2008-03-22 23:05:55 UTC
Critical: Inclined to judge severely and find fault
The Rev. opinion on 9/11 are as controversial as those in Fahrenheit 9/11 but this film receives many awards. If Michael Moore was to make films about the involvement of the government in supplying drugs to the black community- or injecting AIDS to blacks, no one would see him as promoting hate but instead as controversial
The media use the embed white American fear of blacks to make them feel that these comments will incite violence and disrupt the suburb tranquility. We already know the history; the brutality of slavery and the injustice of segregation but that have never cause any violent retaliation.
Did you know Bill Clinton had hand pick Wrigt to attend 1998 prayer breakfast at the White House. (Check> Wikipedia- Jeremiah Wright:)
The candidates have raised a lot of money for this campaign. They could make anyone look like monster