Why do some black people blame the white race for their disadvantages?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Why do some black people blame the white race for their disadvantages?
26 answers:
Gone for Good
2008-03-19 20:11:38 UTC
Because people like to blame others for their failings, it's always easier to blame someone else than to take personal responsibility.
2008-03-19 19:56:58 UTC
No one should blame anyone for their disadvantages, everyone paves their own road, what happened in the past is the past, not all while people had slaves, nor were they all rich, If you want to make it in this world in these times you can't blame anyone or wait for someone else to lift you up to a opportunity, you get out there and work hard and improve yourself it isn't anyone elses job, if you fail then you gave up when you should have fought harder to achieve the life you want.
2008-03-19 19:55:39 UTC
Until we are ready for honest dialogs and willingness to vicariously examine the other side; we'll continue to blame each other. Institutional Racism has affected not only Blacks but Whites as well. The day in which we are all measured by our personal merits; and not by our skin complexion, or gender; will be a great day! Until we reach that day of revelation; I suggest a continual willingness to have an open mind, heart, and slowness to speak negatively against any race.
2008-03-19 19:49:01 UTC
Obama said the sermons delivered bye the Rev. Jermiah Wright "rightly offend white and black alike." No No No I disagree, Barack. I saw church video showing parishioners jumping up and down, thrashing around in wild ecstasy at Wright's words. They didn't look to offended. On television interviews, many blacks are quoted as saying "whites don't understand." Oh, we understand. And we don't like it. I'm disgruntled over nearly a half century's worth of affirmative action. I saw on the WSJ blog that Michelle Obama got into Princeton with an 1100 SAT score. Try getting a white kid into an Ivy League school with a score like that. With Obama in office, the American melting pot will disappear and evolve into the American mosaic, every group distinct and each group out for its own members interests. And whites will go the way of the whites in post-apartheid South Africa..... out the door.
2008-03-19 19:49:42 UTC
I guess its the clinging onto the victim mentality because of the slavery

If anyone was victimized by'd be the native americans

hispanics are also discriminated against...but they dont care...just keep going
christy a
2008-03-19 20:22:40 UTC
were are all these damn people that are holding on to the past? I am black and I would not be caught dead asking for damn reparations. that just somthing else white people could hang over our heads. i hate the damn day affirmative action reared its ugly head, hell we were paying taxes before affirmative action. this is a damn true story i am a nurse and damn good at my job. but it hurt me to see my name on a interview roster with black beside it. and i got the job! I don't want anyone taking credit for my hard work but,me. And whats bad is i am the only black guy at my job.

First, I am an individual.

And yea i mean exactly what i typed no i will not ask for reparations,and i have never been without a job! and i do pay taxes! The same people you say are your burden are mine! don't blame all burdens of society on black people somehow not getting over what happened 48 yrs ago and is still happening today.Yes I would starve before I asked you for anything thats the way I was brought up.and I go to work and see who is on public assistance via medicare medcaid. and it is the same amount across the board all ethinic groups. If America would get out of stereotypes,televison,and other bull that has turned America against itself we would be in a better position. screw blaming anybody. I for one don't blame white America. You did 'nt make me and you are'nt enough to judge me! Did any of you rise on the third day?
Sweet Tea & Lemons
2008-03-19 20:09:53 UTC
Banker for president !
2008-03-19 20:00:36 UTC
Very good question. I sometimes hear them screaming about wanting reparations for slavery. Come on, get serious. I am NOT defending slavery but if their families had not sold them into slavery they would still be living in squalor. They have more here than they could ever have had over there. Why should I pay reparations to anyone? My family did not come over here until way after the slaves were freed. It's all a bunch of BS. Just an excuse to look for freebies and not better themselves. It's gotten to be where they are their own worst enemies. How many black children are growing up without a father?
Blue Falcon
2008-03-19 19:57:36 UTC
Black people-and I am part-black-have never taken to accepting the need for personal responsibility. I have . I'm not agreeing that one needs to forget the past, but to hang on to it shows an utter lack of willingness to accept that, yes there is racism and unfairness, but others have gotten past it and have become successful, but others would rather play the victim card. Why? Because it's easy. It's not instilled in black people-at least those whom I'm around-to be responsible. It's blame-fill-in-the-blank for everything.
2008-03-19 19:50:15 UTC
Because it's the white mans fault. We always need someone to blame. That's every persons biggest problem, we blame everybody else for our own problems.
2008-03-19 20:01:46 UTC
You are so correct. My feelings exactly. I am Indian and my parents left India to give us a good education and better opportunities. India was ruled by Muslims and the British for hundreds of years. People have overcome their issues and focused on education and working hard to provide for their families. Holding grudges does not solve anything.

Mr. Buddha man.....I don't know where you pulled that crap about not paying taxes for 7 years. You are completely wrong. You're pulling answers out of your b***.
Eric m
2008-03-19 20:32:02 UTC
Demonization is a tool of the weak, just as terrorism is a tool of the powerless. They are either too lazy or too stupid to change their lot in life, but they feel a need to explain it all and make themselves feel better.

Blaming anyone, black, white whatever for your problems is both childish and non productive. But it is always the eager politican who likes to remind you that someone is to blame for your lot in life. Its this groups fault your stupid, or that groups fault your poor. Then there is the old stand bye, the politican who tells you how everything used to be better back in the good ole days. Yep, it was, for the weak and the ones who couldn't adapt and overcome adversity.

Ask the former steel mill worker and he will tell you who's fault it was why he lost his job and the mill closed down. But don't dare ask, well this country is set up for second, third, fourth chances. Why don't you re-educate yourself, learn a new skill and rise above the situation, I know it will be hard, but it has been done.

The people who want to succeed and are devoted to it will succeed. No matter your position in life, if you go after what you want and are not afraid to lose, you will win. It has nothing to do with race, that is just the color of the skin and where your ancestors where born. It is a matter of mindset, how you were raised, your intelligence potential and your attitude towards sacrifice and hard work.

Some things never change, and the path from poverty to prosperity sure hasn't
2008-03-20 19:22:19 UTC
Im black,

There are so many things wrong with this question.

1st off my parents worked really hard to get where they are now.

And all those nationalities had slavery amoung themsevles. What are they going to blame themselves.

they werent forced out there countries, chained to on boats for 3 months, and then separated from there families.

I will admit all cultures are sterotyped.

now i have alot of white, indian,asian,jamican,mexican, and african american friends but did you notice that most of these sterotypes are myths that a random white person back in the day made up.
2016-05-24 17:38:33 UTC
Remember that the media is primarily composed os Atheist facts and agendas which are aimed at programming the mind for a specific purpose. Why is it important to not believe everything you hear and see on television?
2008-03-19 21:34:13 UTC
Outstanding Question !!!-----It is called playing the race card & it gives some black people a racist advantage in America---For example, I refuse to feel guilty for what my ancestors ( NOT ME ) did to a black persons ancestors ( NOT THEM ) almost 150 years ago- BTW----Black slaves have Black Masters ( NOT White Masters ) in Africa today--- Should all blacks of today be blamed because according to FBI Statistics a disproportionate % of crime in America IS commited by blacks ? ----- Should blacks be blamed for the racist anti-white practice whereby a black is given a job over a white not because the black is more qualified but because they are black ? --- We have sugar-coated this bigotry by calling it " affirmative action " but it is really just anti-white racism. -----Why is it okay for Miss Black America & Black Entertainment Awards & Black College Fund ( UNCF ) & NAACP- & Black Entertainment Television but Sharpton would march in the streets tomorrow if the word " White " was substituted for " Black "-----Bill Cosby said it all. & few people listened.--
2008-03-19 19:59:21 UTC
because it takes generations to get even. Everything is about economics and if you have less educated parents and worse schools and drugs on the street where you grew up, less powerful world leaders, it would be hard for you to be optimistic about fairness of society. Everyone wants to be great and the truth is there upbringing makes it hard for them as a group achieve those heights
2008-03-19 20:04:28 UTC
Are you serious?. Comparing Jewish slaves in Egypt. To Black slaves in America.And, the difference between the people that choose to come here(america) is that they had a choice. The civil rights movement ended less then 40 (in 1968) years ago ,so place don't try to act as if it was 200 million. My mother had to go through being called a N**ger and using bathrooms/water fountains marked "colored". It is still very fresh in some peoples minds.
2008-03-19 19:50:37 UTC
true but as long as people feel guilty for some thing they had nothing to do with and as long as people think they are disadvantaged from something long gone than it will never change
2008-03-19 20:02:35 UTC
coz People like you keep reminding them everyday.
2008-03-19 19:56:31 UTC
haha. I blame black people for my disadvantages. I am white. they get black churches, black history month, minority scholarships, MUST I GO ON??? What do we white people get? nothing. we have to pay the taxes, and if we speak out against anything black people are doing or getting advantages over, we are flagged as RACISTS.

oh and if the advantages that blacks have over us isn't enough, they get to say things like this:

and it isn't even aired on national television. you will probably ask ANYONE you know and they will say they have never seen the clip before or ever heard of it.
2008-03-19 19:50:38 UTC
The people who come here also don't have to pay taxes for seven years.

That's a big difference. African Americans have been economically disadvantage.

They receive no reparations, no decent employement (because of racism) and they go to the worst schools.
2008-03-19 19:51:15 UTC
Good question. I actually had a black man call me and inform me since my last name was the same as his, that I needed to pay him reparations because that meant My family made his family slaves. Talk like that is very disturbing. We need to move on and forget the past.
2008-03-19 19:55:46 UTC
Colt, you're answer is perfect. All obama does is create make-believe scenes to serve his end.
2008-03-19 19:59:00 UTC
good question, especially since their own people are who sold them into slavery.
2008-03-19 19:50:47 UTC
they won't take jobs but take handouts

they speak ill of America but want all it 's benefits

blacks should look into a mirror and get off their butt and do some constructive work
2008-03-19 19:56:39 UTC
Because they get away with it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.