2013-01-13 00:12:57 UTC
Personally I believe wealth and success should be determined by how hard you work. Not entitled just for being a US citizen.
I recently heard an analogy where politics is a circle, Go to right you end up in the early 20th century guilded age. To left and you end up in well... soviet russia. But stay in the middle, and everything works well. And thats wy im sick im the far right and far left
So heres the deal im going to be as conservative and capitalistic as possible, and you help me get a fresh perspective. ALSO MANY OF THESE QUESTIONS WILL SOUND VERY IGNORANT AND STEREOTYPICAL. If you think one is stupid just skip itt
now I want to get in the mind of some hardcore socialist! NO TROLLING Here are my questions
1 How can you justify the Obama administration spending trillions of dollers that we can't pay back?
2 How can you blame Bush for the failed economy? People say war debt, but Obamas debt is way bigger.
First off, before I ask this one, let me just say I support the equal tax rate if all Americans.
3 Why do you consider the rich evil? Because of a rich person I have a job, favorite clothing brand, music instruments to play, a favorite drink brand to drink.
4 Why would taxing the rich help me? They dont want to loose money so they lay off workers and raise prices. That doesn't sound very helpful to me.
5 I understand Obama has made Welfare obtainable even if you do not have a job or arn't even looking for one. Wy should welfare and foodstamps be so easy to get?
6 Why do you not support the war in Iraq? Saddam was an evil dictator responsible for the kurdish gencide of 1000s of people using chemical weapons. He broke treaties by putting troops in spots he said he wouldn't. We gave him WMDS (Chemical/Nukes) so we had a probable cause. He did get rid of them.. but wouldnt let us go in to make sure. We knew he was crazy enough to use WMDs if he had them.
7 People say the war was over oil, what could bush gain from simply getting us oil? The amount of money spent on the war doesn't justify the gain of oil. (Besides we didn't get any oil from Iraq)
8 Wy are liberals so hostile to the rich? We have one of the biggest middle classes in the world, so its not a guilded age. Obama went to one of the most expenive private schools in Amerrics. Rich people are usaually huge philanthropist. JDR pretty much funded the entire recreation of Willamsburg Va our nations first major city. Romney gave over 100 million to charitys. I thank Bill gates for a computer to type this on.
9 Wy are conservatives stereotyped as Rich, white, sexist and racist? Im not rich, im middle class, in fact my grandparents were poor but encouraged their children to work hard in life. All of my family members are very succesfull. Non of my conservative friends i know are rich... the only rich person I know is my dads best friend who lives in a small house and travels the world with his wife helping people around the world and giving food to African children Heres the catch..... hes not even white.
Im not sexist, i dont know anyone who is, there are regulations to prevent unfair wages for women.
10 Wy do you want healthcare reform? Sure I love helping poor people but some people just refuse to helpthemselves. I love my buddys who go out waste money and use money for drugs..... but I don't want to pay their medical bills. Why should I have to
11 and finally... whats so broken about capitalism. From my own experience, its working. My brother is a great example. He never was into video games and tv. He focused on his schoolwork. He was highly ambitious, he worked for Wendys, and became their best worker. I work there because he was so good. He left that and worked with labor ready which gives people jobs on the spot doing physical labor. He met many poor people who were working there. Many were great people. Many only worked when they were out of welfare. He was in the top ten students at my school. He got accepted into VA TeCH and is at the top of every single one of his classes, He took a year off, started working for vovlo Penta and he was so good they asked him if he wanted a full time job. He refused because he wants to go bigger. He now works for GE where he helps with the production of top secret plane material
Ok my rants over, help me see a fresh perspective on left politics