It's far worse than you think. Not only can an MP cross the floor of the House, as indeed did Winston Churchill, from Liberal to Tory party; an MP is not even required to actually turn up at the House of Commons.
In fact, a person once elected to the House of Commons as an MP, is required to do exactly nothing and can sit at home feet up and watch TV for five years if he/she wishes.
Of course, we all know this is not going to happen, don't we? Well, actually it did happen, because for a long time elected MPs of Sin Fine refused to take their seats in the Commons because it would have meant swearing the oath of allegiance.
The main incentive to get MPs to come to the Commons are all those little perks, such as the expenses account etc.
My MP is creaming off about two hundred thousand a year as an MP plus what he makes elsewhere.
I'm not making this up. You can find out exactly what you're MP is doing by visiting "theyworkforyou"" via Google. Should take you there. Once at the site slap in your post code in the slot provided and you will then see a list of what your MP does or does not do. You'll also find out how much your MP earns from all of this.
Try this link : -