You said, "They have abandoned all their promises. "
They made many promises in their manifesto. According to a study done by UCL, 75% of that manifesto is being implemented in this parliament.
I'm not saying that all of that 75% is good (some of it I strongly disagree with), but that's not a bad total for a party with only 8% of the seats in government.
In answer to Mac:
WRT the betrayal of the NHS. I don't agree with the bill either, but take a look at Andrew Lansley's original plan & tell me the new version ain't better. The link below gives some details of changes to the bill that were made as a result of LibDems being in coalition.:
Which of those changes would you have got rid of?
On tuition fees.
Agreed. Horrible system. I'm not sure how they could possibly have got a better deal for students though. The limit has been tripled, but the tories wanted the limits scrapped entirely. They based this upon a report that Labour comissioned. Prior to that report, the labour government were content to slash university funding. The options from the largest 2 parties were to price people out of university, or take away the opportunity altogether.
Here, people at least get support with living expenses & repayments on their 1st degree. 2nd degree, they're screwed (& I'd like to see how anybody can get a well paid job that utilises just one degree!).
It's a shame that they've trumpeted their achievement though. They have - at best - mitigated a disaster. They haven't imporved things as they claim.
Forgemasters? Another example of labour making promises without putting aside a single penny to pay for them.
The Libdems DID get the tax threshold raised. They DID take 2 million people out of paying tax. The vast majority DON'T get benefits. Even if that was the case though - a tax cut is better targetted according to need, because it's based on what you earn NOW (as opposed to benefits which are based upon what your income was during the last tax year). Your salary 23 months ago has more bearing on your entitlement to benefits than this month's pay cheque. Lost your job today? Family existing on just one salary? You'll be entitled to apply for government assistance in April 2014. The tax cut applies in the 1st month.
"Millions of people on low incomes have been hammered by the cuts that have been backed by the Libdems will mean that they will surely pay the price at the next election"
They have been hit, & it stinks. Lets not pretend that labour wouldn't have hammered them just as hard. After all - labour hit them even harder. They did this when they were in majority government. They did this when the economy was strong, and they could afford to help the low paid, but chose to give a massive boost to wealthy landowners at the expense of people struggling to put a roof over their head.
Anybody disagreeing with this, please explain how somebody on a 4 figure salary was supposed to find £100,000 in 5 years?
"They were third in the elections and therefore shouldn't really have expected to get any of their policies through"
* Would those who attack the LibDems prefer it if the lowest earners in the country paid £hundreds more in tax?
* Would it be better if pensioners conned by ponzi life assurance schemes from the early 1990s onwards continued to go without compensation?
* Should those suffering from mental illness continue to be ignored? Lib Dems have ensured that mental health services are better funded to the tune of £400million, and that access to CBT is improved.
* Would it be better if people caring for infirm family members were still not entitled to respite care?
* Would it be better if the super-rich were still entitled to pay just 18% in capital gains tax? Sure, there are still loopholes available, but tell me what either of the 2 largest parties ever did. Some loopholes are being closed. Not enough - I grant you, but better than none, as would have been the case without the LibDems.
* Would it be better if the link between pensions & earnings (scrapped by Thatcher, & never reinstated by labour) was never reinstated?
* Would it be better if we continued (during an economic crisis) to spend £billions on Trident - which even our military commanders said was a waste of money? Both labour & tory wanted to keep that. It still might be kept, but the money won't come from the budget in this parliament.
* Should I go on......?
"they should have let them run a minority government", & so we would have had another general election later that year - which the tories would almost certainly have taken a majority government win. LibDem vote would have collapsed here as well, this time for refusing the chance to implement their own policies.