Yes, I'm one of the people who have been affected.
We found out in August that our home's value has dropped 30% since we bought it two years ago. In September, due to the housing crisis (thanks, Freddie and Fannie) the company that I worked for cut our hours from 42 down to 24 a week. On October 31st, they closed their doors.
I've looked for work but many local companies have "hiring freezes" and won't even take my resume. We have a DHL plant nearby that is laying off thousands of people. Our last GM plant will close Christmas week. There are a lot of us in this area looking for work.
My husband works for a small business who's been struggling with the slow economy. For the first time, they had to lay off one person in September. We all know that if their taxes go up that someone else will need to go too.
We aren't struggling as badly as some people because we've been frugal. When we bought our home, we decided to only to spend half of what the bank said we could afford. We chose an older modest home that we would be able to afford in case something happened to one of our incomes. We bought our cars used and made sure to buy cars that were reliable. We've only used credit in emergencies and have tried to save for a rainy day. Our electronics are a bit out of date and we don't have cell phones or cable. That's a choice that we made because saving for a rainy day was more important to us than these things.
Now the rainy day is here. It's tight but we'll make it through. We know that it'll probably be the beginning of the year before I'll find work again but we'll hang on. There's always hope.