Yes, as far as the immediate results of the election are concerned - long term remains to be seen, but the evidence is very strong that the members are aroused, and angry and intend to hold the newly elected congress' feet to the fire -
Many people have begun to learn that in fact Barack Obama is, in the non-leninist sense, a true Marxist. The moves he has made in collusion with the congress and Senate are aimed ultimately at achieving phase one of the Marxist philosophy - "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" - unfortunately as more and more Americans grow in ignorance of the Constitution, and comfortable with their entitlements, they have fallen for the notion that the Government is responsible for their well-being and not they themselves - absurd, but true. We have, after all, a generation that has never changed a channel manually, and never opened a car door with a key! Sheep! - The most important thing that can be accomplished is the repeal of "Obamacare" first and foremost - the hidden costs in this obscene monstrosity are truly frightening (or should be) to the average wage earner. The Tea Party is made up of persons from all parties, all races, and all income and education levels - I myself am a member and hold two earned PhD's -- The solutions are simple, direct, and involve doing the tried and true - but the fight is with the government itself and those leaders who think that more government is better - wrong - the government is a consumer, not a producer - and the fervent desire of serious thinkers is that we adhere to the intent of the
Constitution - free-market capitalism built this formidable nation - it is the only way to go - and, by the way - the movement is not a political party - we are metaphorically throwing the king's tea and his taxes into the bay - not creating an organization. The political Left is just plain wrong - the democratic party is no longer the "party of the common man" - and when the "speaker" of the House says "we have to pass the bill to see what's in it!", then we have reached in new low in rank absurdity. Unbelievable.