Another idea that didn't work, despite good intentions. However, IF -- IF -- it were ever to be re-instituted, it might correct the unfair-unbalanced dreck that's out there now. However, applying it would necessitate a bureaucracy bigger than the Pentagon's. As liberal/progressive as I consider myself, the Fairness Doctrine is bogus.
After all, that's why radios have dials on them and why TVs come with remotes and offer more than 1 channel. Anyone with more than 2 brain cells to rub together can change the station or channel. They can also read newspapers, news magazines and visit a library occasionally.
I will disagree with you about CNN and the other cable news channels: have you ever watched Lou Dobbs? Have you ever seen Shep Smith and Geraldo Rivera on FOX? They are the 3 best reasons that people should watch those 2 channels. And even the folks on MSNBC are NOT giving Obama, the Dems or anyone else a 'free ride.' Rachel Maddow has a "talk me down" segment almost nightly, and Obama does NOTget off scot-free.
And that's as it should be. Hell, I even watched a replay of Hannity's interview with Limbaugh a few minutes ago. Hannity was drooling, but Rush almost made sense. I don't like or believe either of them, but I listened. People, in my opinion, should ALWAYS watch "the other side" occasionally just to get a different viewpoint, even just to re-affirm their own convictions... or maybe even soften their stance. Bottom line: we're all Americans, let's act like it.