Who is the best presidential candidate?
2008-03-25 14:49:59 UTC
I hate people voting for candidates just because of their race or gender just so that there will be a black or female president, who do you think would be the best candidate for issues such as the economy and increasing foreign debt and climate change, not considering race or gender or age.
27 answers:
2008-03-25 14:55:33 UTC
I'm not sure. I really want to see the debates in the general election when the candidates must present themselves to all the American voters and not just members of their party. I think Hillary is motivated by power and will say anything to get and maintain it, so she's out. McCain needs to flex those foregin policy muscles and give us more than the 100 years bit on Iraq. Obama needs to be tested.

I think after a few Obama / McCain debates I'll be able to make my decision.
2008-03-25 15:14:05 UTC
Senator John McCain is obviously the best. The economy is already bad enough. We don't need both Democrat jerks running this country. Just look at Clinton and Obama's proposals they are disgusting. VOTE MCCAIN. Oh u know Clinton's and obama's healthcare plans, they want everyone to have healthcare right, guess where all that money is coming from! Raising our taxes. Up and Up they go! Whereever the taxes stop no one knows. lol
2008-03-25 14:55:44 UTC
I think Senator McCain is the best choice. The two candidates for the Democratic Party are too inexperienced. They are slinging a lot of mud and it is immature. We need a person of character and integrity to lead us in the future. McCain has served his country in the armed forces where the other two candidates for the Democratic Party have no experience!
2008-03-25 15:04:13 UTC
I am voting for Obama, besides the fact that McCain has promised a 100 years war(At least 4000 dead U.S. Military already), besides the fact that Hillary confuses getting off a plane and shaking hands with running to her limo under sniper fire in Bosina(I mean hasn't anyone just confused driving to the store with going to the Moon? Apparently Hillary does), Besides the fact Ralph Nader is legally nuts. I am voting for Obama because he is a leader, we have functioned without a leader for far to long and look what has happend, a endless war, a recession, and a set of laws enacted to invade the privacy of the average American.
Slow Bobby
2008-03-25 14:58:32 UTC
Of the people we have running, Obama is, by far, the best choice.

If we get McCain or Clinton, it's back to the same old stuff.... tax and spend on issues that get their pals reelected...

I want Obama to have a chance to show us what can be done in the country....
2008-03-25 14:55:26 UTC
Joe Biden
watch out....
2008-03-25 15:06:21 UTC
Hillary......I like the idea that we all can have health care. I have insurance for myself and my family but it kills me that there are families that have to strugle with this.

I also think she will be responsible about pulling out of Iraq. I don't think sending everybody home come January '09 is the best plan.

What else....she has experience.
2008-03-25 16:44:25 UTC
i think obama is the best for the job. i think he should win not to be the first black pres, but because i think he has some really good views of america
End The Fed!!!
2008-03-25 14:55:34 UTC
Ron Paul. He is the ONLY one who has directly addressed how to decrease the bloated government and turn around the economy. If you disagree please tell me what other candidate will fix the economy and how do they pledge to do it.
2008-03-25 14:53:14 UTC
Ron Paul.
2008-03-25 14:53:44 UTC
Venkatesh J
2008-03-27 07:08:53 UTC
Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam
Carolyn H
2008-03-25 15:45:24 UTC
well i think it depends on who you think had the better speech and would actually help the country instead of people who told yopu what they are going to do but people who showed you waht they are going to do and if you dont have discrimanation then obama cause he would actually i think help the country
2008-03-25 14:53:11 UTC
Im voting for Obama DESPITE the fact that I have major issues with the Dem party....
2008-03-25 14:58:07 UTC
Hillary !!!

I am sick of the men that run this country into the dirt!

and they say women cant be good leaders...

52.5% of America is female and we have never had a female president........SAD!!!
2008-03-25 15:27:04 UTC
i think Barack Obama will make tghe most changes that are good for our country.
2008-03-25 14:54:02 UTC
obama by a mile over mccain

obama by a million miles over hillary
2008-03-25 15:01:49 UTC
Obama. Hillary is a woman and McCain is old.... so ummm obama.
2008-03-25 14:55:05 UTC
2008-03-25 14:59:43 UTC
McCain, by far
2008-03-25 14:55:09 UTC
-war on terror, military matters, etc... McCain

--balancing the budget, economic woes...Clinton

--social services, domestic programs....Obama

All have their strong points.....I think the one with the best balance of all would be Hillary....she is intelligent, has important contacts, and good experience.
2008-03-25 14:57:47 UTC
I believe Obama is the best.
Nidhu G
2008-03-26 02:33:56 UTC
pl note that, at times people just get obliged to vote for a leader to maintain their identity, affiliations, personal obligations etc , the leader may not be best choice but for best community choice and interests. see below if possible if u may spare time for relevant information of a u s presidential hopeful , who may or may not win as intended but to spread newer views on politicking for welfare of changing society & rule: matter relates to the rev kamal karna karuna roy, m b a , ph d, d.d, llb (law) an activist in social reforms in changing soiety with need base:

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Featured PostingsOutside the Beltway: Obama’s Speech: Poisoning the Well

11:53 AM, March 19, 2008 | Comments (2)

One of the major strains of reaction to Barack Obama’s “More Perfect Union” speech is that those who are not persuaded by it are therefore racist or at least unreasoning fools. read more Read the Full Post


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The Moderate Voice: Texas Democratic Primary Political Ju Jitsu: Obama Ad Parodies Clinton’s “Red Telephone” Ad


In a classic case of political jiu-jitsu, Democratic Senator Barack Obama has a campaign ad parodying Senator Hillary Clinton’s controversial “red telephone” ad. We wrote about that controversy HERE and also included an early Obama campaign response. But now this ad is airing in Texas — laid out like the Clinton ad but with a decidedly different message:

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Submit Member Comments Posted By: CANDIDATE_REPUBLICAN (March 23, 2008 at 6:39 PM)

3.24.2008 in orient and as dt elsewhere reported by the rev mrs Jolly das of indian unit of world religions group ( vishwa dharma ) for democratic reforms team of the rev kamal karna roy ; assited by the rev premansu r das, asst secretary campaign treasurer, dr roy campaign repoting fom new york with consent of candidate roy, for chief of campaign rev ms lisa n r Alston .

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Kamal karna roy story of jungle democracies , cat and mouse doctriones of opressions by powerfls, any kind onw

The Obama camp was *extremely* successful in ******-punching the Clinton's with manipulation race-baiting. I don't for a minute believe that they (the Clinton's) thought they'd be vulnerable to such accusations (using race-baiting to intimidate) given their history of working for minority rights. Obama's backers were very shrewd using the "southern politician" foil to cover their race-baiting.

One only need to look at a typical posting of a Hillary loather to either this paper or the NY Times to realize they are not politically aware. A second clue comes when you ask them to identify an accomplishment of Barack's while he was an organizer or Illinois state legislator. The various puff pieces the NY Times did on Barack do not highlight any. Even Eugene has not pointed out any significant accomplishments during that period of Barack's political career.

Farakan in an interview with ABC Nightline on March 8, 2007 notes, "But you don't judge progress by the few, you judge progress by the masses," he added. "And the masses of our people are not going forward, they're slipping further and further behind." Does Barack share these sentiments? If you study his message carefully, you know he does.

2/26/2008 7:54:57 AM

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mmw123 wrote:

Very funny. I'm sorry that so many readers seemed to miss the irony, and can't enjoy just laughing at a good joke, rather than parsing the details with deadly seriousness. If America loses its sense of humor, we're all done for.

2/26/2008 7:54:08 AM

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jboyno wrote:

Mr. Robinson, it would have been great if you had chosen to write about how Obama is transcending race and helping create an 'America' from a 'black America' and a 'white America'. The metaphor of a game, which implies a winner and a loser, is unfortunate. Perhaps black Americans do feel that Obama is beating 'white America' at its own game. If they do, they should get over it. It won't be helpful.

2/26/2008 7:53:25 AM

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checkered1 wrote:

Since Robinson continually brings up the subject the race, then all the cards should be laid on the table.

What none of the media gas bags and bloviators...including Robinson...will say or admit is that it would be impossible for a U.S. black of U.S. black ancestry to attain what Obama, a son of a Kenyan immigrant, has attained.

And the reason is simple: U.S. blacks of U.S. black ancestry simply cannot help themselves from constantly playing the victim card...which Obama has not played. While black victimhood is a money-making big business for many, victimhood is something American voters do not look for or want in their candidates.

2/26/2008 7:50:49 AM

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LISANROY wrote: /> ColumnsYour Comments On...

Four Rules That Could Be Decisive

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are fighting over more than votes.

- By David S. Broder

CommentsLISANROY wrote:

1/2 white plus other 1/2 black, barrack hussein obama on biggest high jump competition in white dominated world of high politicking. participant and competitor obama. forecast of winner 100% a republican as president. anybody willing to bet on the forecast contact the reverend dr kamal karnakaruna roy a
2008-03-25 14:54:05 UTC
Deb M
2008-03-25 15:00:38 UTC
2008-03-26 08:20:28 UTC
Debra H
2008-03-25 14:52:59 UTC

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