Should an IQ test be required to vote?
2010-12-09 20:57:50 UTC
Just reading through some of the questions on here makes me cringe thinking that some of these people will have the power to vote when they come of age. Do you think the amount of votes from people who are ignorant to the issues at hand have a big impact on the current state of things in America? It seems like a simple exam questioning about today's society and current events as well as how the government actually works would help greatly in reducing the amount of votes that are blown due to someone voting for someone simply because they don't want to "waste their vote."
Eighteen answers:
darrin b
2010-12-13 07:38:57 UTC

And what are you talking about "when they come of age?" (LOL)

N E W S F L A S H: Many ARE of age (LOL)!
Jim Bay
2010-12-09 21:05:55 UTC
Only if I get to write the questions. Rather than a test many have suggested we go back to owning property to vote. I like a rule that says if you collect welfare or work for the government you can't vote. Can you imagine how much better things would be if that were the case? Think of all the wasteful spending that would stop over night.
2010-12-09 21:02:48 UTC
Iq is based on the average of a populations knowledge, not how much they know. But if you wanted to give them a political knowledge test you would be accused of trying to re-introduce the Jim Crow laws, as exams were used in the south for a time to deny black people the right to vote. I'm afraid the only thing that I can say that might give you comfort is that the educated vote in far greater proportion to the uneducated, so it usually works out alright.
Paul Varga
2010-12-09 21:00:53 UTC
many people are a waste of a vote, but as a citizen it is their right to contribute to the political system. certainly it would be an ideal world if everyone actually knew what they were voting for, and a test would be a grand idea, but its simply not what America's about. But then again, with an test, OBAMA THE GREAT wouldn't have ever been elected based on his main supporters. what a pity.
2010-12-09 22:40:52 UTC
actually it was tried by the Democrats in the southern states and it was thrown out by the Supreme

Court the test was designed to keep blacks from voting. No the Blacks support the Democrats to no end. Go figure. How well do we teach History?
2010-12-09 21:01:00 UTC
No because IQ really is not a good measure of common sense. I was invited to Mensa and tried to attend in a couple of locations. There were few with common sense, and mostly bloviating arrogant @$$E$ without a measure of common sense.

I would support a VERY basic political test, though. If you cannot name the president, Vice President, and answer a couple of simple questions, you should not vote.
2010-12-09 21:02:56 UTC
Maybe not an IQ test since that doesnt truly reflect someone who is a critical thinker. There should be a test to prove you have the capacity to be a rational and independant thinker.
2010-12-09 21:10:47 UTC
I think you people are on very dangerous ground. If you are an American, then you have the right to participate in electing the leaders of this Country. Because then you will start excluding anyone who does not agree with your ideology or your faith or any other criteria you can come up with. Its a very slippery slope after that.
2010-12-10 01:30:18 UTC
Yes and also an IQ tes for anyone to run for president look at sarah palin is she smart enough or trustworthy enough to be president I think not best look out whose running not just whose voting they can damage this country look at what george w. bush george h. w. bush and reagan did to america "don't waste your vote" "don't kill your country" Is my point.
2010-12-09 23:52:36 UTC
No. Our nation is too litigious already that we don't need a new legal headache.

Anyway, a IQ test would not measure your knowledge of the canditates.
2010-12-09 21:04:01 UTC
No, I support the right of democrats to vote.
2010-12-10 03:35:58 UTC
That would ensure a landslide for Obama. Great plan.
2010-12-09 21:05:58 UTC
Sadly no. And unfortunately our country pays for the stupidity of uninformed voters and those who vote for reasons other than the leadership of the one they vote for.
2010-12-09 21:00:16 UTC
A test of basic political knowledge would be best.
2010-12-09 22:45:35 UTC
never assume or under estimate your opponent and how you judge is how you will be judged.

your not looking to smart right now. this is a fun forum.
2010-12-09 22:03:37 UTC
But then, a Democrat would never be president again~
My Constitution
2010-12-09 22:23:16 UTC
Yeah then they wouldn't be no liberals in government.
Ashamed Lion
2010-12-09 21:00:39 UTC
if we only had people with high I.Q.s vote, everyone voted into office would be a Democrat, so yes.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.