Why do the Democrats want another Clinton in office when the last one was impeached?
2008-01-22 22:29:31 UTC
What is so good about the Clintons that we would want them in office again? Isn't it nice to not have all of the sex scandals, lies, deception, etc. on the news for a while?
Sixteen answers:
Larry M
2008-01-22 22:35:27 UTC
Because most Liberals never learn!
2008-01-23 06:39:22 UTC
He was not impeached. He served his terms. Read the facts and know that the white house was strong and making progress during those eight years.

Well, Bush's daughters take care of all the scandals now and I'd much rather have one scandal, versus war that was unnecessary and a president that can't get his point across in speech.

I like Hillary b/c I feel she's the best for the job. I couldn't care less who her husband is (though I like him too). They make progress & that's the whole point. Put her track record against others and you'll see it all adds up - I'm not talking about what they say NOW, I'm talking about what they've DONE in the past.
2008-01-22 23:35:24 UTC
Y'know the late Robert F Kennedy once noted that you don't judge a man by who his friends are rather you judge him by who enemies are.

Bill Clinton's impeachment trail was initiated by a bunch of Conservative Viagra users who all had a penis/ ego relationship that was inversely proportional to each other

Bill Clinton did not represent one millionth of the threat to the Republic that Nixon did

The Conservatives just didn't like him and so they attempted the closest thing to a legal coup that we've ever seen in the US

Then they tried to sell us this nonsense about how sex=morality =sex in order to justify their petty vindictive actions

Anybody that's not a high school drop-out knows full well that sex and morality are not synonyms.

So if those guys are Bill Clinton's enemies -good because those kind of people should be the enemy of all Americans
2008-01-22 22:45:36 UTC
Bill Clinton was impeached, however he was cleared of ALL CHARGES and found not guilty. I'll take sex scandals over incompetence any day of the week. Where a guy sticks his old fella is his business and as long as national security is not compromised it really is nobodies business.

The only president to be impeached and found guilty was Richard Millhouse Nixon (Republican) over the Watergate affair.

GW Bush however should have joined Nixon on the list of Presidents who were impeached due to his illegal wars of aggression against 2 sovereign states, namely Afghanistan and Iraq, except that Pelosi lacks the moral courage to do what's right.

With that said, Hillary Clinton will be a disaster as a President and so will Obama. Clinton because she's the sort of woman who will seek revenge against those who gave her grief when her husband was in office. Obama will be useless because of his advisers, have a close look folks at who is advising him on foreign affairs and you'll see why. Also the man has zero spine, no real convictions and even less vision. Like all of the current political crop in the USA, they should be send packing, back to the slime holes they emerge out of.


6 Thumbs down. Wow I'm so touched. I guess it's true that many American's can't live with either reality or the truth.

I should point out that the American people have the worst possible set of contenders for Predident that's ever stood. Not a single one of them is their own person, they are entirely owned by lobbiests, financial backers and other scum that infest US politics.
2008-01-22 22:39:35 UTC
You are absolutely right! End the Political Dynasty of the Bush-Clinton-Bush Jr-Clinton. Bill Clinton's Presidency was full with scandals, lies and deceptions. Be that as it may; since Hillary was Co-President then; why re-elect the same administration.

Its time for the Clinton War Machine to retire. Our country needs leaders who can pledge their allegiance to the betterment of the country, not their own Machiavellian desires.

Can't stand how she grandstands talking about how she has experience. How disgraceful Bill Clinton and Hillary have become to gain access to the White House. Every man knew he lied; when he said he wasn't aroused.
2008-01-23 01:32:19 UTC
Bill Clinton disgraced the office of the president and made our country an international laughing stock. I can't believe he has the nerve to be back on the campaign trail running for a third term. (Official his wife is running but it's hard to tell!)
2008-01-22 23:04:51 UTC
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance

- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*

- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation

- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify

- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly

- First president sued for sexual harassment.

- First president accused of rape.

- First first lady to come under criminal investigation

- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case

- First president to establish a legal defense fund.

- First president to be held in contempt of court

- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions

- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from foreign countries.

- First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court .

Sold pardons out the back door of the white house, and through both his and Hillary's family . Pardoned tons of drug cartel members. She will pardon HSU and others who gave her illegal campaign funds and was caught, and arrested.


Bill Clinton and bloodtrail

Clinton Library stonewalls on document requests, until after she thinks she will be elected.

Clinton and whitewater

Clintons unpaid taxes

Clinton sells stocks, wall street

Clintons use Charity Donations for Campaigns.

Clintons body count.

Clinton has ***** son.

Hillary illegal fund raising case in California.

HIllary hires Sandy Berger to work in her campaign, guess to steal more confidential documents from the white house.

The Dominican Republic provides a major path and organization for distribution of Colombian cocaine coming into the US. Yet the Dominican Republic was given a pass while other countries have been cleaned up. What connections does the DR have?

Quite a bit it seems: Bill and Hillary Clinton have so many connections to the Dominican Republic that it is hard to know where to start. From terrorist recipients of pardons, to real estate, to meetings with fellow Leftists - the Dominican Republic has been their home away from home.

So much, there is not enough room to list all their lies, deceit,fraud and corruption.
2008-01-22 22:40:16 UTC
Yeah I agree with you, he has some nerves of going out there and talking other people down when he was a president who was impeached, does he remember this, and do the American people remember? I know I still do remember. That was a big shame. They do not belong in th White House at all... I would be more than glad to vote for another woman, but Hillary? Hell nooooooooooooooo!!!
2008-01-23 01:33:24 UTC
The Clinton dynasty must be ended !
2008-01-22 22:43:42 UTC
Bill Clinton did do a good job, but we are not electing Bill, we are electing a totally different person, Hillary. This Clinton will not give people the same results that Clinton did.
2008-01-22 22:38:58 UTC
Tell me again how that's worse than another RECESSION, a war that costs $200 million each day, record profits for oil, drug, and HMO companies, a complete failure during Hurricane Katrina, hiding Mark Foley's fondling of congressional passes, ignoring global warming (oh yes, some Exxon-paid crony says global warming is a myth), and more "No Millionaire Left Behind" tax breaks. You'll get more of this with the G.O.P. (Greedy Old Perverts)

Vote Republican ... it's easy than thinking for yourself!

Time for people to turn off FoxLies and actually read a little history (Jefferson, Thomas Paine, etc.).
2008-01-22 22:57:00 UTC
What about the scandals, lies, deception, etc. on the news with Bush?
2008-01-22 22:37:39 UTC
Maybe Hillary will get a lil something something on her dress =P
2008-01-22 22:36:10 UTC
Who cares about their sex lives? As long as they're not killing innocent people, the economy is good (like it was when Bill was in office), and people have jobs in this country, I'm cool with whatever they do with their reproductive organs! Furthermore, Bill just got caught. There have been many sexual deviant Presidents, and there will be more.
2008-01-22 22:35:52 UTC
8 years of economic growth, reducing deficits and then surpluses, growing median wages, reducing poverty and most importantly no illegal invasion and occupation of other countries.

To go back to days when our biggest concern within the White House was who was getting it on with whom sounds like paradise.

As for Clinton being impeached - I think you meant to say "impeached and then acquitted" - why do conservatives always leave that rather crucial piece of information out?
2008-01-22 22:33:25 UTC
was clinton impeached?

anyway,the economy was a whole lot better the last time a clinton was in office...

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