The media is not pro-Obama. Even MSNBC was bashing Obama with the rest of the media a month ago on Rev. Wright and Bitter-gate. CNN slants every Headline in a manner that would be hard to call pro-Obama. Six weeks ago it was so bad the Obama supporters were repeatedly encouraged not to watch any news by bloggers on
People will see what the want to see. Obama supporters are more likely to notice biases against Obama and visa versa.
It was generally accepted that the media was consistently harsh on Obama before the IN & NC primaries. Many news comments were made about how remarkable it was that Obama out performed the polls after weeks of negative press.
Chameleon offered a link to Politico defending Hillary's RFK statement. Politico and Huffington Post are considered very liberal and are great sources for attacks on Obama.
Obama will have to overcome media bias to win the GE against McCain.
2008-05-29 06:11:39 UTC
I think you must have blinders on then!!!...It is crystal clear and even some of the media has started a bit of a self awareness thing and are starting to admit and attempt to correct. It was and is all about the race thing...they are so concerned about being called racist that they won't and don't say anything about Obama that is negative.
2008-05-29 06:13:17 UTC
It's a 24 hour a day commercial for Obama. They don't even try to hide it. And, they actually allow NBC newspersons to associate with the commentators from MSNBC. It's the biggest controversy in American media history.
2008-05-29 06:12:25 UTC
All it is is politics...and I hate it!!!! Why is it always obama/hillary. I mean, I understand its the democratic election and all, but you never get that kind of coverage on the socialist and indepent parties! Money is a huge HUGE factor unless your Ross perot. You still dont hear much about Mccain. This government blows!
2008-05-29 06:17:51 UTC
his wife not proud to be an American look at Mrs.McCain she get pick on for anything and Obama said lay off his wife then don't campaign with him he losing swing state right and left he told to stay in the race
2008-05-29 06:08:50 UTC
You obviously havent been tuning into MSNBC where Obama-Lover Keith Olbermann blushes like a love-struck teenage girl when he speaks about Obama.
Cristina V
2008-05-29 06:23:39 UTC
Chris Matthews gets a tingly every time he hears Obama's speeches.
2008-05-29 06:08:38 UTC
I am an Obama supporter, but I admit SOME newsmen and woman are more pro-Obama than not.
BUT, those people (Mika Brzezinski and Keith Olbermann, in particular) aren't news REPORTERS, they are more news editorialists. And it is an editorialist's JOB to have an opinion.
2008-05-29 06:07:02 UTC
I don't know, I weed through the stuff on each candidate, check its validity and move on..... I think it's definitely a liberal media however.
Craig G
2008-05-29 06:55:51 UTC
The Jeremiah Wright story wasn't released on CNN and MSNBC until April. The story was released in March on Fox News. CNN was holding the story as long as possible before people started to wonder why they were filtering all of this garbage on Obama. I don't see where they get that Obama voted against the war, when he wasn't there in 2002 to make the original vote for the war. Then he voted to fund the war in 2006 and 2007 for a hundred billion dollars each, so I don't know why CNN tells people that he voted against the war, and that he never voted to fund it. CNN is a very far left wing nutjob news station, and they will do anything to get Obummer elected.
2008-05-29 06:05:12 UTC
You mean one show (Hannity) gave Obama heat? And you call that fair coverage among all the networks?
Someone has severe tunnel-vision.
2008-05-29 06:04:55 UTC
I don't see it either. But everyone else seems to think so. I guess we watch different channels, read different newspapers, and websites.