In 2008; America judged our President-Elect not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character?
2009-01-19 15:07:50 UTC
Would you agree or disagree with this statement? Or do you have an alternative take? Feel free to elaborate with any thoughts provoked by such a statement...
53 answers:
Tribe of benjamin
2009-01-19 15:23:41 UTC
While i don't believe he was elected solely by the color of his skin i believe it influenced many, so i would say a mixture of both.
Pure Brilliance
2009-01-19 18:30:06 UTC
Partially agree. Sure, he won a lot because African Americans were excited to see him and cast their votes the way they did. And there's a lot of people who lived during the CR Movement and were really joyful to think that a president could be black and had a pretty good chance of winning too. But even of every black person voted for Obama (a lot still didn't), he wouldn't have won if the people who agreed with his political views or admired his character cast their votes for someone else. And there was a lot of influence. Black people who might've just voted for McCain took interest in Obama and actually considered him. So that increased his chances. But in the end...definitely character. It's just that his skin color played a role too.
2016-10-25 07:53:08 UTC
united states grow to be so traumatized by the ridiculous overseas coverage of Bush and his warfare bogey, that they elected Obama. It grow to be a vote adversarial to Bush, as a lot as a Vote for Obama. Bush spent our tax money, screwed up the commercial device and actually made particular that we made a similar mistake the Russians did in Afghanistan: spend too a lot on a un-winnable warfare. even in case your files are good, 40 8% (almost a million in 2) caucasians voted for him and that ain't undesirable in any respect. in this context, if a lampshade had contested on a democratic value ticket, that ought to have a useful threat of prevailing. Now in comes Obama, with a grin that wins over human beings, with a useful time table and he became the shoo-in. So the individuals voted adversarial to Bush as a lot as they voted for Obama and his time table.
2009-01-19 19:18:39 UTC
Obama won because you Republicans made such a horrible choice in the primaries that I could have run and beaten McCain (If I had enough money to counter his negative ads) which was made even worse when he selected Palin. You would have been much better off selecting Huckabee or Romney.

Now if Colin Powell ran and got 95% of the black vote then you could say had was elected because of his skin color because it certainly wouldn't be because of his policies. Black people don't vote Republican because you all don't have the decency or guts to actually campaign in the black communities.
2009-01-19 16:57:39 UTC
Sorry, but you must know that is a blatant lie. Too many people I know voted for the black candidate. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, and others did so to get him into office to make a point. I just want him to do a good job now that he got the job.
Dances With Woofs!
2009-01-19 18:57:07 UTC
I agree that he was elected because of his character and intelligence.It would have made no difference had he been white,red,yellow or green.He was the best man for the job.Of course no one is overlooking the fact that he is our first black president,and I'll say that it's about time!
2009-01-19 16:49:15 UTC
Obama was elected because Bush screwed up everything. People were receptive to his message for change on a grassroots level. Yes he is Black but in the end he brought a new youthful approach that people were yearning for. If Flava Flav was running I doubt he would have been elected our 44th president. It is sad that we are still focusing on his race, I hope in the next 100 days that people will come to the realization that he his the President of the United States and not the Black President of the United States.
2009-01-19 16:53:49 UTC
I feel just the opposite. Americans saw his character, what he stands for and the vision he has. He won the election because of who he is, not what color he is.

I'm white, voted for Obama and couldn't be more proud than I am now. If anything, I'm ashamed of what the white man has done to this country.
2009-01-19 16:55:40 UTC
I agree with you but I would change the statement just a wee bit by saying: The majority of those in America who voted for Obama did so not because of the color of his skin but because of his character. Obvioiusly there were some who wouldn't vote for him because of race alone or who did only because he was black.

It is refreshing that we will have a president who is intelligent and thoughtful with character.
2009-01-19 16:35:04 UTC
No, the average American has no idea what obama believes or says. They, regardless of color, voted for him primarily because he isn't white. Had he been white, the media would have ignored him because of his lack of content. America born July 4, 1776 died January 20, 2009
Robilyn J.
2009-01-19 16:58:56 UTC
You have got to be kidding. Obamas character, will get him locked up. Obama belongs in prison, not the White House.
2009-01-19 16:30:49 UTC
I would largely agree with what you said. However many people did vote for him solely because he says he's black. And some people voted against him because he says he's black.

Personally, I voted for McCain. Not because he's white, but because I thought he was the better man.

Obama, as it will turn out, will look more like Bush's twin brother.
2009-01-19 16:22:55 UTC
I agree!

If he had a character like Bush, then nearly nobody would have voted for him. Neither white nor black.

They choose him by qualities such as morality, ethics, honesty and intelligence.

I hope the racist's days will soon be over. It's not good first to categorize the people in black and white. There are better qualities.
2009-01-19 16:26:58 UTC
I agree wholeheartedly. It took everyone to get Obama elected; the fact that he's black is just an added incentive. When I wear my Obama t-shirt, I get stopped by people of all colors; it's amazing. Just think, you and I are part of this historic event. It blows my mind. This young nation, America, is constantly striving for perfection and electing Obama for president gets us one step closer to the more perfect union that our founding fathers wished for us. We are indeed the land of the free and home of the brave.
I ♥ Obama!
2009-01-19 16:28:09 UTC
2009-01-19 16:25:58 UTC

Obama has so far shown himself to be intelligent & articulate, a man with high standards, someone who sets himself up as an example of what a man can become, even with odds against him. He refuses to be baited, calls for unity for ALL Americans. A good husband and loving father. He has given his life in service to others. I see a man of good character.

I HOPE, for our sakes that he IS a man with good character. I didn't "support" him (I'm w/Ron Paul) I will now support him and pray that he can be successful - AMERICA needs him to be a success, our future DEPENDS on it.

I believe that given the damage the last administration left behind, Americans voted for CHANGE, (from neo-con rule) and HOPE, (that we can get our values and country back) not "a black man."
2009-01-19 16:54:50 UTC
I say for some they liked him because he was a cool black politician

Some liked him because he was a youthful and savvy politician

And some like him because he was not a conservative.

So I agree with the content of character, because their are many black politicians that are just not as cool.
2009-01-19 16:50:18 UTC
Obama is and empty Teflon coated suit.

With an unsavory past and friend's.

Very direct ties to Communism and Socialism.

Obama espouses communism in his book Audacity of Hope.
2009-01-19 16:05:54 UTC
Obama is just the next president of this country

his not GOD ready to save us from the hell

I never judge Obama because the color of his skin

but the arrogance to how is symbolize himself make me sick

no I'm not a republican I'm register as a democrat

so you can leave the republicans alone
2009-01-19 16:42:06 UTC
Obama is not even black

his mother is 100% white girl from Kansas.
2009-01-19 16:04:17 UTC
Ask yourself honestly, "Would a white man with such limited experience and shady friends and associates every have obtained the Democratic parties nomination or been elected president?"

You know the answer.
2009-01-19 15:51:04 UTC
Disagree - I tend to think this election was more about race - he was given a free pass because of - a white man or woman with inexperience, not one piece of remarkable legislation, and the questionable associations he had would have been a had-ran - Hilary would have been the Democratic nominee.
2009-01-19 16:24:52 UTC
Wrong. His character is very questionable. I don't know how the hell he got people to vote for him.
2009-01-19 16:51:30 UTC
DISAGREE, we the people were not shown any bit of his character, just slogans and bumper stickers, just words
2009-01-19 16:12:34 UTC
I disagree, I think his character was completely over looked.
2009-01-19 15:58:38 UTC
If America chose the president of the Unites States of America in 2008 by the content of his character then America is a very very very poor judge of character. That being said I do believe America chose the man for the color os his skin. The blacks voted for him because of his race, whites voted for him because the mediia and "Follywood" (not a typo) said it was the cool thing to do.
Veritas et Aequitas ()
2009-01-19 16:12:10 UTC
I didn't vote for him but maybe he's the person we deserve. I didn't think he was the one we needed right now but maybe I was wrong. People will continue to attack him and not give him a chance, but he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.
2009-01-19 16:44:55 UTC

i walked into the locker room on november 5th

to all the black girls jumping and dancing and crying "finally a black president"
2009-01-19 15:32:25 UTC
Today is for speculations to gain understanding. We are still living in his "election character". We have not seen his "presidential character" yet but based on our own speculations - it is not by the content of his "character" but by "popularity" and speech capability.
2009-01-19 15:56:09 UTC
Content of his character I think you and Obama have done too many drugs. Anyone with any intelligence can look at the mans associates and know the mans character and judge are not that sound.
Sam S
2009-01-19 16:00:56 UTC
Disagree he was only elected because he's black. He hasn't even been president yet and people worship him like he's a god. Im so sick of this country.
2009-01-19 16:07:13 UTC
He got voted president for these reasons:


2. he's a great public speaker

3. America obviously doesn't care about experience

4. the media that constantly kissed his butt (such as MSNBC/CNN)

5. the massive turnout by African-Americans

6. America voted for the party not the person-it was basically a referendum against Bush

7. McCain was nothing exciting
can I help you?
2009-01-19 16:11:54 UTC
Agree. Some people did vote for him becaus ehe was black- but more people DIDNT vote for him because he was black. And that's a fact, a solid proven fact. THe # of ppl who didnt vote for him bc of his ethniticity outweighed the number who did bc of his ethniticity, so we ARE going somewhere. Slowly, but surly. Obama is a brilliant man.
2009-01-19 15:55:59 UTC
I disagree - provide another example where 99% of any group, sub-group, race, religion, or creed voted so enbloc simply because of race. (hint: you can't).
2009-01-19 15:39:04 UTC
His character: Hint; I've seen just about everything when I see an _______fly. Fill in the blank.
2009-01-19 15:58:08 UTC
Actually yes. I know there were many white Americans who 'swallowed hard' when they voted for Obama. But in the end, the realized that they voted for him because they realized that he was the best choice to fix the mess that Bush Made.
2009-01-19 15:43:39 UTC
Many people voted for him because he was black

Many people did not vote for him because he was black
2009-01-19 15:35:00 UTC
Definitely by the color of his skin.

Obama and Hillary had essentially identical platforms, but the powers that be decided our country needed a "black" man.
Smooch The Pooch
2009-01-19 15:32:19 UTC
Well, the content of his character has been sealed and he keeps spending millions to avoid any I am going with the color of his skin.
2009-01-19 15:19:23 UTC
his character content is not yet fully mined....we will see in the forthcoming time ahead.
2009-01-19 16:10:46 UTC
I only voted for him because he's a black muslim. Well, that AND I love to see republicans squirm.
2009-01-19 16:02:53 UTC
I think its a step in the right direction, he cant do any worse than the last president, plus the country seems behind him in wanting change, lets give it a chance
2009-01-19 15:54:22 UTC
Ummm I am noticing all the negative comments so there must be a lot of Republicans losers because the Demo. are to busy getting ready for tomorrow. yeah!!!!!
2009-01-19 15:50:40 UTC
heatedly disagree
2009-01-19 15:44:44 UTC
He got voted in because he was black, that's entirely it. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
2009-01-19 15:39:47 UTC
All we get shoved down our throats is that he's black. He's not really, but that's another story.

And his lack of character (and good judgment) is ignored by the press.

So disagree.
No More Abuse
2009-01-19 15:30:30 UTC
Looking at the inward man, yes he is black yet America voted for him for change
2009-01-19 15:24:49 UTC
what character? Ayers, Wright, Rezko, all these buddies add up to a man with character? ..... I think NOT!
Christy -expecting #2
2009-01-19 15:24:35 UTC
Obama was elected because of his skin color the man has no character and is a just glad i didnt help bring him into office
2009-01-19 15:20:53 UTC
The fact that you ask this question proves that it is not true. Sorry to disappoint.
Obama, do yo thing!!
2009-01-19 15:21:40 UTC
I agree 100 percent!!
2009-01-19 15:21:05 UTC
disagree 100%/ obama got elected based on his race and hype. he doesnt have any character.
2009-01-19 15:19:06 UTC
wrong! the main reason he got elected is because he is black. plus the fact of all the cheating that went on.

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