Jim Bay
2011-06-21 10:16:15 UTC
Minority LP call white racist
Majority LP call minority PC Uncle Tom's
Majority LP call Whites cold greedy SOB's
Why can LP's just get along with everyone else? Why do you create division everywhere you go?
Additional Details
If you don't know what an LP is then you can substitute it with Statist. If you don't know what Statist is look it up, it should have a picture of Barry Soetoro as he is the poster boy for Statism today. Its all about looking toward the government for solutions rather than getting government out of the way, stop taking away all our resources and allow the people to solve their own problems.
Why can't we all just get along? lets not divide by race or by productiveness. Lets work together to all be more productive. I think LP need to go to a 12 step program to stop being dependent on the government. I think some charity organization should pop up and offer this program to recovering statist. We could call it Statist anonymous 12 step program. When you get to the 12th step you become a job creator and provider rather than a taker.