Is Jeremiah really a hateful racist?
2008-03-22 23:05:55 UTC
The Rev. comments are not hateful but critical.
Critical: Inclined to judge severely and find fault

The Rev. opinion on 9/11 are as controversial as those in Fahrenheit 9/11 but this film receives many awards. If Michael Moore was to make films about the involvement of the government in supplying drugs to the black community- or injecting AIDS to blacks, no one would see him as promoting hate but instead as controversial

The media use the embed white American fear of blacks to make them feel that these comments will incite violence and disrupt the suburb tranquility. We already know the history; the brutality of slavery and the injustice of segregation but that have never cause any violent retaliation.

Did you know Bill Clinton had hand pick Wrigt to attend 1998 prayer breakfast at the White House. (Check> Wikipedia- Jeremiah Wright:)

The candidates have raised a lot of money for this campaign. They could make anyone look like monster
Eighteen answers:
2008-03-22 23:13:12 UTC
what do the words that come from his mouth represent?

When the words are being formed in his brain, are they different when heard by white people?

Who has called him racist? White people. So they must hear the words in a different context than when they are formed in his brain.

How would you suggest white people interpret his words?
2008-03-22 23:32:24 UTC
From a pulpit, Rev Wright is saying, God Damn America, not God Bless America, Hillary comments, Bill comments, and white supremacy comments ... he wasn't doing a documentary.

His comments are divisive and Obama is running on his ability to Unite, and that he is Post Racial .... YET.... he sits in a church for 20 years where that is not the teaching from the Pulpit. This man is his spiritual advisor ....and he had a place on his campaign.

This doesn't really have anything to do with Wright .... nor what Wright says at the pulpit is not a matter if it is right or wrong....we do have freedom of speech in this country...

HOWEVER.... we do need to hold our Presidents up to a different standard ... we need a President for ALL people... and we don't know Barack at all .....he doesn't have a record for us to know him by... and his limited record is inconsistent at best. He has no real accomplshments for us to really know him by.

We know that he is the chair of a Euproean Foreign Affiars committe... and never held a meeting! .....

And we all judge others when we get to know them by the company they keep ..... so to know Barack we can only know look at Wright .... who Barack embraces! Rezko, Ayers, Auchi, Ordinga, and others ..... who have endorsed him.....Farrakhan, The Black Panthers. In a stump speech he uses language from Malcom X.

Then the way barack handled it all .. is again inconsistent .....

Who knows or cares if Rev Wright is a racist.... I just don't know who Barack is ...and therefore I choose not to support him as a presidential contender

And Wright was one of 106 religious leaders to attend the breakfast ....and maybe he got picked because of the location and size of the church and the religion he represents ... he wanted diversity there... all religions and peoples. This doesn't mean that Clinton has ever heard him speak, he may not have know what he has said from the Pulpit ..... BIG difference betwen Wright being at the breakfast (he wasn't one of the leaders that spoke) and Obama relationship with Wright.

Obama trying to connect the two is just desperate.
2016-05-26 02:46:58 UTC
Wow I am reading over the other people answers to this question and I am baffled at their opinions on this wonderful preacher! He is not a racist in anyway! Reverend Wright does plenty of research before making any type of statement..there has not been one time when Rev. Wright has said anything controversial or not where he hasn't have more than enough sufficient evidence and facts to back whatever he has mentioned up! And like I always say half of you people do not know Rev. Wright from a can of paint you get 30 second clips of him right before commercial break turn off the tv set and run with it! Without sitting down and listening to how in depth of a speaker he is and how divine his truth telling is! SHAME ON YOU ALL!
2008-03-22 23:16:17 UTC
Fact: Rev Potty Mouth Wright is a racist.

Fact: Barack is his "boy" and also a racist.

You now have a black version of David Duke in the United States, fair is fair!
The Oracle of Omigod
2008-03-22 23:39:57 UTC
The fact is that Rev. Wright's comments, and Barack Obama's reaction. may have cost Obama 20 million white votes and the election.
2008-03-22 23:34:05 UTC
ANY decent person KNOWS that Wright is a hate-filled, deceitful, unpatriotic vile Racist --- Wright's Church looks more like a cross between the Church of Satan & a Black Panther Meeting than it does a Christian Church.--- Why do so many blacks ( like Wright & Obama ) unjustly blame ME for " the brutality of slavery " ? --- This is just a cop-out for many blacks who blame whites for their own shortcomings.--- I REFUSE to accept blame or feel any guilt for something that my ancestors ( NOT ME ) did to Wright's ancestors ( NOT HIM ) almost 150 years ago--- Why don't blacks address the FACT that Black Slaves are owned by Black Masters ( NOT WHITE MASTERS ) in Africa Today ??? -----Since the bigoted Wright hates & blames the entire white race for virtually all of his misfortunes ----- Should I blame the ENTIRE black race because FBI Statistics reveal that a disproportionate % of crime IS commited by blacks in America today ?? ---- Wright is wrong.---Since his sermons reveal his hatred for America & White People ---- Why doesn't Wright move to one of the more war-torn Countires in his beloved Continent of Africa ?? --- I am sick & tired of Wright's lies & hate.
2008-03-22 23:11:09 UTC
you propose a good question and everybody in yahoo answers has had or will have opportunity to vent their frustrations but we all need to remember that not everyone that is black is OK with the comments of rev. wright .. their is a way to get your point across and not offend any race and that's not what he did .but please remember that when your out in the world judge the individual not the race...... peace to all.... from a black man
2008-03-22 23:49:13 UTC
hes not. 30 seconds of a video
2008-03-22 23:10:01 UTC
Yes he is. As I answered you before (when you posted the same question by the way), your argument could used to justify David Duke's views. Hate and racism are what they are and it doesn't matter what color the person is spewing them.
The Goddess
2008-03-22 23:15:33 UTC
Well, I've done some researching and found that every BLOODY thing was taken out of context.

Wright spoke highly of governmental change..and regarded Bill clinton as the most competant man in the white house.

He said God Damn America (God will damn America)..after talking about the incompetence of Bush and his failure to help the society and not caring about its citizen..

Spoke about Womens rights (esp. WHITE womens rights)..and the gov. had not given them enough..

And finally, "AMerica's chicken comming to roost" was a quote from Ambassador Peck who was on Fox news.

It's so sad how the media has managed to destroy this poor mans life..and that ppl are so DUMB enough to listen to SOUNDBITES. it's sad that ppl don't find the need to examine there own life, history or SCIENCE..

Turns out there are MANY theories of where HIV/AIDS came from..GOVERNMENT being one of them. long thought and proven that blacks were trying to be wiped out. Even planting abortion clinics prodominently inblack areas were a strategic plan to lower the population..all facts..and America are so blind to realize it.
2008-03-22 23:09:33 UTC
They don't need to make him out to look at like a monster, we just have to hear what he says.
2008-03-22 23:11:03 UTC
i dont know if rev is racist or not but the media is trying to portray him as a racist with his tiny tidbit sermons

i find it completely foolish when people somehow judge others as a racist with their tiny statements which were stupid

people in this country lack common sense

they just believe in everything whats being told my the media and obviously there are people who hated obama from the beggining and unfortunately this controversy is just an excuse for them to bash him regardless of what
2008-03-23 03:22:03 UTC
Yes, very much so.
2008-03-22 23:13:27 UTC
I don't think there's strong evidence that clearley favours that "conclusion".

What about this other potential scandal?
2008-03-22 23:10:25 UTC
Stop teaching hatred and racism to your children.
2008-03-22 23:12:39 UTC
well, i dont go to church because its soo god damn boring.

but now i am thinking of going to rev. wright's church to hear conspiracy theory, the lord's name taken in vain, have some fun, sing and dance in the aisles.
2008-03-22 23:09:47 UTC

evil evil people.

Why can't they just be civil. jeeze even school elections aren't as bad as these people are.
2008-03-22 23:09:56 UTC
Yes, exactly.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.