you say "assisted suicide center"? No comment.
vive l'empereur
2008-05-21 18:00:19 UTC
So where were you planning to get all of the money to institute this plan?

I believe the current U.S. debt is around $8 trillion and to add free trade with every country would more or less crush our companies and only increase foreign ownership of our industries.

Although the tax laws are not always fair without them the nation would go bankrupt. If everyone were taxed the same the government would lose a huge amount of their budget and to then massively increase government spending would have obvious negative effects.

Recalling all of soldiers from around the world is a monumentally stupid thing to do and would make us look very weak. You would have to demobilize nearly the entire armed forces just to stave off the huge debts from your above mentioned policies and this would have very negative effects on us and our allies.

The only thing I agree with you on is the alcohol on sunday and the free abortions.

So to answer your question, no, I would not vote for you
2008-05-21 17:41:39 UTC
Sarcasm doesn't translate well online, and I really hope that you are joking or trying to make a point. You are describing a frightening place, with no freedoms and no security. There would be no living in such a society. Have you read 1984? or "the giver"? think about waht you are proposing before you decide that any of this is a great idea.
2008-05-21 17:36:33 UTC
I would be tempted to vote for you but:

Some of our troops are posted elsewhere as a strategic move on our part. To pull all our troops from overseas would leave us vulnerable/unable to deploy to a problem area quickly.

I agree with putting more focus on our homeland than abroad though, I agree with securing our border and to hell w/ the middle east.

I do not believe the government has a right to force birth control on me or to force me to have two kids - what if for some insane reason I want 10.

I think criminals who commit rape or murder should be executed not shipped to another island. Why should they get to live after robbing someone else of their life?

The government would be intruding in my life if I'm limited to having two kids.

I don't agree with free trade with all countries around the world. I'm okay with taxing everyone the same. Free weed is just ridiculous.

I guess basically, I wouldn't vote for you but you have some good ideas!
Superball Conundrum
2008-05-21 17:37:03 UTC
Impressive list.

But that is a blueprint for a "1984" style government if I ever saw one.

You no longer need religion as the opiate for the masses; you've got weed.

And criminals get shipped out to a place no one really knows...Eventually that will be turned into shipping out people that aren't "well-liked." Don't like illegal immigrants, watch as EVERY Mexican (illegal or otherwise) is shipped out. Don't like gay people, watch as they are all shipped out. Black people getting a little too uppity in their voting, guess who's on their way out.

And if they don't want to go, all of a sudden they "want" suicide. That is a Hitler-esque gas chamber idea if I ever saw one. Countless people will be sent there because they are getting too uppity themselves, and they need to be silenced. Anyone asks why, it was because they were tired of life.

And you know there will be a limited resistance movement because all the possible resistance fighters are being aborted; or their possible parents were told they could have no more kids. No easier way to keep the population in line than to make sure they don't get too big in size to be controllable.

It seems like if you were running, you'd be doing this because you want to help people. Give them freedom in some areas (like no seatbelts and alcohol is allowed), help them in other areas (like assisted suicide and free healthcare/food stamps). But this setup would be perfect for turning America into the totalitarian government it was designed to avoid.
2008-05-24 19:40:13 UTC
Okay, you say this: no more government intrusions in our lives

But then you say this: no more no alcohol on Sunday rule

we only have planned births, two kids to a family. we control our population

WTF that doesn't make sense. Why dont we just kill all our 3rd and 4th babies...moran

and this is dumb:

no more food stamps to people

get real. I would never ever vote for you because you are completely crazy!!!!!!
2008-05-21 17:33:47 UTC
if only all that was as simple as it seems. you have to take into account the unknown and those who would not allow us to be in our own little box. as the world becomes more and more globalized, isolation would be suicide. as far as the domestic stuff, you can't have universal healthcare, free abortions, free suicide (yelp), etc etc.. without considerable government involvement. free markets are the only way to go to keep big government out...

A government big enough

to give you everything you want,

is strong enough

to take everything you have.

- Thomas Jefferson
2008-05-21 17:34:00 UTC
No, because it stinks of socialism and communism. First of all, the best way to defend America is be active in the world. Two world wars taught us that and in WW2, the Japs showed up we could not ignore the world.

911 taught us that no matter how much money we send to third world countries, no matter how much food and foreign aid we send, people out there hate us and want us dead.

All the free stuff you talk about, someone has to pay for it and if its government, state or federal, that is our tax money covering the cost.

Not very realistic.
2008-05-21 17:44:45 UTC
you lost me at "no more bases anywhere"

you see, our superior technology, our bases and expeditionary forces are what keeps russia playing nice, what keeps china from invading taiwan and what keeps iran from destroying israel. they know we can obliterate their armies in days.

your suggestion is catastrophic to the world not just america. when will you realize that the russians, chinese and iranians are not bleeding heart liberals like we americans, they don't think like we do, they just want material goods, and consumerism?

there are dwindling resources, exploding populations and i would rather we control the world than russia or china.
Precinct 1099
2008-05-21 17:28:12 UTC
Nope still wouldn't vote for you because you would be unable to accomplish even a few of your goals.

You sound like a young person who is very idealistic but has very little real life experience.

Many of your ideas are ludicrous.

By the way, it is a proven fact that seat belts do save lives and reduce injuries.
2008-05-21 17:35:59 UTC
I was puzzled until I read the free weed plank of your platform. I think not.
2008-05-21 17:31:33 UTC
No, I would not vote for you. Your plans seem childish and incomplete. Your obsession with rules and order make you appear more like a dictator than a president.
Friendly Stranger..
2008-05-21 17:29:46 UTC
You are forgetting one thing, you need to have some sort of political experience....oh and by the way seat belts do save lives..
jim h
2008-05-21 17:33:38 UTC
NO! Six months with you in office and we would have nothing left to be proud of or defend. Our country and everything we stand for would be destroyed.
2008-05-21 17:29:15 UTC
All sounds good except free abortions... need a limitation on that one. How about, free birth control?
Beth M
2008-05-21 17:29:06 UTC
I agree with most of your points...especially securing our borders, getting out of all countries, becoming self sufficient, and the population control.
2008-05-21 17:30:05 UTC
How you plan on paying for all those changes?
2008-05-21 17:33:30 UTC
You've got my vote. Beats Bush/McCain every time. Good Luck!
2008-05-21 17:35:57 UTC
haha noooo
2008-05-21 17:29:31 UTC
I would never vote for you.....your policies are horrible
2008-05-21 17:29:38 UTC
Sounds a lot like the PRC. No thanks.
2008-05-21 17:32:46 UTC
who are U____________HILLARY OR OBAMA ???????

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