Why are so many people in denial about the ineptitude of the George W. Bush administration?
2008-11-27 12:43:53 UTC
There is so much current and obvious evidence supporting the reality that George W. Bush is the worst president in our history. I wonder why so man people are in denial about the fact that he has failed so miserably?

Are these people having a hard time admitting how completely they were deceived into voting for him in the first place?

Are these people unwilling to share in the guilt for the mess this country now finds itself in?
29 answers:
2008-11-27 12:50:21 UTC
Denial plays a huge part in the Bush Administration's ineptitude. Clearly the Iraqi War has proven not beneficial to the America economy. In addition; the free trade agreements are unfair and loop-sided. Furthermore the deregulation of the banking and mortgage industries are to blame for our housing crises. Lastly, Katrina appears to be the crown jewel illustrating Bush's Administrations ineptitude.
2008-11-27 13:27:27 UTC
You know why I am not in denial? Because I took high school government and paid attention. There seem to be an inordinately large group of people on here who are under the mistaken impression that we are in a Monarchy and that Bush is our King. That is the only way you can blame one man for the way things are run in our country. Apparently you are thinking that Bush made laws and declared war while congress sat around and "looked pretty."

If you have watched any news about the financial situation you will realize that it is much worse elsewhere in the world and that recessions are cyclical. They come and go.

I actually do not see why our country is in such a "mess" as you describe. As I said, we may be having a recession but it's much worse in other countries. Also, we just made world history by voting an African American into the presidency!
2008-11-27 13:00:55 UTC
Last weekend, I baked four apple pies.

I have been cooking for the majority of my life and have always received rave reviews for my cooking.

Last weekend however, I made the pies for a bake sale and was shocked and embarrassed to discover that none of the purchasers thought that they pie tasted very good.

When I went back through my steps, I discovered that there were some deviations from my original recipe. Both the eggs and the apples were from different sources than usual. I fried up an egg and sure enough, it was off. I ate a bit of raw apple and it had a weird chemical taste.

Do you think that anyone who got a bad pie will think that I am a good cook?

Do you think that they will care or even consider that the problem was caused by a bad supplier?

Nope, they will just blame me and consider that I am a crappy pie maker. Actually, I could bake them a dozen things that they love from this point forward, all that they will remember is the crappy pie.

You want to blame Bush 100% for something that is not 100% his fault. You do not want to factor in the bad eggs and bad apples of Congress, legislation and problems left over by previous administrations, or even exterior forces. You just want to blame him.

Those of us who do not see him as a "bad" President see that he did the best that he could with both the situations that developed and with the situations that he inherited. Was he the best President in the world? No. Maybe he made a bad pie now and again, but you fail to give any credit for the great things that he has done and the fact that he made his pie with the supplies available.
Moderate Conservative Democrat
2008-11-27 13:42:24 UTC
everyone has there faults...and at least he did not make a fool of us by 1st lying on TV for the whole world to see and than having sexual relations with some in the White House..a intern at that as far as the economy goes

well here it is

Clinton hand on it...

and 9/11 well that happen right after Bill Clinton signed a bill cutting our military back 35%

Facts are Facts
2008-11-27 13:18:02 UTC
I just understand what really happened, instead of jumping on the Bash Bush Bandwagon.

Can you tell me how he failed?

If you say Iraq, you're wrong.

Bob Graham, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara A. Milulski, Tom Daschle, both Hilary Clinton and Bill Clinton, Joe Lieberman, Harold Ford, Madeline Albrigh, Sandy Berger, Ted Kennedy, and John Kerry, to name a few, all stated that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

If you say he messed up the economy, you're wrong.

We all know for a fact that Barney Frank and his little group (C. Dodd and H. Reid) were at fault with Freddie & Fannie.

President Bush lowered all of our taxes.

President Bush gave all of us with children extra tax credit.

President Bush gave us all bonus tax refunds for our children.

President Bush gave everyone a stimulus check.
2008-11-27 13:08:13 UTC
I think the deal of it is - many of us appreciate how he took the offense in the war on terror, and prevented another terrorist attack on our soil after 911 - and we also predict that once the terrorist attack again, and President Obama goes hat in hand to the United Nations begging the French and the Russians not to veto a harshly worded Security Council resolution condemning the terrorists actions.... we predict, by then that the Bush Presidency will start looking a lot better to all of us!
Jake H
2008-11-27 13:07:13 UTC
He hasn't failed. As president he was in strong support and in control of the liberation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Our current economic mess was caused by laws passed and supported by President Bill Clinton. Not only that, contrary to popular belief, it was Clinton how originally said that Iraq had weapons of Mass Destruction, but only Bush had the courage to act on that legislation. It has also been proven that Bush tax cuts have been what kept most businesses alive as long as they were.

Just because the times are bad, doesn't mean it is his fault.
2008-11-27 13:06:30 UTC
I am no more in denial of Bush being a bad president than the neolibs are concerning Obama's anti-Americanism and lack of experience.

Enough said.
2008-11-27 12:57:20 UTC
Bushie was too trusting of some of the people he expected to do their job. He took bad advice from his advisors. He started a war because he was too impatient. He ran the country with his gut instead of his head. That kind of management style doesn't work for being a President. Bushie believed he was going Gods work but how does he know. Bushie is a good man at heart but was a failure at his job. Things might have gotten too screwed up for Obama or anyone to pull us out. But really it was Greenspan and the Federal Reserve leaving interest rates too low for too long that caused a lot of the problems with the economy. Nuff said.
2016-10-22 02:31:35 UTC
like it or not, Cheney has a top to speak his strategies. the present administration slams the previous one each threat they get. i'm specific Bush is happy to be out of the fray.
2008-11-27 12:58:07 UTC
The mess we find ourselves in now is a direct result of what Clinton did- deregulated the housing market and made credit swaps legal- and then dumped it in the lap of George W.

And Bush wasn't promising change the way Obama did- and then filled his cabinet with Clinton staff- so who deceived whom? Feeling a bit gipped that your miracle worker can't sad for you.
2008-11-27 12:53:08 UTC
Amazingly many of them cling to their beliefs- I think most of them are small business people or have well off parents and resent the extra taxes. Well, too bad. Bush doubled the national deficit to the point where nearly half of our tax individual dollars next year will go to service this enormous sum- like nobody should ever pay it back and we can live on credit indefinitely. You cannot reason with many of them or they simply say that they are Republicans that hate Bush but the principles are somehow still worthy. How soon they forget that Democrats, while no angles either at least balance budgets like real business people should.
2008-11-27 12:52:56 UTC
Yeah. He's so inept that Obama is going to spend 10 times what Bush spent and move troops into Afghanistan after pulling out of Iraq in 2012.

Has it ever occurred to you that Obama is just another Bush?
Superball Conundrum
2008-11-27 12:51:31 UTC
That's not what I'm seeing anymore.

What I am seeing is that everyone is accepting that he was one of the worst Presidents in history, but those that once supported him are now trying to hand him off to the Democrats.

Always talking about how he quit acting like a Conservative and spent like crazy and so on. Which is true.

However, its where he spent that keeps him a Republican. He didn't spend on domestic issues, he spent on the Iraq War.

He cut taxes and cut spending in every area save one. That one was the Iraq War; where he spent so much he was able to MORE THAN DOUBLE the National Debt. A debt that it took the previous 42 Presidents nearly 230 years to attain, Bush more than doubled it in 8 years.

And wars are the domain of Republicans. They are the ones who press them, even attacking Liberals as "surrender monkeys" for not being pro-war all the time.

Bush was the quintessential Reagan Republican. He cut taxes, he cut spending, increased defense spending and went to war. And it failed miserably.
2008-11-27 12:52:38 UTC
That's just on Y/A. In the real world no one is in denial because if they were he wouldn't have the lowest approval rating of any President in the history of the US upon leaving office.
2008-11-27 12:53:21 UTC
There is something rewarding to some people when they can be part of the group. Fox news give a person they are part of that group. To be in that group you need to put down nice people & go along with the ones who want to brainwash you. Fox is paid off by people who don't care about anyone except themselves. They are the greediest people who have found out how to get unpopular, insecure people to go along with them even if it is against their own is a middle school mentality. Only people who don't think will go along with this. It is like the group you go to smoke or do other things with that you know can get you in trouble but atleast you aren't with the nerds who actually read books & behave & don't smoke....These are the Bush denial group. I hoped they were growing up but just saw a few minutes of Fox & was shocked at how obvious it is they would rather the troops stay out there for another couple more years than to come home in 16 months just so Obama will look bad. They just want the worst for him even if it means people are dying & instead they could be better off.
2008-11-27 12:52:16 UTC
Wow!!!!! Where have you been? You are so uninformed. Did you know that Truman left office with an 18% approval rating and now he is considered to be one of the best presidents we've had. Wake up and smell the coffee.
2008-11-27 14:35:25 UTC
wait...haven't you heard. all of the problems in the country were caused by clinton and all future problems will be because of obama...all gwb did was save us from terrorist
First L
2008-11-27 12:59:15 UTC
Maybe because the liberals holler so much about him so much that people say hmmm if the media is so against him, then it must be them and not him.
2008-11-27 13:11:24 UTC
Tribal loyalty and critical thinking areas of the brain burnt out by processed food, and tasteless American beer.
2008-11-27 12:55:40 UTC
Bush was a great president
Capt Cold
2008-11-27 12:57:55 UTC
I honestly don't think there are all that many people that think Bush did ok. I personally don't know anybody who thinks he was even marginally alright. And I know quite a few republicans.
2008-11-27 12:49:06 UTC
No. not at all I voted for Al Gore and John Kerry

but George W. Bush jr. was not ineptitude so you are wrong

This world is in a mess and that is from too much easy credit

ant the endless desert wars..stop both and reap the whirlwind.
2008-11-27 12:51:37 UTC
Lets see, strong economy, until 2 months ago, no attacks since 9-11, 10 million new jobs. and 50 million more people in the world whom have a chance at freedom if they would just fight for it !
Sassy One
2008-11-27 12:57:00 UTC
These are the same people, that think Sarah Palin will be a wonderful president. Kind of says it all.
2008-11-27 12:48:58 UTC
No body is in denile. If you go into de nile you get eaten by de crocodile.
2008-11-27 12:49:45 UTC
Consider the source.

These are the same people who say Lincoln and JFK were terrible presidents, and that Nixon was a great President.
2008-11-27 12:51:06 UTC
because people will find fault from others before themselves.
2008-11-27 12:50:42 UTC
It's complicated, but basically those people are dumb. There are many reasons why someone is dumb, thats the complicated part.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.